Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

"Wow......." Michelle said to herself, her eyes glued to the scenery. She was impressed, but of course she refused to show much of it.

"Sooooooo~ Have any more "Slaves" or am I the Only one?" She asked
Cy chuckled, "Yes I have some slaves." He fished a button out of his pocket. A small

clicker of sorts. He pressed it, and in less than a minute, two slave-girls walked in.

"This is Sylvia and Natalie. They are twins and do well as my female butlers." They

both curtsied at Michelle, in sync. "They can help you to get situated with things."

Cy then motioned for Michelle to get aquainted with them, and he walked off, saying,

"I shall talk after you are clean."
"Hello miss," Sylvia said. "The master wishes you washed miss," Natalie said. They

both spoke in the same tone, with the same facial expressions. They seemed like

odd robots until Cy was out of sight. Then they both relaxed. Sylvia got all sweet

and happy, while Natalie seemed to shrink back and look down. "Come on, newbie.

Lets go clean you up. Your poor clothes look pretty dirty. We can fix that. We can

get you looking as nice as us," Sylvia was talking fast, and motioned at their clothing.

They both had on nice, short Victorian style dresses, and their hair was up in ringletting

ponytails. Sylvia kept talking, "Just give you a bath. Size you for a pretty little dress.

Ooo and play with your hair! Then-" Her sister Natalie spoke up, "Sis, you're doing it

again... you're going to talk her ear off... Come on, lets go, bath is this way." She

started walking off down the left hallway.
"We are the 'lucky' ones," Natalie said in a morose tone. "What she meannnns to say,

is that we have been with him for abouttttt, two years now," Sylvia said, rolling her

eyes. Natalie looked back down at her feet. Sylvia exclaimed loudly in her high pitched

voice, trying to change the subject, "Ah! Here is the bath. Such a long walk, silly house.

Now, I am assuming you know how to wash yourself, so I will just go grab something for

you to dry off with." She left, leaving Natalie waiting there for her sister's return.
Natalie sighed, she seemed perpetually depressed, "Well, don't take more than an hour.

He seems in a patient mood, but remember, we still need to get food in you and get you

dressed. So, his personality doesn't bother you? He treats us well usually, good food and

all, but he has such a short temper, and he sees us as his 'toys',"
Natalie just rolled her eyes, and Sylvia came back, a big smile still on her face.

"Here ya go. A towel for you, and now we will go. Don't take too too long," Sylvia

said with a big grin, and practically dragged her sister out of the room and closed

the door.
Michelle waved goodbye as the door closed, she turned back to the bath and set her towel on the side of the sink.

"Its been ages since I have a proper Bath." She smiled as she unbuttoned her dress
Michelle slipped off her dress and got into the bath, she breathed a deep heavy sigh and sunk into the bath.

She took out her hair and dipped it In the water, she then grabbed some Shampoo and started scrubbing it into her hair.

"I never wanna get out ever again."
That brought a little smile to Bram's face. "Indeed, the company is nice. But I wouldn't want to keep you awake at all hours simply making wistful conversation about my demons and my nightmares. There are better conversations to be made than that. Like your beautiful music... your soft, rose colored hair... maybe even how sweet your sing song voice sounds to these old ears," he said, his hand pulling one of hers from her lap to hold it. The palm of his hand was calloused and scarred inside, rough compared to her silky skin. It almost entranced him how tiny her hand was compared to his. "I... I have made you endure such horrible things in your time here. Played with your head, left you to a lech and have laid a hand with the intention to punish on you. Why are you here then, when you should despise me so?"
"Great!" Sylvia opens the door and pulls Michelle along, going around a corner near the

bathroom and into a room, shutting the door behind her. "Now, tell me which dress you

like." She shows Michelle three dresses, then looks up at her.

"Ooo, I was hoping you'd say that, go try on the white one! Tell me if it fits," Sylvia

exclaimed, practically running to give her the dress. She than proceeded to guide

Michelle behind the lacy dressing screen. She sat in a chair in the room and started

to ask questions, "So, tell me about yourself, what's your story? Or, wait, did you want

to know mine first?"
"Okie dokie. Well, not much to say. My sister and I are both 15. Two years ago our

parents sold us to Cyprian. They did it to save themselves. But he killed them both,

in front of us, something about them being despicable even for human standards..."

Sylvia kept talking quieter and quieter as she spoke, looking down at her feet.

She shook it off and continued, "Well, since then, we've survived with only a few

scars here and there. Much better than most of the slaves. Umm, before then, just

school, a boarding school. When the vampires started to come out, we were sent

home. And, well, one thing led to another, but, here we are."
"Thats sad." Michelle frowned as she finished putting on her dress and walking out.

"I know that Must be sad watching them die infront of you, trust me I know how that feels." She said, she so wanted to hug the two Younger girls
Sylvia shook her head, "Its fine... Ooo that dress looks so nice! Here here here,

look. Does it fit fine?" Sylvia shows Michelle to the three sided mirror.

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