Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

Kiki flinched as the door slammed shut. Joanna had been on the outside? So she knew what they were missing- or what they thought they were missing out on. She looked back over at Ophelia. "If you really think this is for the best, then I will help you escape." She said quietly. "You must understand though, why I can't go with you. I'm not saying this is the best place to live, but even I know there are far worse beasts out there than the Vampire running this house." She thought about the creatures in the woods, and of Nikolaus, who seemed to be the epitome of a normal Vampire. The ones in the slave house had also been sexually aggressive, but luckily never towards Kiki. "I'm not sure how to get him that weak though, at least not so quickly. I'm sure he would stop me from opening curtains in his room, and attack me if I came anywhere near him with Holy Water..."

[MENTION=3517]Mr.Fancy-Cake[/MENTION] there is a sign up form in the Character section, you'd have to be approved by the owner of the RP and start out in the slave house where another RPer would come and buy you >_> Lol, it's not really a jump right in kind of thing.
“You won’t want to stay here if you are playing the distracter,” Ophelia said as she squeezed out of the wash cloth. “If you attack him and you aren’t quick enough, he’ll turn you inside out. Or worse…” She simply sighed and shook her head. “Look, girl. It’s just better if you run with us. I hate admitting it, but I don’t want to leave anyone here for him to squeeze information out of. Like it or not, you’ll end up coming with us.”

She slapped her wet hands on her apron. “But, that’s enough talking for now. I’ll make sure that our friends on the other side know that you’re in on the plan before morning comes. Then we’ll see what else they have to add to it. For now, go bother someone else. I’ve got dinner to make. Go on, shoo!” She waved her hand at Kiki to leave her alone.

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] O.o Sorry!! I'm new so I don't really get the gist of this website, I thought it was on it's first page, not the 26th page... .-. I'm terribly sorry, I'll go sit in the corner of shame now.

To the character page I gooooooo~
Kiki left quickly. Whether she liked it or not, she was now part of this rebellion. She was the distracter. She'd have to hurt Bram pretty badly for him not to lash out against her, and she'd have to allow time for the others to escape before doing so herself. Ophelia missed one detail though. If Joanna was still here in the end, wouldn't he just use her to get information, or worse, just kill her off out of anger? She walked down the hall towards her room, letting out a sigh. Ophelia was making dinner, but Kiki wasn't hungry in the least. She planned to just go straight to bed. This was all getting to be too much.
Joanna couldn't help but feel suspicious about Ophelia and Eric behavior. The always seemed to brash and hush hush around her, and now they were acting like this? What were they up to? She shrugged off the feeling and was about to go off on her nightly routine. It was her turn to sweep out the music room. Upon opening it, she had the surprise to see that the doors to the balcony had been opened, and music was playing with no one in the room. Looking to the piano she saw the keys moving by themselves in a slow and tragic melody. "Master Bram..." she whispered, touching the keys.

"What do you want, Joanna?"

She gasped in surprise when she heard his voice. It was coming from outside on the balcony. She cautiously went to the doors and found Bram laying on the thick ledge of the balcony. His eyes were closed in concentration as he played the tune from a short telepathic distance. "Sir, what are you doing out here?" she quietly asked. "Aren't you suppose to be making your rounds to check on the slaves."

"That doesn't matter right now," he muttered, the keystrokes starting over to repeat the song. "Joanna... Have you ever had thoughts of escaping my home?"

She was taken aback by the question. "Sir? Whatever gave you the notion?"

He was silent for a few moments, trying to nail a difficult part on the piano. "I've been thinking about Kiki and what happened... I don't believe the boy, nor do I believe her. I wonder if... if she was trying to leave."

"You... are concerned about this?"

"No... or perhaps," he admitted, eyes opening to look at the night sky. "I... don't want her to leave, Joanna. I was actually, in the longest time of my life, stricken with fear for her. And it infuriates me that she might have been trying to escape."

