Varanda High [Inactive]

"Oh for heaven sake," Paxton stood up and walked over to the human. He then kissed him, outright. He cut his own tongue with his teeth so blood would floq into the guy's mouth. Paxton pulled back and smiled, lips a pouty red from the blood. "There, you and I are linked. This gives you a little extra sensitivity and you'll also grow a tad bit stronger. But there is a drawback...i think"
Alex sat wide eyed. Not saying anything.


Charles raised an eyebrow. "You realize you might have just changed him with that if he swallows to much"
"Isn't that wht you wanted?" he asked, looking at both of his accusers. "Not nessecarily..." Paxton countered with wide eyes. "I'm not completely a vampire. The effects should be dilluted, right?" He asked frantically.
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Charles shook his head "probably won't make the differebce, you just rammed a bunch of vampire blood down a humans throat, plus He's missing an arm so that has to be accounted for"
Alex stares wide eyed and nodded his head slowly. "Yeah you shot it down my throat" his voice is monotone and blank
Kass would quickly flip her sketchbook to a hand drawn rune and spill some of her grey blood on it, causing a glamour to hide whatever would happen.
Farra calmed down a bit and glanced over at Kass, wiping her eyes. "Good thinking," she said.

(•∆•) {S-Senpai, you don't like Tapatalk?]
Charles grabbed some rope and cloth from the closet down the hall from the library, coming back in he tied Alex down and shoved the cloth into his mouth. "bite down on this so you don't break your jaw..... and that metal arm of yours is probably gonna hurt like a bitch"


Alex looked at each of the faces in the room with a look of fear, and then one of determination. With a nod he placed each hand on the table, and began to squeeze. He could feel it, the pain. He was used to a lot, it wasn't rare for his arm to flare up. But this was something else, his entire body burned, it felt like his veins and stomach were going to burst into flames. He clenched down on the table, his metal hand began to dig into the wood and splinter it. After a few moments of this the other hand caught up, digging down into the wood. His eyes flashed from a golden hue to the red of bloodlust. he bit down on the cloth that filled his mouth as his teeth and bone structure subtly reworked itself. Tears slowly began to stream from his eyes as he let go of the table. The cloth fell, bloody, to the floor his tears were silent as his body continued to convulse. His mechanical arm was exploding with pain every time it twitched in response to his need nerves and muscles. He was afraid he would instinctually rip it off as he faded into unconscious.
She stopped laughing, and looked over at Alex, the not-so human boy. "A-are you okay?" Another vampire? Nope. NOPE. She glanced over at Charles. "Is he gonna know..."

(•∆•) {S-Senpai, you don't like Tapatalk?]
Paxton couldn't help but feel guilty as he watched the transformation occur. But, as Farra asked if his fledgling was okay, an odd feeling washed over him. It was dread. He dropped to his knees, a zoned out look on his face. "What have I done?" he asked aloud.
Charles shrugged and grabbed the bloody cloth from the ground. With a sniff he shrugged. "Looks like my fledgling has a fledgling....... If the kid doesn't kill himself first." Most accidentally turned vampires couldn't cope and ended up offing themselves as they thought it was some sort of nightmare. He shuddered at the thought.... and recolection
Chris stared with wide eyes.

"Ummm, care to explain what is going on? This is a bit odd for a first day. I mean, I know they are odd. But this is just...weird."

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Taylor backed away "I think it's time for me to leave... " she looked frantically. She grabbed Mizu's hand with a forced smile and then turned and shifted into her eagle form.

She flapped her wings in the wind loving the feel of the wind flowing in between her feathers. It was so different from her human form and it was liberating.
"...." He watched the eagle fly.

And there was Chris hoping he could be somewhere normal for once. Well, guess that is out the window. Literally.

Sent from Nexus 5 because yay phones and Tapatalk
Alex opened his eyes for a moment, red and pained they looked to each person. "I'm so hungry." He moaned
'I hope Alexander will be okay during the change' she thought while flying. 'Alistar should be able to help him out, Charles should be able to as well. Maine is indeed gorgeous this time of year. I hope everything is okay up there when I arrive'

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