Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

"Hmm... it'll take a week at the most for this to heal," Bram said as he crumbled the gauze. "No need to wrap something that isn't broken. You'll be favoring it most tomorrow and until it's healed, I'll be lightening your workload. But don't be expecting dessert on your plate everyday." He almost smiled at the comment but turned his head to look at the case instead. "It is a shame however, that you won't be able to play for such a while. I had found something I was going to send with you as a parting gift, but seeing as how you're staying with a weak arm, I may just have to hold onto it in my collection for a while longer," he said eying the case. "Ah. But I shouldn't keep you from your meal with frivolous talk."
Kiki was glad to know she'd be better within a week. Nikolaus's plan hadn't worked after all. She wasn't ruined, and she'd be better in practically no time. She smirked a bit. Bram mentioned something about a parting gift, and her smile dropped a little. So he'd been planning on her departure? He had intended for her to leave with the other Vampire? She looked at the case, realizing what it was. She turned back to Bram. "I guess you're stuck with me..." She said.
He raised his cured brow and actually chuckled. "It would have been a sad departure, my dear," he said tucking his hair behind his ear. "I would've missed your music. It is obvious that I myself wouldn't be able to recreate it, nor find another of your immediate talent." He picked the case up again and sat it in right of her. "Besides, your gift would've been the practical one to your talent, seeing that someone like him wouldn't have one. Then again, there aren't many of its kind still around. Allow me to apologize for the bulky, unruly case; the true case has been lost to time."

He unsnapped the locks on the case and opened it wide. Inside was a new cello, antique to sight and made with unhinged craftsmanship. "It is a Stradivarius cello I acquired centuries ago from a private collection. It is one of few pieces of my home country of Spain that I keep. It was to be a parting gift. Now, I wish for you to keep it here as your own," he said retrieving the instrument and bow from the case and holding it before her.
Kiki cheered up when he said he would have been sad to see her go. He went on to explain what the gift was and opened the case to reveal an antique cello. Kiki raised an eyebrow, thoroughly impressed. It was beautiful, and the years and years had done no damage to the wood. He held it out to her and she walked over, a smile crossing her face as she retrieved the bow from Bram and ran her other hand down the neck of the instrument. "This is...." She paused, admiring the old wood. "Amazing, to say the least."
"It is indeed. They often say that these instruments produce a sound like no other can do. It is a tragedy that my halls will be deprived of your music for quite some time," he nodded. "You've done nothing but grace my home with your talents, your voice and your obedience. To have given you away would have been one of my more... incompetent decisions." In a lapse of behavior, he reached out and softly touched her cheek with his thumb rubbing softly over her creamy skin. His eyes felt hazy as he felt the blood rushing under her skin, his stomach aching painfully. When was last time he had fed? He shook the dizzying feeling out of his head and dropped his hand from her cheek. "Forgive me for nearly giving you to that beast," he muttered, suddenly turning to the door to leave. "Joanna will be here to lock your door soon."
Kiki was happy that he wanted to keep her around. She'd never heard so many compliments given in one ling string. She found that she was blushing and before she knew it he'd left the room. She touched her cheek mometarily, then shook her head. She must be imagining things. She looked back over at the cello, it's presence practically teasing her. Her wrist was sore, but she wished more than anything to play. However, she positioned her hand holding the bow above the strings, and found it painful just to hold it like that. As much as she longed to play this instrument, it would have to wait. She put the cello by the window, the last of the light pouring in on it. Then she sat there, eating bits of her food as she waited to hear the lock on her door click.
He lingered outside her door longer than he should have. He knew the floor had morning light slowly spilling over, creeping to his bare feet. But he didn't leave to the safety of his room yet. Instead he stood there, looking at the door and tempted to knock again. He wanted to stay in her room, keep looking at that flushed face that was so grateful of his gift. Maybe even get a chance to touch that soft hair again. He hadn't felt so at ease than in that room. He didn't have to punish her, watch for her to make a mistake and make her painfully regret it. She embodied great perfection, even in her smallest flaws. 'You're doing it again,' his mind teased him. 'She's against your control and you know it. She'll kill you, they'll all try to kill you! Must have a tight leash, don't let her go. Don't...'

"Master Bram? Are you all right?" He lifted his weary head and saw Joanna with an empty dinner cart and a set of keys. "Master, it is nearly sunrise. You have to go back to your bedroom," she said with slight concern that he still stood at Kiki's door.

"Mm... Your timing is impeccable as usual," he groaned, rubbing his tired eyes. "Have you locked up all the doors?"

"Yes sir," she said holding up her keys. "This is my last stop before--"

"Don't lock this door."

