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Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre

Amber KB

distant and confused
To the east of Padria, lies a new continent, Ilsvyre. It is a new land of numerous natural resources and economic opportunity. Several colonies have already been established, but as they brave the East, the new land has become far more treacherous. Victors have volunteered from each colony to represent them in the odyssey to the eastern seaboard. The adventurers will receive a significant amount of spoils from their profits, as well as major bragging rights.  ;)

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Chapter 1:

Victors' Gala

"Ladies, please enter through the left hallway, and men, the right," the middle-aged dwarf said to the large crowds entering the foyer of the infamous Green Palace of Burwyn, the capital city of Pradia. Victors entered along with the other esteemed guests, despite being the supposed "guests of honor." The hallways were a series of security checkpoints. Victors received vibrant Alstroemeria flowers to put on their lapels or wristbands. They varied in color, and each Victor could choose their own.

Glass panels in the Emerald Hall caused the room to sparkle under the clear night sky and waxing moon. It was a huge ballroom, filled with more than 250 (mostly wealthy) men and women from Pradia and Ilsvyre. They were all there to celebrate the recent acquisition of lands to the east of the colonies as well as the brave and perhaps reckless men and women who would conquer and carve out new lands for them.

They would face many dangers ahead... But who cares?! Tonight they celebrate victoria y vida!/monthly_2017_02/xalstro2.jpg.pagespeed_ic.ZJDFtxdnTr.jpg.b0bca1c11205e46bda98042b1a875626.jpg


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It took all he could for Julius to not make a snide remark at the cute dwarf handing out flowers at the door. It also took everything in him to not complain about patiently navigating those long hallways. Patience to him was more terrifying than even the largest of enemies. The ballroom certainly made up for it. He hadnt seen anything like since he had last seen the requiem mansion. He pinned his newly aquired black flower to his chest and confidently strode into the ballroom, grinning ear to ear like a fool amongst the rich men with serious expressions.
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He was so hungry. Despite being a victor Y'grinnel felt no pride, he simply felt like the puppet he was. If the demon said fight, he would fight. If the demon said go, he would go. And sadly, if the demon said to hurry along with his tasks at hand and dont stop to eat and oh no you'll be fine humans can last almost a month without food.....that meant he got a nice dish of hunger to accompany his already sickly state. However, the demon was silent tonight and all Y'grinnel could think about was food. He didnt stop to wonder where they were going while they were navigating those beautiful hallways. Or to question "why cant i go through that door though?". No, he smelled food. He attached the delicate red flower to his blue robes as he waited for the doors to open to distract himself from his loud and annoying stomach. As soon as the doors opened however, he moved faster than his feeble body wouldve appeared to, going straight after the smell of food. He immediately plowed into a solid object. No. it was a person. A large golden man with skin like that of a snake. The man terrified him. Ygrinnel felt tiny standing next to him and awaited the things cruel justice to be served as his legs felt frozen.
Arathorn felt quite uneasy among the huge crowds, a feeling that grew and grew as he walked through the corridors, he would have liked the feast to be outside, but he managed to convince himself this is for the greater good. Meeting the Dwarf handing out flowers improved his feeling immediately, he stood there picking flowers up and pinning them on, almost himself with flowers for various colors. He then thanked the dwarf profusely, stepped aside, and mumbled a few words. The flowers immediately started growing, their colors became more vibrant, creating a glazing mesh around Arathorn, looking left and right, he inhaled deeply, gathered up his courage and stepped into the corridor on the right, on his way to the hall.

Entering the hall, he ignored the tables of food and wine, drank a little bit of water to calm himself, and looked for a friendly face, preferably one that had a pet along with a nice person to talk to.
The party was beginning to bore Julius. He had already tried talking with a towering elf wearing a golden robe and to a group of dwarves all whom had politely engaged with small talk then politely ignored him in their own private, more interesting conversations. Julius felt like an outcast, not a victor. He was about to accept defeat and proceed to sulk in the most empty corner of the room when he saw a small elf, with humble clothing but large flowers pinned to his chest. Surely someone dressed that gaudily must be no less than a rich, powerful man! Trying to hold back his boundless energy Julius slowly and confidently walked toward the man? Did the man look scared? he wondered. He dismissed the thought. Obviously somebody that rich wouldnt be scared of a common party. He locked eyes with the man and greeted himself, overthinking his rehearsed words trying to give the illusion that he was a gentleman himself (a difficult illusion to create being as anyone of the higher class would quickly notice the cheapness of black suit and necktie). "hello sir, my name is Julius of the Requiem family. I come from the Aurea in central Padria. What of you, my good sir?"