Joanna held her tongue and then replied, "Even if she was, I think she has learned her lesson, yes?"

The music once more repeated itself as he went off in thought once more. "... bring her to me, Joanna. I wish to hear her play again."

"But her injuries--" she started.

"Joanna..." That was all it took before she bowed to him, and scurried to find Kiki.

(( [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] Damn I feel like I just over took the story. I am so sorry XDD ))
Kiki had reached her room. She was reaching for the door handle when she heard quick, light footsteps coming her way. She looked down the hallway and saw Joanna coming towards her. Was she going to question her about earlier? Maybe she had caught on that something was going on and thought Kiki would be the first to give in and say something. She wasn't going to. It hadn't even been Kiki's idea to try to run away, and she still couldn't imagine doing so. There was something keeping her here, and it wasn't the beasts in the woods.

"Joanna," she said when the other woman was closer. "What's going on? You seem rushed." She gave her a questioning look. "Is everything okay?" She turned her body away from her bedroom and to the slave, wondering if anything was wrong. Maybe she had changed her mind about letting Kiki turn in for the night? Or maybe she was coming to lock her in, since she was going to bed. But somehow she knew this was about the escape plan. Hopefully Joanna hadn't expressed her worries to their master...

(( haha no problem xD someone has to come up with something, and I'm more of a follower anyways ))
Joanna stopped for a moment to catch her breath, waving her hand to her face to cool off. Once she had caught up with herself, she took a deep, collected breath and replied, "Master Bram wish for you go to the music room. He's expressed his interest in hearing you play something for him. I tried to explain your injuries to him, but he seemed rather adamant about fetching you." She then turned her head to see if any slaves were coming, and then whispered, "He's been in a rather foul mood since what has happened in the early evening. It hasn't improved much and I think he's been letting his thoughts get carried away with him.

"He seems to think the accident with the creatures was the result of you and Eric... well, trying to escape the castle. Kiki, you haven't thought about trying to escape out there, have you?" she asked, grabbing the other girl's shoulders lightly. "Please, if you're thinking about trying to escape at all, don't do it. The world out there is so much worse than in here and I worry for you."
Kiki couldn't believe it. "He wants me to play in this condition?" She asked. "And by no means were we trying to escape, Joanna. What put that into his mind? Things simply got... Out of hand, earlier today. It wasn't in either mine or Eric's control. But we were just riding a horse is all. I wouldn't have gone near the woods after I saw those creatures looking out at us..." She crossed her arms. "Anyway, I guess I'll attempt to play something. Though I'm sure he'll be rather disappointed." She was suddenly self conscious about the long claw marks going down her back. "Maybe I should change, first..."
"There's no time to change," Joanna said grabbing her good hand and almost dragging her to the music room. "With the mood that Bram is in, I don't want to keep him waiting longer than he needs to be. And I'm sure whatever you have to play for him will be fine for him. After all, he was just repeating the same verse to a song over and over again when I found him." She pulled Kiki right to the music room and still found that Bram hadn't left his position. The piano kept playing without a master and he was outside on the ledge of the balcony. Joanna let Kiki go as she went to the large open doors leading outside. "She's here at your request, master," she said with a quick bow. "Though I fear that her injuries will be too much to allow her to play for long."

"I'll be the judge of that, Joanna," Bram tiredly replied as he came down from the ledge and went back inside. His hair seemed to be a little wavier from the winds, and his eyes looked exhausted. When he saw Kiki once more, he seemed to have a relieved look pass over him for a moment. "Good of you to bring her to me."

"I still ask that you be easy on her, Master Bram," she requested of him. "If there anything else I can do for you?"

