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Fantasy -Void-

Name: Skye

Gender: Female

Age:2 months

Pack:sun pack

Rank:to be

Powers/abnormalities:twisted left paw from birth; fur starts to glow when she is scared and it gets brighter the more scared she gets

Personality:Skye is very kind hearted. However, she is also very shy and insecure. Skye is very curious and does enjoy exploring the field. Although she tries to stay in sight of the pack, sometimes she goes farther than she is supposed to go and this leads to her being in trouble.

Flaws:insecurity due to her paw

Other: She tries to stay distant from the older wolves due to her insecurity over her abnormal paw

Likes: Listening to the older wolves, watching the healer, exploring

Dislikes: Her paw, snakes

Habits: She tends to wander off to go exploring and she can usually be found near the healer when she is around the older wolves at all<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6117f5b3_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesPUG97GE4.jpg.97a75133f12e60916a23b70f93fad1b7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89289" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6117f5b3_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesPUG97GE4.jpg.97a75133f12e60916a23b70f93fad1b7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Nylana said:
Name: Skye
Gender: Female

Age:2 months

Pack:sun pack

Rank:to be

Powers/abnormalities:twisted left paw from birth; fur starts to glow when she is scared and it gets brighter the more scared she gets

Personality:Skye is very kind hearted. However, she is also very shy and insecure. Skye's curious nature tends to get her into trouble since she sometimes wanders away from the pack to explore

Flaws:insecurity due to her paw

Other: She tries to stay distant from the older wolves due to her insecurity over her abnormal paw

Likes: Listening to the older wolves, watching the healer, exploring

Dislikes: Her paw, snakes

Habits: She tends to wander off to go exploring and she can usually be found near the healer when she is around the older wolves at all
Gah that picture is adorable!!


Age:2 years

Pack: Night pack


Powers/abnormalities: She can heal small wounds by touching them with her nose

Personality: Morrigan is a very brisk and serious wolf. She has a low tolerance for nonsense. When it comes to injured wolves, she can be kind and gentle. She is very knowledgeable when it comes to healing herbs.

Likes: Pups, gathering herbs,

Dislikes: Pranks, getting overly wet

Other:is indifferent when it comes to having a mate and pups of her own<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c611b02ff_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesQXZ6YERN.jpg.f607994af07a1b729588ca4f02c89178.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c611b02ff_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesQXZ6YERN.jpg.f607994af07a1b729588ca4f02c89178.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Nylana said:
Name: Skye
Gender: Female

Age:2 months

Pack:sun pack

Rank:to be

Powers/abnormalities:twisted left paw from birth; fur starts to glow when she is scared and it gets brighter the more scared she gets

Personality:Skye is very kind hearted. However, she is also very shy and insecure. Skye's curious nature tends to get her into trouble since she sometimes wanders away from the pack to explore

Flaws:insecurity due to her paw

Other: She tries to stay distant from the older wolves due to her insecurity over her abnormal paw

Likes: Listening to the older wolves, watching the healer, exploring

Dislikes: Her paw, snakes

Habits: She tends to wander off to go exploring and she can usually be found near the healer when she is around the older wolves at all
I only see one thing wrong, and that would be that LawNeck wouldn`t allow her to wander of without severe punishment.
Idea said:
I only see one thing wrong, and that would be that LawNeck wouldn`t allow her to wander of without severe punishment.
im sure yall own plenty of turf that would allow her to explore plenty in safety
[QUOTE="Hollowed Kadaver]im sure yall own plenty of turf that would allow her to explore plenty in safety

Probably. But they are in a open field in the sunpack, only the nightpack is on the forest. How exactly would she get in trouble by wondering off, if everything around is grass, except for those things that are too far away fro LawNeck to permit her going there alone?
True. If you want, I can fix it @Idea part of what I meant when I implied that she gets in trouble is that she sometimes doesn't realize how far away she has gotten away from the pack
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Nylana said:
True. If you want, I can fix it @Idea
please do. Consistency is necessary.

