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Realistic or Modern Wait nekos?!

Drake blushed at the name and walked with Sammy, he eyed him up and down and bit his lip cutely. With a flash he shut the door and leaned against it, watching Sammy walk further into the apartment. 'Damn...' He thought and shook his head lightly.

@Safety Hammer
PixieDusts said:
Drake blushed at the name and walked with Sammy, he eyed him up and down and bit his lip cutely. With a flash he shut the door and leaned against it, watching Sammy walk further into the apartment. 'Damn...' He thought and shook his head lightly.

@Safety Hammer
"I'm going to have to take a shower. I told you not to finish inside, but you didn't listen. Now I've gotta wash my ass." Sammy said. Taking off his clothes, flinging them onto his couch, and rubbing at his bottom.

"And I thought I was rough during sex.. yeesh."
Drake bit his lip harder and walked with Sammy. He smiled wickedly as he hugged Sammy from behind and whispered softly in his ear. "Sorry Cutie... I just love you so much..." With that he pulled away and plopped down on Sammy's couch, "Hurry up!!"

@Safety Hammer
PixieDusts said:
Drake bit his lip harder and walked with Sammy. He smiled wickedly as he hugged Sammy from behind and whispered softly in his ear. "Sorry Cutie... I just love you so much..." With that he pulled away and plopped down on Sammy's couch, "Hurry up!!"

@Safety Hammer
"St-stop that!" Sammy said, swatting his hand away. "You're gonna get me all excited again!"
Drake laughed cutely and winked. "Hurry with that shower before I go in there and help you..." He said softly and bit his lip more. He looked around Sammy's house and nodded, laying down on his couch.

@Safety Hammer
PixieDusts said:
Drake laughed cutely and winked. "Hurry with that shower before I go in there and help you..." He said softly and bit his lip more. He looked around Sammy's house and nodded, laying down on his couch.

@Safety Hammer
Sammy quickly hopped into the shower and turned on the water. He was still in shock on what had just happened.
Drake fell asleep on Sammy's couch, his heart pounding, his face pure red. He smiled lightly and rolled around on the couch. His eyes completely shut closed. He snuggled into the couch, a soft snore escaping his lips.

@Safety Hammer

Aki cringed lightly on the ground,turning his head with difficult once he noticed the cat he had taken in pulling his hair. It was weird. It was almost like she could understand him. Or he was hallucinating.

"So...I probably sound really stupid...right now." He breathed with difficult through his nose. "Kitty,there is a bottle of morphine on the the cupboard. Can you...get it for me?"

He placed his hands on the top of his ribs. He could pull them back,but it would hurt. A lot.


The kitten meowed as she began pulling a blanket into his kitchen. She smiled at him as she made her way towards him and nodded to the blanket. She looked around as she hopped onto the counter and looked for the morphine. She climbed into the cupboard and found the morphine. pushing it out in landed on the counter with a clatter.

The kitten slowly climbed out of the cupboard and pushed it down onto the floor with another clatter. Her eyes sparkled as she hopped off the counter and began rolling the morphine to the hurt boy. Her eyes shook as she ran back to his room. 5 or so minutes later, she came back, hauling a big pillow. She just wanted to make him comfortable.​

Aki frowned when the cat had understood exactly what he had asked of her. He eventually smiled and ran one hand through her fur gently,feeling the softness against his hand.

"You're a clever one,kitty."

After drinking some morphine he pulled the pillow bellow his head,preparing for the pain that was about to come. With a deep breath he placed his hands above his side and pushed them down with a strong blow,placing the ribs back on place.

Aki cringed at the pain,falling back into the ground. He panted for some time until he could turn his head again.

"I really...need a new job,kitten."

Pulling the cat closer to him,he closed his eyes and waited for the pain to go away.


The kitten meowed with happiness as he ran his hands through her fur. She hissed though once he popped his ribs back in place. Her eyes widened even more when he pulled her close, and she blushed. Her eyes drifted as she crawled a little ways away and then ran to the door. She jumped up and tried everything before she had to.

The kitten made sure the boy couldn't see her before she turned to her neko and opened the door, when she got out she left it cracked a little so she could push her way in when she was back. The girl was now back to her kitten form as she ran off, down the street, looking for anything, anyone. Her eyes widened when she saw a newspaper stand and pulled one of the newspapers away, running back to his place.

As the kitten got to the boys place, knowing full well that newspapers always had job stuff in them, she pushed on the door before it creaked open and ran inside. She ran to the boy and sat the newspapers down by him before she ran back to the door and closed it shut. Walking to the boy slowly, the kitten meowed lightly and laid next to him.​

Aki didn't really realize that the cat had left,staying in a half-unconscious stupor as he laid against the kitchen's ground. The pain was slowly going away,the morphine finally having some effect.

He only opened his eyes when he heard meowing next to his head,which made him wonder how long the was out. He gave the kit a groggy smile,patting her head gently.


He pulled the newspaper to his hand,noticing that it was opened in the job's section.

"I can't have this...a cat that is more clever than me." He ran one hand through the cat's fur with a chuckle, closing his eyes again. If he had been on a better day he would probably have noticed already that the cat was a bit too clever for a normal kitty.

