War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

(So have I. My summer break ends this week. I'm in the IST zone as well.)

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(We can continue this conversation on PM if you wish. Hey Nutter,Alk can continue something since Gerard is at Deus' and he's not doing anything as well.)

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(Sound's good. I'm at school, so I'll have to post it a little later. Maybe at lunch, so in an hour or so.)
Lucifer smiled at Valentina's generous offer. "No. You keep it. You can have another ice cream when you need it. I just wanted to join the demon lord before I take him away to his mother." said Lucifer. He actually intended on taking him to Layla's but no one at Diaboli's had a clue that he knew the whereabouts of the kid and Layla. Only he, Layla and Helen knew that. He would probably be forced to give out the information if they knew he had such a knowledge.

(Just reposted since we got lost in a trail of OOC comments.)

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Alk was trying to keep it together, really. She busied herself with extra school work and practicing her archery until she could no longer lift her arms up. She'd been using a standard bow since she'd had to leave hers at that place. Her nights were restless; she couldn't take the images that haunted her dreams. She did anything and everything to keep her mind off of her missing friends and the growing war effort, which included avoiding Gerard like the plague since he'd decided to stay at Dues' fortress.

She figured this would come, sooner or later. All of her papers and books had been scattered about the hall, the strap to her bag having finally given away to the weight. Alk dropped to her knees and began to gather all of her papers. Her shaking hands made it all the more difficult, and she hadn't even had as much coffee as usual this morning. Surprisingly few people walking through offered any help, but that was okay with her. She just wanted to get her stuff and lock herself in her room for the rest of the night.

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"I'll bet you don't even like ice cream" Emyre said as he stuck his tongue out at Lucifer

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Calvin ran from the temple, forward through the school seeing Alk, and her papers scattered. He began to collect them "Your leg didn't break did it?"

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Alk took a moment to register the boy's words, staring at him blankly before trying out a small smile. Small smiles were as big as she could manage at this point. "No, no. I'm fine."

The two finished grabbing her things from the floor. She repacked her bag with only some things, tying the strap back together in a tight knot. She looked curiously at Calvin as she stood. "Thanks for helping me out... I guess I'll be on my way then."

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"Back to my dorm," Alk said, her eyes trained on some point at the end of the corridor. "And you? Where were you headed before?"

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"Just kind of wandering, I guess I'll train for a few days more" Calvin said with his hands behind his head as he walked

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"Hey Calvin. How have you been?" called out Gerard as he caught up to the duo. "Alk, right?" he asked, looking at the girl.

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Alk was about to respond to Calvin when she was cut off by a third voice. The two stopped walking, allowing Gerard to come closer. Again, she was slow in having any reaction. It was like the words had to take their time breaking through the barrier that she'd created instead of just coming straight at her. Still, she frowned upon having heard. Of course, it was perfectly normal for him to not remember someone, who had purposefully ignored him for the last month, well. She looked at Gerard for a long time before simply nodding once and turning to Calvin once more.

"I think I'll go the rest of the way alone, if you don't mind. I'll see you later," Alk murmured. She was already moving back down the hallway.

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Gerard watched the girl leave and mumbled something incoherent to Calvin before running down the hallway to catch up to her. "Hey. Is something wrong Alk?" he asked, looking at the girl.

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"Hm? No, of course not." Alk's voice was tight and she spoke tersely. She kept her green eyes on the ground as she picked up her pace ever so slightly, trying to focus on putting one foot in front of the other without wobbling. She could already feel it coming, the anxiety attack that she'd held in for so long now. Her knuckles were white where they gripped her books, and her breaths were short and shallow. At this rate, she wouldn't make it to her dorm. Having Gerard following only diminished her odds.

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"Did you hear anything about Lucifer or that other girl?" asked Gerard as he walked next to Alk. It had been a month since they disappeared and no one heard a word of news about them. "Do you think they eloped or something?"

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When Alk laughed, it came out vaguely like a sob, and she was so surprised that a hand came up to clap over her mouth as if to trap in a sound that had already escaped. Her eyes had been immediately drawn to the boy as a result, and she found that she didn't want to look away again. Slowly but steadily, she responded. "If your cousin and Layla had eloped he would have come back here boasting to me about it. But as of yet, I've heard nothing from either of them."

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"I'm gonna find em. I'm gonna bring em back" Calvin said with a very serious look

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"Come on than Lucifer.." She responded, turning in the direction of the Ice Cream shop. Leading the way, she didn't intend on Lucifer taking the boy. It was obvious the boy didn't get much freedom, she wanted to show the freedom life offered and what there was in store. She only had a little time left to spend with the boy, why not break some rules?

Lucifer nodded his head and followed the girl. "So, what flavor's in store?" he asked.


Gerard nodded his head. "What do you think must be going on with them?" he asked. "I mean if they are at where I think they are."

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