Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

It was all in reflex when Bram heard the protesting cry. Without looking and without thought, he struck out his hand and struck Kiki across the face to the ground. It was a millisecond before he realized who he had struck and he saw Kiki fall to the ground. If he had a heart it would be still in shock. But the stall in his punishment was enough to look at her with irritated snarl. "What do you think you're doing?" he snapped at her. "You wish to let this boy live? This boy who left you to be devoured by the creatures in the dark?!" He kicked Eric in the throat to make his point, listening to the boy choke on air. "Have you no sense of punishment?! Do you want to be the one left out there, your flesh being ripped off the bone?!"
Kiki looked up with wide eyes. Her cheek felt hot when she touched it, and Bram's words barely reached her. He kicked Eric in the throat to make a point and she cringed. She looked back up to the Vampire in front of her. "Why is it that everyone who makes a mistake has to die?" She asked softly. "If that were the case I'd be dead a million times over anyway."

((Short post ;A; sorry))
"You make a pathetic case to save this boy!" Bram yelled at her. "You have yet to make a... a mistake..." She was right. He could count on his fingers the things she had done wrong or clumsily in her time in his home. Yet, he did nothing to punish her. She bore no scars by his doing, no broken limbs caused by him and she still looked him in the eye. 'You've been too soft on her,' the voice came back. 'She challenges your authority! MAKE HER SUFFER. PUNISH THE BOY! MAKE HER WATCH THE BOY GET TORN TO SHREDS!'

He closed his eyes and held his head from the screaming migraine. This boy left her to be eaten alive, but Bram still saved her. She was so scared in his arms, exhausted... Doesn't this boy deserve to die for leaving his precious Kiki? Wait... precious Kiki? He shook the thoughts from his head and with a frustrated swipe of his hand, he cut the rope from the saddle. Eric watched the rope fall with watery eyes, looking up at his master in confusion. Bram glared down to his slave. "You have her to thank for your life, slave," he said through gritting teeth. "But if I ever, EVER see you anywhere near her, put her in any danger... I'll feed you to my minions little by little." Bram then took the horse by the reins and lead him to the stable. "Finish your work out here," he ordered Eric as he sat up holding his throat. He simply gave Kiki a tired, irritated look before leaving to go inside.

((You drew pictures?!? Ahhhh so cute x3 ))

Kiki breathed a sigh of relief when Bram cut the rope and freed Eric. He seemed almost irritated as he walked the horse back to the stable, but Kiki couldn't help but be overjoyed that he had actually listened. She went over and pulled the rope from Eric's ankles. Giving an apologetic look, she said, "We should probably avoid each other until this blows over. I don't have a doubt in my mind that he'd do it..." She gave him half a smile, almost forgiving in nature, before coiling up the rope and returning it to where it belonged. She nodded a farewell to Eric, not wanting to hang around in case Bram's promise worked both ways, and started the walk back to the castle.

She managed to creep in quietly, without drawing the attention of any of the slaves. Taking off her boots so as not to leave muddy tracks, she made her way to the washroom. Kiki closed the door behind her and drew a bath, knowing it would be unacceptable to walk around so dirty. She stripped herself of her clothing, which was so ragged from the beasts' claws that they barely resembled a dress and petticoat. Tossing them to the side, she sunk herself below the surface of the hot water. She realized she must have claw marks on her back; the hot water filled them and it burned, bringing tears to her eyes, but she scrubbed the filth from herself until she looked practically good as new.
Bram hadn't put his own horse away in such a long time. Hell, he never had to do any kind of work in centuries. But he found it a good way to put his mind elsewhere as he unsaddled the horse, removed the bridle, hell even water his own horse. But caring for the beast calmed the hatred he felt deep in his heart. At least, for now. He didn't even bat an eye when Eric came in like a beaten puppy, scurrying to get back to work. It was almost tempting to put the boy out of his misery, without Kiki knowing. He almost chuckled at the thought, taking in pleasure of the idea of taking the boy apart. But that act would break Kiki's heart.

Ack, there he went again. She was in his head once more and it was starting to become a thorn in his side. He left the stable and went to his home. As he entered, Joanna was there to greet him in a worried voice. "Master, I saw Kiki pass here a few minutes ago and her clothes were torn to pieces. What happened out there?" she questioned him urgently.

"It's not of your concern, Joanna," he simply said, the luster in his voice fading. "I've taken care of it enough."

"But master, you're bleeding," she replied, making Bram do a double take. "On your chest, look."