He slowly started to doze off from the exhaustion,keeping one hand above the cat.
The kitten purred when he pet her and also when she was laying down. She watched him doze off and sighed lightly, 'You gotta change sometime...' She told herself, looking up at his face. Her eyes glistened before they slowly closed and she too was asleep. She was going to do it tomorrow. Wake up before he did, change, make him breakfast and then await for him to wake up. The kitten nodded lightly as her thoughts disappeared and she too, fell asleep.

@Rukia (I wonder if we should time-skip... I mean most of us are all asleep besides one who's in the shower...)


The kitten woke up, the sun was shinning, the birds were chirping, which she wanted to eat at that moment. She stretched with a small meow and the boy's hand fell off of her light fur. She smiled lightly as she pranced into the kitchen and turned into her neko. Without thinking, Kindred began to cook. Her tail swayed lightly as she smiled into the stove. She opened the fridge and got out the eggs, hoping he liked them scrambled.

With that Kindred began to crack the eggs and listened to them sizzle in the burning pan. She grabbed the newspaper and picked it up, reading over the job list. She stirred the eggs around and around before they were done. With a smile she sat some on two plate and turned the oven off.

With a smile Kindred placed the plates on the counter and grabbed the jug of milk in the refrigerator. She smiled happily as she poured to glasses and sat on the counter, still reading the newspaper jobs, and waited for the boy to wake up.​

Aki slowly started to come back to himself,blinking awake as he looked around his kitchen. He rubbed his head where a headache had started. At least his ribs weren't hurting anymore.

The smell of food caught his attention,making his stomach growl. Was someone...cooking in his house?

Aki's danger senses flared and he growled,his tail twitching around. He immediately pushed himself up from the ground and met the girl's eyes,the anger turning into confusion and then going back to anger.

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my house?"


Kindred's fur on her tail stood up as she fell off the counter with surprise. "I-I'm sorry s-sir!!" She stuttered, knowing full well that he wouldn't remember her. She was a kitten all last night. She bowed lightly as she sat the newspaper down and looked up at him. "I'm Kindred! I-I'm the k-kitten from l-last n-night..." She said and then left the food there, walking past him.

Kindred turned around and looked up at him, "I'm s-sorry!!" She said and walked towards the door. Her eyes looked back for a minute and then back at the door as she made her way towards it. Her eyes glistened the normal green as she finally made it to the door and sighed softly.​

PixieDusts said:
Drake fell asleep on Sammy's couch, his heart pounding, his face pure red. He smiled lightly and rolled around on the couch. His eyes completely shut closed. He snuggled into the couch, a soft snore escaping his lips.

@Safety Hammer
After Sammy was finished with his shower, he saw that Drake was sleeping. He quickly pounced onto his boyfriend and kissed him. He didn't care that he was wet and naked. He still did it anyways.
Aki blinked in confusion at her words,standing still and breaking away from his attack position. A kindred?

The happenings from last night slowly started to come back to him. The rain,the cat. Everything suddenly made sense,and he knew exactly why the cat had been so clever.

Aki felt a sense of guilty as the girl started to walk towards the door. He didn't mean to throw her out. He quickly walked over and closed it before she could step out.

"No,don't...go. You helped me out last night. You can stay. Let's have breakfast."

He still sounded suspicious as he gestured back to the counter,following the girl with his eyes.


Kindred heard the door close as she looked up at the boy. She turned around, not wanting to make eye contact. "Um..." She rubbed the back of her head and put on a fake smile, "What's your name...?" She asked softly as she sat back down on the counter. She put her plate in her lap before she looked down at it. Eggs... She hasn't had those in a while...

Kindred's eyes widened as she stared at the eggs and then smiled happily. "Thanks... For Y'know... letting me stay here last night..." Her whispered echoed in her ears as she mentally hit herself. 'Why are you being so sweet!? What the hell!! Man up!!' She yelled at herself and ate the eggs slowly.​


Drake growled at the wet, naked boy as Sammy pounced on him. He looked up at the boy's eyes and pulled Sammy into a tight hug, snuggling him as he laid there on the couch. "Five more minutes babe..." He whispered, pressing his face into the boy's naked chest.​

@Safety Hammer
PixieDusts said:

Kindred heard the door close as she looked up at the boy. She turned around, not wanting to make eye contact. "Um..." She rubbed the back of her head and put on a fake smile, "What's your name...?" She asked softly as she sat back down on the counter. She put her plate in her lap before she looked down at it. Eggs... She hasn't had those in a while...

Kindred's eyes widened as she stared at the eggs and then smiled happily. "Thanks... For Y'know... letting me stay here last night..." Her whispered echoed in her ears as she mentally hit herself. 'Why are you being so sweet!? What the hell!! Man up!!' She yelled at herself and ate the eggs slowly.​


Drake growled at the wet, naked boy as Sammy pounced on him. He looked up at the boy's eyes and pulled Sammy into a tight hug, snuggling him as he laid there on the couch. "Five more minutes babe..." He whispered, pressing his face into the boy's naked chest.​

@Safety Hammer
"Could you make it ten?" Sammy said, before nuzzling closer.

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