Varanda High [Inactive]

Charles swallowed hard. "I know the guy..... sort of. I killed a few of his thralls a couple hundred years back. Guys a real nutjob you're lucky you got away." His eyes darted around as he drove. "Is this the right street miss?" he asked politely
"It's a compliment" giggles a little "Mizu.. you don't happen to go to school at Varanda High do you?" She looks at him with an inquisitive look on her face
Quila couldn't be happier that it was the right street. She nodded emphatically, as the conversation had suddenly taken a turn for the creepy with the mentioning of killing thralls. That or they were way too into their DnD games.

As Charles came to a stop and Quila got out she made sure to give him a polite bow and thanks before high tailing it into her house and locking the door behind her.

"I really hope they're just way into DnD.'
Charles nodded. "Thing is he got extra pissed after I did it, and sent one of his little ones after me. I was surprised. Kid was strong, but had no real battle experience....." he trailed off. "Anyway, I can see why you ran." He began to drive again, turning in the opposite direction to head home.
Pleased with her day, and happy the rain was limiting average human vision outside, Quila pulled her bandanna off, revealing two wolfish ear the same silvery white as her waist length hair. After that she swapped to a pair of pants that let her also silvery white, bushy tail free before heading out back and into the woods to enjoy the rain.
" yeah, I mean yes I do go to Varand. So do you a, you know, attend school there to?" Again Mizu says this very awkwardly.
"...Which little one would that be?" Pax asked, dreading to hear the answer. His master had a hobby of collecting boys who resembled the Coveted One. The one he lost so long ago. According to Hector, Pax resembled his lost sheep the most. And he had to pay for wearing his face.
Smiles gently up at him "yea, I start going there tomorrow. I think I might've seen you in passing today. I heard your name in the library."
"Don't remember, looked a lot like you though, longer nose and a bit shorter maybe." He pulled into the driveway of a large house, much larger than one needed by even a big family. "Welcome home fledgling"
His pushing his fear to the farthest corner of his mind, Pax exited the vehicle and whistled in awe. "Yep, you've been dead for a long time, Charlie. This place is huge." He commenting, shutting the car door and swinging his backpack over his shoulder.
" really, how come I didn't see you in there." Mizu said. But before Taylor could awnser he asked " do you have a place we could duck inside of for a few minutes?"
"Well, I'm currently homeless at the Moment. But I found is old abandoned farm house nearby.. we could go there." She smiles nervously forgetting all about how they were in the rain. "Follow me?"
"Just the perks of being rich and old." he said as he unlocked the door and headed inside. "If you follow the hallway to your left there's a room for you at the end of it. Feel free to explore, ask the maid or butler if you need anything." He walked up a set of stairs and disappeared, leaving Pax alone with a young woman and man, both tall and with white hair. "Hello master" they said in unison.
While following Taylor Mizu said" I hope I'm not imposing on you, I just can't fly while my wings are as wet as they are now."
"Uhm...hi." Pax introduced himself to the prim looking man and woman. "Do you happen to know where i can get hair bleach and a needle? it's gonna be a long night."

End of Day 1 for Paxton

She smiles at Mizu, "it's not imposing at all. I only found the place this morning." She points over the ridge, "that's it there. Quite a creepy looking place, but it'll do for now."
She looks at him strangely. "Not at all Mizu. You're as strange as I am" she laughs.. " I'm a shapeshifter and I live in an old creepy house." She smiles brightly. "Now let's get inside and get those wings of yours dry. I found extra bunks if you wanna stay as well" she steps inside "there are towell upstairs. The old owner left behind quite a few necessities thankfully"
(Anyone mind me pulling a brief 'dungeon master' and swapping it to first period of school the next day? Just to keep it rolling for everyone?)
" good. Some times I feel that cute girls always find me strange." Mizu said accidentally slipping and saying cute. ( it's on accident because he doesn't want his feelings known yet)
Blushes and hides a smile "pick any room up there. Mine is upstairs to the right. I'm gonna head to sleep now, thanks for the help"

END of day 1
Mizu heads to an empty room wondering why she told him where her's was. Uncertain of what will happen tomarow Mizu drifts to sleep.

End of day 1

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