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Wallflower Reboot (MusexErin)

Altier wondered what this girl was going to be like, him not really knowing anything about her other then her name which was given when her aunt shanghaied the guys into doing her bidding. Quite frankly all of them came form rich families but their parents only paid for their food and school expenses, they would have to work up the funds to stay in the boarding house that her aunt owns. To that end she made them a deal, and the deal was one that they accepted without much resistance. 'Turn my niece into a proper lady and you will live here rent free.'

With that in mind the four guys stood in the entryway of the home, waiting for the girl to walk through the doors...not one of them knew what to expect to walk through that door.
Mei gnawed on her lower lip as the car inched into the drive way of her aunt's rented out city manor. It was a nice place, one in which taunted her curious eyes as she peered through the tinted window, unsure of how she felt about the entire ordeal. Her aunt had informed her, only the day prior that she'd be moving in with the people that were renting the place, for they were going to help her become more lady like, but she couldn't help but wonder why. Shaking her head, Mei stepped out of the car after it stopped before grabbing her suitcase from the back and wheeling it behind her as she began to head for the door. Yet she stopped mid way, before turning back to face the car, "Thank you for the drive, Alfred," she spoke, flashing the older man a wide grin before turning around, her face instantly returning to a cold nature.

With cautious steps, she approached the door, eyeing it carefully before ringing the door bell. She felt her skin prickle with anxiety as she stood waiting for the door to open so she'd meet her new living-mates.
The doorbell rand and Altier moved over to open the door, him wondering as he opened it who this person was going to be like. Quite frankly in the back of his head he kept on thinking that she was going to be like her aunt, which would be quite the umm...problem. Regardless as he opened the door and saw that she didn't even look like her aunt he introduced himself and gave her a light nod, "Welcome My name is Altier Bourneiu, and the three behind me are Yuki Matsu, Watatchi Kurosawa Chi for short, and Lestopher Michelson or just Les for short. With that he gestured her to come in, him keeping his stoic face on a she did so. So far she didn't seem like that much of a problem, all in all she was actually quite cute...he didn't really see what the big deal was so far.
Soon the door opened, and Mei was quite surprised to see four sets of eyes starring back at her, all of them in which were men. This caught her quite off guard, and for she had expected girls due to the fact that they were supposed to teach her to be lady-like, but soon she regained her composure, nodding as one of them introduced the bunch. Noticing the gesture to walk in, she moved inside the home, before setting her suitcase against the wall and peering over at the group. "The name's Mei Natsume," she spoke with a slight shrug as she glanced around before her brown hued eyes once again focused themselves on them, she found her cold exterior from nerves cracking as a slight smile had settled itself on her features.

They were all rather handsome, well, a bit more handsome than most boys from her school before her little move. They seemed to have their own unique atmosphere to them, and she did her best not to stare too much, but she found her eyes soon falling back on Altier. Shaking her head, she laughed as her slim fingers toyed with a loose thread on her slightly baggy t-shirt, and this laughter was met with a slight raised eyebrow from Yuki. "So," she began before the little thread snapped and she could no longer mess with it, "where should I put this?" she questioned before lazily gesturing over to her suitcase. "Oh, that can go down that hall, the last door on the left. That's your room." Lestopher spoke and Mei nodded before trotting down the hall, pulling the suitcase behind her, only to lay it down on the floor next to the bed and walk back out of the room and return to the group. "So...what's on today's agenda?"
Altier looked over at the group who seemed to have been talking amongst themselves while she was away, him shaking his head as she walked back in. She asked what was on the agenda for the day, which Altier looked over to Yuki for a suggestion, Altier not really being the one that plans things to often. To that Yuki stepped forward and pushed his glasses up a small bit looking down at her as he did so, "Well I suppose the first thing you should learn are the manner that a lady should have." Chi let out a grown and looked over at Mei, him quite frankly exuding cuteness, "Can't we start all of that tomorrow after school?" Altier glanced over at Les and shook his head, him just walking over to Chi and placing his hand on his head, "We could but that would be counter productive."

