Varanda High [Inactive]

" I'll go get your note book. Legoless is my friend after all and it the least I could do for creepying you out earlier." Mizu said. He stood up.
Charles was a bit taken aback. "Do I Really -look- old?" he wondered


Alexander looked up from his book for a moment. "Hello." he said with a wave, his arm buzzing for a moment.
Pax walks into the library just as a quiet girl under a large hoodie passes him by. "Did everyone have a good time?" he asked out loud, scratching his head in awe of the virtually quiet setting.
Quila gives a quick nod of thanks but continues to make her way out of the room, having had a bit too much excitement for one sitting. Once outside the library, she makes her way to the courtyard to enjoy the breeze rustling through the trees.
She giggles once again at Charles and shakes her head "no, I just pick up on these things." She lowers her voice "as a wolf, I have a heightened sense of smell.." smiles gently "you're quite old, yet you look my age."
"It's the first day, mister--eh--librarian? Anyways, we promise we will attend at least 3 classes before ditching. At least I do." Pax replied with a good natured grin on his face. "What's your question, Zu-Zu?" he asked, still groggy from his nap in the janitor's closet. (He took it on the way to the library, sorry guys.)
Laughs at his remark "knew it!" She listens in to the librarian as he says that the day is nearly over "I should probably be going, I start attending classes tomorrow" she smiles and glances back to the window. "Just.. how do I get out without being seen by to many teachers is the question. I know the librarian seen me"
Ignoring the Zu-Zu remark Mizu said " you are old right, which means you know a lot about girls. So why can't I tell why they all hate me?!
He shrugs. "Dunno, I'm a good little student.... well you can always go down this back hallway." he winks and starts exiting the school
"Where should I begin to correct you?" Paxton replied to Mizu, " At the fact that just because I am a vampire doesn't mean I'm the oldest fart in the third stall? Or in the fact that the only way you could catch a girl is to trap her in the tallest tower of some storybook?" He smirked, propping the blue umbrella next to the librarian's desk.
" Damn vampires" Mizu stands up and continues" never giving a straight awnser. I'm going home, I just hope you have a place to stay Whitey." Mizu said heading to the exit.
He opens one of the last doors on the hallway "This is the easiest way out." He makes his way back to the library and sees Mizu heading to the exit. "Wrong person to call whitey." he says as he grabs Pax. "You people have a safe place to stay? Especially you fledgling."
Krav looked at Alexander "What is your name? Directive?" He questioned standing up ready to leave after his question was answered.
Smiles back at her new friend as he makes his way back to the library. Thinks to herself.. 'just now, where can I get actual food tonight..' she transforms into her eagle form when she's sure that no one is in near sight and flies to an abandoned house she found when making the trek to the school. 

[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine](How many people keep tabs on each character's sheet? Because it's a really good way to plan approaching other people's characters.)

(I do. :P it does make it quite simple)
Still enjoying the weather outside, Quila sees a comfortable looking fork in the boughs of a tree and makes her way up before settling into the forked tree limbs like a hammock.. As she does she smiles at the sight of an eagle flying over head. Birds had always fascinated her.

Despite a couple run ins, she was rather confident that as long as she stayed out of everyone's way, she would get along well here.
She flies through the window that she left open. She transforms mid flight and lands on her feet this time. Sighing thinking about her food situation, she makes her way to the shower she scoped out when visiting the house before and cleans herself up.
Getting up from his chair, Pax heads for the exit. "Have a good day, Librarian." Before exiting, Pax stops and looks at him. "Hey, can I get some references on vampire lore tomorrow? I lost a lot of time today. I can't afford to lose more." He then steps into the hallway.
Charles shakes his head and looks at Mizu "Listen, Mizu, I think it was. I really don't care if you have a problem with me. At least I don't think I care, is there a reason I should?"


Alexander looked up to the man standing in front of him. "Uhh... going to school I guess?" he said with a confused tone. "What the hell is this guy's deal?" he thought to himself as he stared at the man in front of him.

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