Mitzuki was a white haired boy, with a legacy close behind him. He was a 5'9, and had strange silver like hair. He was strong, fast, and had the most potential out of anyone in his family. He was floating atop of a large Griffon, of which stood firmly on the ground. He glanced around the ballroom, wearing a black suit and tie.  He looked rich, and, well, WAS rich. He yawned, petting his Griffon as he jumped off of it. "De-summon." He spoke, and the animal glowed, and disappeared. With a flash of black lightning, appearing by the food table.
Arathorn saw the black figure approaching him. He wasn't scared in any way, but could not, for the life of him, understand why someone would want to dress entirely in black, so far away from nature.

"Hello Julius, pleased to meet you ! I am Arathorn"

Arathorn paused a little, to further emphasize he does not want to mention his surname and/or background, and then continued:

"I like the flower you chose, It really stands out."

"What brings a man like you to this new colony ?"
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the question hit Julius's pride a little harder than it should have. Why would he want to go through the dangers of purging and readying such a dangerous colony? In all actuality it had been to restore pride to his family name, and to maybe break this cycle of bad luck that they have endured for generations. That way one day his children and his childrens children could all one day be proud to be part of the Requiem family name, not ashamed and mocked as he was every day. It also occured that elf was not really man gorged with money but more likely a simple gardener. Otherwise the man wouldve presented his surname like any proper gentleman. After all, ones pride and story comes from their heritage. With this inference Julius decided that maybe his personal intentions shoudnt be reveal to this man. Who could respect a weak, poor, orphan  as a true gentleman after all? 

"The answer is obvious is it not? To become rich and live my life bathed in victory so that i will be able to purchase any worldly possesion my heart desires! As the victor from the mainland Aurea i am indeed entiltled to riches am i not? So i shall indulged myself to the fullest!"

Big words for a weak man

"And you sir? what reason would an elf such as you have for dining with us on this fine evening?"
Arathorn, unfortunately very experienced in such matters already, saw exactly what Julius was thinking about him, and when he heard "rich" and "famous", he realized he was facing a shallow person, one who would not hesitate to hurt nature, like so many others Arathon has encountered in the past.. Arathorn decided to be very wary of this newcomer to the land. He really hoped Julius would stay cooped up in some city and not go our wondering.. nothing good could ever come out of that, but let's give it one last chance:

"Me? I was invited so I came, it is considered impolite to refuse an invitation to a celebrations such as this."

"I have no fancy for the likes of this.." - Arathorn waved his hand across the room - " I would have like to begone from here yesterday, to start the fresh new life we were promised, I yearn to see the new lands, to walk the fresh forests, touch the clear spring waters, smell the fresh smells of untouched earth, and possibly discover new plants and animals"

"Don't you, Julius, have that passion to feel the freshness under your hands ?"
The man did not even flinch, he had noticed. "did he even feel me hit him?" Y'grinnel wondered to himself. He walked away from the man cautiously but that golden figured didnt even but turn. He decided to resume his quest for food. As he walked cleser towards the back of the room where the elegant dining table had resided he he hesitated. The demon was growing anxious inside him. what could make a demon scared? No, not scared. The demon was like a chil patiently waiting for his mother to give him that candy he so longed for. It was impatient delight and desire. The demon whispered but one word into his ear. "need" . This was a sensation that he had never felt before. Was there never time for food? Y'grinnel cautiosly advanced toward the food table where a man was perched upon a statue. Was the demon excited for food? the thought seemed ludicrous. Maybe the food was enchanted? he came to a stop at the table and his gaze fell upon a roll. A simple roll. when was the last time he could afford bread? The last time he didnt have to steal or kill for the reward of food. He mustve looked like a fool for tearing up as he reached for the roll but as soon as he touched the roll  he heard a mutter followed by an explosion but a foot away from himself. Lightning? the explosion knocked him onto the floor. "What the hell!" Ygrinnel was furious, the demon was further restless. He stood ready to face his combatant but there was nobody around besides some white haired boy with a face that looked as calm as the sea.
It is true that Julius did indeed love nature. As a boy, the bladesmith wrogweh had taught him principle of this world. How to be a good steward of nature was included with his teaching of true gentlemanship. Personally he hated the fact that this new era was becoming more and more about industrialism and the modern gentleman was more rare than the smell of burning coal from the industrialists. That being said, Julius slowly came to wonder why a man such as this would be invited to a party of the victors. This man was either a rich gentleman or a victor of battles himself but the man was obviously neither. The man had too kind a personality to be a warrior, but was obviously no gentleman. A gentleman does not state his opinions about politics and the such or indulge in childish thing like nature.

