War of the Three Gods [Inactive]

Lucifer frowned when Pippin called out for help. He noticed Calvin enter the scenario. Lucifer quickly drew his butterfly sword and placed it against Pippin's neck. "Calvin. I just need to see Amare. Now show me to him or the boy dies." said Lucifer. His hands were shaking involuntarily. The feeling that he could not do it ran through his head.
"You're not going to kill him! This is the only chance I'm giving you to get out of here. I've gotten a lot stronger Lucifer, I'm warning you. If you hurt him.." Calvin said as he clenched his fist and the ground around him shook.
"Calvin. I am not here to fight. I heard Amare isn't well. Just show me to him." Lucifer said as he dropped the sword and let go of Pippin. He knew he couldn't have hurt the boy anyway. "Cuff me if you must." he added.
"I'm making you leave.. That's final Lucifer!" Calvin yelled, it was the first time any of them had probably seen him angry.
Calvin grabbed Lucifer and his amulet, clenching it transporting them in the desert outside of Diaboli's Bastion, Calvin crushed the amulet in his hand. "You can see Amare after the battle, until then, I'll see you out there." he said as he began the long walk home.
Lucifer grabbed hold of his amulet quickly and decided to transport to Amare's chambers. He probably would be there. He hadn't come for a fight and he didn't want one.
Amare saw Lucifer enter the room as he grabbed him by the throat instantly, "What the hell are you doing here?"
Anise felt a small smile tug at the corners of her lips,

"Don't forget to bring me something to wear to bed, Amare." She mumbled over her shoulder before she disappeared into his bathroom, closing the door behind her. She stripped herself off her old clothes, they were filthy. Turning on the shower she gazed at herself in the mirror while she waited for the water to get warm. A few tears rolled down her flushed cheeks, now that she was alone, she didn't have to pretend to be happy. Anise exhaled a sigh and stepped into the shower letting the water run over her skin, it felt good. Her eyes were not their usual brightness filled with life, they were dull. She was ever so grateful to Amare, but she had been in love with Lucifer, and now he was gone, just like that. All she had was Amare now, and she was afraid to loose him too.

"Crap." She muttered under her breath, there was only guy shampoo and conditioner in here. She rolled her shoulders back in a small shrug, and picked up the bottle of shampoo, scrubbing it into her long hair. It actually smelled nice, not very girly, but like Amare, and she always thought her. Then she proceeded with the conditioner and soap, shaving her legs so her standards of good hygiene were met. Turning the water off she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her frame.
"I'm well now, but you Lucifer, I'm going to end you.." Amare said with a look of outrage, and fury in his eyes.
"My What!?" Amare asked as he threw Lucifer to the floor, "Make your last words count bastard, tell me what you're talking about!?"
"Amare, I still need those clothes!" She called out from inside the bathroom peering into the foggy mirror.

Anise heard something from outside the bathroom, Amare sounded like he was talking with someone, but who?

I'm well now, but you Lucifer, I'm going to end you..

That was what she caught. Her eyes widened and she leaned back against the wall. Lucifer? He was here?! She didn't know what to do, should she go out and pound his face in, or let Amare take care of it. She wanted to see him... but she didn't.
Lucifer took a moment to catch his breath. "You.. You have spawned a son with Helen. His name is Emyre and he's extremely strong. Layla was assigned to take care of the boy." said Lucifer lifelessly.
"I'll find this out for myself. Take your amulet, go back to your master dog, and tell him I'm going to kill him. Only a god can kill a god, and I will be the god to kill Diaboli, mark my words. And after his empire crumbles, you, Layla, and the other traitors will fall with it. Now go before I change my mind of using you as a messenger" Amare said as he pulled Lucifer to his feet.
Anise listened to their conversation, she didn't mean to ease drop, but she couldn't help it. Her grip on the towel wrapped around her tightened every time she heard Lucifer's voice. Him being here was like a stab in the chest, and she doubted she could face him, ever again. Her hair had begun to dried cascading down her slim back in it's natural waves. She bit her lower lip softly just waiting.
"Kill me Amare. I do not deserve a third chance. I have done you many wrongs and I don't expect you to understand either. So just kill me already." said Lucifer as he handed out his other sword to the God. "Just save Layla. Forgive her. She wasn't thinking straight."
(Just keep on stand-by for a moment!) 
"Lucifer.. For your treasons, I'm sorry old friend, but it's what I have to do.. It's either I do it, or Diaboli makes you suffer for an eternity" Amare said as tears ran down his face. Regardless of what he had to do, he still thought of Lucifer the way he was, not the way he's become.
Anise wanted to punch the wall, she didn't want Lucifer dead, she slowly paced back and forth in the bathroom hoping Amare would handle this wisely. She continued to bit her lower lip better securing her towel around herself before she stopped walking and stood in front of the mirror. She looked the same, luckily. Except she did notice a scar on her forehead, it wasn't too noticeable, but she began to wonder about it. How did I die? She froze, Amare was going to kill him?! Okay she had to say something.

With a shaky breath she extended her hand and clasped the door handle, pulling it open she felt the cooler air from the main room. Walking around the corner she appeared before Amare and Lucifer, her amber eyes filling with tears at the sight of... him. She wasn't happy or sad or angry to see him... he was just... there, and yet, despite her lack of emotion, she felt the tears begin to roll down her cheeks once more.
Lucifer winked at Amare and nodded his head in approval. He would finally be free from the Gods. Lucifer felt an overwhelming feeling of freedom surge through him. He wouldn't have to work under Deus' or Diaboli's or Helen's whims. He wouldn't have to do things for others regardless of what he felt about it.

Lucifer turned his head on hearing the door open. "A-Anise?" he asked. The feeling of freedom fell thrashing to the ground and a weight tenfold to its prior size fell on Lucifer's heart.
"Anise.. Stand outside.." Amare said to her hiding his pain inside, looking back to Lucifer. "It's what must happen, don't you worry for her Lucifer.. I'll make sure nothing happens to her."
Anise walked towards Lucifer, putting her hand on his, the one that clasped the sword,

"Could I have a brief moment alone with... him?" She asked Amare calmly, her eyes turned away from Lucifer and now meeting Amare's, there was a lot of emotions surging through her all at once, and if Lucifer were to die, she wanted a few last moments to speak with him. Her heart beat felt rushed, she felt like her lungs were getting crushed and she couldn't breath. She didn't know what she wanted to say to Lucifer but she wanted to talk to him, alone, one last time.
Lucifer took more than a moment to break out of the trance of his feelings. He turned his head to Amare and nodded. It was true. He could only bring her more pain and suffering. Lucifer wondered how Anise was back but decided not to question it. The more he would think, the more he would want to stay alive and be with her. He closed his eyes, waiting for Amare to do the necessary. But he heard Anise ask Amare to speak to him. He didn't know what he would say or what she would ask. He was growing nervous of this new development to his happy ending.

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