Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

Kiki smiled when he played all the right notes, but soon he had reached another incorrect one. He seemed frustrated about it, but not as upset as he had been previously. She took a seat beside him on the bench and played some of the notes, having to play slightly slower than usual due to her wrist but playing the notes perfectly. She figured maybe her new slowness would help Bram, since he would be able to follow along as she played each key, and it would be easier for him to mimic that way. She played the part of the song he was attempting, then slowed down more as she pointed out and hit the right notes.
How long had it been since he was taught by another? That his mistakes were judged and corrected by an expert in the field? Bram mimicked every note with near perfection, following her slow movements and timing. He watched her little hands flow across the keys, his large hands following close to hers. He found himself feeling elated by hearing this music again, even if it was slower and by his hand.

It soothed the aching in his head and the warm feeling of her sitting so close brought him a sort of comfort. Bram’s eyes continually glanced to her, feeling suddenly so earnest to make her smile. But in his furtive stares, he missed a string of notes and the music turned uneven and unpleasant. He pulled his hands away in surprise and clenched his fists. “How do you keep such patience?” he muttered to Kiki, fists still tightened.
Kiki continued to smile as she led him through the song, surprised that he was able to pick it up so quickly. Then again, he probably had some weird innate Vampire senses that let him do that. She snapped out of her trance when he suddenly hit a long string of notes that were jumbled and innacurate. He seemed almost aggravated by his mistake, but shouldn't he be? Most people trying to learn an instrument, or specific song, in Bram's case, were bound to mess up sometimes. He asked her how she could be so patient, and she slowly removed her hands from the keys, placing them in a neatly folded manner on her lap. "When you spend 18 years locked in a dark room waiting for someone to take you away, you learn these things...." She said quietly. "After all, it's all I've ever had to live for. If I hadn't been good at something, I would have never left that room."
Bram nodded as he absentmindedly tapped a piece he knew in and out. It is a familiar old piece, slow and steady to lull the senses. “You were, in a way, lucky to be locked away for so long. It took many kinds of great cruelty to make this world what it is now. To experience it as a child… it would’ve broken you.” In his head he could see all the wars the vampire kind fought against the humans, the slaughter of children, the abuse of women and the downfall of man.

Fire burning flesh and children crying as they were taken to become slaves. Even in the last couple decades, he could still remember all the humans forced to become cattle, sex slaves and toys to be tortured and thrown away. How many of those poor little girls did he break to entertain their masters with song and dance? Or the backs of young men he broke in the name of labor? His music stopped as he stared at the keys. “And I… I am one of those great cruelties,” he said standing from his bench and going to the covered window. “If someone took you home any sooner than now, you would’ve been brought to me to learn a skill. And I would have killed you because I would’ve have considered you useless.”

He stood close to a cross of light coming from between the curtains, feeling the burning heat of the sun. Any closer and it would sear his flesh like acid. He chuckled a bit at the thought then turned back to her. “But isn’t it funny? You’ve learned your skill without aid, I brought you home,” he said strolling back to her and ever so lightly stroking her hair. “And I wouldn’t be able to find the will to hurt you in any way.”
She nodded in agreement. Maybe it had been for the best. Surely there were more terrible things out there than in the Slave house itself. She absentmindedly played with a loose strand of hair, just imagining the things that Bram was probably also picturing. Though, it was much harder for her, never having seen any of it in person.

Then he said that if she had gone home any sooner, she may have been dead by now. The thought shook her a little. Would she have seemed that insignificant to a new master, to just be killed off like vermin if she hadn't learned to play music so quickly and easily? She supposed she was one of the lucky ones. She didn't ask about Bram's experiences killing humans he deemed useless. She didn't want to know. Ever. Suddenly his fingers were entwined in her hair again, and he was telling her he could never hurt her. The feeling of belonging suddenly surged through her and she closed her eyes, just enjoying it, with a small smile hinting at the corners of her lips.
Bram couldn’t stop himself from smiling a little. She looked so peaceful and docile as he stroked her hair, like a young kitten. His fingers combed through the messy strands and circled back to her face. His hand cradled her cheek and his thumb gently stroked her creamy skin. He chuckled in his throat as he tilted her head to look at him. “I would have been a fool to give you away,” he whispered, moving a strand of hair from her face. “You’ve become something precious to me, my dear.” He smiled still and stroked her hair one last time before pulling his hand away.