"It is true, sir, that i do admire nature but we must keep in mind what our task really is, arathorn we have many beautiful beasts to kill. There is battle ahead."
Arathorn just stood there, having pretty much expecting this sort of response, but saddened by it nonetheless; another lost soul.

"I wish you good luck in the battles ahead Sir, I hope you enjoy your new life, I'm afraid I must retire now.."

Arathorn slowly walked away, heading towards the lavatory, while freshening up a bit, he thought about the occurrences so far.

He didn't feel too bad about getting away from Julien, and was quite sad about the Griffon that disappeared.

All that meat on the food table made him feel queasy, but there were several interesting people there, so he advanced towards one of the walls, leaned back, and watched the occurrences near the food table from afar.
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Mitzuki looked at the food, stufying it silently. "Hm . . ." He muttered, "What should I eat?" He glanced to his side, where he saw a strange person slightly shocked. He wasn't surprised, everyone was. You don't always see lightning indoors. He blinked, and turned. "Oh uh, sorry about that." He spoke with a nod. He looked at the ham on the table, summoning a blade and cutting it up. He took a slice, placing it on his plate. "Didn't mean to shock you." He said, it was supposed to be a pun, but people never got his puns. "Child." Spoke the Griffon by him, "What is the meaning of this? Why have you summoned me to such a place?" Mitzuki sighed, looking at him. "Cus I'm bored, that's why."


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Lyra still wondered how she had defeated all those men in her colony's match. She wanted to make her parents proud. She wanted to see the world. Padria was the beginning of the fulfillment of this.

Lyra walked through the hallways. Beautiful paintings adorned the wall - one was of the former queen of Padria, Hrese of the house Thron. Another of the king before her, Gilsmiht. The classical style paintings delighted Lyra. She had never seen art beyond the modern pieces shipped around Avesburgh. Even then, she did not venture to the capitol very often. Her dress glided behind her and lace sleeves graced her delicate arms. She tugged at the flower around her wrist. It was a peachy color, but the strap that held it to her had small bristles that poked at her skin.

As Lyra walked in she was dazzled by the sheer glow of the starlit ballroom. As she looked into the skylight, she smiled a little and felt a bit of confidence surge through her skin.

A highly-adorned elf moved quickly past her, almost knocking her down. She tripped and fumbled right into the human behind him. "Oh gods, I'm so sorry. That elf just shoved me and I wasn't looking... I'm sorry." she said to the stranger. She looked him over, studying the dark clothing he wore. It was not made of silk, but it still impressed her. She really didn't get out much. She looked down, but could still feel his piercing gray eyes dig into her skin.
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Noel strode into the hall with patient expectation. Graciously accepting the offering at the door and puffing his chest to fill the available space, he took a place hugging a wall to observe his fellow victors.
Julius was surprised by the elves rudeness. Just another to dismiss him as if he were but a puddle of muck. He turned to get some wine to hold as he decided to actually go to that appealing, empty corner in the back of the room but was abruptly knocked to the ground. He gazed upwards to see what massive, hulking, warrior he had been trampled by and instead saw yet another elf. This one was a woman who was also rather short for an elf. He sighed. How could he be so adept in battle but be knocked on his rear by such a small woman? She profusely apologized over and over again. Julius was still stunned. He felt humiliated.  He had run into this tiny, obviously wealthy, woman and not even apologized. Not to mention the fact that he had gotten promptly knocked on his ass. He really wanted that wine now. what kind of gentleman was he? I must regain my composure! he thought. "Um... It's fine; I'm good - Don't sweat it," he said.


That was certainly a response of none other than a true gentleman dripping in liquid confidence.

