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(Verullian & AmiaB) 1x1

The battle was over. A weakened and defeated Kylo Ren flew off just in time to be in safe distance as the planet that held the Supreme Death Star was destroyed by The Resistance. Anguish, Pain, and the taste of the defeat were all too bitter for him to swallow as he sat in his pilot seat nursing a wound long since been oozing. Until now he suppressed the pain through the Force and sheer will to continue onward. However, near eminent death has passed, and the pain took its place. His co-pilot, a Nameless Stormtrooper watched as Kylo went into a Deep Healing Trance, a technique used by advanced Force Users to heal themselves through becoming attuned to the Force, regenerating as effectively as one would in a Bacta Tank. Before he went into his meditation, he issued coordinates to the Stormtrooper. The Stormtrooper nodded, and pressed the directions into the navigational board, and within a few moments and a push of a lever, they were in Hyperspace.

A few hours later, they were at an Imperial Star Destroyer. Kylo awoke from his meditation as they docked in the Hangar Bay closest to Supreme Leader Snoke's chamber. He was not completely healed but the pain was more manageable. At least he was feeling something at the time, as opposed to the numb that krept through him as he watched his father vanish into the depths of the station, slipping off his Lightsaber he thrusted into Han. Flashbacks of the talk they had crossed his mind, and a sense of burning hatred and remorse bubbled within like a boiling pot that began to overflow. Within a second, everything came back to the present as a sharp loud booming voice came through his mind. "Kylo Ren, report to me now." Said a sinister voice, flaring with impatience and intolerance. Oh, he was focused completely on the present now. His pace hastened off the ship and directly past Troops stationed at door points, and officers traversing throughout his path. A junior officer bowed as he walked by and spoke with fear, "Welcome back Kylo Ren...". Kylo paused and looked over to him. His eyes flaring with malice as he extended his right hand out to him and Force Shoved him into the wall. Everyone backed away who were within the vicinity as the deck officer crashed into the wall with a loud, bone shattering thud to fall lifelessly to the ground. No one spoke to him again on his path to Supreme Leader Snoke.

Once he arrived, he walked through the long hallway into his circular throne room and got on one knee before his Master. With a tone of both being tired and regret, Kylo looked up to Snoke towering above him and spoke, "I have failed you Master...I was not able to stop those squirming Resistance. Do what you will." He was absolute, expecting death for disobedience. After all, it was what his grandfather, Darth Vader, would do when someone failed him. However, Snoke had something else in mind. "You have not failed me as you are not dead, YET." He spoke with a very straightforward grueling voice as he hunched over what seemed to him as a small human below him. "You will begin your training immediately to the next step. With that, you will be training your Apprentice as well." A smile crept over his face as his eyes glared with visions of his triumph in the future.

(This is where your OC would come in.)
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Hearing her cue, A young Mirialan woman stepped out from the shadows of the Supreme Leader's hologram. She adorned black,training robes showing that she was ready. She had long dark red hair, and violet eyes. Her skin was of a light green hue and on her face were some facial markings.

She stepped up to Kylo, looked at him before getting on one knee, head bowed. "My name is Kytra Terrek. Supreme Leader Snoke assigned me to be your apprentice." She looked back up. No emotion could be seen on her features. "I do hope you can teach me the ways of the force and dark side. and in hopes i do not disappoint you both"
Kylo stood as his new Apprentice came to be seemingly out of the darkness of Supreme Leader Snoke. She certainly looked the part, but for some reason there was this gut feeling of hatred already for her. He seemed disgusted by her presence. As if he needed to train someone to help do the Master's bidding when he was capable of doing it on his own. Internal struggles aside, he stared coldly down at her as came close to him, not speaking as she spoke the words of any Apprentice would say to their Master. The feeling of anger rose through him as he curled his hands into fists and clenching his teeth together at the sight of her kneeling. This was all real, and nothing he could do to change it. With his right hand, he called upon The Force to claim his Lightsaber from his belt latch. It effortlessly flew into his hands with a fluid motion as it came to life, calling downward and vibrated with extreme heat and light near her neck.