I am not @Lonelytaco and so far I have not been granted authority to refuse or approve characters, though. Just warning, so you don`t get your hopes up too high.
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Which one was that? Sorry been so busy lately that it's hard to keep track sometimes x.x
Hollowed Kadaver]found this awesome RP rule thingy mabob [URL="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=rp said:
Urban Dictionary: rp[/URL]
That is the best thing I have read all day!(^U^)

A m a d e u s

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2.jpg.ae738fdbc6fb7e67762ba5e45e901781.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89611" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2.jpg.ae738fdbc6fb7e67762ba5e45e901781.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A m a d e u s

D e p u t y
A g e

5 [35]

A p p e a r a n c e

Amadeus is a large, brown wolf with light blue eyes and small ears, smaller than most. In some places his fur is darker, and in others it's lighter. His tail is bushy and long, and his paws are thick. He's often described as attractive, but his personality sometimes throws people off. He isn't a short haired wolf, but instead thickly furred, and can survive better than most in cold weather, considering he was born in a very cold habitat. Black fur stains his upper lip, blending with his dark nose. He is a grey wolf, and a Tibetan Wolf, making him larger in size, and thicker in muscle than some wolves. Starting from his nose, all the way to the tip of his tail, Amadeus is 6 feet long, and stands to be, from the shoulders down, 32 inches. He also weighs a total of 115 pounds. Another noticeable feature to be noted is his thick black saddle, which is the fur down his back. The fur on his stomach is lighter than the rest, similar to the fur under his neck and around his jowls. He has dark black claws, and his paws are 4 inches wide by 5 inches long. He's usually seen lazying around, and this is because of his personality, which you will read about below.

P a c k


C r u s h


M a t e


A b n o r b i l i t i e s

Amadeus is a large wolf with enhanced strength. He has the incredible ability to defy weight limitations, such as lifting massive objects with his bite, and being able to throw them, or use them in ways needed. Dense, lengthy, or overweight items are easy to move. He can crush, lift, or throw items of great weight. His strength also enhances his speed at time, but he's no faster than someone of higher skill. He increases his speed by kicking off the ground with his hind legs, in which the ground may crack, sending bits of earth flying. His jump, too, his impressive, and this is also because of his legs. Being bitten or clawed by him can be a pain in the ass, but that's the same with anyone, right? Amadeus sometimes has trouble controlling the extent of his strength. By this, I mean that he can be running at full speed towards an opponent, then suddenly an ally gets in the way and he can't stop himself, which results in his ally being harmed instead. His tail can be used as a weapon, similar to a rough whip.

P e r s o n a l i t y

Amadeus is a laid-back and somewhat flamboyant man. By flamboyant, I don't mean because he stands out, but because he's stylish and enjoys flirting with the women. Though, some just find him annoying and hard to take. He's a peace-loving man who'll try to talk his way out of battles, because they take too much time and effort, though he does not wish to offend them by refusing to fight. He believes that when two engage in battle, they're both the bad guys, and in the wrong. Though he tries to avoid fighting, he will do so if the situation demands it. He maintains a level of honor and integrity during battle. He finds kids who don't know how to act annoying, and often says things referring to them being collared and chained to a fence; comedy. Despite that he dislikes bratty kids, he won't fight in the presence of one, or with one. He also dislikes taking the lives of people, whether they're an enemy or not. He respects his opponents, and prefers fighting one-on-one. He rarely loses his cool, and instead makes small talk that often makes someone feel as though they're being looked down on. Amadeus maintains a certain level of humility, and is nowhere near overconfident about his abilities. It sometimes seems as though he's not taking things seriously, but he actually is. For example, he'll make jokes about the situation, which sometimes anger his fellow pack members, but all the while he's planning things out and preparing for the worst. Amadeus is an honest person, but this doesn't prove him to never lie.

