Varanda High [Inactive]

She scribbles out "No fighting in public, or showing uniqueness, besides average quirks."
Taylor nodded in agreement. "I'll have to start shifting far away from the school then." She thought for a minute and then looked up.

((Sorry, trip to Dollywood today))
Alex looked at each of them. "Hunters? There are humans who know?" He asked with a curious voice.
"There are always people who know. In all my years, there have been those that know. And trust me, my real age does not show." Kass wrote
"Beware them, they can be tricky. If you can't die, they will capture you and probably torture you."
"So you know what I'm not BS'in. They tried to get me over in Poland in the 50s. Managed to scare em away."
Charles was a bit taken aback. "You were in Poland during the 50's? Did you run into that group of hunters with... ahh what was his name...... Damian as their leader?" he asked inquisitively
Taylor stays quiet through the exchange with a thoughtful expression that turns troubled at the news of hunters.
"Luckily I was able to evade em, but they're the reason I'm hiding myself like this."
"I don't blame you, they were a rotten group of assholes." he shakes his head. "Anyway, if a group of hunters does show up we need to have a place to hide." he claps his hands "Any ideas?"
"I mean, my place. It's this old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere." She looks thoughtful "I need to train with different animals. My four won't be enough if hunters come."
Alexander raised a hand. "Does any of this pertain to me? I'm not exactly a monster....soooo won't they leave me alone"
He let his hand fall back to the table "I'm not gonna lie.... I'll blame all of you if I get caught."
Farra narrowed her eyes at him. "Then, I'll slit your throat, gouge out you eyes, roast you, chop you up, and feed you to your family with mashed potatoes on the side." She leaned in closer to the boy. "Do you understand?"

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Paxton leaned forward, having listened to the whole conversation. He came to a single conclusion on the matter. "We need to relocate." He announced.
"That is probably the best option. But, people will notice if we go missing. That, along with pup's death..."

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