“But for now, Kiki, you should be resting. I’m sure you’re weary from staying up for so long,” he nodded to her. “I’m sure you wish to return to your room, yes?”
She felt his hand move to her face, cradling her chin. She looked up at him as he told her how it would have been foolish to give her up. She meant something to him. Kiki wasn't quite sure what, but it was something he wasn't ready to lose. She felt her cheeks turn pink, and suddenly he pulled his hands away, the warmness in her cheeks becoming cold when he did so. Her smile fell only slightly, something that would take great observation skills to notice, when he asked if she was ready to return to her room. For some reason, she had an urge to say no. To say that she didn't want to leave his side. But she held it in, unsure of what that feeling meant, and nodded silently. "I should..." She said softly, her voice only a whisper. She stood quickly and tucked the piece of hair back behind her ear before making her way to the door.
Bram could sense her hesitation when she replied so quietly to him, like she wanted to say. And much to his own shock, he wanted her to stay. The warmth from her body so close to his was fading fast, and he’d turned cold once more. There was a sudden, unfamiliar need to hold her closer to him; to get that warmth back. She felt so soft to the touch and her very presence drove his anger and frustration away. He wanted to keep her, just for a few moments longer. Still, he didn’t stop her from going to the door, following to open it. “You’ll have to forgive me for not leading you to your room, under these circumstances,” he said hand on the door handle. “It’s less than gentlemanly to have a lady walk to herself to her door.” He ran his fingers through her hair to her cheek once more, his touch lingering longer than it had before.
Kiki shook her head. "No, you need rest too." She said. He couldn't very well walk with her in that condition. After the door was open, his fingers were in her hair again. He didn't want her to go, either. She almost let out a sigh from being so torn. Her cheeks turned a pale pink again and eventually she tore herself away from his touch. "Good night..." She said softly, then turned and walked from the room. She would never get any sleep standing here all night, letting him play with her hair and make her blush. She had work to do tomorrow, and she would feel even more useless if she was unable to do that as well as unable to play music. Even though she'd been told to rest, she wasn't about to dump her workload on the others, especially since the injured boy was still resting as well.
He let her go with the image of her sweetly tinged cheeks and bright eyes looking up at him in his head. The heat from the sun started to bother him, and he couldn’t keep watching her walk away from her. Bram then closed his door slowly and returned back to his massive bed. He slept away the last of the long hours of the day, the sun finally settling behind the mountains. The orange sunset in the sky faded to deep blue and the routine began the same as always. Like clockwork, Joanna was up and ready to begin her day once more. She unlocked the doors to the many slaves, served breakfast to them personally and assigned their nightly chores. Towards the end, she came up to Kiki’s room and knocked lightly. “Kiki, are you still in there?” she asked as she balanced a tray of hot cakes, eggs and milk. “It’s time to get up.”
Kiki walked back to her room quietly so as not to wake any of the other slaves. She finally made it back to her own bedroom door and pushed it open. Sunlight was spilling into the room, and she quickly closed the blinds. She hoped she was able to sleep. Why was she feeling this way? Was he not the same person that had brought her home and made her murder another girl? Who grew infuriated when she got water on his suit? Who beat a slave within an inch of his life? If anything, Kiki should hate Bram, simply because of the behavior he displayed around the other humans. But around her, he was totally different. It was like he'd grown fond of her.