"You're name is Apprentice, and mine is Master. Supreme Leader Snoke means nothing to you now, as you are an extension of my will which serves him. I have little tolerance of failure Apprentice. Failure will reep payments in blood and pain. You will learn through walking on fire, all knowledge earned. Your first lesson is the ways of the Dark Side. Harnass your anger, and wield it much like you bend The Force to your will."

He spoke coldly as his eyes pierced hers and stared into her soul. Afterwards, he looked back up to Snoke and bowed. "What will you have us do Supreme Leader." Snoke glared down at him as guffawed with his laugh filling the room. "You will seek out Luke Skywalker, and learn what he plans to do. Now that we know our little Rey is going to him. Track her ship, the Millennium Falcon, and follow her."
A quick flash of fear was shown in her eyes as she watched him pull out his saber. She shut her eyes tightly and swallowed thickly as she felt the searing heat of his unstable saber close to her skin. Kytra gathered her emotions and looked back up to him. "Yes. Of course...Master" She nodded before hesitantly standing and turning towards Snoke hologram. She remained silent as she stood beside her new master. Just she had feared.. He hated her. That was the last thing she wanted but this was her life now and she had to take the hand she was dealt with.
His blade shut off with a swoosh as he placed it back on his belt pouch. To his Masters words he nodded and spoke firmly and soft. "It will be done Supreme Leader." The sounds of Kylo's breathing became more audible as surges of pain came through him as he turned to walk down he hall; his cape flowing through the air and his hood covering over his mask. He beckoned his apprentice to follow as he began to walk. Finally, something to put his mind and everything into to bring back his good standing with the Supreme Leader.

By the time they would reach his ship, he would not speak to her, or show that he was aware of her existence. If she were to be trained as apart of the Dark Side, she would have to know all emotions. Hate, Love, Greed, Selfishness, etc. She would need to take these feelings and turn them into weapons to increase her strength. Right now, Kylo particularly liked fear, and a lot of it coming from her.

At the ship, he boarded as the ramp came down from the Stormtroopers activating the release button. "Go", was all he had to say to the soldiers and they marched away, leaving him completely alone with her. Once inside, he would activate the button once more to close the ship, further increasing the feeling of isolation she may be feeling. The ship itself was simplistic in design. Four small rooms in total. The cockpit, two bedrooms, and a living quarters for long auto-pilot flights. The ship would already be filled with rations and supplies when they were with Supreme Leader Snoke. He darted towards the cockpit and sat in his pilot's chair. With a sigh of relief, he pulled back his hood while taking off his helmet, revealing the face of Ben Solo. Long stranded black hair pulled back with a face filled with nothing, and everything all at once.

"Apprentice. Come and sit at the Co-Pilot's chair. You know how to fly right?" He said with a twitch of pain. "I need you to take this ship out of the hanger and off into Hyperspace. Make the destination to the remains of Coruscant and jump the Hyperspace the moment the calculations are done. We will have a few days travel before we reach there." He spoke firmly and somewhat emotionally. Anything pilot related always reminded him of his father, and the stories he spoke about his days as a Rebel General flying the Millennium Falcon.
Kytra bowed as the hologram of the supreme leader faded. She turned to quickly follow after her master. She kept her head and gaze low as she kept up with him,keeping to the back of him. Never moving out of line to walk beside him or ahead. She felt multiple gazes of the stormtroopers, and officers looking her way. She could only figure it was highly unusual for anyone to be with Kylo.

The Mirialan apprentice had only realized she was on a ship when her master called out to her. Her posture quickly straightened and she picked up her head snapping out of her thoughts. "Fly? Yes,sir" She tied her hair up into a ponytail as she moved to sit in the Co-pilot seat. She tapped at the screen infront of her, plugging in the coordinates before starting up the engines and taking off. Once a good distance away, She grabbed the lever and pushed the ship into warp drive. She adjusted herself in her seat once she made sure everything was okay.

Her gaze was glued to the controls before her. Kytra didnt dare look over to see him. As if her situation couldnt get worse. She was alone on the ship with the sith that hated her. Her fingers that were curled around the lever slowly uncurled and placed back in her lap/
"You will address me as Master. I will not tell you again." He said while he glanced over her way. Within a moment, his heated gaze turned away as his eyes shut and he began to breathe easy and softly. Seemingly going back into some sort of meditation, but this time it would appear he wasn't going right away. He clenched his side where the bow caster shot him, seemingly ignoring the facial scar left as a parting gift. With a soft sigh of disbelief, he opened his eyes once more to look upon her.

