Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

Eric's smile beamed brightly despite his darkly bruised face. "Th-thank you. I mean, thank you for fixing me up and taking me to my room. Normally I have to wait in one spot until someone finally notices me. I would've passed out by then. But you were nice enough to help me--"

"You mean nice enough to dawdle in her work to pick up your hide," Ophelia said yanking the bowl from Kiki to fill it up. "When I was younger, he'd just tell us to get up and clean up our blood. If you missed any work even if you were beaten there was more hell to catch. Now all the work you missed out on gets plopped on someone's shoulders, boy."

Eric's face winced at Ophelia's harsh but true words. "But... he wasn't so bad this time. Normally he keeps going for more than 50 lashes. I think he only made it to half that. So maybe he was feeling good at that time to let me go with a lesser punishment..." He looked to Kiki still with a smile. "I'm sorry if I left you with any work of mine. I promise, it won't be something that happens again."
Kiki smiled at Ophelia's ranting, unable to take the nagging woman's ranting seriously. "It's ok, I was done with my work for the day, and eventually Joanna helped out too." she said, trying to make the boy feel better. "I was just playing cello when you had your accident, which is why Bram was right there to catch you...." she said. She didn't say anything about their Master's mellow state while she had been playing, since it seemed rare that he was nice and even rarer that he was... Happy.
"That was you playing?" Eric asked as it sat at the long wooden table. "Wow, you play so beautiful. And you didn't even scream between the notes and you got to keep all your fingers!" He giggled nervously when he started to ramble, then stared down at his food. He suddenly wasn't very hungry, his mind concentrated on other little things. Like the very pretty girl named Kiki. He was almost sure he could smell flowers on her skin... And she had been so sweet to him as will. She didn't mother him like Joanna or scold him like Ophelia. She was just...

"All right, ya peasants, eat up," Ophelia said as she fished a pot with several scraps of paper in it. "Gotta be nice and full before we take a pint from ya. That goes for you too, new girl. I'm adding your name to the draw." She scratched Kiki's name on a piece of grease paper and let it fall with the other names.
Kiki smiled at the boy. "He seemed to enjoy it, actually." She said, remembering Bram's studious, peaceful state while she'd been playing. She continued to eat, glad to see that the boy had made somewhat of a recovery already. Like he was used to getting punished like that a lot. Then again, Joanna had mentioned his clumsiness. Kiki was surprised Bram let the boy live, even if he WAS good with the horses.

Ophelia said something about a pint as she wrote down names and dropped them into a bowl. Kiki looked at the boy beside her. "What's that for?" She asked quietly. Ophelia mentioned putting her name in, but she had missed most of the other things the woman had just said.
Eric swallowed his food and looked at Kiki with slight confusion. "Joanna didn't tell you?" he asked wiping the bit of broth from his cheek. "Ever few days or so, Master Bram needs a pint of blood from us to feed upon. He... he doesn't hunt like normal vampires do. He kills but doesn't eat them. I think maybe he finds it a little... distasteful. But Ophelia likes to draw names to see who has to give a pint of blood for the week. Since there are at least 20 slaves already here, you probably won't get your name picked for a couple weeks."

"Don't be so sure of that, boy," Ophelia said as she sat the pot of names in front of Kiki. "Let the new girl pick a name, maybe she'll get lucky. Her blood's gotta be sweeter than any devil's food cake I could make. I'm sure the master would just love it if you had to be the one to give him a pint."

