Varanda High [Inactive]

At this point Mizu was bored half to death. He stands up and heads out of the class only saying " I need some water"
Charles watched as mizu stood and walked out of the room. "Strange he mumbled as he daydreamed '
After changing into a set of black shorts and another black v-neck, Paxton strolled out into the main part of the Gym. Luckily for him, the only other person in the locker room was a guy with a metal arm. "Wonder how it feels?" he mused to himself.
She smiles and bites her lip and whispers back, "I'm a shape shifter, of course" she then makes her way back to the teacher. 'everyone I've met is so nice..' she thought as they waited for everyone to make their way to the gym leader
As Mizu wondered through the halls he noticed the squeaking of shoes on the ground. " I hate that sound so much." He looked over and noticed it was the gym." That's where Taylor is" he thought." I guess I could take a peek" he mumbled as he slid through the double doors.
Hearing his comment from across the room, she smirked and muted a laugh from behind her hand. 'This guy doesn't play around' she thought. The gym teacher tapped his foot impatiently
Alexander stepped out into the gym and started wrong his mechanical arm. It was giving him Trouble again.
Farra looks at her clock again. "I guess I'd better get up and stop lazing around..." She pulled off her covers and stretched, walking out the door in her pajamas. First stop: Library. She wondered it Nick was going to be working today.
Farra strolled into the library, which was deserted. "Oh, well.." she sighed. Maybe she should try the gym.

Farra walked off into the direction of the gym when she sensed a large number of inhumans near where she was. "They're in the gym," she determined. Her walk picked up speed, and transgressed into a run. Maybe the kids she met in the library the day before were in there.
Desireé walks through the doors, having done what was needed for her classes and entered the gym, noticing everyone was there.

"Damnit, I'm late!" She thought to herself before sitting down on one of the benches.
Nick heard someone enter the library but then leave, as he scrolled the shelves. Probably just somone mixing up the library with one of their classrooms
[QUOTE="half demond wolf]Tp to taylor " will u be my gf?"

"That's not how you do things." Desireé responded, with a smile on her face.
She looks at Legolass startled, not knowing what to say. "Ummm.. what?" She stutters confused. She had only met the guy after all
Alexander cocked an eyebrow and headed over. "What's up, ne- " he stopped short when he heard heard another guys question. "Uhh that seems important"
Desireé stared at the girl, emotionless as per usual. She then made a quiet response.


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