Varanda High [Inactive]

Seeing that Legoless has left Mizu speaks " Quila, that's a great name. Do you still want me to toss this?" Mizu said holding up the slip of paper.
Flushing behind her hood, she gives a shake of her head.

"Um, no, you don't have to. Thank you for offering though. I'm sorry, by the way. I was about to use you to distract him so I could leave."

Realising what she said could be misconstrued, Quila quickly continued.

"Not that I dislike you, sir! I mean Mizu, sorry. I just... sorry..."

Quila was left unsure what to say, not exactly being the best at speaking to others. All she could do was hope that she hadn't upset or angered the gentleman that was speaking to her.
Krav walked into the history room to find where Charles had gone. Once there he scanned him and question "What is your directive?" He looked at him curiously also noticing Alexander sitting down at his desk.
A strong blush graces her cheeks at the implication, but something else caught her attention more.

Mizu had slipped his hand towards her.

In a reaction born of past experience Quila flinched away from the movement before realising what she was doing. She let out a slight squeak of confusion, as she swore that Mizu was nicer a moment ago. Then her mind cleared and she realised that she wasn't in her previous situation.

Ashamed at her thoughts, Quila quickly shut her laptop, stood, and fled from the library with intentions on going outside to get some fresh air.
Once Charles answered he stared off into nothing "Threat level declined...Safe from what?" He questioned now staring at Alexander. Krav sat down and waited for a reply trying to read Alexander's face.
"Wow, I guess no one around here can stand me" Mizu thinking to him self

Mizu stood up and started heading out of the library." See you later mr. Librarian."
Halfway down the hallway, Quila realises that she's left her lyrics notebook under the seat back in the library. Turning around, she almost get back to the library when she sees Mizu step out of the library. On a whim she leaps through the closest door she can, not paying attention to what it is.
After wondering the halls for several minutes Mizu finds him self in the court yard. " I like this place, it's open and nice." Mizu sits on a plot of grass hoping to forget Quila's reaction to his slightly romantic gesture.
Quila waited five minutes in the empty classroom before exiting and making her way back to the library. As she entered she saw the pushy and exuberant guy from earlier and immediately stepped behind the counter and disappeared amongst the 'returns' section.

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