He looked on his body and saw smears of dirt and blood on his abdomen. Was this her blood? He touched it, finding it to still be damp. He hadn't even noticed the claw marks on her back bleeding a bit. Was he too full from the earlier feeding or was he more concerned with her to notice. "So I see," he muttered absentmindedly. "Where's the nearest wash room?"

Joanna looked at him in confusion. He knew his home inside and out and he was asking such a question. "You really are not yourself, are you? It's right upstairs, Master Bram," she said pointing. Where was his mind at? He nodded in silence and followed her direction, still staring at the blood on his fingertips. His boots clicked loudly in the halls, the only sound to be heard throughout the house.
Kiki was relaxed in the bubbly water, soaking away her miserable night in the hot water. She heard something in the hallway that sounded like clicking. Was it footsteps, or something else? As the noise drew closer, she knew it had to be footsteps. Who was up here this time of night? Most of the slaves would be working busily to keep the castle clean and tidy, and Bram should still be outside. Maybe it was Joanna coming to check on her? She smiled a little thinking of how kind that woman could be. She always seemed so positive even in the worst of times. Still, Kiki was glad to have a fluffy towel beside her in case it was one of the other humans. She had realized once she was in the washtub that she hadn't gotten new clothes from her room, but the towel was enough cover to make the short dash there when she had finished.
Bram could smell the steam of hot water and fresh soap in the air as he approached the washroom. Had someone seen his nasty state and taken the preemptive strike to draw him a bath? Or was someone already occupying the washroom? Not that it really mattered to him; he'd just boot them out and take the room for himself. He came to the door and was ready to open it when another scent assaulted him. Fresh clean skin and blood. His hand froze as he took in the scent, recognizing it as Kiki's almost immediately. With his blinding rage gone, he could clearly remember how hard he had smacked her earlier, how he roared at her when she had just been attacked. It made him feel sick, it made him feel guilty... 'Funny,' he thought to himself. 'I had almost forgotten what guilt felt like.'

But he was the master of the house. Why did he listen when she pleaded for the boy's life? 'Perhaps, she feels something for this boy, hmm?' the voice came back to taunt him. He found himself angered by this thought, that pit in his stomach feeling bigger. Why did this slave leave such a dent in his order?! He ignored all his inhibitions and opened the door into the washroom. He gave no introduction, no warning, he just went into the steam filled room and straight to another tub with a stool beside it. He didn't look to Kiki at all, giving her some sense of privacy. He may have been master of the house but he wasn't going to watch her bathe while he cleaned up himself. He sat in silence on the stool and turned the water on for the tub.
Kiki jumped when the door was pushed open. Looking out of the corner or her eye, she could see Bram crossing the room to one of the other tubs, clearly trying not to look over. She was relieved that he was so gentlemanly in that matter, but still couldn't help but think about the fact that she was currently naked with her only cover being a layer of bubbles that would eventually pop. She felt her face getting warm and was glad that her back was turned to Bram. The last thing she wanted was for him to see that she was blushing over the fact that he was in here.

Kiki held her breath and ducked underneath the water at an attempt to get the soap from her hair. As bubbly as the water was, the shampoo was just replaced by the filmy bubbles. She resorted to filling a cup with clean water from the tap and rinsing her hair that way. The locks curled a little at the bottom and she absentmindedly twirled pieces of it around her fingers. She didn't know which was more awkward: talking to Bram as he undressed for his bath or sitting here in silence.
Ahh, the feeling of a slave squirming in his presence. Not the usual way he got them to do that, but it was still enough to make him smirk. He stripped off his dirty blouse and hung it on a hook nearby, then his pants. Even with the clothing gone, there was still blood stain and mud on him. Not to mention the old blood from earlier. He at least had the decency to keep a semblance of undergarments on for the lady’s sake. Grabbing a bucket near the tub, he dipped it into the full tub of water and then dumped it over his head and shoulders. Already the grime and blood was coming off.

