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Futuristic Wanted: Orion Sector

Rattle, rattle, rattle. The air conditioner continued it's annoying tune until Eiora beat it one final time, as hard as he could. A loud ZAP could be heard, and Eiora fell back only to bust his butt on the durasteel floor beneath the ladder he was balancing on. The rattle had disappeared, and the AC was fixed.

Two weeks ago, after the group had all been arrested in the same Jail, (much to their luck), they had broken out and escaped together. Since then they have learned to live with each other, and a little about each person's past. Wanted posters are spreading quickly, and their heads are at high prices.

Today, they were just floating in space, like usual. People would randomly cooked, and they rarely all ate together, however no one could deny it. There was no food in the ship, no where. It was about lunch-time, and criminals that are hungry are the most dangerous, as most people know. The nearest place with food would be the planet below them.

However, that was also the problem. It had colonies on it, all scattered about the atmosphere.

Vrrrm... vrrrm...

And civilization meant bounty hunters.

Nagisa sighed, went to her closet, and reached for her favorite dress....


The ship rocked, and the cargo hold was breached. Power was quickly fading, and loud electric zaps could be heard all through out the ship. The alarms sounded, red lights flared, and all of the ship's systems were freaking out. Random coding messages popped up on all of the HoloScreens. But this was just the beginning...

Adarian was in his room, polishing his favorite pistol, the 22. Caliber NEOS. This was quite normal, rarely did he encounter one of the others aboard the ship. Sighing, he looked to his left arm, decorated in tattoos he had received as a crazed teenager long ago. His right right arm, however, was lost in an explosion he had caused. Adarian hardly felt human anymore, knowing his body was made up of more metal than flesh nowadays. Although, being immortal and living with an artificial heart does have its perks.

Pulling out his holo-communicator, he called for Nagisa, asking when they were going to land. Adarian was famished, realizing it's been a while since he had last eaten anything. Even being half-robot, he still had quite the appetite. Attempting the call, lights began to flicker as everything became disconnected.

The ship seemed as if it had hit, or been hit by something. Something big. Rocking back and forth, while obnoxious lights and sounds began to erupt throughout his room, everything quickly became very chaotic. Falling back in his seat after being startled, he got up trying to find the group.

"What the hell is going on?!" He shouted above the noise.
I sighed and stretched, dragging my claws across the carpeted floor of my bedroom. I had symphonic music playing quietly in the background as I did my stretching routine, purring contently. I looked into the mirror in front of me, going into another pose.

I was in my feline form, which I usually was whenever I was on the ship. My Achylorinane uniform sat to the side, nicely folded, my weapons stacked on top.

My room was pristine as usual, other than a hairball in the corner, which I would most likely toss into someone else's room. I had accepted the smallest living quarters on the ship, seeing as what was small to a normal sized human, was large to a small feline.

As I began to move into another position, the ship shook. My fur and tail fluffed up and my claws dug into the carpet as I screeched, trying not to fall over. Once the shock passed, I adorned my uniform and weapons, walking out, not having shifted quite yet.

"Oi! What's the matter? You can't fly straight?"
Riona, languidly sprawled out on her stomach on her bed, flicked her gloved fingers across a bright holographic screen. Videos flashed across the screen of random things, ranging from people doing stupid stunts to synthetic flower gardening. Her curiosity knew no bounds, and although she would probably forget most of the useless information within a week, she simply enjoyed seeing it. Her sheltered lifestyle had resulted in her knowing very little about many things in the world, leaving her to look up whatever thing struck her fancy.

Glancing at the corner of the screen, she noticed the time and decided that she should take a break. She pressed a button on her metallic wristband which caused the screen to minimize and disappear. She rose from the bed and stretched, although in certain areas the tension felt dulled. Many ligaments in her body had been replaced with synthetics that never quite met the same sensations as normal tendons.

She headed toward the exit of her room. Just as she stepped into the doorway the floor suddenly jerked beneath her. Taken by surprise, she fell harshly against the metal frame. Her arm was temporarily crushed between her body and the hard surface, but since that portion of her left forearm was fake she felt only a slight pressure.

