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Realistic or Modern Wait nekos?!

"I don't know... Do you??" Drake asked with a giggle and pulled his cloths off, leaving his boxers on. He smiled as his shirt was pulled above his head, his hair bouncing lightly and water droplets dripped from his hair. "So!" He said, sitting by the fire. "I think Hannah has a thing for you!" He said with a nervous chuckle and looked around.

@Safety Hammer

FireMaiden said:
"Art. The one thing I'm good at but I can't afford it. Hell I can't afford a decent apartment."
"What do you need? For art, I mean. I'll get it for you. I just want you to be safe, Han." Ozzy said, putting his bowl away in the sink and rinsing it out.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"What do you need? For art, I mean. I'll get it for you. I just want you to be safe, Han." Ozzy said, putting his bowl away in the sink and rinsing it out.


"Art stuff. You know what, just forget about it," Hannah said, just stirring the melting ice cream. "It was a stupid hobby that got me nowhere."
PixieDusts said:
"I don't know... Do you??" Drake asked with a giggle and pulled his cloths off, leaving his boxers on. He smiled as his shirt was pulled above his head, his hair bouncing lightly and water droplets dripped from his hair. "So!" He said, sitting by the fire. "I think Hannah has a thing for you!" He said with a nervous chuckle and looked around.

@Safety Hammer

"Hannah, you say? Well, not to burst her bubble, but I kinda have a thing for this guy I know." Sammy said, blushing slightly. "He's an old friend. Really cute. He's got a great body and he's really athletic. But I don't know if he likes me back."
Danny finally grew the balls to speak loudly, "Well it's been a long day. Escaping from my master, finding a new one, lots of deep thoughts... I deserve sleep." He walked to the kitchen door, "Good night, sleep tight, yadda yadda, night time phrases. G'night," He walked into Ozzy's bedroom and sat down on his bed before taking off his hoodie. He crawled under the covers and fell asleep in the fetal position.
FireMaiden said:
"Art stuff. You know what, just forget about it," Hannah said, just stirring the melting ice cream. "It was a stupid hobby that got me nowhere."
"Hannah, if it helps you control your stress, I will buy you anything you need. I'll even pay your rent. Just let me help you help yourself."

MuffinRPs said:
Danny finally grew the balls to speak loudly, "Well it's been a long day. Escaping from my master, finding a new one, lots of deep thoughts... I deserve sleep." He walked to the kitchen door, "Good night, sleep tight, yadda yadda, night time phrases. G'night," He walked into Ozzy's bedroom and sat down on his bed before taking off his hoodie. He crawled under the covers and fell asleep in the fetal position.
Ozzy looked over at the neko boy as he walked into his room and closed the door, before looking back at Hannah.

"He's so fucking cute. I just want to cuddle him."
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"Hannah, if it helps you control your stress, I will buy you anything you need. I'll even pay your rent. Just let me help you help yourself."
Ozzy looked over at the neko boy as he walked into his room and closed the door, before looking back at Hannah.

"He's so fucking cute. I just want to cuddle him."

"I don't want to be babied. Besides, like you said, I gotta stop coming to you like you're some kind of bank."
Drake smiled happily and leaned back, smiling into the fire. "Well, why don't you tell him how you feel.. I mean, I bet he likes you back, who wouldn't like you!?" Drake said, not knowing Sammy liked him. He looked away, trying not to sound sad.

@Safety Hammer
PixieDusts said:
Drake smiled happily and leaned back, smiling into the fire. "Well, why don't you tell him how you feel.. I mean, I bet he likes you back, who wouldn't like you!?" Drake said, not knowing Sammy liked him. He looked away, trying not to sound sad.
@Safety Hammer
"The thing is, he's always talking about how he'll never fall in love. So I'm afraid he'll reject me. Not to mention how strange it would be to have your friend tell you he loves you, you know?"
Drake looked away as he blushed and sighed, "Yeah... I can relate... Well, just tell the boy that love will find it's way into anything... Even the toughest man..." He said and then smiled up at Sammy, his hands under his head. "And you know, if he's been your best friend since let's say kinder garden, then it might be weird, but they'll get over it..."

@Safety Hammer
PixieDusts said:
Drake looked away as he blushed and sighed, "Yeah... I can relate... Well, just tell the boy that love will find it's way into anything... Even the toughest man..." He said and then smiled up at Sammy, his hands under his head. "And you know, if he's been your best friend since let's say kinder garden, then it might be weird, but they'll get over it..."

@Safety Hammer
(Should I?)
PixieDusts said:
Drake looked away as he blushed and sighed, "Yeah... I can relate... Well, just tell the boy that love will find it's way into anything... Even the toughest man..." He said and then smiled up at Sammy, his hands under his head. "And you know, if he's been your best friend since let's say kinder garden, then it might be weird, but they'll get over it..."

