Varanda High [Inactive]

Pax walks past the odd yet pleasant boy standing in front of him, and toward the door. "You guys are giving me a headache. So, I'm just gonna go before I pass out again." He looked to the librarian. "Hey, if you're a warlock, can up an umbrella? Please, no cliched Gothic parasols?" he asked, genuinely needing it.
Krav looks at Pax still because he has yet to answer his question. "Directive...what is your motive?" He asked as Pax walked away. Krav walked beside him waiting for an answer. "I am Krav or you may call me Polymer." He said matching his speed.
"Fine, ever heard of Azmeroth? He tried to destroy a few ancient continents about 800 ish years ago."
"Oh, and Poly," he called back to the strange boy, "My motive is freedom." Pax then looks to the elder vampire, who is engaged in an argument with the dragon. "Hey, would you like to go for a stroll?" He asks him. " I have some questions and you're probably the only one who can answer them."
" just because you're a couple thousand years older then me doesn't give you the right" Mizu doesn't finish his sentence because he knows it won't help.
"Would you rather an annoying youngster who might get you killed due to being misinformed, or an annoying old lizard?" Pax replies. He then walks out the door. "I'll be waiting in the courtyard." he states right before the door shuts.
"It does, listen I can tell you later alright? I've got classes." He turns and goes out into the hallway, heading to his history class
Krav stops after being told his directive "Male, Pax marked as a possible threat." He said out loud "Thank you for your time." He then turned away and started walking away.

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