Once she realized what must be happening, her surprise swiftly flared into immense worry. She stepped out into the shaking corridor and frantically looked around. "Oh dear...is everyone alright?!" She called out, trying to rise her voice over the blaring of the sirens.
(Sorry never got the notifications ^^)

Keito had been pacing the corridors while smoking his last cigarette. He had been thinking about a lot of different things, such as how the group came to be. Kei had told many outlandish lies to the people on board the ship... One of those lies providing a very detailed and gruesome description of how he hacked off somebody's fingers and then ate them while the person watched and begged for mercy. The image he had made for himself was probably one that nobody really truly believed, however it would seem that no one had approached him since the telling of the tale. It wasn't exactly his goal to make people dislike, although Kei found it was easier in the long run.

Keito simply sighed as the ship began having a seizure, and all he did in response was grab hold of a handle that was conveniently placed against the wall for this kind of situation. His cigarette butt dropped to the floor and he made a scornful face, as he would no longer have any nicotine for awhile. Not that he really enjoyed smoking anyway, but he would have to put up appearances.....

Kei walked shakily around the corridor, using the wall as his guide... He made his way slowly to the sound of someone's voice, and he couldn't help but make a snotty remark.

"Of course we're alright... It's a ship full of freaking acrobatic criminals after all.... What do you think this is? The damn titanic?" He said in a clear voice that rose over the blaring of the sirens. He didn't like women in general, but the one's on this ship seemed all the more dramatic and awful to him.

"Just worry about your own self geez...." He added, before taking his hand off the wall. Keito then walked away from the girl, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He mad his way about the corridor, searching for the only person he really liked on the ship... And that person, was the tiny leader Eiora. Keito had wondered whether or not the small boy had received any injuries when the ship rocked, although he figured that the leader would be more than capable of coming out unscathed....
Eiora got up with a cough, and then it came. A loud screech then sounded, penetrating throughout the ship. It's mighty echo gave Eiora a chill, because he knew the sound. A Megaorsk. These things were as primitive as they're savage, they resembled humans, however they were much thinner and larger. Their body was purple, and they had four legs resembling that of a spider.

The shriek also told Eiora what he had to do. If Megaorsks came in contact with electricity, they would combust. It was either dying such a fiery death, or taking their chances and dividing the ship.

Eiora ran through the multiple corridors, yelling. "We have to beat them to the control room!", he would shout. The main power might have been down, but in the control room there was a back-up generator, and with that they'd have enough time to enter the right code.

Left, right, left, left...

Eiora smashed into a figure, Nagisa, who laughed as she hit the ground, picking herself up and Eiora quickly. "Nagisa, follow me!", Eiora would yell as he ran. Nagisa followed him, yelling, "Okey dokey!~"

Eiora then also ran into Keito, giving him a "follow" signal that was fairly obvious. He also ran past the others unknowingly. They were getting close to the control room.


....The ship was steadying itself, and was getting acquainted with it's new intruders. They had launched a breaching pod into the side of the enemy ship, and now four bounty hunters came from the small container. Smoke filled the cargo hold they were in, and their Megaorsk screeched in pleasure as it caught the scent of it's targets.

They made their way through the corridors, getting closer by the second... The control room was right in front of them, and the scent was getting ever stronger.
Hardly able to see through the thick clouds of gas and gleaming red lights, Adarian readied his pistol as he inched closer to the control room. The stench was awful, clearly letting him know what was going on. Megaorsks. Filthy little buggers, obviously here to take them in since they had all acquired quite a serious bounty on themselves.

Once Adarian spotted the enemy, he gave four warning shots, giving off his position. Normally, against such an advanced and intelligent race, that would have been a terrible idea. However, knowing his skill, Adarian had an incredible amount of confidence. Two of the bounty hunters decided to stay behind and go after him.

He ran out in the open as the got closer, putting him feet from the two Megaorsks. "2 on 1? Well, that's hardly fair." He paused for a moment. "For you." He shot two rounds towards the one on the left, and another shot at the right. His cockiness and confidence had failed him, as the two bounty hunters had dodged, going either way and now surrounding him.

"Oh, shit."
Making my way down the hallway, I coughed as I inhaled smoke. Red lights were illuminating the ship, passively making the situation seem far worse. It seemed to be leveling out, which made it easier for me to walk.

I swore and rolled under a pipe as a pair of Megaorsks scurried past, rolling back out to fire multiple shots into their craniums.