Joanna looked at her master in confusion. "Sir?"

"You heard my command," he snapped quietly. "Leave it unlocked. If she wishes to explore, let her. The windows are barred and the doors are locked anyways." The sun was starting to peek over the mountains, making Bram hiss at the brightening light coming his way. "Return to your quarters, Joanna. I must rest now." Without another word he left the his room, the warm sun almost burning his feet.

Joanna looked to him and then the door. In all of her years serving him loyally, she herself was never permitted to leave her room during the day. Wondering if it was a ploy, she knocked on the door and said quietly, "Kiki? Master Bram... he's given you permission to walk around the house in the day if you wish. But... but be wary. This may be a trick of his to see if you'll stay and obey his old rule..."
(( the last post should have said "first of the morning light". How it turned into "last light" I have no clue.))

Kiki was happy to see Joanna when she entered the room, hoping that the last of the flush had faded from her cheeks. Joanna then informed her that she was free to roam the house today, and that her door would be unlocked. She gave the other woman a questioning look. "Why?" She asked. What reason did Bram have to give her such privelege that even Joanna did not recieve? Was it because he felt bad about her arm. "Don't worry about me," she said with a smile. "I'm tired anyway..."
"I am not sure. Perhaps he's teasing your mind with the thought of freedom," she replied quietly. "Regardless, be careful where you tread. You may help yourself to whatever is in the kitchen, if you decide to go out. But be warned, don't go through the black oak doors. That is were Master Bram sleeps during the day." Joanna bowed to Kiki before smiling at her. For now, maybe it is best if you rest. You've had a long, tiring day. Sleep well, Kiki." She then closed the door behind her and continued with her duties. But all the while she thought of that unlocked door. What if Kiki did decide to wander into Bram's room? What if she tried attacking him, to attempt to kill him? 'You put too much trust in a familiar face, Master,' she thought mournfully looking at his door. 'Don't make the same mistake twice.'
She saw how nervous Joanna looked about leaving the door unlocked. She let out a sigh. Clearly she thought that Kiki would do something stupid, like go through the forbidden doors. But Kiki had just seen a softer side of Bram, and she wasn't about to lose that effort. She quickly fell asleep, having to close the windows to block out the sun. Maybe she would take Joanna up on her kitchen offer once she woke up...
Try as he might over the course of a few hours, Bram found it hard to sleep in his darkened room. He rolled to one side of his massive bed and then to the other. He almost considered the old cliche of hanging upside down for some semblance of rest. But still the voices in his head taunted him, their sounds ringing in his ears. 'Just should have given her away,' one said in a sing song voice. 'Instead you spoil her with presents and praise. You disgust me. The slaves, they will resent your favoring her.'

'Letting her wander your home begs to the violent human instinct,'
another said to him. 'She'll take revenge for the pitiful slaves you have punished. She'll try killing you. KILL HER FIRST. PUNISH HER FOR BELITTLING YOUR INTELLIGENCE. KILL HER!'

"Shut up..." he mumbled, covering his ears. "Enough talk..."

'She'll find a way out of your home,' the voice mocked. 'You'll lose your slaves. YOU'LL BE ALONE!'


That voice... he sat up, seeing his delusions come to life. There she stood at the foot of her bed. Josephine... Her hair was shorter than Kiki's and her face slightly fuller with an older age. But still she stood there, wearing Kiki's dress. Blood dripped from her forehead, a massive gash where a rock would have smashed in. "Braaaam... " she whispered in a soft voice. "You have to punish her, Bram. Punish her like you did to me." She walked closer to him, whispered in his ear. "Break her like you did to me...."

Bram had enough of this. He reached for the nearest object, in the case a vase and threw it at his hallucination. But she was gone, and the expensive smashed against the wall. The voices finally quieted in his head and he heaved heavy, unnecessary breaths. He held his tired head his hands and ran his fingers through his hair. He then flopped back in his bed, arm covering his eyes. Sleep was coming quicker to him and comforted his tormented thoughts.
Kiki woke suddenly. She could have sworn she heard something crash. But there was no way. Bram's hall was on the other side of the house, and all the other slaves were locked away for the day. Quickly Kiki got out of bed, wandering out of her room in her night dress. She tiptoed down the hallway, then suddenly wondered why she was being so quiet. Joanna knew that she was allowed to walk around the house, and Bram couldn't come out of his room because of the minute amount of sunlight coming through the curtained windows. She began to walk around in search of the source of the noise.
((ACK! Sorry about the long wake. Got overloaded with commissions DDDDD8 [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION]))