"That is all, Joanna," he said nodding to her. "You may go." She returned the nod and quickly left room, closing the doors behind her. Bram then looked to Kiki and said, "I see your wounds have been cleaned. Come, sit and be comfortable for a moment." He gestured to a lounge couch with the cello nearby.
Kiki hurredly followed Joanna to the music room. When they walked in, the piano was playing a melody on it's own, with no one touching the keys, or even in the room for that matter. Kiki looked around but then looked to the same area that Joanna had directed her attention. Bram was outside and had somehow been playing from the balcony. He entered the room and Kiki saw a subtle change in his facial expression that almost looked like relief. It was probably nothing.

Bram asked Joanna to leave and Kiki watched as the older slave left the room. She turned back to her Master, who asked her to get comfortable on a nearby couch. She noticed the cello nearby, but knew that if he wanted her to play it he wouldn't have asked her to sit on the plush seat. It wouldn't be appropriate for such an instrument.

Kiki walked over to the couch and took a seat. She hadn't ever sat here, but it was quite comfortable. Much better than the stiff chair she sat in to play cello or the hard bench by the piano. She watched Bram to see if he was going to join her, wondering what he was thinking. The Vampire looked like he had a lot on his mind.
Bram didn't take a seat at first, circling around Kiki and the couch for a long while. Even in his quiet state, there were a million questions and voices going on in his head. Some tempting him to assault her with questions, ask her if that boy made her go with him. Other voices told him to take what he wanted from her mind and punish her for lying. The quietest voice however, pleaded with him to comfort her, to take pity on this girl and to trust what she had to say. As he passed behind her, he finally was able to see the wounds on her back up close. He gently swept it the hair that touch her back over her shoulder, shuddering at the heat that came from her body. "I apologize that my creatures attacked you so harshly," he said to her as his fingers left her soft hair. "They don't know the difference between a victim of circumstance or a run away. Then again, I don't know which you were, either."

He leaned next to the arm rest, looming over her. "It has been bothering me for quite some time, that question. That boy... he made you go out on the horse didn't he, my dear?" He tucked a hair behind her ear in a semblance of comfort. "I'd like to know why he would risk your life in such a way. Because seeing you almost be mauled by those creatures was rather... distressing, to say the least. No man would leave a woman behind like that unless he was worried about something else than her life." That was the best way he could put it. He was sick with worry for her. His claws dug into the pocket of his pants at the notion of being so concerned for a slave. But this was Kiki... she was something different.
Kiki froze when he pushed her hair out of the way to look at the cuts on her back. Luckily, he pulled his hand away quickly and broke the spell his touch always seemed to have over her. He leaned in and asked her about earlier. Bram thought that either they were trying to escape, or Eric forced her to go with him? That's what this is all about. He wanted to know what really happened. What should she do? She could retell the same story as before, but it was clear that Bram didn't believe her. She could make up a new one, but she had no idea what to say and then Bram would know she'd lied to him before. She could tell the truth, but then Eric, Kiki, and Ophelia would probably be dead by morning.

"He didn't force me to go," she said, looking over at Bram. "I really was on that horse because I wanted to be. But we weren't trying to escape, and that's completely honest." That was the one thing she said that would both keep their secrets safe and tell the truth at the same time. She'd agreed to go out on the horse, and they were not planning escape. "And Eric didn't see the creatures like I did... The horse threw me off and ran away before I could warn him... He chased the horse because he didn't know about your little... Pets."
He seemed to chuckle a little. "The word 'pets' imply that I have some form of control over them. If that was the case, then I wouldn't have had to rush out there to keep them off of you. I could've just commanded to leave them be. But I can't and because of that, you were... hurt," he trailed off a bit. He let out a heavy sigh, then walked to the end of the couch to settle on the opposite side of her. He could still feel that she was hiding something from him, but at the moment it really hadn't mattered to him anymore.

