Varanda High [Inactive]

"Oh, no, I just didn't want to insinuate that there was a chance of me not thinking he was a nice person. That would have been rude." Quila sputtered back with a bright red blush at the insinuation, "And, um, is your neck okay?"
"Um, yeah....rabid Chihuahuas, they exist, you know!" he quipped, quickly covering his neck. He then mentally kicked himself for lying to the girl. "Crap, that isn't the case, and you know it. But, we can't talk about it outside."
Her smile returns shyly, "me?" As she begins to say something, the bell for her first class of the day rings. "-gym!" She stands up suddenly 'dang it! So many interruptions' "sorry Mizu, the bell... I have gym, what about you?"
"Oh okay, well, I have class, so I should get to that. I, uh, will be free after that."

(I'm going to be off for the next three to four hours, then I'll be back.)
Curious at his response, she shook her head and started making her way to the gym. 'Hmmmm looks like only humans at this point, I don't smell anything' she made her way to the girls locker room to change for gym class
Farra sat up and yawned, glancing over at the clock. She was already late for school. Very late. "Ah, whatever.."
"Later then." he waved to his new friend.

He then took his schedule out of his pocket. "What? I have Gym first?" Pax groaned to himself, loathing the prospect of balls and sportsmanship. "Besides, how am I supposed to operate around the beating hearts of....boys?" Pax idly wondered as he drifted to the dreaded Gym.
She finishes changing into her blue shorts and black tank top, as she walks out she ties her hair into a messy ponytail and glances around at her classmates, curious about each of them
Charles shrugged his shoulders and headed towards the school building, he had math again. "Droll"he thought time himself
Notices the guy walk in and smelling the wolf in him, she decides to walk over and introduce herself. 'It doesn't look like he's in the class.. weird'
Mizu, on his way to math class thought to him self" you idiot, every time you talk to that girl you end up tongue tied." As he finished this thought he enters the math class and sits at the back.
Stopping in front of him she smirks "hey wolf boy" giggling she extends her hand out "I'm Taylor" she beams "and you are?"
She laughs brightly at him "Legoless is it? I believe I might've heard a name similar in a book I read when I was younger" she smiled at him sweetly. "So how are you?"
Alexander cracked his Beck and made his way to the gym. He wasn't fond of the class. Not because of the physical element, in fact he was a fantastic athlete.... but he always ft like he was cheating with his arm the way it was. With a shrug he got changed and waited patiently on the bleachers. Waiting for class to start.
Blushes intensely and jumps in shock at the coaches whistle as it hurts her ears.

She smiles and bites her lip nervously "I-I need to get back," she stutters at his forwardness, never getting this kind of attention before. 
"It was nice meeting you Wolfy!" Her usual confidence returns as she runs back towards the coach 'thank god I didn't shift..'

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