Varanda High [Inactive]

Alex slumped forward in his chair. "Yeah yeah." he smiled. "But you'd have no one to feed me to just so you know."


Charles nodded. "It'll be suspicious if all of us just leave one a student goes missing."
"To be honest, though, we haven't exactly made a ton of human friends. Not many would care." Kass would write. "And also, if we relocate, we should go out with w bang."
"You don't have to. But, I like to have a reason for my disappearances, so its explained and not completely questionable. Luckily, I can chop my own head off.'
"If we do that, we might as well say we are a family and stay in the same house. That could be for the best, actually."
"You wouldn't have to have your girlfriend as a sister, idjit." She would write, before silently laughing.
Taylor giggles and blushes heavily eyeing Mizu subtly. "Rosewood Prep... it's in Maine I believe. Maine is pretty this time of year." She says thoughtfully. "There is a pack of werewolves up there. That's who I learned my wolf form from." She jumps up onto a table and starts swinging her legs.
Taylor looks up in surprise. "The wolves there are peaceful. They protect the humans there and also protect against possible hunters. Of course, there was never an attack while I stayed with them, but there could've been." Hmm.. "actually, there was a vampire I met there... Alistair? I think that was his name.. he was engaged to this wolf named Hannah." She smiled at Charles.
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She nodded in surprise, "yea! I believe so. She's a pretty blonde lady. She has a younger sister named Lillian. She's probably the prettiest girl you'll ever meet." She smiled as a little pink tinged her cheeks as she pictured her old flame.
Taylor stands and brushes off her jeans. Looking at them, "I should probably fly ahead of you guys. I'll warn them where you're coming." She smiled softly.

((I'm going to a cabin this weekend, so ill be out for a while.))
Chris waltzed into school. His few day absence had been due to recovering from a major flu. He may be a powerful magic being, but it made him as such physically weak. It annoyed him, he would prefer to be stronger.

Walking into class, people fell quiet. Then fell into muted chatter:

[Who is this new guy] [looks a bit ill with that skin colour, but you know...] [Yeah I know, he is HOT] [Not really...] [Pah you're just jealous because he is better looking than the top playboy here]

"Ummm...hi." Chris' voice was quiet, barely to be heard. His amazing looks that came as a Sidhe always made him nervous with the constant attention he got.

"I'm...Chris. I'm new here. I would have been here a few days ago but I was...ill."

[bet this guy is a real nympho] could be heard in the background.

"Hey! I'm not a...(oh shit he said nympho not nymph)...well no I'm not."

"So yeah... I hope to get on well with you all."

Many female glances told him they really wanted to and male ones showed extreme jealousy. Some male also sought him too. Chris didn't go that way though. The Sidhe forbade them and had never seen the interest himself.

Sent from Nexus 5 because yay phones and Tapatalk
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Charles cocked his head "that would work until they tried to do a blood test" he laughed we'll figure something out.


Alexander rocked back in his chair. "I wouldn't have to follow you would I?" He asked, more to himself than anyone around
Farra looked over at the human boy. "Of course you would. You're involved in this now. Would it help if you were hunted too? Charlie, mind siring this boy?" she asked sarcastically, looking over at the vamp.

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