L i k e s

Elk Meat

The Shewolves



Watching The Clouds

Peace And Quiet


D i s l i k e s


Messing Up

Exerting Effort [That he finds pointless]

Killing In Vain

Annoying People [by his definition of annoying]

Cocky People


H a b i t s


Ears Twitch When Nervous

Dozing Off

F l a w s

He Falls Asleep All The Time

Bad Sense Of Direction

Not Sneaky


H i s t o r y


O t h e r

T h e m e



A m a d e u s



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[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]

A m a d e u s

View attachment 200359

A m a d e u s

D e p u t y
A g e


A p p e a r a n c e

Amadeus is a large, brown wolf with light blue eyes and small ears, smaller than most. In some places his fur is darker, and in others it's lighter. His tail is bushy and long, and his paws are thick. He's often described as attractive, but his personality sometimes throws people off. He isn't a short haired wolf, but instead thickly furred, and can survive better than most in cold weather, considering he was born in a very cold habitat. Black fur stains his upper lip, blending with his dark nose. He is a grey wolf, and a Tibetan Wolf, making him larger in size, and thicker in muscle than some wolves. Starting from his nose, all the way to the tip of his tail, Amadeus is 6 feet long, and stands to be, from the shoulders down, 32 inches. He also weighs a total of 115 pounds. Another noticeable feature to be noted is his thick black saddle, which is the fur down his back. The fur on his stomach is lighter than the rest, similar to the fur under his neck and around his jowls. He has dark black claws, and his paws are 4 inches wide by 5 inches long. He's usually seen lazying around, and this is because of his personality, which you will read about below.

P a c k


C r u s h


M a t e


A b n o r b i l i t i e s

Amadeus is a large wolf with enhance strength. He can climb trees because of his ability to dig his claws into the thick wood with ease, and is also very fast, this being because of his strong hind legs, which he uses to kick off with. His bite is what should best be looked out for, it is lethal. Able to leave a foot print in rock and bark, he can break the ground beneath him without thinking twice. However, despite his strength, Amadeus doesn't like to fight because of his laziness and quickness to grow bored in even the most entertaining situations. He sometimes cannot control his ability, and this is due to his lack of training. As I've stated...he's lazy. He is rather skilled in combat, but one wouldn't think so because of his personality.

P e r s o n a l i t y

Amadeus is a lazy, down-to-earth, sarcastic, and slightly flirtatious wolf with a tendency to fall asleep during the worst situations. He is hard to wake, and difficult to piss off. Amadeus doesn't show any other emotions other than boredom or lust, his favorite time of year being February, which is mating season. He's your typical ladies man - he likes to think so, anyways - and can often be seen goggling the ladies. He does not live up to his ranking until you've seen him in action, and he's not strict, but can be so if the situation calls for it. Amadeus prefers not to fight, and would rather sit down and talk with people instead, his name meaning Love God. He's not quiet, and can actually talk your ear off. He can also be described as wise, but no one ever believes this until he provides proof. He's a good listener and enjoys helping people out, but rarely does it because of his laziness. He's always laying around, sighing, complaining and talking about how nice it'd be to turn into a cloud and run away from life's cruelty.

L i k e s

Elk Meat

The Shewolves



Watching The Clouds

Peace And Quiet


D i s l i k e s


Messing Up

Exerting Effort

Killing In Vain

Annoying People

Cocky People


H a b i t s


Ears Twitch When He's Lying

Dozing Off On The Clouds


F l a w s

He Falls Asleep All The Time

Bad Sense Of Direction

Not Sneaky

Cannot Completely Control His Ability


O t h e r

T h e m e



A m a d e u s

Oh great. Another Nightpack wolf.

So, let`s see...

Well, on abnormalities, you should tell us what "break the ground beneath him" means. Does it make a tunnel? Cause an earthquake? JUst cause small cracks? What if the ground isn`t entirely solid (as most ground I susually composed of dust, of smaller bits of earth and grass)?

On that note, it wouldn`t make sense for your character to be "skilled in combat". Nothing in this character shows any reason for why or how he`d undergo any form of training, in fact, as you keep pointing out, he`s lazy and he doesn`t like fighting. Oh, and you even mentioned it yourself, he has lack of training. To be honest, though, the character doesn`t need to be. This character has a strength-based power which he sometimes fails to control (explain that too by the way, how do you fail to control a power you`re permanently using?), it doesn`t fit well with a very skilled character, but rather with a sloppy, much cruder fighting styles which would be found in any pup.

