Varanda High [Inactive]

She yawned and rubbed her eyes "I'm just exhausted, sorry" she yawned again "plus you was the closest"


She watched as Alistair appeared in the room along with Luka who was explaining the situation to him.

"So do they even have a place to stay? Taylor of course can stay in the main house, but I could fix up the cabins."
" I guess we are off to Maine, I heard its real nice at this time of year." Mizu said with a smile" um, I think I will fly, so I can keep an eye on the vehicles as we travel. "
"Sounds...practical. I'll go in the car. I can swim extremely well, but I can't fly."

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"I have a motorcycle, so Ill take that. See you all there." Kass would get up, pack her stuff away, and head for the front door.
Kass would start up her bright red bike, then quickly switch out her head for a helmet. Her head, she stowed away in her backpack, before waiting for the group.
Smiling brightly and opening her eyes she straightened and eyed Charles waiting for him to lead the way to the van. "I don't need to pack. Lilly should have things for me when we get there."
Charles nodded and pulled out his phone. Dialing in a number he began to talk into the phone. "Yeah We're moving. Two cars, essential only, we can get the rest later." He shoved the phone back into has pocket and grabbed Taylor, holding her in princess fashion. "The cars will be out front in a second. Pax you'll have to carry Alex. Everyone with me." He walked out into the parking lot and smiled as his two Butler's pulled up and opened the passenger door. "In you go Taylor." Like his personal car the outside was simple and black, while the inside was luxurious and outfitted for royalty. "Everyone in" he said as he climbed into the drivers seat, the Butler going to the other van.
Chris got into the van, just going with the flow. He hoped this wasn't a stupid idea, but he waited to see how it would turn out.

"Not a fan of technology. But oh well..."

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Taylor smiled at Charles. "Do you know the general way to Maine from here? Ill give more specific information after I've had some sleep." She said yawning again. She really enjoyed the vampire's company. She wondered more about her shifter origins for a second, praying Luka could elaborate more.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.ceae826af6648b17a14a1e56f422e096.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18541" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.ceae826af6648b17a14a1e56f422e096.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Mizu's wings expanded from his back as he ran. He leapt into the air and transformed into full dragon and followed behind the group.

(The pic is for reference)



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Smiling at Charles sweetly and looking behind them to check on everyone, she slowly fell asleep in the comfortable seat. That's when she began dreaming of a certain face. All she was aware of was the lightness of the hair and the smile which was beaming down at her.
Charles checked to see if everyone was in the car, nodding to himself he began to pull out of the parking lot, and onto the main street. Heading for the interstate.
Once on the interstate, Kass would start showing off her motorcycle skills, and messing with other drivers.
Mumbling in her sleep she turned and cuddled into a ball while in the seat, shifting into her Fox form while she slept subconsciously. The seatbelt sliding off of her.
Charles looked down and sighed, forcing the seatbelt around her fox form as best he could while driving. "Idiot girl"
Her inner Fox growled as she felt the seatbelt move around her. She rubbed her eyes and opened them noticing the sharpened sight. She sighed to herself. Sleep-shifted yet again. She thought. Well, ill just stay up then. I don't need much sleep in other forms anyways.

She sat up and shifted back into her human form she looked at Charles. "Sorry.. that happens often. More often than I'd like unfortunately."
As Mizu flew through the sky he watched the cars zoom forward. " flying how I love it." He thought" I wonder if she actually really likes me. I guess I may never know for sure. Look at Kass, what a show off"
Charles just nodded and continued down the road. "We're getting close to Maine's border now, any directions from here?"
She gave Charles directions to an extremely out of the way place. Soon they arrived at a huge cabin in the wilderness, surrounded by other cabins off in the distance around a huge lake and in the mountains.


She then got out of the van and yelled "Luka! Lillian! We're here!!!" With a beaming smile. She waved up to Mizu who was flying up above.



Hearing her name, she jumped from the couch and spotted the source. She could see Taylor calling her name from outside a sleek black van. "THEYRE HERE EVERYONE!!" She then ran out and hugged Taylor for the second time that day, still not believing her luck.
Charles stepped out of the van and rolled his neck. Spotting Lillian he went over and smiled. "Thanks for letting us stay here for awhile"
Kass would screech to a halt next to the car and take off her helmet, revealing her headless nature.

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