Varanda High [Inactive]


Releasing Lillian from the hug, she Noticed the smile Charles gave to lilly, she subtly smiled at her glancing between the two. "Lilly, this is Charles, Charles, this is Lillian." She said now searching the skies for Mizu again.


She blushed at the vampires smile and was shocked at the smell he put out. Even Alistar put off a venomy smell, but this guy smelled fantastic, like roses in bloom almost. She noted his bright blue eyes and light colored hair with a smile. He's gorgeous...

She then noticed the headless girl on the motorcycle and her jaw nearly dropped. She had never in all of her time, seen such a person.
Kass mock giggles, before enthusiastically offering her hand for a shake. The smoke from her neck would form the word "Hello!"
Taylor bursts out laughing as Lillian stutters a small hello out at Kass.


"...h-hello..." She whispers moving closer to Taylor who was nearly laughing herself to tears at her. She offers her hand out with a deep breath. "Will your hand come off too?" She asked with a small laugh, only half serious as she knew nothing about the supernatural.
Taylor still laughing decided to walk to the house and leave Lillian with Kass and Charles with a wink and wagging her eyebrows knowing how Lillian would soon warm up to them both. And more than likely, Charles in particular.


She turned to see Taylor make her usual suggestive expressions I swear I'm gonna get her for this... royalty be damned..

Looking back to Charles she nodded with a blush. Great, now he probably thinks of me as a scared little girl... now moving her hand towards Charles she smiled sweetly through her eyelashes.
Lillian now distracted, Kass would pull her head from her bag and start swinging it by her hair.
Charles smiled back and gave her a polite shake. "Nice to meet you Lillian, although I wish it were under better circumstances, and that Taylor wasn't being... well Taylor " he chuckled. "I wonder when the rest of the kids will get here."

Holy mother of...She thought horrified almost at Kass swinging her own head around. "Y--yeah.." She said stunned at her still, watching the most pour from her neck, where her head should be....

Shaking her head she looked back at Charles who she felt was laughing at her almost. "Yea... it's just fantastic to meet you" she said with a blush at her flirty undertone.. now I sound like a creep! Oh Lord... "I'm sure they'll be here soon enough" she said swiping her hair behind her ear
" I suppose it's time to land." Mizu thought, and with that he landed transforming back into human form and his wings retracting back into his body. Mizu than continued to walk to where Kass and Charles were standing.
Kass would gently lob her head over lillian, so it stares right at her on its downward spiral.
Charles grabbed the head as it reached near Lillian. "Let's not freak her out too much on the first day Kass." he said as he noticed Mizu landing and walking over. "Here comes the big man, one down."
"If I may, why are you holding Kass's head." Mizu said with a chuckle" and who is this wonder full lady standing before us" Mizu now trying to be as nice and polite as possible.
"She threw it at Ms. Lillian here." he said introducing her. "Lillian, Mizu. Mizu, Lillian. Don't lay the sweet talk on too thick on the first meeting Mizu." he said as he tossed Kass back her head
Wide eyed at the head she gulped.. then she noticed the huge Dragon and nearly had a panic. Wow.... Taylor really manages to find them All of them doesn't she...

"Wow, that's a dragon all right..." She mumbled moving a tad closer to Charles. "Taylor?" She yelled weakly, trying to notify her of the person she was possibly looking for in the sky.

These people are so different in so many ways.. there are others as well. Ill have to get Taylor to fill me in.

She smiled weakly at the big guy, "Lillian... Lilly to my friends" she heard giggling to see Taylor running up behind her almost bouncing on her heels with Luka in tow.



"This, my dear Mizu, is Lilly. She's the best cook in all of Maine!" She beamed at Mizu who she walked up to and kissed on the cheek suddenly. "That there is Luka, he's distantly related to me, I think, and he's gonna teach me all about my powers while we're here!" She said beaming and laughing at Lilly's petrified look.
" well then it's wonderful to meet you mrs. Lillian and mr. Luka. Oh and thanks for letting us stay here." He smiled, still surprised by the kiss that was bestowed on him by Taylor.
Charles would laugh at Lillian once again. "Don't worry he doesn't bite." he lifted a hand to Luka. "Nice to meet you, I'm Charles."
Luka lifted his chin up noting how Lillian was all close and personal with him. Deciding that he could be trusted as he was a friend of Taylor's he shook his hand when Taylor let out a laugh.



She nodded, still stunned by everything and everyone around. "Ill show you guys inside... Taylor.." She broke off when Taylor laughed at her bashful nature. It was completely not her. Even Luka smiled.



She smiled and interlocked her arms with Mizu, beaming up at him. "I can show you around? And luka can join as well!"
Charles smiled to himself as he watched Mizu and Taylor interact. "They're good kids." he thought to himself as he looked back to the car, and then to Lillian. "Seems like Taylor is wasting no time in introducing her 'boyfriend' to the family." he said with a jovial tone.


Alex slowly stumbled out of the car, his hood pulled up. "This is bullshit." he mumbled as he gripped his metal arm, the damn thing still stung. It wasn't nearly as bad as it was before, but it still hurt. He made his way to the little group and nodded to each of them there.
Lillian smiled looking towards her past lover going back in time almost. She listened as Luka shook his hand and declined thinking that Taylor had it down pat already.

"That's Tay for you." She laughed feeling more normal now that Kass had her head back on. She then noticed the guy leaving the car and inhaled the sharp scent of a new vampire.

"This is him then? The newly turned human? Hopefully I smell like wet dog to him and he won't be interested..." She said going towards him.



She beamed as Luka went back towards the house sending a wink to her subtly so Mizu wouldn't see. This guy is grand... She thought

"So take your pick, the town, our new place, which is way better than the last might I add, the lake, or the grounds?" She asked Mizu looking into his eyes and sliding her hand into his.
Alex felt his head swim as the scent of the countryside, and then that of Lillian as she approached. He reached up with his mechanical arm and pinched his nose to block off the scent. She didn't smell -bad- but he wasn't to keen to all of the new smells assaulting his nostrils. With a wave he acknowledged Lillian as she came closer. "Hi there" he said in a pained voice."


Charles watched Alex cautiously to see how he would react to someone new.

"Hey there... let's get you to Alistar.. he's a good guy, and yes I know, I stink" she forced a laugh noticing his pained behaviour.


She smiled at Mizu who returned her gaze. "That's perfect" she said happily. She started towards the lake. The trees were similar to redwoods and the forest around her seemed to be alive with magic.

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