Varanda High [Inactive]

Chris came up to Alex.

"Excuse me." He said quietly.

Compared to some he actually looked sensible. He didn't bother glamour his solid golden eyes to human green ones as he knew he was among supernatural.

"What is going on? I came here and seems to have stepped into quite the conundrum."

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He took a step back. He was putting on his best pretty boy look, as he didn't want to start fights. There weren't many liquids around to manipulate and he hated even when forced to manipulate the blood of other people. Plus it was really tiring.
Farra smiled at Alex. "I'm sure you are...heheh..." she said, her grin growing wider. Farra glanced up at

Pax. "This is your problem now," she said, motioning to the stirring fledgling.
"Ummm its ok. I...Sidhe don't have any blood that resembles humans. It would probably smell like your simple ground to them."
Charles laughed. "It doesn't matter What type of blood it is, we are technically after the hemoglobin, and I've eaten a sidhe.... you're just a little spicier." He chuckled


Alex glared at the Sidhe as he approached. He smelled, the smells they were everywhere. Each of his senses were over-accute he could sense everything around him. With a snarl he slammed a fist down on the table to try and shame his mind from the senses, and the pain. Unknowing of his power however he splintered part of the table and sent the other end into the air. "Goddamnit! " he yelled
"Oh no, I'm a male Sidhe. We're so rare its kinda scary. You probably met the much more common ones, like sirens."

He visibly jumped from the table being broken. He looked at Alex.

"Umm...I heard if you try to smell precious items to you, it helps deal with bloodlust. I only heard that from someone I know though, so not sure how valid that is."

He really didn't want to do this, but he was ready to drain some blood from his head into the other parts of his body the moment he attacked Chris. He didn't want to, as it would tire him out, but it seemed the only way. Hopefully they would go unconscious.
Farra looked over at the sidhe. "I know what you're gonna do, that won't work. I know quite a bit about the inhuman species of the world, including sidhe like yourself. It would just increase his blood lust."
Chris was really confused. All Sidhe had to each their own very unique abilities tied to nature, not one specific one. He knew one who burnt down a whole forest, though they were very angry at a group of hunters attempting to kill him.

He wondered what Farra thought he was going to do. If that was the case though and Farra had guessed his power right but how could have had? then he would simply shift around his stream of liquids in his body. Maybe he could make the vampires venom flow into his brain?

Argh what was it again my cousin did to beat vampires. She had a similar power so I learnt to control it through her,and she could swat fledgeling vampires like flies.
Farra smiled. "Your facial expressions give away your thoughts. You can't make him explode using his own blood. He doesn't have enough," she said. Farra stared off into the distance, a look of deep thought on her face. "Then again, I could be wrong. But that rarely happens..." She straightened up again. "You know, I'm probably wrong. Has anyone related to you ever had a blood power? Probably not, you're a male, you're pretty rare.."
Charles scoffed. "Farra's nearly better, maybe even actually better, than I am with non-human physiology and powers. Sidhe males are rare true, but when you live as long as her or I..... you encounter just about everything."
Farra giggled at Charles' comment. "I'm not that old, actually! I'm only 17. But I have to move around a bit every few...weeks. You see, not too many shapeshifters with my level of talent and skill come around that often. Hence, killing me would be a Hunter's biggest accomplishment. Unless, of course, you got Charlie here. You could get him, and my death would pale in comparison!"
Explode? In the name of the Aos Si was she on about? If I wanted to explode him I could just use all the liquids in his bod-oh.

He remembered now. His cousin and him would explode all the liquid vessels in their body. Having a body is nice and all, but what happens when they have nothing for their lifeblood [heh] to flow through them? Their muscle would just insta-fail.

Of course, older vampires with training gained veins and arteries hard as steel, making it exceedingly difficult. This vampire was new though. Fresh meat.

"Well, you aren't far of I guess."

He wasn't sure how rusty he was. It was a good 50 years since he did so. Should work though, if he needed to, even though he hated violence.
Farra glanced back at the sidhe. "Don't try anything. That's the whole point of this, why we're still here. We're keeping watch over him...and you. Get any ideas, and you'll be dead before you can even get the chance to do you blood thingy."
" Farra is right. If you ever try to hert one of us, I will rip you to shreds and then burn what's left." Mizu said, agitated at the idea of three vamps.
"I...don't want to do anything to him." his quiet shy voice, while lined with seduction to the brim from his voice, sounded genuine.

"I don't like violence. It's just a self defence thing. Men have always been scared of sidhe, though usually from tales of the sirens and banshees, who are females."

He hated the hostile atmosphere. For Sidhe, getting along was key, especially with nature. All the world is filled with is hate and death, it pains him and his race.
Farra sensed Mizu's irritation,mainly because she was irritated as well. "Really? I know Sidhe. You seduce your prey, then kill them. I'm not too sure about men, but that's how girls work." She scowled.
"Hey! Only some are like that. Those you speak of are outcasts. We banish them from the natural habitat for killing needlessly. They are consumed with hatred and loathing for others and killing our own kind is frowned upon, so we cast them out."

He looked down, for initially shouting.
"I'm 199, turning 200 in a week."

He knew why he asked, as the Sidhe's looks can deceive their true age. He wondered if life would have been easier for him if he was simply human.
"No the sidhe was who I was talking to." Charles said with a grin "you realize your society has gone through five or six changes just in the time I've been alive." He shifted his weight to one leg. "Each time your history changes, you should be aware of that"
Farra waved her hand. "I assume I'll live quite a while. Perhaps longer than you, Charlie. I can just fix my organs, my mind, anything. Go to high school eternally...maybe not, but I'll stay a while."
Chris looked at Farra. I wonder how many times her culture had changed? His may have started blending into society, but otherwise were little changed.

"Well I think by the time I'm 1000 years old I'd be sick of living. I mean...I dont have life plans."

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