As he poured another bucket over his head, he could still hear the girl behind him splashing about, as if she was ducking underwater. “You don’t have to hide, you know,” he muttered to her, looking slightly to her, but not at her. “I have no plans in violating your privacy.” He shuddered at a sickening memory in his head, distracting himself with grabbing the bar of soap and lathering up. “Give me some credit for my self control.”
Kiki sat upright when she heard him start to talk. "I-I'm not," she said. She looked down at her fingers, which were starting to prune. She made a sound of distaste- she hated to see her skin wrinkle up, but was always at odds with the fact that the baths just felt so good she couldn't resist staying in long enough for it to happen. Deciding she was clean enough, seeing as how there couldn't be a speck on her at this point, she stood and rang out her hair. Draining the water, she stepped out of the washtub and toweled herself off. She wrapped the towel around herself, glad that Bram wasn't going to look. He was the opposite of his former friend would have been in the same situation. Kiki picked up her clothing from the antique-looking vanity and quietly left the room.
He had kept his word for a while, minding his own cleaning business. He rinsed off the soap from his paling skin and squeezed all the water from his long hair. He only looked away from his cleaning when he heard Kiki get up from her bath and drain the water. Though he had promised to keep his eyes forward, there was a bit of a niggling inquisitiveness in the back of his mind to have a small look. He waited until he could sense her back turn and looked over his shoulder at her. Her back faced him and she wasn’t paying attention as he watched her briefly. Through the steam he could see the red welts where the scars trailed down her spine.

He was quick to avert his eyes away, but the image still burned in his mind. Bram could sense the pain she must have been in. He stood upright and found a towel to dry himself. As he heard her wet steps head for the door, he called out to her, “I expect you to be visiting Ophelia before you go to bed tonight. I don’t want you ending up with some sort of infection.” But as he was saying this she had left, making him relax his shoulders with a sigh. “Augh, Kiki…” he muttered to himself. “What am I to do about you?”
Kiki hurried to her room. Apparently he HAD looked, after all, if he knew the scratches were there. After all, they hadn't really been all that visible before when her raggedy dress covered it. She closed her bedroom door and turned in the mirror. They looked bad, and he was probably right. It would be even worse if it got infected, and who knew what had been on that creatures' paws that was now under her skin.

Kiki dressed in something that had a low back. It would be easier for Ophelia to help her if she didn't have to undress to do it. She looked at the salmon dress from earlier which now lay on her vanity. She tossed it in the wastebasket. Even Joanna couldn't scrub the filth and memories from this one. Stepping into the hall barefoot, Kiki made her way downstairs to where she knew Ophelia usually was.
"I swear, Ophelia! He ran out, picked her up and brought her back. She's the one we need!" Eric exclaimed, his voice still raspy from the kick to the throat. "She's the one they want to--"

Ophelia tightened the bandages on his back roughly. "Not so loudly, you meekly runt," she scolded, keeping an eye out for anyone coming in. She then looked back down to finish Changing Eric's wraps. "You're imagining things. He hasn't laid a hand on her yet, why should he care if she lives or dies? Just because she can a pretty tune or too?"

"Maybe that's it," he said quietly. "She was playing a while back when I'd been whipped, but his punishment wasn't so rough. He didn't even look like his whole heart was in it. If it was for her, I'd... I'd be dead right now." He hated this, having to talk up Kiki like she was a tool to be used. What if she wanted nothing to do with their plan? He didn't want to put her through any kind of pain, or endanger her life again.

Ophelia chewed on a nail in thought, listening to the boy's plea. "If you are saying what I think you are, then we need to plan much more carefully. We can't have another Josephine on our hands--" She suddenly cut off her sentence as the door opened, but sighed in relief when she saw Kiki. "Oh good, it's you. We need a little talk with you."
Kiki was surprised to see Eric here, already being fixed up by Ophelia. The woman looked up quickly and said they needed to talk with her. She didn't have a chance to tell Ophelia why she was there in the first place, but she let it go, walking over to where the two slaves were sitting. "If this is about the notes," she said. "I don't think we can trust whoever is leaving them there. Obviously, whoever steps foot near the woods is going to be torn to shreds before whatever 'saviors' come for us." She looked at them both in turn, showing that she definitely was not up for the idea. She crossed her arms. "Who knows, maybe those beasts are intelligent enough to have planted those letters to try to draw you out there."
Ophelia let out a hearty laugh. "Beasts intelligent enough to bait humans? Someone's head took a nasty bump falling off that infernal beast," she chuckled as she patted the girl's back. "Give me a few moments more with Eric and I'll have a look at it for you, hmm?"

Eric's face tensed in pain, but was changed to confusion as Kiki came up with her theory. "If it's just bait, why have they waited so long? Wouldn't they have killed us the first time we showed up? And why would they even bother responding to us this way. If it was a trap, wouldn't it have been set off sooner?" He hissed once more when Ophelia tightened his bounds. "Besides, Ophelia and I have been talking and... well, with the way Bram acted around you... well, you see..."