"Ophelia used to get picked a lot when she did the drawing herself. I think she's scared you'll call her name," Eric whispered to Kiki.
Kiki smiled at Eric. "Hopefully it's not me," she said. "He doesn't deserve my blood if it's as sweet as Ophelia guessed." She wondered which unfortunate soul would be pulled out of the bowl which had been set in front of her. The papers looked gross. Covered in grime and practically soaked. Kiki scowled a little at the greasy smell but stuck her hand in the bowl anyway, fishing around for a piece of paper that hopefully wouldn't have her name on it. Finally, she grabbed one that felt lucky and retrieved it from the bowl, handing it back to Ophelia, who'd probably be able to read the slip to the group much louder than Kiki's delicate voice would allow.
Ophelia took the paper and read over the name. Sheila huh? She nearly passed out the last time when they harvested her blood and they barely tapped a pint from her. Ophelia needed to be reminded to feed her more often. Instead of calling out Sheila's name, she crumpled up the paper and smiled at Kiki. "Awww would you look at that. Looks like Bram's blood is gonna be a little sweet tonight! I hope you're not afraid of needles~" she smiled at Kiki with a sort of sing song voice. Well, as sing song as a voice as low as Ophelia's could go. “Eat up and then come to the counter.”

Eric’s face fell as Ophelia roughly pat Kiki’s head and walked away. “I…I could go for you, you know. In case you’re scared of needles. But it doesn’t hurt for very long, I promise.”
Kiki's blood drained from her face when Ophelia called her name. How? How was it possible? There were so many names in the bowl... She sighed as Ophelia patted her head and walked away, crumpling up the piece of paper. She listened to Eric, then shook her head. "You've lost enough blood for one day. It'll be alright. I've never felt a needle before, so I'm not scared." She gave him a smile to convince him.
"I...It doesn't hurt so much if Joanna's doing it," Eric said as played with his napkin, tearing it a little. " Not so much with Ophelia though. It's just a long, thin tube that goes in your arm and that's what the blood goes through. I hear that in the early days they used to just slice open their wrists to get the blood. But then Bram got the needles for a cleaner extraction. It all just goes into a cup and then you take it to the Master." He picked up the bowl and drank up the last of his stew. "But I promise it won't hurt so bad. But if you want, I... I can hold your hand. It makes it easier." He smiled back to her, a bit of a blush tinging his pale cheeks.
Kiki envisioned the process as he explained it. A tube? Surely that would hurt no matter who was doing it. But she would do it anyway, to spare someone else the pain of the needles. Then Eric blushed and asked if she wanted him to hold her hand. She blushed a little, then shrugged it off. Such a silly idea! Then Kiki saw the needle, and her hand shot down and grabbed Eric's in the blink of an eye. She tried not to make eye contact with him, the last thing she wanted was for him to know she was nervous. She waited for Ophelia to get everything ready, holding out her arm and trying to decide which was better: looking to see what was happening or looking away so she wouldn't see the tip of the needle penetrate her pale skin.
Ophelia was at least kind enough to scrub her hands before taking Kiki's free arm and tying it off above the elbow. "If you lose your stomach while I'm doing this, I'm not feeding you again," she muttered as she tapped for a vein and plunged the needle into her arm. Eric winced when he saw the needle sink into her skin, gripping her hand tighter for comfort. The blood shot up into the needle rapidly and then pass through another tube right down to a crystal cup. The sight almost made the poor boy feel queasy. But he couldn't feel sick now. He had to hold Kiki's hand, make sure she was okay in dealing with this scary situation. He almost wanted to whisper that it would be okay.

It took a few minutes to fill the glass to the near brim and Ophelia pulled the needle from Kiki's arm. "You can let her go now, boy. She was giving blood, not giving birth," Ophelia said with a roll of her eyes. She was quick to patch the poor girl up with clean gauze and handed the cup of still hot blood to her. "Now hurry up and take it to Bram's room. He'll be cross with ya if it goes cold from your dallying."
Kiki winced a little when the needle went in, but after that it wasn't so bad. Eric, however, looked like he might either throw up or pass out. She smiled at him to try to signal she was okay, and that he didn't need to worry so much. When it was over she couldn't help but smile at Ophelia's reference to giving birth. Eric looked pale and Kiki worried he might fall over when she released his hand, but she did so anyway to take the cup.