Yuki said with a nod and held up a stack of books, "First off, how to walk like a lady." It was quite obvious that Yuki was going to put the girl through all of the cliché lady tests that he had read about and seen on tv, to which Altier simply shook his head and walked out of the room, "Yeah good uck with that Yuki." Les looks as Altier walked away, him then looking over at Yuki with a slightly annoyed face, "Really?"
Mei watched as the group bickered over whether or not to start today and what task they should start with and she did her best to contain an urge to chuckle. Her brown hued gaze soon turned to Altier once more as he walked away, before here eyes settled back on the group, "I'm pretty sure that only works in movies," she spoke as she motioned to the books in Yuki's hand, "besides, I doubt I can balance those on my head." She allowed a soft laugh to escape her lips, "I think Chi may be right about starting tomorrow, that way we can make up some sort of plan before we try to start." Yet, still, Mei wasn't too fond of the thought of having to be lady-like, it just wasn't in the girl's nature what so ever, so she wasn't quite looking forward to attempting to be lady-like.
Yuki pouted a small bit as the girl agreed with Chi, him figuring that she would say something of the sort. "Fine then," he simply stated with a slight shrug, him figuring that if he put it up to a vote Les would no doubt side with Chi so Democracy was a dead end. Les replied with a nod over to Mei, "Just make yourself at home." At that point the three boys walked away to their own spots in the house, them now spreading out for the most part. Altier at the moment found himself in the kitchen area, him placing food into a bowl on the floor. The food appearing to be some kind of pet food, which leaned to the fact that there was probably a pet in the house somewhere.

With that fact now being revealed a small black kitten rushed past Mei's legs and into the kitchen where Altier had previously went to. When the kitten walked in it went straight to the food bowl, the name Asa printed on the side of the bowl. As the kitten ate at the food in the bowl Altier scratched the little thing behind the ears, him smiling lightly as he did so. "How are you doing Asa?"
Soon a little black kitten moved passed her, and it nearly startled the ginger and she blinked rapidly before watching as it trotted into the kitchen. Slowly, Mei moved after it, following it to the kitchen and peeking in to see it begin eating from its printed food bowl as Altier starched it behind the ears, cooing to it. This sight couldn't help but make Mei smile a bit. She hadn't thought from her first impression of Altier that he'd be an animal person, but this proved her wrong. She quietly walked over, and crouched down next to him. "She's so adorable," she spoke reaching down slightly and stroking the kitten's soft fur, before pulling her hand away.
He looked over as Mei crouched down and petted Asa as well, the kitten purring under all of the attention. He nodded and said looking down at the kitten, "Yeah I found her on the way back home last month." In truth he had found the kitten wandering the streets on a cold night and he just couldn't let the little thing wander around like that. Since that day she had became sort of the unofficial house mascot for the four of them, and quite frankly she has t easier than most of the humans in the city now. With that he looked back over at Mei as the kitten pushed it's head against his hand as if thanking him for the food, "Do you like animals?"
Mei carefully listened as Altier spoke, "That's good that you found her, cats need good homes, not to be cast out onto the street to fend for themselves." Her soft smile widened softly as she watched Asa rub against Altier's hand in a lovable fashion, which Mei found to be quite adorable and heart-melting. "I love animals," she finally answered before her brown hued gaze peered back up to look at Altier, "they're sometimes even more understanding than most people," a soft chuckle escaped her lips as she peered back down down at the kitten.
"Indeed," he simply stated as he stood from his crouched position with a stretching of his arms, this day being quite the annoyance in some ways. Her aunt always knew how to bog them down with things that she knew would make their lives more difficult, secretly he wondered if she got a kick out of any of it or something. If she did at least i would explain why she seems to go out of her way to inconvenience them on a seemingly daily basis. With that in mind he walked over to the fridge and removed a small container of ice cream, individual serving sizes. To that he looked back at Mei and asked with a slightly raised brow, him holding out a second one to her along with a spoon, "Would you like one as well?"