"What the boy is trying to say is that we want you to distract Bram a little more," Ophelia cut him off, crossing her arms. "I told you he find a fondness for her, and it'll work in our favor if she goes along with it." She then gave a stern look to Kiki, clicking her tongue. "Come on, girlie. You have to be stupid to not take this opportunity. Think of the freedom, out of that monster's grasp."
Kiki blushed. Fondness? Surely that's not what it was. He kept her around as a songbird, not out of 'fondness'. Still, for some reason, she couldn't agree to escaping with them. And never in her life would she murder anyone again. The first time was to be the only time, even if her Master demanded it of her. She still hated herself for that single moment of weakness. "I.... I am not killing anyone." She said quietly. "That will never happen again, even if I'm the one that dies because of it." This was one thing she was firm on. She wasn't going to kill Bram, or anyone else. Distracting, however, was a different story.
"Ack... fine, we don't want you killing him then, you weakling," Ophelia snidely replied with a roll of her eyes. "Anyways, we don't need him dead just yet. We just need him weakened. Getting the little rescue team in here during the day gives us some advantage. Regardless, unlocking every slave from their quarters and sneaking them out of here without him knowing will eat more time. He could easily be up by sunset and kill all of us before we get a mile into the woods. Maybe even get his little lackeys to do it for him."

"That's where you come in, Kiki," Eric jumped in. "If he gets injured, he has to sleep longer to heal himself. Holy water, crucifixes on the skin, sunlight; it all works. That buys us more time to escape and once he is at his full capacity of power, we'll all be too far away from him to sense any of us. He wouldn't be able to track us down!"

"The only thing is that he keeps us all locked away during the day and keeps his own quarters locked as well. No one can get that close to him," Ophelia shrugged. "Except perhaps you. If you find someway to get into his room and throw his curtains open or shower him with holy water, you can set the plan in motion. You'll leave the room, signal the rescuers to come our way and he'll be too busy screaming to the devil to have his minions keep the outsiders away."

"At least, that's what we believe on paper," Eric said, holding up a note. "The only other problem is getting all the slaves out of their quarters without... without Joanna's keys..." Eric hung his head low. "But she won't go for this plan. So you have to take the keys from her beforehand too."

"Not too hard, is it, girlie?" Ophelia smirked. "Josephine had no trouble with this plan."

"Except she got moved to another home before we could do it..." Eric sadly mention. Ophelia raised a brow at him, but kept her mouth shut. Clearly he didn't know if what her true fate ended up being.
Kiki listened intently. They really had all of this planned out. How she was supposed to get Joanna's keys, she had no idea. And how she was supposed to find holy water, she was even more lost on that. Sunlight was a possibility, but what if he stopped her before she made it to the window? There were so many things that could go wrong... She crossed her arms as she thought about it. Eric mentioned something about Josephine. Wait, hadn't Josephine been killed? Hopefully she hadn't died trying this same escape plan.
"And don't worry about the supplies," Eric said touching Kiki's hand in comfort. "I'll be sure to ask our friends if they can supply us with--"

"Shhh shut your trap!" Ophelia said as the door opened. It was Joanna helping a sobbing girl into the kitchen. The nurse/cook seemed incredibly annoyed by this. "Again? This is the third time you've been in here."

"I-I-I-It w-w-won't s-stop bleeding," the meek slave girl pleaded, holding her bandaged neck. "And it h-h-h-hurts s-so bad--"

"Quit your whining," Ophelia snapped putting her hand on her hip. "Just go about your night and do you job. It'll stop eventually."

"Ophelia, what's that matter with you?" Joanna asked as she had the girl sit down. "There's no need to push us out. If you'll lend me the bandages I'll fix her up myself." Ophelia once more rolled her eyes and fetched the bandages in the cupboard.

Regardless, the girl kept crying. "I h-h-hate him s-so much," she sobbed, her hand covered in blood. "I-I-I c-c-can't stand b-b-being here. I w-w-wish he was dead!"

Joanna shushed the girl as she pulled back the wet bandage. "Now now, it was just a slip up. If he heard you talking about that--"

"I d-don't care!" she almost screamed at Joanna. "H-H-He b-beats me on a r-r-r-regular basis and t-t-then a-a-attacks me o-out of n-n-nowhere. H-He s-s-s-said he-d never do that! But th-then he drags m-m-me into the r-r-r-room and...a-and..."

"Shows how far you can trust him..." Eric muttered as he stood up, stretching his arms out. "Am I right, Kiki?"