"You will do everything I ask without question. Do not undermine me amongst others. Finally, do not touch anything that is not yours. If you treat these as if they are laws punishable by death, you will learn a lot traveling with me. Besides, you are more pleasing to stare at than soldiers."
She nodded her head vigorously, still not even daring to look at him. Her remained straight as she watched the ship go through warp drive. It was the only calming thing but that was quickly shattered as she remembered that they would be like this for a few days. "Yes,Master" Even though he wasnt yelling. His voice was deep and threatening that it shook her to the very bone. She took a deep breath to remain calm "Is there anything i can do for you right now, master?"
Kylo felt a calming wave of tranquility flow through him. Some sort of irony for a dark side force wielder. However, being at full health was more important, and it wasn't exactly a bad thing to use techniques that one learned as a Jedi long ago. Dark side meant power, even if it was a light aide technique.

With what looked like much effort, he detached his cloak from his armor and began removing his clothing to be in his under armor, which consists of a black silken tunic and darkened trousers. He might as well be in leisure for the flight.

With a soft sigh, he expanded his mind into the force current, and began seeing the stars and watching memories as if he were there above it. The regenerative affects of a healing trance becoming apparent over time. However, there was a sense of counciousness still within the ship, and he heard her speak as if it were some distant whisper that was bounced off of caverns. He replied, with what he thought would be the usual forceful and angered tone. However, it came out like a soft spoken thought of a dream.

"Make sure...I don't dehydrate or die during the trance. When I'm healed, whisper the word "Vader", and I'll come back to counciousness."
"Healed?" She finally looked over to him and saw the scaring on his face. She frowned slightly for a moment. "Are you healing the scar on your face, master?" Her posture straightened, preparing to get yelled at.
By the time she responded, he was already meditating in a deep state. If she looked over him, she would see the blood soaked portion of his lower right rib (I think that is where he got shot) that was slowly beginning to heal over. However, it would take a day at least to fully be sealed and the skin and flesh to be renewed.

As time past, roughly 10 hours. The ship suddenly shakes violently and is pulled out of hyperspace early than intended. Any expert in military tactics or machinery would know that A gravity well projector could only create this phenomenon. Or simply something malfunctioned within the ship. However, within moments, alarms began to go off, and emergency lights began swirling in its chaotic red tone.

Something was very, very wrong.
Kytra rushed back to pilot seat when she felt the ship jerking around. Panic started rise within her. She tried to remain calm as best as she could as she tried to take control of the ship and figure out what in the hell was going on. "Master! Master please come back! Something is wrong with the ship." Then it hit her. She might get in trouble but she really needed him right now. So as best as she could,she whispered "Vader"
The sounds of the chaos within the ship began to swirl slowly within his mind, as if the sound was from the otherside of a long tunnel coming closer until the whisper "Vader" came through. Suddenly, his eyes were open and he felt both confused, and stiff. His first reaction was to spring up into battle as he grabbed through the force for his Lightsaber. Lights were twirling signaling emergencies. Sirens were going off. A perfect way to start their union.

"What happened? Why are we out of Hyperspace? Why didn't you wake me sooner?!" He said in his angered soft tone as he peered through the viewport. What he saw confused him more than anything. They were near Drathomir, a sith planet back in the Old Republic, but now was under Rebellion control. "I have a bad feeling about this..." He said as he began to stretch out his body to relieve the stiff muscle atrophy. However, an explosion came from the hull of the ship as the sound of invaders began clanking their way on the ship. His expression became serious, and death was soon to come.

"Prepare yourself. I will not stop them from killing you if you cannot handle yourself." He said coldly, igniting his lightsaber as he began walking out of the cockpit.
"I-im sorry master! It had just happened! I dont know what happened." her voice trembled. The last thing she wanted to do was mess up and she wasnt even given a day not to just that.