Honestly he would prefer ice cream over actual food for his meals but sadly his buddies insist that he eat actual food as well.
Mei stood, watching as Altier moved to the fridge, and she furrowed her eyebrows as she watched him curiously, wondering what he was doing. Yet soon he offered a small container of ice-cream to her along with a spoon, "Oh," she spoke taking the ice cream and spoon into her own hands, "thank you." She soon sat down at the little table in the kitchen, sitting indian style in her chair as she popped the top of the ice cream container off, and dug her spoon into the chocolate substance. "So," she spoke her eyes studying the table before she glanced over at Altier, "what is it you like to do?" she spoke making casual conversation, but also curious about him. She couldn't place her finger on why, but she wanted to know more about Altier, and she usually wasn't too interested in people at all.
He thought on that as he sat at the table as well him popping the lid off of the container as well, him replying, "What do I like to do?" He didn't really have any initial hobbies that he did regularly, more times than naught he just goes with the flow of the day. One day he'd be playing a video game and then the next he'd be going for a walk outside. To that he answered after taking a bite of ice cream, "Well I'm more of a spur of the moment person, so I don't really have any hobbies." After he had said that the kitten Asa climbed up his pants leg and made her way up his shirt to his shoulder.

It looked like the kitten did this regularly seeing how quickly she made it up, and he didn't even seem to mind he doing this at all. Asa laid on his shoulder as he took another bite of ice cream, her meowing lightly as she looked on at Mei.
Mei took a bit of ice cream as she listened to his answer, pondering it even after he said the words. It made sense, actually, for him to be a spur of the moment kind of person, after all just by her first impression of him and the atmosphere he gave off, it wasn't all too surprising for her to hear that. "There's nothing wrong with being a spur of the moment kind of person," she finally spoke smiling as she watched the cat climb up his pants leg to his shirt and then only to sit on his shoulder. "It's good to be able to go with the flow." Her smile widened slightly as the kitten meowed at her, "Hello, Asa," Mei cooed softly to the cat before taking another bite of ice cream. "What is this town's school like? Does it have any sports teams?"
"Yeah I think it does," he didn't really pay much attention to the sports teams at the school, him not really into them all that much. With that he decided to acknowledged her question about the school, "It's about the same as any other school." He didn't really know how to compare schools seeing as how he had only been to three of them, all of them seeming rather similar to him for the most part. He looked over at Asa as she started to let out a light purr that he felt on his shoulder, him reaching up with his right hand and scratching her behind the ear. The school wasn't like any other school though which she would learn soon enough, the girls there having a fan club for each of the boys she now lives with.
"That's good," Mei spoke. She was rather athletic, running being her favorite athletic activity. She was rather fast on her feet, and when she ran, she found herself able to think through anything, it gave her a wonderful piece of mind. But then again, she also found herself rather good at volleyball, something she had found out two years prior when her friend had forced her to try it. Perhaps she'd see if she could get on the track or volleyball team tomorrow. In such thought, she hadn't realized she was gnawing on her lower lip as she stared at the table. Peering back up at Altier she listened as he spoke, before nodding. "I was rather upset when I got my uniform," she spoke, "I had requested pants, and apparently that's not an option for girls here." a soft laugh escaped her lips before she took another bite of ice cream.
He looked at her with a slight tilt to his head, looking as if he was examining her for some reason or other. Altier paused and then said with a light smile over at her, "I think you'd look cute in a skirt." In truth he thought she'd look cute in a skirt if she would wear one, him beginning to realize that she is a tomboy type of girl. With a slight pause he looked over at Asa and asked with a warm smile to her, "Don't you think Asa?" Asa let out a meow that sounded like a yes, which was proven to be fact by her seeming to nod her kitty head in agreement as well.
Mei was a bit taken back at his words. Cute? Her? She found that a bit hard to believe. "Skirts just aren't my cup of tea," she answered, "in all reality, I don't like any of this girly crap, but my aunt thinks I'm an embarrassment because of it." A soft laugh left her lips, before she stood, throwing her empty thing of ice cream in the trash and setting the spoon in the sink, "I'm going to lay down for a little bit, the drive here was a wee bit long," she spoke, flashing Altier a soft smile before walking off to her room, pulling the door shut behind her and flopping down on the bed and staring up at the ceiling. She wasn't quite sure about how she felt about all of this, nor how she felt about the people she'd be living with for the next year, but something told her that it would all certainly be interesting.
Altier watched as she walked away him cocking his head as she did so, him not realizing what he aunt wanted them to do. Although he didn't really see the need to change someone into someone else, him wondering why her aunt wanted to do it in the first place. Regardless he stood from the seat and threw away his ice cream container as well, Asa going along for the ride on his shoulder as he moved around the kitchen. It had seemed that the rest of the guys had turned in as well so he figured he would do the same. With that in mind he walked over to the couch and laid down on it, him placing his shirt off to the side as he did so.