"My goodness, is everyone in a rally over this?" Joanna asked. "It was a slip in control. He has assured me it wont... Kiki, my goodness! What happened to your back?!"
Kiki looked over at Joanna and the sobbing girl. Suddenly she didn't feel so good about her reluctance. All of the other slaves were miserable here, and here she was denying them the freedom they so desperately wanted. She directed her attention back to Joanna when she asked about the injuries. "The things in the woods," she said. "They tore my dress, too. I threw it away, I hope you don't mind." She played it off as if it was unimportant and as if her injuries were nothing. After all, the sobbing girl seemed so much more traumatized than Kiki did and she didn't want any of that attention on herself.
"Oh posh, the dress is nothing," Joanna said as she finished bandaging the girl's bruised neck. "We can't have you getting sick after being attacked by those things. God only knows what those creatures are carrying." She patted the girl's back before sending her out of the kitchen, her sobs still echoing. Joanna let out a heavy sigh before coming up behind Kiki and looking at the scratches. "They don't seem too terrible though. They don't go in far enough to warrant a wrap. Perhaps just a little anti-septic, then I want you to go straight to bed."

"But she can't go to bed yet!" Eric said suddenly. "B-Because... because we still have work to do..."

Joanna raised her brow and shook her head. "No, Eric, she's been through enough in the day. I'm reluctant enough sending her to rest seeing we have three other girls hurt, but I don't want anymore injuries. Besides, you don't seem too bad, yelling and jumping about. Would you be so kind and sweep out the dining hall and clean the windows?"

"B-but... but!" He ended up sighing and agreeing, leaving the kitchen still looking at Kiki.
Kiki sighed on the inside as Eric left. Even though he was her friend, she was almost glad to see him leave. Maybe then the questioning would come to a halt for awhile and leave her in peace with the decision she would have to make. She waited for Joanna to apply the antiseptic and cringed a little. She thought about Joanna's words. "Three girls?" She asked. "What happened to the other two?" She'd only seen one badly injured girl.
Joanna wet a clean washcloth with antiseptic and began to dab gently along the cuts. "As you know already. Master Bram requires us to give a pint of blood a week for his... health, really. But that's the very bare minimum and he won't admit that it's not enough. Every now and again, this kind of thing happens. He'll just... take a slave and devour them out of hunger. I was lucky enough to stop him from killing the first girl, but he needed more and I had to... bring him two more girls." Joanna sniffled the thought and wiped a tear from her eyes. "I'm thankful enough that he didn't kill them, but he's capable of it. It's just reminder how much of a..."

"Of the monster he really is," Ophelia finished. "He may act like he's in control of the situation, but he's not. He's still a beast and eventually, he will kill us all."

"...yes, this is true," Joanna finally admitted. "But we just need to supply him more every week is all. We can't risk this happening again."

"Why should we be giving him more of us?! Isn't it enough we give him our freedom and our labor, but now more of our blood?" Ophelia argued. "It'd be better for all of us if we left him to starve."

"Starve to the point of attacking?!" Joanna said angrily. "This isn't the best of situations, Ophelia. But remember that you go to bed with a roof over your head, clothes on your back and some of your dignity intact. It's a whole lot worse out there than it is in here."
Kiki listened to the two women bickering. Eric and Ophelia were right. Joanna would never turn on Bram no matter how poorly he treated all of the slaves. Ophelia clearly was the ringleader in the escape plan and Eric was just the one who retrieved the notes. Kiki felt the cuts on her back burning and knew there must have been the beginnings of an infection there. But luckily Joanna nipped that in the bud. Kiki wondered what would happen to Bram if he WAS starved? But not just the way he had been recently. More to the point where, as long as the slaves avoided him, there would be no chance of anyone getting hurt, and he'd be too weak to thwart their escape plans. But it might take awhile to get him that weakened. Deciding Joanna was probably not going to leave the room, Kiki decided to wait until later to tell Ophelia her thoughts.
"I'm just stating my opinion, Joanna," the larger woman said with a wave of her hand. "There's no need to bite my head off about it. After all, it seems like you're the only happy to be here."

Joanna looked at Ophelia with annoyance. "Perhaps I already know what it's like to be on the other side of the castle walls," she replied as she finished cleaning Kiki's wounds. "I know about the false hopes of safety, running on a stomach that's been empty for three days and to nearly be taken advantage of by other masters. I appreciate the home I'm in because I know what it's like out there." She placed the cloth in the sink and left for the door. "Perhaps you should think of that the next time you decide to bash your home." She closed the door behind her with a slam, making Ophelia wince.

"Bah," she said with a wave of her hand. "She doesn't know a damn thing. So, what do you say Kiki? Do you want to help us in our fight?"

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