Varanda High [Inactive]

Mizu thinks to him self as he walks outside" what a waste of the day." As Mizu rounds to the back of the school he looks around" good nobodies around." Mizu mumbles. A few seconds later his cloak unfolds into a set of shining green wings and he jumps into the air flying off.
Finishes showering and puts on her last clean outfit and decides to explore the house a bit more before shifting to look for food. She wanders around downstairs and checks the kitchen for food bits she might have missed.
"Whoa." Pax exhales in amazement after watching Mizu take off. He throws up the hood of the jacket he swiped from the lost and found bin, no one giving a crap to care.
Oblivious to the tensions mounting in the Library, Quila reaches into her bag and pulls out a coconut.


Staring at the still solid food item, Quila promptly slams it into the tree five or six more times before hearing it's shell buckle. Satisfied, she sets about drinking the delicious milk from the inside, completely failing to notice the winged human taking to the air behind her.

"Gods and goddesses above I love coconut milk. Hmm, maybe I finally found a normal place to be."
Charles sighs as he makes his way out of the school, seeing Pax he called out. "Do you have a place to stay fledgling?" he asked just audible to him.
Finding nothing but rat droppings she sighs and transforms back into an eagle and flies outside prepared to hunt for small rodents. She sees the winged human off in the distance and decides it might be best to not let him acknowledge her.
" Flight, one of the few things I still enjoy." Mizu said as he did a flip in the sky" May as well take full form." And as Mizu said this he transformed into a shinny green dragon with four legs and four claws on each appendage." That's better" Mizu thought.
Charles nods "You wanna stay at my place then, it's a hell of a lot safer than being on the streets, especially if you get hungry. Plus I can give you some decent clothes."
Seeing the once human turn into a dragon she was startled. She transformed in surprise and as she fell she transformed again into a Fox form desperately trying to grab a hold of a branch on her way down.
Finally pulling her face from her meal Quila notices two of the people from the library, one she only noticed in passing and the other being the guy she passed on the way out, talking. Nimbly making her way from one tree to another without leaving the safety of the boughs she stood over the pair (Pax and Charles) and continued to munch on her food, hoping to learn about the peoples she would be knowing here.

'Hmm, that's nice to offer a homeless guy a place to be. I wonder if he's that nice all the time?' she thought.
"Now, why wasn't I sired by a Vamp Champ like you?" Paxton sighs, making his way down the school steps. "'s your name?" he asked, embarrassed by the fact that this guy was still a stranger to him.
'Vamp Champ? Silly name...' Quila silently giggled.

She found herself far more relaxed around these people when they weren't paying her attention.

Or, you know, aware of her presence in general.

She actually liked people, but it was so weird and scary trying to actually talk to them and such.
"It's Charles, and you're about 1024 years to young to call me champ." he chuckled and pulled out a set of car keys as he walked to his car, the outside was simple, black with dark tinted windows but the inside was that of a luxury car. He pulled out of his parking space and drove next to Pax, opening the passenger door. "And I refuse to sire more vampires." his tone was harsh
As Mizu was flying he noticed somthing fall out of the air. " I wonder what that was." Mizu thought. In seeing this he remembered that he shouldn't stay out of human form for long. He quickly landed and morphed back into his human form.
Staying in her spot, Quila listened to the conversation as it spoke of 'vampires'.

'Maybe they're gay. Cause vampires suck blood, and, well...'

Letting out a silent laugh at her own joke, Quila failed to keep a grip on her coconut and could do nothing as it fell and shattered loudly on the ground below her.

Charles exited the car calmly, but quickly. Looking around he spotted Quila. "Thank the gods it's just you." he said with a deep breath. Slowly he got back into the car. "I didn't think I smelled any hunters, could have been bad."
Pax noticed the change of tone referring to the siring subject, but was way too impressed with the car to focus on it. The inside of the car was way roomier and luxurious than the outside let on. He sat inside, very stiffly as not to scuff or scratch anything. "Charles sounds a bit too 'I'm over a thousand years old' for me. Would you settle for Charlie?" he asked, hoping not to strike a nerve with his elder.

He noticed the wasted coconut strewn on the pavement. 'I'm starving.' he thought to himself.
She quickly grabbed onto the branch and transformed back into her human form leaning back against the tree trunk holding her hand "Taylor.. what have you gotten yourself into." She rotated her wrist while gritting her teeth glancing to the sky. 'I wonder if he seen me...'
"You don't have to be so tense with the car Pax, it's just a car." he said noticing the fledglings tension. "And yes charlie's fine, not like I -want- to be over a thousand."
Quila just stood frozen for a moment. Charles had looked straight at her, but decided to ignore her for whatever reason. Her heart slowly stopped hammering, and Quila decided she had pushed enough luck for the day and made her way down and began walking home on the side of the street.

'With any luck, Quila dear, tomorrow will be a little less crazy. Wait, Charles is driving past me. Don't offer a ride, please just don't offer a ride. I won't want to say yes, but I won't want to say no, so just go go go.' she fretted in her mind.
Mizu noticed rustling in the tree next to him and approached it to investigate " hello is any one there!" Mizu said to the tree.
"Sorry, force of habit." Paxton replied, loosening up a bit. "I'm not looking forward to becoming a relic either. But you know there are very few ways out." He looked out the window, at the horizon. "If I'm gonna live forever, I want it to be on my own terms." he sighed.

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