Varanda High [Inactive]

Farra scowled at him. "This was your idea, idiot," she shouted, anger suddenly appearing in her eyes. She had seen so many innocent humans being injured, turned, and killed. Alex wasn't the first...and he wasn't going to be the last. "Just quit it with the whole guilt complex, alright? You're pathetic."
"I may feel guilty, but I'll own up to my mistake!" Pax shouted back at the blue-haired feind. "Besides," he said, lowering his voice, "In a sick, twisted way...I don't feel alone anymore. I feel like he is my own..."

"And, I've seen that sort of thing done before. The humans weren't hurt. They just did whatever master told them to do." He remarked, remembering the horrible acts committed this way.
" why argue over it, what's done is done. All we need to worry about is what we are going to do about Alex's family." Mizu said to the bickering group.
Alex coughed as he finished off the last of the blood. He could feel his sanity returning, but his arm still felt like it was in a pit of lava. clenching his teeth he set the arm against the base of his chair and started to squeeze. "Family won't be an issue, they've gone" his speech was rewarded with another burst of extreme pain. Alex's body started to convulse and twitch. His body felt like one giant match, and he screamed. The entire time before he had not yelped it pain, but now he couldn't contain it. He fell to the floor and screamed, tears flowing down his face.


Alex shrugged, "I'm just impressed he hasn't ripped his arm off." His voice was nonchalant, but his body was tense and ready to move
" well then. If Family isn't a problem than all we need to worry about is hunters, hostels, and a place to stay" Mizu said as he slumped in his chair.
Chris felt powerless to be able to do anything. He was withdrawn in thought and worry.

What was he to do? Stop the blood flow in his arm to help? No, surely that don't do anything. Seduce him? Pfff nope, that won't help. Destroy the nerves in his arm to stop the pain? Can his power even do that? He had never tried.

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They both stopped right in front of Taylor, "Any friend of yours is a friend of mine sweetheart" Luka said in his unmistakable southern drawl.

Lillian smiled, "how about you come in and get some breakfast before you leave?" Taylor smiled warmly at her.

"As much as I'd love to Lilly, I can't. They're waiting on me, with a brand spanking new vampire. I need to get back. When I do though, can you teach me more about my other powers?" She asked the wolf.
"Don't look now, but I think someone has negated the glamour. Might be a hunter, or a hypersensitive." Kass wrote.
"Ummm what glamour? I haven't had the one on my eyes for a while now."

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Luka smiled at the girl he considered his sister. "Bring them here and I'll teach you about your powers sweetness." He said ruffling her hair.

She winked laughing and started backing away, "thank you guys! Warn the others!"

She turned and shifted into her eagle form, heading back to the high school where the others resided. 'I really hope they like the others.'
Kass writes "The one I put around us before you showed up. You seeing us wasn't suprising, being a Sidhe and all, but now its gone..."
"I can try making one with the moisture in the atmosphere. It won't be a great one, but I can try."

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*skip to where she has arrived back at the school.*

She arrives back inside the library and shifts to her human form with an Apple in her hand that she picked up on the way here. She tosses it to the Sidhe.

"Names Taylor. I seen you arrive, but I couldn't really talk seeing as I had to travel to Maine and back. Speaking of, we're welcome to come. They're waiting on us." She said to the others with a smile.
"Oh. Uh, thanks."

He ate the apple lightly, feeling the origins of the the apple. As Sidhe had such a close tie to nature, he felt the apples past.

"Home grown from Maine too..."

He thought for a moment.

"Um, how are we getting there? Why are we even going there?" He was quiet and felt embarrassed not knowing the situation.

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Alex started to slowly get a grip on the pain I'm his body and arm. "If you haven't noticed they sort of just turned a human, and another died after a fight." He snapped
"Fight? What fight?"

Chris felt very out the loop. In the meantime he had placed a minor glamour around them that it difficult for people to look there when not concentrating. It wasn't much, but it would do for now.

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"Dude was going after Taylor in the most annoying way, so, I slapped him a ton and kicked his double in the balls so hard he could feel the pain transfer to his true form."
She hopped up onto a table, making sure to keep her distance from Alex. She tied her hair up listening to the others explain.

"I can obviously fly and Mizu can as well. But the problem is, is the rest of you. We need a vehicle." She smiled at Chris. "Ill explain when we get there."
Chris was hoping it wasn't just his devilishly good looks that made her so nice to him. He didn't mind people, don't get him wrong, but it almost felt deceiving when people were attracted to him or nice because his looks were simply THAT good because of his race and genes.

He smiled gently and awkwardly "yes please, that'd be nice." He said quietly.

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Alex gritted his teeth. "There's a car at my house if someone can drive it"


Charles shrugged. "I have two vans, and two drivers."
She twitched uncomfortably, "Charles, could I ride in one? I can't drive, but I could lead the way." Her arms were sore from the fly back.

She slowly walked over to Charles and liked her arm with his and leaned her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes exhausted from the flight.

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