Varanda High [Inactive]

Once they was in the tree line, she looked at mizu curiously, "can we finish what was interrupted earlier?" She asked nervously
(Anyone mind giving me the heads up on what the hell happened whilst I was gone, cause I'm trying to piece it together, but I left this post a thirty some pages and now... Anyway, just comment in the OOC section if anyone minds catching me up.)
"And well.. I just wanted to umm, let you know... so umm hope isn't lost" she blushes heavily as she basically confesses to hearing him murmer
Charles takes a deep breath. "A new scent?" he mumbles to himself, intrigued. He slowly makes his way to finding the new addition and looks him up and down. "What are you?"
Charles let his weight fall to one leg. "Don't play coy kid, I'm asking your species. I can tell your not human."

(Also you aren't on the character sign up..... sooo...... yeah....)
"right. Listen, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. We've got enough trouble around here without an arcane master screwing things up."

(Pax is on top of a roof don't worry about him)
He sighs "So were the rest of us, and now a human's gotten mixed in to the equation. Trust me, not a stable place to hang out at." he shifted his weight again. "I'm really suspicious of you right now too."
"That's not really the issue Flicker." he cracked his neck. "Listen, you should at least get permission from the dean before coming here."
"T....the principle of the school of course. Listen if you haven't talked to him, you should leave and get an appointment for a later time."
It's the fourth over. Under the title of the RP and the big green box that says accepting. Maybe the name got messed up. But it's the fourth one.

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