On the personality section, there is some to be worked. Honestly, I thought it really started great, but then you derailed into a rather common issue. I`d get into detail on that, but that`s not what I`m trying to do here.

So, firstly, this character has little to nothing that makes him "down-to-earth". Quite on the contrary, he`s somewhat delusional in many aspects. The "tendency to fall asleep in the worst of situations" means what? If his gonna go to sleep during a pack emergy, he could very well have been kicked out of the pack? Not to mention that if you mean he can fall asleep in the middle of a chase, or worse, in the middle of a battle, then that`s simply unacceptable. That´s biologically impossible without a decease, and it would really make it obnoxious to even try and interact with this character.

Next, what I think is your biggest downfall, the way this character is so arbitrary. "He does not live up to his ranking until you've seen him in action" ;" he's not strict, but can be so if the situation calls for it.": " He can also be described as wise, but no one ever believes this until he provides proof". Firstly, you can`t put these without giving us examples (at least) of when he will do this kind of thing and when he will not, so that your character isn`t just flipping a coin to decide on his mood. However, I feel it`d be pointless anyway, for the ranking and wisdom parts. The ranking is something he obviously hasn`t earned, probably just inherited. I can conclude this from the fact he underwent no training, has no features that would lead him to take initiative anywhere, and is, again, lazy. Even if his powers were useful outside of fighting, like let`s say, saving someone from under a fallen tree or something, this would still not justify saying that at any point he "lives up to his rank". As for the wisdom part, I can once again point out the laziness and the fact that he is delusional. Oh, and this time, I can add that he`s sarcastic too. This character, even if he passed the minimal of odds of having worth-while wisdom, it`d likely still be average. And even if some miracle happened and he was wiser than most, he`d still not share it. Ever.

Finally, while it does make sense he`d be a good listener (although he`d likely not be paying attention), this character can`t enjoy helping people out. AT the most, he might enjoy helping females out, but if it`s males and pups, it goes against the rest of this character.

And one more thing, on the dislikes. "Dislikes" are something meaning your character doesn`t like it, but others may still like it. So, anything with a negative connotation attached, shouldn`t be added. If a person is "annoying", then there is no way anyone would not dislike them, don´t you think? Same goes for "brats" and "killing IN VAIN". These are things we are bad by definition, and should be removed or replaced by things that do not have this sort of connotation.

Overall, this would be a brilliant character, and still has the potential to be, if you correct it`s inconsistencies. They are all logical and internal consistencies, and the virtues are very generic and vague. The fact I focused this much on the character`s flaws, was because they are the original and genius part of the character. Don`t be afraid that other character don`t like your character. Not everyone is buddy-buddy in real life either. Won`t it be more interesting to roleplay a proper character, consistent and flawed, rather than a half-assed one with out of place virtues?

Idea said:
Oh great. Another Nightpack wolf.
So, let`s see...

Well, on abnormalities, you should tell us what "break the ground beneath him" means. Does it make a tunnel? Cause an earthquake? JUst cause small cracks? What if the ground isn`t entirely solid (as most ground I susually composed of dust, of smaller bits of earth and grass)?

On that note, it wouldn`t make sense for your character to be "skilled in combat". Nothing in this character shows any reason for why or how he`d undergo any form of training, in fact, as you keep pointing out, he`s lazy and he doesn`t like fighting. Oh, and you even mentioned it yourself, he has lack of training. To be honest, though, the character doesn`t need to be. This character has a strength-based power which he sometimes fails to control (explain that too by the way, how do you fail to control a power you`re permanently using?), it doesn`t fit well with a very skilled character, but rather with a sloppy, much cruder fighting styles which would be found in any pup.

On the personality section, there is some to be worked. Honestly, I thought it really started great, but then you derailed into a rather common issue. I`d get into detail on that, but that`s not what I`m trying to do here.

So, firstly, this character has little to nothing that makes him "down-to-earth". Quite on the contrary, he`s somewhat delusional in many aspects. The "tendency to fall asleep in the worst of situations" means what? If his gonna go to sleep during a pack emergy, he could very well have been kicked out of the pack? Not to mention that if you mean he can fall asleep in the middle of a chase, or worse, in the middle of a battle, then that`s simply unacceptable. That´s biologically impossible without a decease, and it would really make it obnoxious to even try and interact with this character.

