Varanda High [Inactive]

Alex shook his head and smiled to her. "S'not that, it's the arm is all" he said apologetically. "The arm doesn't like the new nervous system."

Taylor smiled softly "I love it here. It has to be my favorite place of them all." She led them forward until they reached the lake.

"Gorgeous isn't it Mizu...." She said softly tightening her grip on his hand and looking up at him.



She noted the Mechanism and admired its handiwork. "I think I know someone who could help... maybe... have you asked Taylor about her knowledge in mechanics yet? Shes quite absentminded." She said to the new vampire.
((What time of day would this be? Because if it's at night, I'm hungry for some nightmares.))
Taylor's smile started to fade as she focused in on Mizu. She looked at his lips and then back at his eyes "yea Mizu?" She said softly, oblivious to most of her surroundings.
Alex shook his head. "She didn't no, but I don't think she'll be able to help. I've been studying this thing for half my life and I can't understand even how it was attached the way it was, which is a hell of a lot less than getting it fixed to the new nerves." he shrugged. "I'll get used to the pain in a few weeks probably."
Mizu, lifting Taylor's chin up with his finger said".. the only thing in the world more beautiful than these woods, is you.." He gazed deep into her eyes and leaned in for a kiss.
"Youd be surprised at Taylor sweetheart" Lillian said with a grin. "She's more powerful than she lets on. She's related to us wolves in a way, she's like royalty to us." She laughed brightly "of course we'd never let her know that." She winked at charles. "Now let's get everyone inside and unloaded. Taylor and Mizu can take their 'tour' and they'll be fine, but you guys need some grub" she said with a wink leading them towards the house. 

Taylor grinned into the kiss as her world exploded behind her eyes. Her arms lifted and she entwined her fingers into his hair, never wanting to let go. She slowly let go from the soft kiss and looked deep into his eyes, her eyes sparkling and her smile a gleaming white.
Charles shook his head and followed her. "Make sure to bring anything you want with you." he called back towards everyone outside.


Alex shrugged and followed Lillian to the house.
Mizu looked at Taylor smiling, hoping, praying that she had enjoyed the kiss that they had shared. The only thing Mizu could say was" wow.."

She lead their crew inside the huge cabin that her family shared. "This is the main house, and it's open to all of you of course! We have supplies right now to suit all of your needs. I believe Taylor will be taking over her old cabin with Mizu... that's cabin 9 I believe. It overlooks the lake and gives them a good view of the waterfall. 3-6 are open as well as 10-15. Take your guys pick of the litter now, and we'll have things sent to you. In the meantime, the dinner table is loaded with foods, and for our vampire friends here, there's a blood keg in the kitchen as well. The out of order one to be specific" she winked at them all acting hostess to the group.



"That.... was amazing" she whispered looking up at Mizu. She had no idea what else to say, as her head was spinning from the kiss still. She hoped that there would be plenty more.
Alex was awed at the living space, and he quickly sat down in a large chair. "Wow." he muttered.


Charles gave a quarter bow at his chest and made his way to the keg. Taking a quick sip before going to lounge on the sofa. "Thanks Lillian"
((Eh, not really. Farra is already over there, and unless the op of this thread changes the name and setting of the thread, if anyonenew tries to come in, it'll be confusing. Varanda high wasn't in Maine.))
((That's true yeah, I would move if everyone else did. But I Wouldn't want to leave the others alone here either. So if everyone moves I will to))
((This is all true. I'm willing to move.)) 
(((Actually, this was the first one ive applied for, just might change up my character a little. Not specifics, just her appearance)))

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