He could he hear. In the blinks of near sleep, he could hear her tiny little footsteps wandering around his home. Bram sat right up in his bed and listened to the sound of her presence so far away in his house. Did the crash of the vase wake her up? A smirk played on his lips as he stood from bed and walked around the sun light peeking through his curtains. Perhaps a he'd play a little game with her, creep in the few shadows of the house and spook her. Or maybe just watch her from the dark, to see what she would do on her own. Oh, how mischievous Bram was feeling! Or... or maybe just looking for a distraction from his chilling hallucinations. But as he reached for the door handle, his food crunched down on shards of broken glass. He hollered a short roar as he fell backwards, unable to keep his balance. He looked at the bottom of his foot, bloodied pieces cutting deep into his skin. He hadn't fed in such a long while that his healing was sluggish and the pain he would've brushed off before is sharper and agonizing. When was the last time he felt this hungry, this agonized? He roughly pulled a large piece from his sole and emitted another painful call.
Kiki heard another noise echo throughout the house. She knew now that the noises were all coming from Bram's room. But she couldn't go there. Joanna had warned her about stepping through those doors. She wrapped her arms around herself, unsure of what do to. He sounded like he was in pain. She quickly went to the bathroom where she had taken the slave boy to clean his wounds. She grabbed the first aid kit, hastily turning away once it was in her position. She clumsily slipped, falling forwards onto the edge of the counter. "Ow..." She groaned as she tried to look at the wound. She'd hit her chest, near her collarbone. It was bleeding but didn't hurt and she didn't think it was bad enough to worry about.

She left the bathroom, first aid kit in hand. Surely Joanna's rule could be broken if Kiki was helping Bram? She ran to the large, deeply colored doors Joanna had warned about. This had to be her Master's room. Hopefully she wouldn't look stupid offering first aid to a Vampire, who should have super fast healing powers. Whatever agony he was in earlier, it would probably be healed up by now and this would be all for nothing. She sighed and tapped on the door.
Bram stood slowly with unease, his foot throbbing in pain. He didn't have much blood to leave in his body, but with the way each glob of black dripped from his foot he grew weaker. He leaned against the door tiredly and hissed at the sound of soft tapping. He pulled the door open and snapped, "What do you want?!" He was shirtless, favoring a bloodied foot still stuck with large pieces of glass and his hands covered in black blood. He was NOT in a state to be looked upon by his slaves. The bright sun the shone through the windows made him pull back in to his room, covering his weakened eyes. Still, through slits he saw it was Kiki, standing there with a first aid kit and... and a wonderful coppery scent surrounding her. In the light he saw a gleam of blood on her thin collar bone, the sight making his throat dry. He sighed heavily and shook his head of the hungry, pulling further in the dark. "What do you want, Kiki?" he rumbled softly, still keeping his foot up. "Didn't Joanna inform you to not disturb me?"
She cringed a little bit when he snapped at her, but knew he was probably upset at being disturbed in his condition, and she ignored his remarks. She held up the first aid kit. "I... Heard you yelling." She said. "I brought this for you in case you were hurt..." She held it out to him, hoping he would take it. She knew he didn't want her here at the moment, and she was more than ready to hand over the bandages and take off back down the hall. "I won't bother you again."
He barely could register the words she was speaking with so much of his environment throwing him off. The sun, the pain, the smell of her sweet blood; it all made him feel sick to his still stomach. His mind pleading two arguments: One for making her go away and leave him be and the other to punish her for staring up at him in such a laughable state. Regardless, he took the first aid kit and looked it over. "I suppose I can find a use for you at the moment," he said look down a broken glass all over the floor. "Pick up the pieces and put them in the wastebasket by night stand." He ushered her to come into his darkened room. "Don't be shy, dear. I mean you no harm."
Kiki handed him the kit and nodded at his instructions. Realizing that the sun was practically pouring into his room, even with the curtains drawn, she pushed the door up, not quite closing it but at least blocking out the light. She could still see the glass on the floor, the light from the hall lighting just that section of the room now. She crouched down on the floor, gently picking up the shards. It didn't really matter if she cut herself, since she was already injured anyway, but better safe than sorry. Wait, she was still bleeding? She looked down and saw that it had mostly stopped, but there was a stain on her night clothes and a tiny trickle still on her collarbone. Trying to be discreet, she wiped it off with her finger, brushing it off on the inside of her dress at the bottom where it wasn't visible.