Next, what I think is your biggest downfall, the way this character is so arbitrary. "He does not live up to his ranking until you've seen him in action" ;" he's not strict, but can be so if the situation calls for it.": " He can also be described as wise, but no one ever believes this until he provides proof". Firstly, you can`t put these without giving us examples (at least) of when he will do this kind of thing and when he will not, so that your character isn`t just flipping a coin to decide on his mood. However, I feel it`d be pointless anyway, for the ranking and wisdom parts. The ranking is something he obviously hasn`t earned, probably just inherited. I can conclude this from the fact he underwent no training, has no features that would lead him to take initiative anywhere, and is, again, lazy. Even if his powers were useful outside of fighting, like let`s say, saving someone from under a fallen tree or something, this would still not justify saying that at any point he "lives up to his rank". As for the wisdom part, I can once again point out the laziness and the fact that he is delusional. Oh, and this time, I can add that he`s sarcastic too. This character, even if he passed the minimal of odds of having worth-while wisdom, it`d likely still be average. And even if some miracle happened and he was wiser than most, he`d still not share it. Ever.

Finally, while it does make sense he`d be a good listener (although he`d likely not be paying attention), this character can`t enjoy helping people out. AT the most, he might enjoy helping females out, but if it`s males and pups, it goes against the rest of this character.

And one more thing, on the dislikes. "Dislikes" are something meaning your character doesn`t like it, but others may still like it. So, anything with a negative connotation attached, shouldn`t be added. If a person is "annoying", then there is no way anyone would not dislike them, don´t you think? Same goes for "brats" and "killing IN VAIN". These are things we are bad by definition, and should be removed or replaced by things that do not have this sort of connotation.

