Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

(I don't have a master either x3)

Mitzi listened to the conversation nearby. Was that really a vampiress? She sounded so...sweet. She crawled to the grimy bars and pressed her head against the space. Maybe...just maybe...


She had done it! She had squeezed her head through. She giggle quietly in victory. Her head had always been bony and thin. She tried twisting her head to the side to get a better view of the vampire but...uh-oh.

Her head was stuck.

"You always do things on an impulse, you never think them through. That'll get in a lot of trouble some day with that, and I know that for sure because the same thing had happened to me."Her mother's word swam around in her head. She had been right, like always. She should've always.

Worrying about what the consequences would be would get her nowhere though. She focused on the girl in the cell across from her who was banging her head against the bars. Mitzi wondered if she was getting a headache from it.
Michelle Stood up and raise her arms, grabbing the bars above her. She then pulled herself up and down again, doing chin ups just to pass the time

Wow! Mitzi thought, so strong! Mitzi smiled giddily watching her. The simplest things entertained Mitzi, especially when she was trapped between the bars. Mitzi wanted to say something to her, but she never enjoyed speaking, so she just watched.
The man's energy got a a lot lighter, but still uncertain. Eva smiled big and replied,

"No of course not. That would hurt me a lot too if I did. And, you haven't done a

thing wrong. Why would I berate you?" Eva waved to a guard, getting his attention

to unlock the door. "If you're ok with me taking you home, I would love to. You don't

have to be good at anything. I only ask for a little help in housekeeping and the like,

in return for clothes, food, and other things you may want." The guard came over

and asked if she wanted cuffs for the man. She said no, and waved for him to open

the door, handing him the money for the slave at the same time. "Oh, I never asked

your name," she said with a huge smile.
Michelle finished her chin ups, she let go of the bars and stretched. Heaps of people Underestimate her because she always look small and Fragile.

Even her own Parents thought that she was weak becase of her structur, But Michelle never tried to prove that she was stronger than she looked. She Has always kept it to herself, because she nevr really cared.

She sat down again and blew a stray hair out of her face.
Cyprian, Cy for short, strolled into the slave house with a bored look on his face,

although he did find all the sniveling amusing. Humans were such sad creatures.

Blood and toys, that's just about all they are useful for, suffice for a few with good

talents. He looked down the aisle and saw one other vampire there, buying a slave.

He also noticed some ridiculous human with their head stuck in between the bars. He

chuckled 'maybe she will stay stuck like that', he thought. He walked down the aisle

further and watched a girl do chin-ups. Once she was finished he said, with a poisonous

tone, "Well, aren't you a strong little human. Can you do anything actually worthwhile?"

He raised an eyebrow and waited impatiently for her to reply.
"I dunno, Its hard to tell since I'm stuck In here." Michelle Rolled her eyes, giving a witty Remark. Just because he is A Master Doesnt mean he gets special Treatment from her.
"Oh, aren't you a little fiery one? I enjoy a little challenge. I wonder if you taste good.

If you aren't good for anything else, you'd make good food," He said with a smirk. He

didn't want her just for food, though she did smell tasty. He'd choose her, but he also

didn't want this little game to end so quickly.
"Why not You have a Bite to see? I mean, thats what all Vampires do. Eat and Kill Humans." Michelle Glared at Him, It was Obvious he was enjoying this, Michelle could see that in his eyes.
"It doesn't seem to be what that one does, odd girl," He said nodding towards Eva.

Eva glared at him in response for just a moment, a glare that showed her hidden power

and age. Cy chuckled in response, mildly surprised but mostly amused, and went back

to the slave girl. "So, slave girl," he said, "What's your name? I don't want to just call

you 'girl' or 'slave'. It gets too annoying."
"Ah, Steve, of course," Cy said low with an amused but annoyed look in his eyes.

"You really are an interesting young human." He reached in between the bars and

flicked the girl's forehead. "Now then, your real name? Please...?" He said please

with such a strained tone, as though the word literally hurt him to say it.
Bram was rambling quite a bit; the lack of sleep was showing. The fact that he'd tried to leave his chambers in the middle of the day wasn't helping the fact. She did wonder, though, how she both comforted him and made his condition worse. She thought it would be one or the other. She sat quietly, listening to him ramble, until he asked her about the diary. A story book, as he called it. Such an interesting story.