She gathered up the rest of the glass pieces and quickly tossed them in the waste basket, brushing off her hands and giving the floor one last check to make sure the broken lamp was completely cleaned up. She looked around in the darkness, wishing that she could reopen the door and let some light in so she could see. Bram was probably bandaging his wounds, but she had no idea where he was in the room. She was so curious as to what the room looked like, imagining some huge extravagant place with antique decorations and pristine furnishings and architecture. She smiled a little at her own absentmindedness.
Even as Kiki was picking up pieces from the floor, Bram only added to the mess by pulling out the pieces in his sole and tossing them to the ground. He tried to keep his eyes down to his wounds but still he couldn't stop from glancing to her every now and again. She was looking around somewhat lost in the dark, her head swiveling to look about the room. He ignored her and opened the first aid kit, grabbing the first roll of gauze he saw. Not that it would help much, his foot would heal in a few hours. Or in a few seconds if he could only taste that sweet tiny dribble of blood on her--

"No!" he whispered harshly to himself and began to roughly patch up his foot. Blackened blood still seeped through his bandages and he gritted his sharpened teeth in brief pain. When it was messily wrapped up, he growled softly and stood up from the bed. Hobbling to his nightstand he found an oil lamp, making it flicker to life with a twitch of his eye. The room brightened a bit as he held the lamp, capturing Kiki in a better light. She stood in the middle of the lavished room, surrounded by the luxurious old wood and gold of his homeland. He could actually see her reflection in the mirror, startling that he had even more sight of her. For a moment he was still, taken aback by her presence and dress. A simple little night gown and hair that look innocently tussled from a light sleep. And in the corner near her shoulder, a tiny spot of red that brightened in the flames light. 'You look more tempting than usual...' his thoughts trailed softly before he walked to her and handed the lamp to his small hands. Gods, that sweet smell of her skin... "Be sure you get all the pieces," he said with his voice wavering a bit. "If you wish to explore, I implore you to not touch anything. Once you've had your fill, you may leave." He stared at her blood spot and touch it ever so gently, urged to ask how she got it. Still, he was silent and pulled his hand away to hobble to the bench near his beloved piano.
She was happy to see some light filling the room, coming from a lamp that he'd turned on. She looked around and saw that the room was very large and ornately decorated. Very fancy. She was almost afraid to touch anything, but then again he had instructed her not to. They both seemed to understand she had a habit of being clumsy sometimes, and it would be a shame to see such old artifacts and antique pieces damaged by her hands. She looked down and saw that all of the pieces of glass had been discarded, and when she looked back up she saw that he was eyeing her from across the room. She must look a mess in her bloodied night dress and bare feet. She tucked a piece of slighty tousled hair behind her ear, suddenly very conscious of it. He touched the place on her chest with a look on his face that could only be curiosity. "I tripped," she said quietly. Of course she had, she was always falling these days.
"So I see," he said as he sat down, hands touching the ivory keys softly. "Take more consideration of where you step, Kiki. Don't turn clumsy like that stable boy I have. Regardless... if you have any questions you'd like to ask about the pieces in my room, don't hesitate to ask." Bram's voice seemed to be more distant as he tapped the keys in the piano. He played a few notes from Kiki's masterpiece he had heard earlier, still unable to get the exact note. Of all the times he needed some calming music to soothe his haunted nerves... She couldn't play and he couldn't remember. She was practically useless to him. His hands hardened at the thought of that word and the notes he pressed came out sour. Between the frustration and the pain in his foot, he was growing impatient with himself again. He laid his tired head in his arms on the head of the piano, his dull hair splaying over his eyes.
Kiki heard his attempts at her song. She felt awful knowing that she couldn't even play the cello to soothe his nerves. She couldn't fully play any instrument in her condition, but she knew he was struggling with the thought of being unable to play the same sweet sound her cello emanated when she played. She quietly walked over to him where he had slumped over the piano's keys, not wanting to startle him but wanting to put his mind at ease. "It's... this one..." she said, using one of her small fingers to tap the correct key on the instrument. It let out the perfect pitch.
He couldn’t believe his finely tuned ears. The sound that echoed from the piano was perfect. He lifted his head again and touched along the same melody he had played, but with the corrected note to follow. That single note made his shoulders relax and his face soften. He played further into the song, only to find he was playing the wrong notes again. A groan of aggravation came from his throat and he tried it again, still hitting the wrong note.

Bram looked to Kiki, his teeth gritted in defeat. “Again,” he asks her as he takes her hand gently. “Show it to me again. Please.” He sounded weak in asking for help and deep down he was filled with hate for being so inept. He never had to ask for a slave to help like this. Yet, he was desperate enough to hear more or her sweet sounds and wanted her to play more. He moved aside the long bench and patted the spot beside him.

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