"Don't be silly," she said aloud to herself. "You're just liked slightly more than the others. Probably only because you remind him of Her..." She sat down on her bed, stretching before falling backwards into the plush down blankets and giant pillows. "Or because you can play music he can't..." She laughed a little at her own foolishness. She was a slave to him, and probably nothing more.... Right?

She rolled over and tried to make herself sleep. After what happened earlier, she was almost positive she'd never fall asleep. But soon enough, she was comfortably dreaming.

The sound of Joanna knocking on the door woke her. Kiki sat up and groaned, feeling like she'd only just fallen asleep. Even through her bedroom door, she could smell breakfast. Her dull senses had grown more acute since she'd arrived here. Probably because she'd never smelled so much good food in her life. "Yes." she called softly to the girl. She got out of bed and crossed the room. "I'm coming." She opened the door to see Joanna's usual cheery face. "Hello, Joanna." she said politely.
"Hello, my dear. Did you enjoy a good sleep?" Joanna said as she came into the room with the food. As she set it down on a nightstand, she got a good look at Kiki. "Oh dear me, you look a fright! You didn't get a wink of sleep did you?" She laid her hand on the girl's forehead to check if she was ill. "Then again with a day like yesterday, I wouldn't have slept well, either," she said with a sigh. "However, the chores you've been assigned shouldn't be so grueling. I've been able to divide your chores up and find you an activity to best fit your current condition. That is, unless you aren't feeling well enough to work today."
"No," Kiki said. "I didn't sleep much. But I'm okay." She gave Joanna a small, convincing smile. "I'm feeling just fine, I can work. No sense in making others pick up my slack when I'm capable." She grinned when she saw what Joanna had brought for breakfast, and realized that she was very hungry. Then again, she'd spent practically the whole night wandering around or helping Bram. "What's on the schedule for today?"
"Actually I had found it most fitting if you would help Eric today in the stables," Joanna said as she smoothed over her apron. "He still hasn't gotten all his strength back since his... incident and can't brush the horses like he used to. He'll need your help feeding, watering them and maybe even taken a couple to ride in the enclosure. Those poor creatures just don't get out as often as they should." She then smiled slyly at Kiki. "Besides, I think he fancies you a little. Most of the girls around here are a little older than him and don't talk much. But I think he's taken to being quite fond of you." She covered her mouth and giggled a little. "He even blushes to your name, the poor thing."
Kiki drank some of her milk as Joanna explained what her chores for the day were. She'd never been around horses before, and they were actually quite terrifying to her, but she wasn't about to tell Joanna no, or try to get out of it. Maybe it would prove that horses weren't as dangerous as she believed. Just because they were large didn't have to mean they were carnivorous nightmares. She nodded, then Joanna mentioned Eric. "Fancies me?" she asked with a small chuckle. "Don't kid me, Joanna." She shot the same sly smile back. "I'll help him out, though."
"Wonderful. He'll be delighted to have you helping him," Joanna gleefully said with a a small clap of her hands. "Ah, but I must remind you to not attempt leaving the grounds. Many a slave has tried while taking care of the horse, but Master Bram... he always knows who comes and who goes, and if he ever caught a slave trying to flee..." Joanna trailed off as she thought back to the girl who did escape his sight, who was able to get away, only to plunder into the murky waters of the nearby ocean. She shrugged off the saddened look on her face and smiled once more. "Don't worry about it. It is an easy chore and refreshing to be outside these castle walls. I'll leave you to finish eating and to get ready."

She bowed to Kiki and left her room quietly. With a heavy sigh, she went to the last room on the list; Master Bram's room. But as she came to his room, the door that usually was closed had been left open a crack. She raised a brow, knowing Bram never left his room without being greeted by Joanna. As she stepped closer, she heard the sounds of choked whimpering of a young woman. Joanna's hands shook slightly as she pushed the door open a little more. She into the room and suddenly gasped when she saw it. Her Master Bram had taken hold of a young woman on his bed, like a lion with a freshly caught antelope. His claws dug deep his her vice like grip and his long teeth punctured into her neck, blood flowing freely into his mouth and dripping on the sides. She was still alive, crying in silent pain with her eyes glancing to Joanna.