Asa crawled up onto the couch and laid down on his chest contently, him falling asleep in a short while. It seemed that he was quite comfortable on the couch for some reason or other, seeing as how he didn't bother going to a bed to sleep.
"Meeeeeeiiiiii time to get up!" Chi chimed as he knocked on her door before he walked off to go get ready himself. This caused Mei's eyes to flutter open to once again great the world. Groaning slightly, she sat up, rubbing her eyes slightly, still a bit tired from all the events of the day before. Soon her feet settled on the carpet and she stood up, finding her uniform in her suitcase and pulling it out. Quickly she changed, slipping off her clothes from the day before which she had accidentally fallen asleep in, and slipping on the light pink skirt, only to pull on the white button up shirt, buttoning the buttons swiftly before tucking her shirt into the skirt, and pulling her soft, yellow vest over the button up, only to then tie her black bow. After slipping on her black flats, she then moved to the bathroom, brushing out her waist length ginger hair and grabbing her tooth brush only to brush her teeth.

Having have not taken long at all to get ready, she moved to the kitchen, grabbing an orange out of the fruit bowl and peeling it only to begin to eat it as she waited for the others to get ready.
Akio didn't take that long to get ready, Asa being the one that woke him up with a lick to his nose earlier. He never needed an alarm clock or someone else to wake him up ever since Asa had come to live with them, it being very apparent that Asa adored Akio. With that in mind he made his way back down the stairs as he buttoned up his shirt, making his way into the kitchen and grabbing himself a banana. He looked over to the side and saw Mei sanding in the kitchen as well, it seeming that Chi had done his duty this morning. He said after he took a bite of the banana, "I think the three of them left already, but it's okay we have time before we need to leave."
Mei watched as Akio walked in, before grabbing a banana for breakfast. "Ah, so they ditched us," she joked as a soft laugh escaped her lips before eating the last slice of her orange, only to grab her messenger bag, and make sure she had all of her folders and notebooks, before closing it back up and slinging the strap onto her shoulder, before moving over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water to bring to school with her, "I can catch the bus if you don't want to drive me," she spoke, unsure if he wanted to show up with her. After all, she didn't know how he ticked.
He shook his head and said with a stoic expression, "A bus won't be necessary," with that he paused and then added as he placed the banana peal in the trash, "The school is in walking distance." He stretched and picked up his pack, him looking back at her with a raised brow as he made his way to the door, "You're welcome to walk with me if you wish." It was obvious that he didn't really care about the opinions of others, and that along with other obvious reasons is why she is about t find out that he along with the other three hand fan clubs dedicated to each of them.
Mei nodded as he spoke about the school being in walking distance as she adjusted the strap on her messenger bag before peering back over at him as he spoke again, this time offering for her to walk with him. It was probably a good idea for her to, or at least that's what she thought, that way she knew where she was going, but little did she know she'd come to regret this decision once they arrived. "Sure," she spoke before walking to the door and opening it.

Soon the two had begun their walk to the school, Mei staying rather quiet for a change as she grew a bit nervous about arriving, unsure about how she felt about going to the new school. It wasn't long at all before they arrived and Mei furrowed her eyebrows and a huge amount of girls seemed to be waiting in front of the school. Was there someone important coming or something? She began to gnaw on her lower lip, a habit of hers. Once they were close enough the group began to scream in excitement. "Aiko!" most of them yelled, and it wasn't long before she was separated from him, the crowd of girls following him and cutting her off.

"Why were you walking with him?" Mei whirled around on her heels, "Uh, well, you see-" "Save it. Just don't do it again." and with that the girl walked off. "What has her panties in a twist?" Mei murmured, before making her way to class.

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