Varanda High [Inactive]

Entering the library tentatively, Quila cast a quick look about the room trying to get a feel for the kinds of people she would be sharing a space with. Once satisfied with who she saw, Quila made her way to the furthest unoccupied corner and settled into a seat while setting up her laptop. With any luck, this would turn into the quietest place to avoid people while in school.
"It's sunnier than I thought." Paxton mused to himself. The courtyard was wide and shade free, something he cursed to himself about. "There is only one other vampire here and he is too caught up in his own ancient butt to help. It's a good thing this town is the one place my master can't see." He commented to himself, though the reason why Hector was blind to this place eluded him. The truth was, Pax was scared. From hunters to dragons, he knew he had more enemies than friends here. The others had places to hide when the last bell would ring...where would he go?
Taking a moment to watch the quick exchange from under her hood, Quila contemplated the point of the act.

'Maybe it was just an ironic gift.' she thought. 
Quila noticed someone walking towards her, and quickly made a point to let her hood from her jacket fall further over her face and busied herself with her laptop, hoping that both wuld be a signal that she wished not to talk at the moment.
"Q nick wanted quiet so I gave her ear plugs" 
Leans back in my chair thinks of nothing and fades into the nothingness of no thought 
"Guy girl all the same to me" "my arcane..." stops not wanting to reval my gifts
Mizu, noticing the girl with the laptop pulled her hood down he paused, just for a second and continued forward and sat across from her. Mizu said " how are you?"
Quelling moment of panic at the realisation that whoever sat down was in fact speaking to her, Quila gathered her nerve and spoke up in reply.

"I... uhm, I'm fine, I suppose."

A quiet filled the air for a moment before her eyes widened and Quila realised she forgot to ask the man how he was in return.

"And you? I mean, uh, how are you as well, sir."
Charles slowly walked into history class and sat down, waiting and napping.


Alexander watched as Charles walked in, he cocked his head. He looked a little angry, or at least agitated... worried? it was hard to tell
Quila quickly found herself uncomfortable with the new addition to the table. The first person, Mizu, seemed okay, but Legoless was blatantly ignoring her attempts at trying to hide herself.

In response, Quila pulled a slip of paper out and scrawled a quick message before sliding it to Mizu.

"I'm Quila, and nice to meet you Mizu. When you finish reading this, could you please throw it past Legoless' head?"

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