Overall, this would be a brilliant character, and still has the potential to be, if you correct it`s inconsistencies. They are all logical and internal consistencies, and the virtues are very generic and vague. The fact I focused this much on the character`s flaws, was because they are the original and genius part of the character. Don`t be afraid that other character don`t like your character. Not everyone is buddy-buddy in real life either. Won`t it be more interesting to roleplay a proper character, consistent and flawed, rather than a half-assed one with out of place virtues?
It's kind of obvious as to what I mean by he breaks the Earth beneath him. No one else has had to explain their shit to that extent, and I'm not going to either. And he is skilled in combat, because he's most likely learned to do so at some point in time during his "childhood". Just because he's lazy now, doesn't mean he's never done shit. Have you seen movies and shit? Anime? And by "worst situations" I mean something like... when people need him, to ask a question or something of that nature. It's comedy, and I'm obviously not going to do something so stupid as to have him sleep during war, and you shouldn't be stupid enough to think so either. He doesn't FAIL to control his ability, and I shouldn't have to explain that either. Anything specific could get in the way of a person's concentration; for example, emotions. And, yes, I've stated that he doesn't show them... but that's not always the case. He's lazy. I'm lazy too, but I'm not going to explain how I'm lazy and manage to keep myself together and fit. Anyone can be lazy. He just likes to lay around and sleep, but knows his way around combat. He'd rather sleep than fight. He's down-to-earth, because he's level headed and wise. Just because I say he's wise, doesn't mean BC wise -_- I mean like... common sense. Some of this is like me asking you to explain every single detail on how your character creates clones of light. When did he get training? I never saw anything like that in there. People have mixed personalities like myself. Anyone can be a generous person, but a dick to others. Anyone can be lazy and energetic. Someone can be smart, but stupid. It's how shit works. By "he does not live up to his ranking" I mean that at first glance, meeting, or whatever, you wouldn't expect him to be reliable, but he eventually proves that he is. This is the kind of stuff that's supposed to be explained IN THE RP. And what are you trying to do by putting in how you think my character would act? He does listen to people, which is why I put that he's a good listener. If someone comes up to him and starts a conversation, he'll listen like anyone would. The mind hears before the direct conscience anyways. And by "enjoys helping people out" I mean that it feels good to do it, but exerting the effort is no fun, so he usually sighs and mumbles to himself before doing so, or maybe gives a smart remark. He'll brush off the thanks from the other person, because it's gratitude, and it's a small sign of him being embarrassed. And what do you mean if it's males and pups? He doesn't like brats, which are children who don't behave. Not once have I stated that he doesn't like men either. And I can put whatever I want on the dislikes. I don't like my character being criticized so dramatically, but you don't seem to have a problem with it. And some people kill IN VAIN just for the fun of it...which means they like it.
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[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]It's kind of obvious as to what I mean by he breaks the Earth beneath him. No one else has had to explain their shit to that extent, and I'm not going to either. And he is skilled in combat, because he's most likely learned to do so at some point in time during his "childhood". Just because he's lazy now, doesn't mean he's never done shit. Have you seen movies and shit? Anime? And by "worst situations" I mean something like... when people need him, to ask a question or something of that nature. It's comedy, and I'm obviously not going to do something so stupid as to have him sleep during war, and you shouldn't be stupid enough to think so either. He doesn't FAIL to control his ability, and I shouldn't have to explain that either. Anything specific could get in the way of a person's concentration; for example, emotions. And, yes, I've stated that he doesn't show them... but that's not always the case. He's lazy. I'm lazy too, but I'm not going to explain how I'm lazy and manage to keep myself together and fit. Anyone can be lazy. He just likes to lay around and sleep, but knows his way around combat. He'd rather sleep than fight. He's down-to-earth, because he's level headed and wise. Just because I say he's wise, doesn't mean BC wise -_- I mean like... common sense. Some of this is like me asking you to explain every single detail on how your character creates clones of light. When did he get training? I never saw anything like that in there. People have mixed personalities like myself. Anyone can be a generous person, but a dick to others. Anyone can be lazy and energetic. Someone can be smart, but stupid. It's how shit works. By "he does not live up to his ranking" I mean that at first glance, meeting, or whatever, you wouldn't expect him to be reliable, but he eventually proves that he is. This is the kind of stuff that's supposed to be explained IN THE RP. And what are you trying to do by putting in how you think my character would act? He does listen to people, which is why I put that he's a good listener. If someone comes up to him and starts a conversation, he'll listen like anyone would. The mind hears before the direct conscience anyways. And by "enjoys helping people out" I mean that it feels good to do it, but exerting the effort is no fun, so he usually sighs and mumbles to himself before doing so, or maybe gives a smart remark. He'll brush off the thanks from the other person, because it's gratitude, and it's a small sign of him being embarrassed. And what do you mean if it's males and pups? He doesn't like brats, which are children who don't behave. Not once have I stated that he doesn't like men either. And I can put whatever I want on the dislikes. I don't like my character being criticized so dramatically, but you don't seem to have a problem with it. And some people kill IN VAIN just for the fun of it...which means they like it.

Wow the both y'all really went at it, let me get this out of the way, Idea is this RP's character admin, assigned to him by the thread owner. I understand your offense, but at some point when I was reading your character sheet, mainly the personality part, your character is a walking bucket of contradictions, he's this but he's this blah blah blah, I like your character, albeit I thought I was reading the Incredible Hulk during the powers part, but trust me when I say this. Idea has no intentions of offending you, he was merely giving his advice, albeit a little too strict at times, but I too would like a few examples just to get a better idea of what your character is like out in the field. On here I never explained in detail my characters powers, and I don't think you have to either, it's pretty straight forward to me. Might want to lose the ladies man part, this is a wolf pack, there is a hierarchy in respect to mates, he could be the biggest play boy In the world, but in the end the gamma gets a mate before him. Aside from that nice character, glad to have a walking behemoth of a tank in the night pack.
@Lonelytaco I'm putting up the replacement alpha sheet.

Name: Tenebre Stormcaller.


Appearance: all black with glowing blue swirls.

Pack ( Packs are in the overview): night pack

Rank (Ranks are in the overview) alpha

Powers/Abnormalities: hydromancer, she can control water at will and always has water flowing over the glowing swirls on her fur, makin them look like they're moving, she can create multiple forms with water and her powers are amplified in the rain or when near a large body of water. The forms she normally makes are those of other animals, usually around the size of herself, nothing bigger than her own body otherwise te form will fall apart.