"You had me rather worried about you, Miss Kiki," he said with a bit of a laugh. "I wouldn't want my little songbird in the clutches of some strays. But you're here now. You're safe and sound." He reach his hand over and touched her cheek softly, the feeling of her warm skin sending a sickening ache straight to his heart. God, he felt pathetic expressing an inkling of concern over her. But did that really bother him so much? Having her closer to him made him feel so serine, so warm. When she was in his arms, curled up, bloodied and hurt, he was distraught. He shivered at the though and swallowed the memory away. His hand left her after a moment, the warmth still spreading through cold dead skin. "I... ask only for you to be safer from now on. Understand?"
(( [MENTION=3229]Haters Gonna Hate[/MENTION] a lot of new people have signed up, maybe you could partner your character with one of theirs? ))

"You seemed to have control of them," she replied timidly. He'd said something to them that made them back off, so she just assumed they followed his orders. She listened to him and looked over when she felt his fingers brushing her cheek again. That familiar feeling rushed to her face. The one that always appeared when his skin made contact with hers. She still didn't quite understand it. All too soon it was gone again and he was explaining that she should be 'safer'. She knew what that meant. "I'm not going outside again..." She said. She knew he wouldn't allow it after earlier. It was a shame; she'd truly enjoyed the fresh air. Hopefully that would be the only new restriction.

((Sorry for the pitifully short responses. Guess it comes with the exhaustion xD ))
"Oh, I wouldn't say you're not allowed outside," Bram said as he combed his knotted hair with his fingers. "I'm certainly not allowing you to be partnered up with that boy again. Causes me nothing but trouble really. But if you so desire, the balcony is welcome to you during the daylight. Though, I must remind you, jumping down to run in the field isn't advised seeing it's several stories up." He chuckled to himself, watching her sweet face turn red on and off again. She looked so adorable that it made him ill with delight.

"But I'm sure you'll appreciate a little sunlight," he went on, reaching over to play with her soft hair. "It's a pity though... I wouldn't have any strength in the world to see you in the sun. One of the few things I occasionally miss now and again." His hand went to her shoulder and her back, careful of the scratch marks that were there. "It's a shame that I must miss such rare perfection such as yours." His lips played a small smile just for her, as if he had a delightful secret to tell her. "Still... I'll be sure to watch over you more carefully in the night. I don't want to risk losing you, little songbird."

(( I know the feeling xD ))
'I should have seen it coming...'

Leon grumbled and slid down the wall of his dank cell into a sitting position. He draped his arms over his knees and just stared at the wall. It didn't take too long for him to be found by the creatures of the night. By all means, his stifled cries and tears of anguish upon discovering his murdered parents should have alerted more than just a small group of nightwalkers. He awaited the same fate as his parents, but the creatures simply sneered and took him. It was a startling idea. Perhaps they were taking trophies?

The young man slowly reached up to the side of his neck and felt two pinpricks. They had bitten him before dragging him off, whether it was for a quick taste or a showcase of superiority it did not matter. The bite had done its job by momentarily stunning the student, giving the vampires just enough time to properly restrain him. With a scoff, Leon pulled his hand away and glumly stared at the blood on his fingers. His blood.

Whimpers and soft moans of agony were heard from near the young man's cell, but he paid them no mind. Already he had drowned out their voices. What could would pleading and begging do? All the vampires in this building- was it a slave house?- didn't even spare one thought towards the humans in the cells. They did pay close attention to the vocal and submissive ones, often descending upon them just to watch them suffer. It was schadenfreude at its finest, but Leon could not appreciate it. He was not sympathetic towards any of the other slaves near him, but he was still slightly understanding of their situation.

'Not even people like us deserve this kind of treatment,' Leon thought to himself as he looked beyond the bars on his door. 'For the love of god, let this all end quickly for me. I'm getting bored.'
Kiki relaxed a little. So she could still go outside. She wasn't to be partnered with Eric again, but she already knew that. Bram had threatened Eric earlier and told him to stay away from Kiki. So far, he hadn't done the best job of that, but Kiki wasn't about to go tell on him like a tattletale sibling. And she wasn't about to leap from the castle balcony, either. She had enough injuries without doing something quite that idiotic.

