Varanda High [Inactive]

Kass would mock sigh, before flipping the page and writing, in large letters, "You were supposed to keep that."
Peering over the edge of the branch Qil could only just make out what the girl wrote on the pad. Granted why she was supposed to keep the quarter was beyond her, as it wasn't hers.

She made her way back down the tree a ways, granted not as close as she had been at first, before speaking.

"Um, sorry. I didn't realise you intended for me to take the quarter. Um, yeah, so...sorry..."
She would write out "Its fine. The quarter was pay for what I thought you would do, but seeing as how you didn't, you must not be human."
"I don't understand... what did you think I would do? And sorry, but not human?" Quila questioned. Sure, she knew she had some differences, but according to the dna and blood tests her Uncle Romero asked her to take, she was as human as everyone else, just with a rare, almost non-existent recessive gene. "I'm just like everyone else, ma'am. Sorry if you were expecting otherwise, I really am."
"I thought you would fall, like most humans do when suprised and having to focus on balance. You didn't fall, so you're either trained or different." She wrote hurriedly.

'Crap, oh crap oh crap! Did she see my tail? No, she couldn't, she never looked up. She must have just heard me. But vampires from Charles and Pax, and now she's talking about not being human? Is this a school for crazy people? Maybe that's why Uncle Romero had me come here. Not cause I'm crazy, but because they all are, so if I got found out no one would believe them.'

"I just spend a lot of my time in the woods watching animals. It's peaceful."
"Jumping from tree to tree, as nimble as a f- Wait, come down here a moment." Kass wrote.
"I... don't know if I want to... sorry..." Quila muttered, suddenly really nervous about being around this odd person. "It's, uh, not that I don't like you... I just, um, well, I'm not good with meeting people..."
"If its how you look..." She pulls off her choker, revealing her poorly sown together neck
Letting out a startled cry of surprise Quila nearly slipped from her spot at the sight of the disturbing sight. She felt bile rise in her throat before making her way through the tree limbs and running inside, intent on finding the school nurse to let her know that one of the students was sewing thread into her neck.
While he was laying down on the grass he heard a cry coming from somewhere he stood up slowly. Krav looked around for the sound and ran towards it. He ran into the scene and stood between Quila and Kass looking down at Kass. He then turned toward Quila "Who yelled?" He asked looking into her eyes.
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Kass would stand up and point to the other lass, before picking up her bag and leaning against le tree.
Reaching the border outside of the school grounds, Taylor shifts into her human form. She leans against a tree and takes a deep breath trying to become less disoriented. As she glances around at the small number of students, She begins to walk towards the school.

'That was pretty filling,' Pax thought to himself while rubbing his tummy. He stood outside, hood up with one of those cheesy black-laced parasols for extra protection. It was the closest thing he could get his hands on that looked like an umbrella. Word was, if the sunlight hit you, it would be like a surgical knife slicing whatever it touched. And the only way to heal up is in a blood frenzy.

At least that was the case for a fledgling.
Charles walked out behind Pax, a light hood covering his face. "You'll get used to it as you grow older. Although even I can barely stand the light." He made his way to the car and got in, opening the passenger door. "You ready to actually attend classes today?"
After failing miserably to find a nurse Quila noticed that the strange creepy girl from earlier was gone and took the oppurtunity to climb back up into her comfortable spot.
She noticed the girl climbing up the tree and smirked in thought at the smell of another animal in the midst.. glancing up at her again, she was fairly sure that it was her who she smelt. 'I wonder if she is a shifter like me'
"Aye." he said simply as he drove to the school, he was quiet the way there and promptly parked. Getting out of the car he took in a deep breath. Around him he could already smell the shifter girl, and the one they had given a ride to the last night. "Well, guess today's gonna be as fun as yesterday."
Pax hopped out of the vehicle, propping open his umbrella. He spotted the girl Charles had given a ride last night and proceeded to wave to her like an idiot.
Ducking her head, Quila flushed as she realised she had forgotten that it was Paxton that had insisted on giving her the ride home.

'I'm going to have to thank him as well then.'
Pax ran to the tree she just so happened to be sitting in, resisting the urge to jump directly onto the nearest branch. "Hey, I guess you made it home last night?" He yelled out to her. "Sucks, I know you had to have gotten rained on!"

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