He was so humiliated.
Ygrinnel let his gaurd down. He knew this was but a simple mage, just like the many he had been forced to kill in battle. Ygrinnel often didnt like mages, for they fought like cowards and still believe that they are above the other warriors among them. A real warrior is only the battlefield fighting for what he believes in with his own two hands. Although, by those standards he wasn't a real warrior either. Just then the man did something unexpected....he made a pun. Get it? shocking!? cuz its lightning!!??? ygrinnel let forth a laugh that bellowed throughout the hallway. A laugh too large for a small man such as himself. Maybe this man would different from the other mages. A more noble man, or perhaps at the very least a man who was not so egotistic. Forgetting about the demon inside of him, Y'grinnel haphazardly extended his hand in greeting.

" Its a pleasure to meet a mage with a sense of humor! Don't worry kid, you're forgiven. My name is grin, a victor from the east. I'll be on the journey to Ilsvyre. What is your name, mage?"

there he went again, not stopping to think; not stopping to think why he wasn't hungry anymore, or where all of this newfound energy and laughter had come from, or what would happen next when he shook this young mages hand...

the demon was excited to have a new meal.
Arathorn is standing, watching the proceedings, he sees the train of elf accidents in the middle of the room, and isn't completely sure they were accidental.

Meanwhile, an orange haired person approaches Arathon, and stands by the wall near him. The person is dressed more like a high placed villager than a court goer, maybe this will finally be someone that I can have a decent conversation with ?

Arathorn turns to the orange haired person and introduces himself:

"Hi, I'm Arathorn, Please to meet you. How are you doing today ?'
Glaedr entered the hall, towing over those around him, bumping into people left and right. He band into a wall to observe his surroundings, gather as much information as possible and scope out possible competition. Excitement and anxiety overwhelmed him. 
"LADIES and gentlemen, we are here to see the Victors of Ilsvyre off to their odyssey through the distant, unknown lands of Ilsvyre across the ocean," rang out a clear, deep voice. The crowd grew quiet and looked to a balcony near the top of the massive, gleaming ballroom. A tall man stood there, overlooking his guests - the king. "I'd like to welcome you all to my humble abode." A hushed giggle passed through the room - even the wealthiest men and women of Padria could never afford such a grand home. The King smiled; he was a good-natured young man. And despite his mother's recent passing and his controversial claim to the throne, the people loved him.
"I kindly invite you all to mingle with these revered guests until they are sent to Avesburgh, the capital of the Ilsvyre colonies. This is their last night of modern indulgence before months and perhaps years of hardship. They will be equipped, through all of your generous donations, with everything they need or want before embarking. Again, we thank each and every investor for their capital. And we especially thank our victors for their Strength of Heart, Strength of Mind, and Strength of Soul." The King retreated behind the doors. He would likely join the crowd soon and speak to each victor personally. But now they had another moment to speak with each other.
Lyra began to reply to the human's odd remark but was quieted by the king's sudden arrival. He had a strong, confident presence as well as one of the most beautiful faces she had ever seen. She stared awestruck for a moment too long before composing herself quickly. She stood with her back straight and folded her hands delicately in front of her to listen.

When he had finished, Lyra looked to the man beside her once more. She noticed his alstroemeria and quickly understood that he was likely not a nobleman. Perhaps of a higher rank, due to the way he carried himself, but most victors were not of the aristocracy. The upper class had much more to lose than any of the other citizens.

She curtsied, "What is your name, good sir? I am Lyra Rhodes, a commoner from near Avesburgh." She had hoped her humble greeting would ease his tension. He seemed quite flustered, even after the king's speech.

jabronie jabronie
Of course, out of everyone else, Eden wad late. After becoming a Victor, she was called home real quick to take care of a crisis with her other Faes'. Coming in at the end of the speech, Eden didn't know what the hell was going on or what he just finished saying. She sighed in annoyance as the Autumn Queen walked towards someone close to her. "Excuse me, but can you please tell me what the King just said? I arrived just a little too late to hear his speech." She asked the person in front of her, her leaf like wings fluttering softly behind her. Of course, she could float or fly above the crowd of people, but to her... that felt odd and different. Eden was different, but she didn't like being seen as different.

Who was she kidding though? Of course the Queen of Autumn would be seen as different, her body giving off a different glow, her wings bigger than other Fae. She was the definition of different. Pulling out of her thoughts of being different, knowing that the person full well noticed the distant look.
"I'm uh, very sorry about that. Ignore that, can you just answer my question please?"

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