Still, he said he would have to keep a closer eye on her at night. Hopefully that didn't mean he'd be loomin nearby as she did her nightly chores. That would be terribly distracting... She couldn't help but feel as if there was another reason he wanted to keep her around so badly, but the fact that he finished his sentences with 'songbird' pushed that thought from her mind.
Bram then stood up from the couch and walked to the cello. "You can probably already tell that I didn't really call you here so you would play for me," he said as he ran his fingers down the strings. "Not in the condition that you are in. I simply wanted to speak you in private without the insufferable whispering of the slaves all around us. They tend to enjoy making up stories about their master and I find it so very annoying." He looked back to her and gestured her to rise up from the couch.

"If there's nothing more you feel you must add, you may return to your room and rest," he said with a softer voice. "In the meantime, I'll be returning to my quarters. Today has been rather trying for both of us, I'm sure." He affectionately rubbed her cheek with the palm of his hand, still unable to get his fill of the touch of her soft skin. He was reluctant to tear his hand away for a few moments longer.
Kiki listened to him as he touched the keys on the cello. The vibrations from his fingers sent out a low note, barely audible above his speech. He pulled his hand away and instead it found it's way back to Kiki. His hands were cold in comparision with her rosy cheeks, and she wished he wouldn't pull away. She wished she could keep his hands there until they were as warm as she felt. His touch gave off a feeling of longing; of wanting to stay this way. She certainly wouldn't want to crush that wish.
Try as he might, the whimpers and sniveling coming from an adjacent cell began to bother Leon. It sounded as if the person confined next to him was in great pain, or he or she was still struggling to comprehend the severity of their current situation. What was there still to understand? Life, as Leon knew it for mortal men, was swiftly coming to an end. Vampires only looked down at the humans and would never give them anything to use against them. To them, humans were like cattle. They could be used and tossed aside, bled until they ran dry.

Leon chuckled sadly at that thought before rubbing his neck again.

'A slave eh? These nightwalkers just want to break a man before they kill him,'
he thought to himself.

(( Are there any vampire masters being controlled by players that have yet to find a slave? ))
Bram could feel the blood rushing through her veins, singing a melodic song to him in perfect rhythm. The warmth from her went from the tips of his fingers right down to his icy heart. And oh how innocent she looked up at him, as if he wasn't a complete monster. He made he kill a girl for him, obeyed his every command, look at him in fear, confusion, wonder; yet, with what she had seen, what she had done, he still looked into her eyes not as another meek slave to crush, but perhaps... with something more.

Before he could stop himself he pulled her closer to his cold chest, both hands on her cheeks and his chilled lips pressed on her forehead. "You really haven't a clue... how scared I truly was," he whispered, fingers combing through her hair. "To have seen those beasts upon you terrified me... and I don't know why..."

'You know why,' a voice called in his head. 'You're playing a nostalgic fool, playing for the heart of some cheap knock off! You don't care about her. YOU JUST FEEL GUILTY FOR YOUR PAST, YOU PATHETIC WORM!'

He gritted his teeth and almost tightened his grip on her. But he held fast, and let the voice die in his head. He softened his grasp and sighed before pulling away from her. "My apologies, Miss Kiki. I haven't been very gentlemanly with you," he murmured with a polite bow. "Forgive me."
((Sorry, my laptop seemed to have disappeared at the most inopportune time. And im still on my phone.))

Evangeline thought for a long while at her library at home. She hated the conditions, but she felt as though she needed to go get another slave. "Rosa?" She called out, "would you please grab my coat? I've decided its time again to get another servant from the slavehouse." As the slave went to grab her trenchcoat, she walked toward her door, thinking of the horrid conditions that must be there.

Long before she had arrived, she smelled the stench of feces and decaying material. She grimaced as she walked in. Evangeline looked sadly at each of the slaves in their deplorable situation, a knowing look in her eyes. So many of them looked close to dead, and most of them looked utterly defeated. Eva sighed and kept looking.

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