@Safety Hammer
Sammy sighed and smiled at Drake. "Thanks for the advice." Sammy quickly grabbed Drake's hand and looked him in the eyes. His heart was pounding in his chest to the point where it was almost audible.

"Drake, I love you. And I have for a long, long time. Now you may not like me back, and I don't blame you. But I needed to tell you. Like you said, love will find it's way into anything. Even the toughest man. So please. I just need you to know that I feel this way."`
Drake blushed as Sammy took his hand. His eyes widened as Sammy's soft words attracted him. He giggled lightly and tilted his head to the side before he sat up and pushed his lips softly against Sammy's. "Thank god I'm not the only one..." He said with a giggle and smiled happily. "I love you too Sammy... Always have.. and might always will..."

@Safety Hammer


The punch had been well aimed,but Aki was already expecting for it. He lowered his body and tackled his opponent,punching his face repeatedly. It was everything goes in those matches,and people died often. But as soon as he that noticed his opponent was unconscious he pulled his bloody hand back and stepped away from him.

Aki was a lot of things,but a killer wasn't one of them.

He quickly jumped away from the ring and into the ground. His sponsor came to him with a frown.

"Why did you stop,Aki? You know I would have paid you much more if you kept going."

"Keep your money,Leroy. I don't hit people once they are down."

He turned around and left the place before the guy could keep complaining. A light rain had started outside,and Aki cringed lightly. Rain sucked. Getting wet sucked even more.

Sighing,he sat on the ground and shifted to his cat form. His black feline form was cute,although he would never admit it. Tonight he was quite beat up,but at least it didn't hurt as much in that form.
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Kindred watch the two bicker and shifted to her kitten form. She hissed at them both ans walked out, once Danny did. She shook her fluffy little tail and pranced around in the rain, splashing in the puddles and squeaking lightly. Her eyes looked around as she made her way to the street she lived at. A dumpster was there, and next to it a small box. The box said free kittens on it, just very faded. There was a torn up blanket, smashed in the box where Kindred laid. Her eyes began to shut as she listened to rain trickling on a metal sheet above her head.

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"Sorry to cut this visit short Ozzy, but I gotta get to work," Hannah said, putting the bowl of un eaten ice cream. "Later," She said before leaving.

@Safety Hammer
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Aki decided that brooding under the rain wouldn't exactly be good for his health. So he could as well brood in his house and try to clean some of those wounds.

The cat walked through the darkening street in an uncaring pace,leaving some traces of blood on his way. He stopped once he noticed a box by his side,and a kitten hidden inside. His curiosity took the best of him and he approached the box with a frown.


The kitten wasn't shivering, wasn't crying, wasn't even sad, she was purring. She sniffed lightly and looked up, looking at a black cat. She yawned lightly and stretched, like a normal cat would. Staring up at the black cat, the kitten smiled lightly. Her fur glistened in the little light they had. The water droplets, sparkled on her fur. She tilted her head lightly and looked at him, her eyes staring back at his.

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Aki replied to the black cat's stare,retracting lightly once he felt her eyes fix on him. He hissed once more started to fall on top of his fur,making him extremely wet. His eyes drifted back to the cat and he realized that her box house would surely be drowning with water if he left her there.

A gray light shone and suddenly Aki was standing in his human form,looking down at the cat with a sigh.

"I can't leave you there in this rain,kitty. Let's say this is a favor for someone that is alike to me."

He picked the cat in his arms and quickly ran out of the rain in the direction of his apartment,the sound of thunders resonating around them. Aki still hadn't realized that the animal was in his arms was a Neko like him.

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PixieDusts said:
Drake blushed as Sammy took his hand. His eyes widened as Sammy's soft words attracted him. He giggled lightly and tilted his head to the side before he sat up and pushed his lips softly against Sammy's. "Thank god I'm not the only one..." He said with a giggle and smiled happily. "I love you too Sammy... Always have.. and might always will..."

@Safety Hammer
Sammy, who was over taken with shock, joy, love, arousal and even confusion, said nothing. He simply pulled Drake in for a longer kiss. He wrapped his arms around the teen's neck and kissed him hard.

"You fucking asshole.." The Brit said, in between the kissing. "All of these years... telling me that you will never fall in love... and now you tell me that you love me... make up your bloody mind, yah bastard."
Drake's eyes filled with sadness as he pulled away from the kiss and looked down. "I'm sorry... I really didn't want to fall in love..." He said and with a smile he turned his head towards Sammy, "And then I met you... You changed everything... I'm sorry!!"

@Safety Hammer

The kitten meowed as he picked her up. She hissed lightly and smiled at the rain, hitting her face. She looked up at him, purring lightly as they made their way to his apartment. She looked around for a moment and then looked into his eyes, 'Should I change...?' She asked herself before she shook her head and sighed, 'I'll wait...'


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