Varanda High [Inactive]

Finally waking up after a good nights rest Mizu sits up in the bed. " what time is it?" Mizu mutters to him self. " I best start heading for school, I guess." Mizu thought. And with that he stands up and heads for the exit of the old run down house.
"Um, yeah, a little. It wasn't bad though. I like the rain." Quila answered somewhat nervously.

What Paxton didn't know was that she was borderline ready to run up the branches and disappear again.
"Do you want a pop-sicle?!" Paxton continued to asked, pretty oblivious to the girl's shy nature. After placing the umbrella so that he was holding it and the bag at the same time, reached into the cool container part of his bag and pulled out two wrapped Dreamsicles, still completely frozen. "I have different kinds if you don't like these." he called out while smiling.
Noticing Charles pull up with a stranger in the passengers seat, she raised her eyebrows as the stranger ran up to the tree with the girl and began yelling at her. She giggled at his obvious failure as she looks ready to flee.
Arriving at school Mizu noticed a couple of people out side , one of which was the vampire He wasn't very fond of. The other was some one he didn't recognize, but he was still familiar. Mizu walked over to a patch of grass and sat down.
Charles spotted, or rather smelled the shifter and walked over to her. "He's smooth isn't he?" he said with a chuckle.

'Come on now, he got me a ride yesterday. Oh, and now he's offering me a dreamsicle, which I do like... He seems over all a nice guy too... He's just obnoxiously loud and over excitable. I think.'

Balancing skillfully, Quila hesitantly reached down from her perch, willing to take the proffered ice pop.
She giggled at Charles "yea, smooth as silk right there." She tilted her head at the two, "so who are they?"
Pax tossed the frozen treat to the girl in the tree, a cheesy grin plastered on his face. Maybe he'd made a real friend. "You'll love it, I promise." He called to her before unwrapping his and taking a solid bite out of the thing. "What's your name?" he asked, before actually licking the treat.
He shrugged. "I've decided to make sure the boy, Pax, stays out of trouble until he's a couple hundred years older. The girl well, I don't know much about her really, but she smells fairly human with a bit of... fox maybe?"
"Ahm, Quila, remember, you had Charles give me a ride home last night. Also you have blonde hair now." Quila responded, carefully opening her ice lolly and giving it a tentative lick.
Seeing what seemed to be conversation by the trees Mizu thought to go and see what was going on, but instead just sat there thinking of the day before.
"Quilla? That's pretty. I'm Paxton, but everyone calls me Pax--or Whitey." He commented between licks. "And yeah, it's nothing. I had a sort of identity crisis last night." Pax then sat down near the tree. "You mind if I sit here?" he asked, not really knowing why he was asking.
'Identity crisis would explain oh so much, but he's certainly trying, so I can't fault him for that.' thought Quila as she gave a small shrug.

"Um, it isn't my tree, per se, so I don't think you would be not allowed to sit there."
"It's definitely wolf now that you mention it." She smiled at Charles "I would know" she laughs winking at her new friend. She noticed Mizu by himself then, "hey oldie, I think I'm gonna go," she taps him on the shoulder "I'll see you in class!" She then skips over and sits cross legged in front of Mizu
Pax looked out into the grass, spotting Mizu sintting next to a girl he didn't know. 'So he doesn't need a tower, after all..' he thought to himself.

"Hey, have you met Zu-Zu yet?" he asked Quila, looking up at her from his spot under the tree.
Notices his tired demeanor "oh! I'm sorry, I don't require much sleep, sorry if me exploring around last night bothered you." She tilts her head "what time does class start?" She asks absentmindedly
" don't be sorry, I didn't sleep because I was thinking" Mizu contined" as for when class starts I don't really know."
"Oh, yes, I met him yesterday in the library. He seems nice enough. Not that I don't think he isn't as nice as he could be I mean, just. um, nevermind, sorry." Quila floundered, her lack of aptitude dealing with people showing thoroughly.
She furrows her brows in confusion "hmm.." tearing away from her train of thought, "what was you thinking about?"
"Wait a second..." Pax pondered as he stood up "That is fluent shy girl speak for 'I may or may not like him'." He cocked his head to the side, a bite mark faintly showing on his neck. "Quila, do you have a crush?" Pax asked, wondering if it was the case.

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