She could do nothing but hold her mouth in horror. "M....Master?!" she whispered, grabbing the stare of his glowing red eyes. He look like a starved animal, and his rumbled growl only furthered the likeness. He released the girl from his grasp and shoved her to the floor. Joanna almost rushed to the sobbing woman, but was too afraid to come near her. Bram never fed like this, not in such a long time. It was barbaric, it was messy. Only when he had felt starved...

"Another," she heard him growl harshly, wiping the blood from his maw. "Her blood... is bitter. Bring me another."

"Master, what has gotten into you?!" she asked finally braving to reach out to the girl and pick her up. She was weak in Joanna's arms, barely able to speak. "This is nothing like you. You just had to ask, she gladly would have given it to you!"

Bram's red eyes glowed lesser, but still he didn't move. "Another... I don't care how it is given... bring me another."

Joanna shakily nodded before helping the girl to her feet and pulling her out of the room. She should have been more careful with when he needed to be fed. He must've starved himself since weeks before, after Kiki's donation. Oh god, Kiki! If she had wandered into his room last night, would he have killed her out of hunger. Joanna would warn her to be wary of Bram for a while, when the time was right. Perhaps even lock her door once more. This was just a reminder of how much of a monster he really was.
Kiki quickly ate her breakfast, wishing she had more time to savor the eggs and pancakes. It seemed to taste better than usual today. She finished up and then dug through her wardrobe to find something to wear. What dress could be appropriate to work with horses in a stable all day? Finally she found a pale pink one, more of a salmon, and pulled it on. It fell to her knees, so at least it wouldn't drag through the straw. She was happy to find a pair of lace-up brown boots that she put on over a pair of long socks. After tidying her hair, she left her room and started down the hallway. She rubbed her wrist. It felt like it was healing quickly, but it was definitely still sore.

Kiki opened the doors of the castle and stepped out into the fresh air for the first time since she had arrived here. How long had it been? Weeks? Months? It was a cool, breezy evening and the sun was just setting. She wished she could explore the grounds in the daytime, but that would be pushing it. It was enough of a privilege to be allowed out of her room during her Master's sleeping hours. She smiled a little to herself.

Walking towards the stables, she saw that Eric was already there. Then again, he was probably there all night every night. It was his job to care for the horses, after all. She approached him. "Hey," she said with a smile. "You're looking better."
Eric was in the middle of struggling to put a saddle up when Kiki had walked in. Concentrating on putting everything back as straight as possible, he didn't hear her come in at first. But he surely did hear her say hello, and it made him yelp in surprise. He had to grab the saddle tight to keep from dropping it as he turned his head and saw Kiki. "O-Oh, Kiki, hi!" he greeted as he shoved the saddle back on the rack. "I didn't know you were coming down here. Did... Does Joanna know you're down here? I'm so hurt th-that I can't do my work." On of the bridles fell from its hook and when he raced to pick it up, he halted with a pain hiss from the sudden bending.

He laughed as best he could. "I uh... I meant to do that," he sheepishly said, slowly grabbing the bridle and putting it back. The dozens of horses neighed loudly around the two of them, stomping their feet and clamoring for attention. "Ah, th-they still need to be fed," Eric said as he held his back. "I guess you're here to help me, right?"
The boy seemed to be in a lot of pain, and Kiki knew that he didn't "mean" to do any of this on purpose. "Yeah, I'm here to help. You should take it easy, you'll just hurt yourself more..." She took the bridle from his hands and helped him put it back where it belonged. "Here, I'll feed them." she said. "Where is the hay?"