History: she's been the pack alpha for a long time, having taken over the position since the mysterious dissapearance of the last Alpha. The old alpha had somewhat been quiet and secluded, and then one day she just up and dissapeared, never to be seen again. She had stepped up and taken the position when no one else would. She originally had no intention of being alpha at a young age, she was in fact a fighter back in the day, but took it upon herself to become the ultimate fighter, the alpha.

Personality: She's very conniving and sneaky, saying just about anything to gain the trust of those outside the pack, she's skilled in the art of the silver tongue, spinning lies or making deals or bargains that favor her.

*Likes: to annoy other wolves, tease the sunpack alpha, loves playin with pups and putting on little shows for them with her water abilities, telling stories with them.

*Dislikes: when one of her own pak gets injured or is killed, when a sunpack wolf tresspasses, she dislikes coyotes although she likes to use them.

*Habits: gettig others wet from her power usage.

*Flaws: when angered she will take a while to calm down.

*Crush: none


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Hollowed Kadaver] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11031-lonelytaco/ said:
@Lonelytaco[/URL] I'm putting up the replacement alpha sheet.
Name: Tenebre Stormcaller.


Appearance: all black with glowing blue swirls.

Pack ( Packs are in the overview): night pack

Rank (Ranks are in the overview) alpha

Powers/Abnormalities: hydromancer, she can control water at will and always has water flowing over the glowing swirls on her fur, makin them look like they're moving, she can create multiple forms with water and her powers are immensely amplified in the rain or when near a large body of water.

History: she's been the pack alpha for a long time, having taken over the position since the mysterious dissapearance of the last Alpha.

Personality: She's very conniving and sneaky, saying just about anything to gain the trust of those outside the pack, she has a way with words that'll make coyotes just bow to her whim.

*Likes: to annoy other wolves, tease the sunpack alpha, loves playin with pups and putting on little shows for them with her water abilities, telling stories with them.

*Dislikes: when one of her own pak gets injured or is killed, when a sunpack wolf tresspasses, she dislikes coyotes although she likes to use them.

*Habits: gettig others wet from her power usage.

*Flaws: when angered she will take a while to calm down.

*Crush: none


Just a couple things.

The first you actually need to change, and that is "a way with words that`ll make coyotes just bow to her whim". The coyotes are controlled by @Lonelytaco , and although they are NPCs, they are still characters, making what I transcribed be powergaming. You cannot force a reaction to anything from anyone.

The second is just a heads-up, there already was another wolf with water control abilities. You don`t need to stop having water control abilities, though. However, these powers need limiters or they`ll easily be overpowered.
Idea said:
Just a couple things.
The first you actually need to change, and that is "a way with words that`ll make coyotes just bow to her whim". The coyotes are controlled by @Lonelytaco , and although they are NPCs, they are still characters, making what I transcribed be powergaming. You cannot force a reaction to anything from anyone.

The second is just a heads-up, there already was another wolf with water control abilities. You don`t need to stop having water control abilities, though. However, these powers need limiters or they`ll easily be overpowered.
As we talked about I'm recycling the old alpha sheet, it's almost the same ability, about 80% the same. And I guess I'll take out the coyote part entirely.
[QUOTE="Hollowed Kadaver]As we talked about I'm recycling the old alpha sheet, it's almost the same ability, about 80% the same. And I guess I'll take out the coyote part entirely.

The powers need limiting nonetheless. Water control is a very versatile thing, and the fact you can do so much with it, not to mention the kinds of things you can actually do, make it overpowered. I`m saying take it down, I`m saying nerf it.

I don't take criticism well. Thanks for your input though...? My bad.
No problem. I can be a bit overly critical or so I`m told. I`m sorry if anything I said sounded mocking, I assure I didn`t intend to. But I am not very trusting of anything that has any chance of blowing the rp, even it`s small. I was gonna reply to your response soon, so you might want to hold before editing, if nothing else to see what I have to say. Of course, if don´t think I`m being fair here, we can wait for @Lonelytaco to come around and ask her opinion.

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