Varanda High [Inactive]

Peering out from behind one of the shelves, Quila saw that Legoless was rifling through her lyrics. Part of her wanted to demand her notebook back, but it was a very small part easily quelled by the fact that he was taller than her and she wasn't a fan of confrontation.

Suddenly Legoless spoke up, and in her fear of what might happen since she seemed to have upset him earlier, she tried to sprint out the library. Rounding a corner, she nearly ran into the librarian and only just dodged around him only to run into a man that had just entered the library.
As Misu stepped into the library he noticed that Quila was in the arms of another. Before he could found out what happened he yelled" get your hands off of her!!"
Unsure exactly what to do, the only thing Quila understood was that one person was following her, she'd run into another person(Paxton) and almost run into the librarian, and now someone was yelling. She had no idea what was going to happen next, but she wasn't looking forward to it at all.

(Wanting to see Paxton's response, as it hasn't happened yet.)
" miss I found ur note book I think" 
Sits puts note book on table" please come talk to me" 
" please miss im really a nice guy" 
"Don't thinnk he minds to much" 
I take the note book and go back to the quad 
" ill be on the quad if you want to talk"
Looks like the library is a hangout for all the supernaturals. Best hope that hunters don't find that out... Nick thought to himself as he rearranged the shelves
Overhearing the commotion from the library, she peers in through the window in her Fox form confused as to what's going on.
Nick notices a fox in the window. well, stranger things have happened. He thought, and went back to the shelves, but kept his eyes and ears open.
Charles finished up his class and grabbed his books. Heading to the library to check if everything there was safe he stopped short and noticed the fox. "Well hello, what're you doing girly?"
She jumps in surprise at Charles noticing her so quickly and transforms as she falls into the room. Looking up at him she giggles and holds her head "oops! I really need to practice on that landing" she fixes her hair and holds her hand up to him "The name is Taylor, nice to meet you!"
He can't help but smile. "Charles, make sure no one sees you do that anymore alright?" he shakes his head a bit and helps you up. "The others in there are all monsters to, so commit their faces to memory and don't do anything to give yourself away."
Mizu takes a moment to assess the situation " wait, Quila ran off earlier , then why do I care who holds her." Thinking to him self."
Rubs her forehead and shakes her head to get her balance back as she stands and smiles gently at Charles "Thanks so much" she laughs and smirks "I'll try to remember, I got here late is the problem, I find it so much easier to observe people in other forms.." looks around discreetly and back to Charles "it was really nice to meet you oldie!"
Mizu, trying to mend his out burst " I'm terribly sorry for yelling, I... I don't know what came over me." Mizu walks to a table and sits down.
Nodding, Quila stand awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to do next.

"Oh... okay. Um, yea..."

At this Quila hears Mizu speak up. She gives him a nod as well, but keeps her head down and goes to where she had been seated only to find her notebook missing.
After Charles left him without an answer he sat there blankly and went over towards Alexander. "Hello." He said with a hint of question in his voice.
"Oh..." she remarked, her face falling to a frown under her hood, "Okay... I really need that notebook..."

Silently Quila mad her way back out the library, hoping to try to locate Legoless at some point, but unsure of how to ask for her notebook back.

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