Her focus quickly turned to the intruders on their ship. She stood back up and unclipped her saber. Once ignited,the blade glowed a beautiful,bright and almost unsettling color of white. She held the saber infront of her as she walked behind him. "Spare me already. I know you can stand me master. I can handle myself"
A smile crept over his face as she held her ground with her last comment. He looked back to her and spoke calmly. "Hold that feeling, that anger and frustration and harness it's power and use it against our enemies here. Always remember that feeling, it is why I am pushing you towards the brink. You'll come back stronger." He spoke quickly towards the end and began to run down a hallway before coming to a halt as two rebel soldiers began firing at him.

Faintly one could here them say, "Kylo Ren is on this ship, we have it boarded!" Kylo deflected the first shot away from him with a quick wrist jerk of his lightsaber while the other missed entirely. Things were going to get interesting.
The Mirialan apprentice had stayed close behind her new master. She felt a new found confidence from when she stood her ground. The talking down and being told the obvious was getting annoying. Along with being treated like she was nothing. If Kylo kept this up, she was going to report to snoke. Nothing was going to get done if they couldnt work together and she couldn't learn. Kytra instinctively swung her saber to deflect a stray fire that missed her master. "Who are these people?"
He kept an eye on her as they were shot at by The Resistance laser fire. He effortlessly deflected their shots with his lightsaber. Seemingly, one shot got him off-guard as he watched his apprentice and he had to stop it with a quick Force ability. He sneered as anger soared through his body. "These are our enemies Apprentice. The Resistance. Kill them with extreme prejudice." He spoke firmly as he enhanced his ability to run with the Force and was within melee combat distance of the fighters within seconds.

There were roughly five of them down at the end of the hall-way. Moreso further out into the ship that was currently locked in with Kylo's. He swung down his lightsaber after deflecting a shot and cut down one of them with artistic zealous. That is, if you found the art of killing an enjoyable passion. "Let us begin your training on these weaklings. Show me what you have. Prove your place within Snoke's army."
Kytra hadn't noticed that she was being watched and was deflecting any fire her way and hitting them back. Her eyes focused and was ready to deflect on heading their way but when it stopped

, she glanced over quickly in confusion. Seeing him run, she followed him in suit. Granted she wasn't as fast but she caught up.

The thought and realization that she was going to kill skimmed across her mind. She didn't have time to pull back because she already had committed her first kill, and then another. There was no signs of guilt or regret. It was.. Thrilling.
The Resistance retreated back towards their connected ship. They were high spirited troops for mass combat warfare, but they were ill trained for two Dark-Side Jedi. He let out a growl out of disgust at their cowardice. To his thought, they should die fighting with pride, and not run away in hopes of luring them into a trap. At least, that is what he thought they were doing to him considering they were the ones that boarded HIS plane.

"Arrogant wastes." He spoke with ill tongue. He was not overly fond of his time wasted in the chase, especially when it was THEM who came knocking uninvited. As he finally reached their entry point, a sudden blast of bright light filled the corridor along with smoke and noise cancellation machines. A trifecta of illusion. It caught off guard as he could not see, could not hear, or effectively do anything at this point. He stumbled back a bit as began to rub his eyes and use the force to enhance his body to be able to look past this. He caught some shapes through the haze of smoke once the light past.

Suddenly, laser fire began taking place again as muffled sound of Resistance began to rally once more. He was able to deflect numerous amounts of their fire, but not all. A searing pain coarse through his left shoulder as a shot blazed through it. The pain seared his emotions into pure white anger. A howl of temperament insanity came out of him. With that, he charged in recklessly and began slaughtering them with force aided speed and strength.

However, something unexpected took place, and he found himself stopping dead in his tracks. He was stuck, a fourth trap set in place.
Kytra coughed and tried to clear the smoke with her hands as she deflected the blaster fire. Missing some, nicking her her face and one in the side. It caused her to step back but once she saw her new master charging into the fire, she followed suit. He was injured and she needed to help him. The blaster fire soon died out followed by screams of pain and horror. She didnt let her guard down as she ran forth but nearly fell onto her ass when she ran right into a standing still Kylo. "Master?" The mirialan apprentice stepped back and looked around "Whats wrong?"

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