Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

(( @ Kinadra | Of course, I OOCly know that, but Leon ICly does not, nor does he care. As the vampire and the one leading our 1 x 1 RP, you have control and power to do what you wish. ))

'Opulent?' Leon thought as his eyes widened. 'And it's on a large cliff? Jesus christ, this is certainly going to end terribly. But yet, here I am following her like a scraggy lapdog, so who's really to blame for my inevitable death?'

Being a bit of a writer himself, many of the strange words and idioms that were once foreign to many became common knowledge for Leon. Opulent: extremely rich and lavish or luxurious, and it wasn't subtle. It was the 'in your face' kind of class reserved for those who flaunted it repeatedly, and with much fervor. If the 'house' was in the middle of a creepy forest, Leon would have been less frightened. However, Eva mentioned that it was "by the coast, on a fairly large cliff". Think of the property value! The woman must have been some kind of billionaire, or at the very least a very influential person centuries ago.

He shuddered from the cold nip in the air and refused to check his surroundings. Obviously a vampire outbreak wouldn't have left behind daisies and clean streets, unless they were OCD neat freaks. But these were creatures who ripped into necks to obtain their lifeblood, or food. However, this Eva woman continued to defy the norms. Sure, she dressed like an extravagant mistress and had a rack on her that would make any man turn his head, but she wasn't flaunting her body like a lady of the night would. She wasn't some animal. She was showing restraint, and even Leon was baffled by it. Surely someone would have smacked him by now for his tongue.

Sticking his hands into his pockets, Leon decided to ask a question.

"You have a library?"

"Alrighty then. Lets dig in!" Sylvia said, while Natalie muttered, "Finally." The twins

got to stetting the table quickly and serving food. A large table meant to seat many

people was soon filled with the slaves. 19 to be exact. And the one seat left was

soon filled by Cy, at the head of the table, though he wasn't really interested much in steak.

((@major, good point, sowwy))

"Do I have a library?" Eva asked, astonished. "Well, whoever doesn't is severely lacking

something special in their home. The library room is, in fact, on of the largest rooms in

the house. Old style, dual story with a two spiral staircases on either side, and dark

wood everywhere. Floor to ceiling lined with books, it is an ever growing room. The

one I am the most fond of. I have amassed quiet a collection over the years. I even

have some scrolls from the legendary Library of Alexandria. Picked those out myself.

It is such sacrilege what happened to it..." Walking backwards to talk to him, Leon

could see the huge smile on Eva's face turn a bit sad when she talked about the

demise of the once great library.
Michelle cut up her steak, and poped a peice in her mouth. 'I havent tasted steak in years! Its so delicious' She thought and she happilt took another bite.

But Keeping an Eye on Cy

'Yay... Cooked flesh coming from a cow. What a delight.' Cy thought sarcastically as

he poked it with a fork. He soon gave up on poking the meat and stared at his new

slave from his seat across the table. She seemed to be enjoying the steak. Lucky her.

He only sat here out of formality. Raised well, he never could break some of his traditions.

He sighed loudly and waited for the humans to finish eating.
Mchelle took a last bite out of her steak and put the knife and fork together straightly in the middle of the plate.

Hey, Just because she was a slave doesnt mean she doesnt Know any Manners.
Leon's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. He was positive that if he had been drinking something at the moment, it would all be over his chest by now.

"Wait a minute, the Library of Alexandria? The Library of Alexandria? The one in ancient Egypt?!" Leon all but exclaimed. "Are you saying that you have tomes from all the way back then? And you hand-picked them all yourself?"

After all the slaves had finished eating, Cy called out for one of them to clean up the

table and for another two to wash the dishes. He then beckoned Michelle over to him,

"I must admit, I am pleasantly surprised you know some manners. Most slaves are slobs

who need to be taught even how to eat properly. Everything was to your liking I presume?"

"That is a very good thing," Cy chuckled, "Now then, would you follow me to the

auditorium for a moment?" Cy guided Michelle down the middle hallway until the

very end, where a large ornate door sat, carved into it were the iconic images

of thespian artistry. "In here is the theatre, I would like to see what you can do."
((@major, stupid computer glitched, so I type my reply again.))

"Ah, yes... Caesar accidentally burned the library down during his visit to Alexandria

in 48 BC. Such an egregious error on his part. I never quite forgave him for that. I

have quite a number of those scriptures in my collection, as well as copies made for

reading. I also have some interesting tablets from ancient Egypt, but those were a

gift, and the translations along with it. But those are not my best, going by reading

material." She noticed the shocked look in his eye, and realized she had said too

much, giving away too much about her age. She tried covering it with talkativeness,

and gave him a half-smile. The Gothic, Victorian style mansion could be seen now, at

the end of a small path. The large cliffs maybe two acres off to the right, still well

within walking distance. And the abode up a slight hill and to the left. Trees

surrounded the area, almost like a well kept fence.


"Well, yes. I have practically any instrument. I have microphones. Along with a lot of

other stuff. Think of it as a talent show." He opened the door and guided her in in front

of him. Pointing he said, "Over to the left, down that small hall is the indoor pool, if that

is your thing. Straight ahead, as you can see is the main stage. To your right is the

gymnasium. And behind stage is all the equipment one could ever need." The room

was huge, and his voice echoed loudly the acoustics were so good. He placed a

hand on Michelle's shoulder and grinned at his opulence. The seats were wooden,

with velvet cushioning, all 300 of them. The stage, a huge area with lots of acting

room, and a harness for aerial stunts.

He saw her obvious hesitation, she had no clue what to do. 'This should be fun,' he

thought to himself. "Well, come on then, at least choose something to try. Even

though the windows have special panes of glass, I really dislike being up all day long."

"Would you like me to go first?" He asked in a fake sweet voice, "I could. It would be

rather fun. Singing is something I excel at." He grinned as though devil horns should be

on his head.
"Right. Ok. Sit somewhere in the middle to front. It has the best sound quality there

and the best view of the stage," He smiled, he hadn't sung in a while. And he knew

it would be a hard act to follow. He used his superhuman speed to flash to the

backroom, grab a mic and stand, and flash to the stage. He waited for Michelle

to sit in a seat. He waited a moment, getting the tune and chords in his head,

then started to sing in a flowing baritone voice. An operatic song in a different

language. Latin perhaps. The notes practically soared out of his vocal chords,

and it could raise the hairs on one's arms. His face was not at all stern and

mocking as it was before, but his singing was a gateway to his own soul,

rather than his eyes. When he sang, you could see the sorrow to the

happiness, all the emotions in a ballad, yet at the same time in a whirlwind.
Michelle sat there mouth wide open, How could she top that?! She asked herself.

She listened some more aswell as to think of what she should do.

Cy finished with a bow, and an innocent looking smile on his face. He really should do

that more often, he hadn't in years. "Michelle? Your turn, would you care to try to sing?

Or something different?" He said it in a sweet and calm voice, appearing behind Michelle

quickly. He realized he was acting off, but he couldn't help it.
Cy dug his nails into his hand to stop him from acting all warm. "Fine, go go go,"

he said with an impatient tone, and sat down in a chair near the front.

He listened intensely, a beautiful voice, a small bit of honing and she would be perfect.

"I see the underlying connotations there, but, this is better than that cage you were in.

Why hate it so?"
((@haters, you need to clear your inbox :( ))

"Right, right. Well, you know your talent now, to sing. How fun. I think we both ought

to go to sleep now. Or, at least, I am going to. You may do... whatever, I do not care."

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