Varanda High [Inactive]

Farra smiled. "If you can't I will--" She stopped mid-sentence, seeing the girl's stricken expression. "Oh, dear," she said, scooping up the fox.
Alexander stared in disbelief for a moment. Seeing a wolf run into the girls locker room after another girl and some massive hulking guy he slowly made his way to the doorway, peeking in he gasped a bit. "What the fuck." He nearly yelled. Stepping Into the locker room he looked at everyone there.
Desireé had had enough of the bickering across from her. She decided to leave her things and go over towards the group, snickering.

"Hey, wolf thing, what you doing over there?" She snickered.
Seeing no Windows and an opportunity to get out, she shifts into her eagle form and subtly flies from the girls arms passing by everyone as she made her escape. She flew out of one of the gym windows, flying around til she seen the familiar library window. She landed in there safely for once and hid in a dark corner hoping the librarian wouldn't come investigating
Again, she turned around. "Well, isn't this a party," she said somewhat nervously. Sensing auras, she found that the boy who'd just walked in was not just a boy. Narrowing her eyes, Farra turned to face him. "Vampire," she hissed.
Kass would sit up and "look" at the group. She reaches up to her head and tugs at it, seriously considering throwing it at the group.
"You'd better leave now, before things get ugly," she agreed, shifting her nails into claws. Razor sharp ones, at that.
Farra faced the vampire again. "You'd better leave as well, sir," she spat sarcastically. This must be the ancient vampire that Pax was talking about before. "Go on! Get out of here, you old dust bag."

She sighed. "You guys really do want an explanation, don't you..."
Noticing a mouse in the corner, she scooted closer to it..

'Alright Taylor.. focus...' she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She felt herself shift and knew she had done it. She scuttered underneath a bookshelf and hoped that the storm here would tide over
Kass would start sneaking up behind the wolf-man, seeing that it was about to get ugly. She would be quite proficient at stealth, even being able to mask her aura to a degree.

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