((Sorry about the short post))
"It's in that empty stable at the very end," Eric said pointing to the stall. "After you feed them, you can help me brush them. I know it isn't quite a glamorous job, but being here with the horses... You help but feel a little more safe out here than in there." He reached up and pet the nose of a large black horse, who playfully nuzzled his nose into the boy's palm. He laughed a little, then hobbled to Kiki to help. "The horses don't judge or punish you. They just want a little affection from you is all," he said as he pulled a flake of hay from a higher stacked bale. But as he did so he noticed the large bruise on Kiki's wrist. "...did he do that to you?" he asked her worriedly.
Kiki smiled at the horse but kept her distance. It seemed friendly enough, but so did Bram at times and he had a terrifying side as well. She went to gather the hay and brought some of it back over. Eric looked shocked at the sight of her wrist. "No," she replied. "He didn't. It was... Someone else. No big deal, it's just a little sore." She shrugged it off. "Where do I put this?" She motioned towards the bale of hay in her hands, which was surprisingly heavy for being so small.
"There's a trough just inside their stable door," he said as he unlocked the door to the black horse. "You just open it a little and drop it right in." The horse snorted impatiently waiting for his food to be given. Eric laughed a little, tsking at the horses behavior. "Come on, that's no way to act around a lady!" he chided, calming the horse a little. "Or maybe he thinks we're going for a ride. He doesn't get enough time outside, being locked in here... all the time." His smile dropped quickly and he laid his head on the wooden of door. "He hates it here, just like all of us do. You hate it here too, right, Kiki?"
She walked over with the hay and dropped it in. 'Easy,' she thought to herself. She giggled a little at the impatient black horse. He was very needy. Either he was hungry, or he wanted out of this stable. Probably both. She couldn't imagine being locked up in a stall all the time. It was bad enough being locked away in your room during the day. Even the huge castle had begun to feel stuffy. She listened as Eric talked about horses, then asked if she was as miserable as everyone else. She had to think of what to say. It had become more bearable lately. At first she wanted to run away and never come back. Now she feared the outside world more. There was no telling what was out there. Had she been broken?

'No...' She thought.

"It's terrible." She said. She didn't know if she was lying or not. She was certainly telling him what he wanted to hear, but was it what she meant to say? "How could anyone be happy here?" But maybe she was? She shook her head silently. She looked at the horses. "If we set them free, I bet they'd run. They'd get out of here. Why haven't we run?" She couldn't answer her own question. She could get on a horse right now and be gone. Nice or cruel, she would never see Bram's mood swings again. But she would never see Bram again.

'Why should that matter?' So many conflicting thoughts that she couldn't sort out. She tried to change the subject. "Do you ever ride the horses when you're out here?"
"I've thought about it every now and then. Releasing them that is," he said as he brushed the hair from the feeding horses eyes. "Though there's a lot more to be worried about out there than in here. They don't have to worry about being attacked by wolves, or maybe even get caught in one of the traps still left out there. Then what? There wouldn't be anyone to help them..." He sighed heavily and forced a smile.

"I guess they're just as stuck as we are. And we can't leave just like they can't. We don't know what's out there, and this is the only safe place we really know of. But... but still, this isn't home and we aren't safe here either."

He did perk his head up when she asked about the riding part. He happily nodded to her. "Master Bram allows me to exercise them when I'm through with my chores. I have to say, it's really exhilarating to be riding a horse as fast and as free as they please. It's the closest thing to freedom you could ever get. But... but there's something about the horses. Something keeps them from going into the woods. Like there's something that keeps them from going in. I haven't tried pushing them past their fears though." He absentmindedly scratched his bandages on his back, lost in thought. He bit his lip and looked out of the stable to the black woods. Turning back to Kiki, he then asked, "Can you keep a secret?"
Kiki listened to him talking, glad that he didn't stay on the subject of whether or not she liked it here. She wondered what it felt like to ride a horse. It was awfully high up in the air, and if the horse reared back you could break bones from the fall. Maybe the powerful feeling and the wind rushing through your hair made it all worth it? She turned to Eric when she realized he had asked her a question. "A secret? Who could I possibly tell secrets to?" She smiled to reassure him. "Of course I can keep a secret."

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