"It seems very... Familiar." She answered. Ridiculously familiar, actually. It was an identical situation other than the fact that Josephine was only pretending to be in love with Bram in an attempt to free herself and the others from his reign. Kiki felt less and less inclined to attempt the procedure a second time, especially knowing that Josephine was dead. It felt very uncomfortable to think that her death and their escape attempt were so close together.
"Then perhaps you can see why I am in such... shambles," he said flopping backwards in his bed. "The last time I took affection with someone, she tried to kill me. She tried some hallowed plan to get everyone out of the castle by these mystery rescuers and to do that meant my death. Quite frankly, my dear Kiki, I'm not done enjoying my immortality." He turned onto his left side, showing the massive burn that ran up down his neck, to his shoulder and down his arm. "She had holy water with her, and when she curled up close to me she attempted to blind me with it. She missed and cracked the bottle over my head. Turned part of my hair white and seared through my flesh. She paid the heavy price for it thought... and there have been no attempts then."

He then sat up behind Kiki, rubbing his cheek on the back of her head. "To this day, I'm paranoid of such an event happening again, that my slaves will find someway to bring their master to his knees," he muttered tiredly. "But then... then you came into my home. None of my slaves bore the purity that you yourself have. You would never try something so... barbaric." He twiddled with the end of her hair, braiding it loosely. "Still, I cannot stop hearing the sounds in my head demanding I punish you for something that you have yet to do, or probably will never do. I feel I have to punish you for the past mistakes someone else made. But it isn't fair to you. I don't want to make you suffer. I just want..." His sentence trailed off with a thick sigh and he laid back in his bed. "Well... you have heard my pathetic rambling long enough. I'm sure you're ready to go back to your room."
"Michelle. Such a pretty name. It really is. Now, do you want to get out of here?" Cy

said, suddenly impatient. "My home is a bit of a ways away, and I would prefer to not

have to wait so long."
Michelle stood up and brushed herself off.

"Whatever." She said, But on the inside she was excited to get out of there.

"Just call for someone to open these Doors."
"Guard? Door. I want this one," Cy said, waving the male guard over. Cy handed him

the cost for Michelle, then beckoned for Michelle to follow. "I don't need to put you

in shackles do I?"
"Well, if you ran, at this time of night you wouldn't last long", Cy said. Cy then started

walking Michelle to his home. The path was fairly long, and was more like a hike, but it

didn't bother Cy in the least. He kept glancing back at Michelle, wondering what she

could actually do, and what he would have for her to do. He didn't really need another

slave, but he was happy that he had gone to get one. Cy had a small smile on his face,

a rare, innocent one rather than his usual cynical ones.
"The night doesnt scare me, Nor do Vampires." Michelle shrugged, looking around at her surroundings.

She tucked a stray hair back away from her face and looked up at the stars. She hadnt seen stars In years, they were so beautiful and they looked like Diamonds.
Kiki listened to him talking about what Josephine had done. So she had, in fact, gone through with the slaves' plan of action. She'd tried to kill Bram, just like the other slaves were trying to get her to do. Even though Josephine had been killed for what she did, they were willing to risk Kiki's life for the same pathetic attempt. Who knew what was out there!? It could all be a trick, and they were so willing to die for it.

He started playing with her hair as he spoke. He rambled on, but cut himself short when he started to say what he really wanted. Quickly changing the subject, he suggested that she probably wanted to leave. She shook her head, looking down at her hands. "No," she replied. "I've already tried sleeping and it's a hopeless cause." She began playing with the same piece of hair that he'd braided before. "The company is nice..."
"I wasn't talking just about the dark or vampires you know. Some of the beasts even

startle myself. But regardless, we are almost to my house. You shall get a small room,

and new clothing. What you have on now sort of reeks, so a bath would be good as

well. Then we sleep, and the real work starts tomorrow night. Got it?" he was talking

quickly, walking backwards while talking to her.
Now at the front walkway of his large colonial style mansion, he turned toward Michelle,

"This is my abode. Not the prettiest I suppose. But it is mine none the less. Destroy

any object, and you shall be punished accordingly. Try to run away into the forest, and

you won't get far. Try to run from the front, same thing. Yard and house are all open at all

times, except of course my sleeping quarters." Cy then walked her up and opened the door.

The first thing seen was a mudroom, three long hallways, and dual stairs going to the second

level. A grand entryway of sorts with white marble tile as the floor until the hallways which

were dark wood.

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