I stood and shifted, my bones and muscles sliding and enlarging, crackling and moving into place. I flexed my fingers, cracking my neck before making my way through the ship. After a moment, I came up behind Adarian. I pressed myself against a wall, blending in due to the smoke shrouding the area.
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Keito's words did little to ease Riona's concern. She hurried down the hallway, stumbling slightly as she struggled to keep her balance in the shifting hallways. The swaying slowly calmed, but the alarms continued to shriek.

Following the others' direction, she remained several feet behind them. Underneath the sound of the sirens, the sound of quick and light clacking was coming closer and faster. The unmistakable sound of Megaorsk steps rapidly increasing. She jumped to the side just as a a thin leg pierced the air where she had been.

While that particular Megaorsk immediately turned to focus on targeting her, several passed by them and toward Adarian and Axy. Riona's eyes flicked from the moving enemies to her allies, who seemed to be holding their own against them. Just as she was assured they were fine for now, a flash of movement in the corner of her vision yanked her attention back to her own adversary.

She swiftly stepped aside just as the Megaorsk's leg jammed into the wall. Growling with frustration, it pulled its appendage out and prepared to try again. Before it could, Riona threw a punch forward. The enemy reeled back in surprise before lashing out blindly. Taken off guard, she wasn't able to avoid it in time. Its leg grazed her shoulder, but instead of creating a wound it tore through fake skin and skidded across metal. Having expected to be anchored into human flesh, the Megaorsk lost its balance and tilted forward. Riona took the opportunity to launch a side swipe. Her fist connected with its jaw, snapping its head to the side and instantly knocking it out. It collapsed to the ground in front of her.
I didn't know where to direct my attention. If I looked away from Adarian and the bounty hunters, they might decapitate him. It also seemed that Riona was in need of assistance. I watched as the Megaorsk's leg drew back and scraped her shoulder. I prepared to place a bullet in its cranium, but was slightly shocked as Riona snapped the creatures neck.

I rushed over to Riona. "Are you alright?" I questioned, my eyes on her shoulder. "It's a good thing that you have your, uh, under skin." I glanced back towards Adarian, growling. "We need to help him. Can you be a diversion?"
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Riona nodded without hesitation. "Of course." Just the thought of an ally being in danger sent a surge of adrenaline through her cyborg body. She rushed over to the creatures surrounding Adarian. The Megaorsks were beginning to close in.

Moving quickly, she jabbed three of them in succession. The hits landed on their large, sensitive spider abdomens. They all startled with a shout and whipped around to face her. Although the quick attacks had done very little damage, it had definitely caught their attention.

"This way, Mr. Megaorsks." She taunted, bouncing on the balls of her feet in front of them. Enraged, the enemies started heading in her direction.

Eiora slammed his hand on the opening pad of the control room's door, only to come face to face with a Megaorsk. A bullet came flying towards Eiora, and he jerked his body to avoid it hitting his head, which it didn't, but it went through his left arm. He screamed and flung himself forward, taking cover behind a table.

Nagisa rushed towards the Megaorsk as Eiora hit the ground. She reached into her purse and pulled out a pair of scissors, leaping towards the alien. Viciously, she stabbed the alien repeatedly, however this one was an elder Megaorsk, unlike the others, and there was no chance that she or the group could kill it with the weapons they had on them.

Holding it off, Nagisa yelled back at Eiora. "Do it, hurry!"

Eiora pulled himself up, blood gushing down his arm, and began slamming codes into the Holo-Boards in front of him. Suddenly, a loud sound of metal against metal was heard, and steam and various kinds of gasses burst out of the exhausts along multiple walls. Nagisa pulled herself off of the Megaorsk, grabbed Eiora, and ran back. The doors were shutting, and the ship was stretching apart. Only wires held the ship now.

The door was about to shut on Eiora and Nagisa, who were moving as fast as they could. With a desperate look on his face, Eiora tossed Nagisa past the door and into the hallway in front of them, right before the door slammed shut.

Eiora then turned, only to begin being sucked into the vacuum of space. His only option was to grab unto the nearest wire, which he did, and was hanging unto barely.

Come on... into the atmosphere, ship, and quick about it!

Meanwhile, the bounty hunters' pets had infiltrated the ship near the others. Bugroughts. Otherwise commonly known as...

Space Wolves. Growing from 3 ft - 8 ft. Most were small, but one 8 ft Bugrought was leading the pack of ten who were currently rushing towards the other people within the group.


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