Kiki nodded to Ophelia and walked towards Bram's room, glaring at the cup of blood. Vampires were disgusting creatures, living off others blood like this. And to have to deliver it herself was even worse. She finally reached his room and tapped on the door, not knowing whether or not she should just enter or wait for Bram to open the door.
He could smell it coming a mile away. The sweet scent of freshly spilled blood coming his way. It nearly disrupted his incredibly quiet playing of his private piano, but still the notes flowed without a hint of jarring. The window beside him was open, the soft wind fluttering over his bare shoulders. It was the only thing that soothed the nasty burn on his right side where the white of his hair touched skin. His fingertips flew over the ivory keys with grace, yet his mind was set somewhere else. Who would he get to feed from this week. For the love of a pitiful god, he hopes it wasn't Sheila again. That woman could taste of the plague. Joanna was a taste he was too used to and Ophelia? He shudder at her rusted, old taste. But this coming his way smelled different; smelled of young skin and soft sweetness. He could only smirk to himself, knowing just who that scent belonged to. Hard to believe he could smell it all under the blood and dust of her hard day's work. But still... he could tell. His head perked up when she softly tapped on the door and he called, "Enter, Kiki." Even when she opened the door, his subtle playing wouldn't stop. He was too raveled in the melody, trying to recapture what he heard earlier. But his mimic wasn't worthy of her music.
Kiki could hear music coming from inside Bram's room as she knocked. It sounded oddly familiar, but slightly off. She couldn't place it for a moment. Then he told her to come in - how he knew it was her, she didn't want to know - and she opened the door. The music became louder and she realized he was trying to imitate her song. He was close, but off. She closed the door and quickly crossed the room, wanting to get rid of the cup of blood as soon as humanly possible. The thought of her handing Bram her own blood practically on a silver platter made her shudder on the inside, and she just wanted to leave quickly.
"I see Ophelia drew your name from the hat," he said as she handed the cup to him. "Or she cheated like usual. She enjoys picking on the new slaves who come my way. Like she's the top soil of all the dirt. Truth be told, if my slaves didn't depend on her knowledge in medical aid, I'd throw her to the wolves." He drank of it slowly, savoring the sweetened flavor of her blood, the adam's apple in his throat moving gently. The color of tan flushed back in his cheeks and his hair seemed to shine a brighter black than before. Even the stained bloody lips gained back a slight pink. He sat the empty crystal down on the piano and flashed a look at Kiki, his emerald eyes shining a brighter green. But that was only a fleeting change to his face, as the blood nourished his body and he soon faded back to a pale color. Even his eyes dulled back.

"Well, I suppose that you may return to your quarters, my dear," he said as a fresh burst of wind came in, cooling aching burns on his side. "You'll find new music sheets waiting on the night stand." He turned back to his piano and started the music again, but still he couldn't match that specific part just yet.
Kiki turned to leave quickly, eager to get away from this scene. She'd almost gagged watching that 'man' drink her blood. She left and closed the door behind him, still able to hear the mistakes he was making on the piano from halfway down the hall. She smirked a little. Maybe, in all the thousands of years he had left to live, he would never get it right. He would die- probably from lack of blood, the way he casually kills off all his slaves- never having mastered a song composed by a young human woman. The thought amused her.

Kiki finally reached her room and closed the door behind her, knowing that Joanna would come around soon to lock her in for the day. She hated being locked in here until evening, with the sun shining through the cracks in the curtains and tempting her to leave this place for good. She decided to change her clothes, quickly stripping herself of the dress she was currently in and looking for a sleeping gown. She dug through the closet and finally found it, slipping into it quickly. Then she noticed the sheet of paper on her night stand, and crossed the room to see that it was the new music Bram had left for her to learn. She looked it over, and saw that it was just about as difficult as the last. She'd probably master it within one to two days.

She spent the next hour simply studying the sheet, learning every note on the page by heart. That always made it easier to learn it for real on the cello later. She then laid the paper aside and crawled into her bed, cozy and warm, and fell asleep.
A day passed by. Then another day. Then a week had gone by and still Bram was at his piano. He was hunched over, gritting his teeth in pure frustration as he hit each new note. Still, the notes were never the same. He made a beastly roar and slammed his hands on the keys. “WHY CAN’T I DO THIS PERFECTLY?!” he yelled, nailing his fists in the keys again.

“My, my, aren’t we in a mood.”

Bram dropped his head even lower. He didn’t even hear his unwanted guest come in. “What do you want, Nikolaus?” he grumbled with his nails clenching in his fists. “And who let you in so I can rip out their fingernails later?

He turned to see the tall, golden haired vampire laugh jauntily. He look more radiant than usual, wearing his blue suit and snappy white gloves. The only thing marring his style was the jagged stitching that curled from the edge of the right side of his lip to his cheek. It was asymmetrical and Bram hated looking at his uneven face. “Why, I found it fitting to let myself in. No need for you to go and mangle your slaves.”

“I regret the day I ever invited you in,” Bram said as he closed the piano. “I’ll ask again: what is it you want? I have no time to play your games, you oaf.”

“Bram, Bram, don’t you take the pleasure of seeing your kind visiting you? Or has this mucking around with the slaves dulled your usual sharp senses?” the other vamp said flipping back his locks. “As for my visiting, I’ve decided to change my mind about my little piano prodigy. Turns out the other only knows four songs and is just a sham at parties.”

“She’s dead. You gave her up and I had no use for her,” Bram said with a roll of his eyes. “I already have a songbird around if I wanted music.”

“Ahh, you mean your new Josephine?” Nikolaus said with a grin. “I never did pin you for a sentimental creature?” Bram growled at the name and ignored the other for a moment, picking out his new coat from the closet as a distraction. The blonde found it fitting to plop right on Bram’s bed, messing the once tight, crisp sheets. “Sooo, tell me about this new slave. What does she do?”

“None of your damn business.”

“Ahhh, she’s a cellist, isn’t she?” he asked rooting through Bram’s mind. “And a good one at that, am I right?”

Bram pulled his coat over his white button shirt, still grinding his teeth. “…Like perfection incarnate. She can learn pieces already made in days, but create her own in seconds. Perfect pieces of music, and I can’t even mimic them.”

“Oh come now, is that what this fit is about?” Nikolaus asked as he hopped off the bed and patted Bram’s bad arm. “You drive yourself mad over a piece made by some pathetic slave girl? It’s not good for your health, old boy!” He laughed again and held up his hands. “Tell you what, old friend. Let me take her off your hands for a while. It’s obvious her being her distresses you so. Besides, you do owe me a little music player.”

Bram stopped in the buttoning process to think of his idea. The idea of lending any of his slaves to this careless joke would make his hair stand on end. Nikolaus always knew how to ruin slaves, and he didn’t want to know how. Still, maybe he would be better giving Kiki away. He’d be lost of the music, but was it so terrible? “… We’ll see,” he said finishing his dressing. “If you really wish for her, then I will take you to her for inspection. Now… what were her tasks for today…”
Kiki was in the hallway that led to the dining area, cleaning the windows and dusting off the tables and decorations. She'd heard a few of the other slaves talking amongst themselves and they'd mentioned that "that strange friend of Bram's" was here to pick up his pianist. Kiki's mood darkened, hoping they weren't speaking of the girl that Bram had forced her to murder a couple weeks back.

She went on minding her own business when a small, frail-looking slave girl approached her. "I overheard Master Bram's conversation with Nikolaus..." She said quietly, almost as if she was going to regret speaking to Kiki. "I think the Master intends to give you away." She quickly scurried off, leaving Kiki with her thoughts. Bram was going to give Kiki to Nikolaus? Who was that, besides the owner of the poor dead girl? She imagined he couldn't be much worse than Bram, but there was always a chance that he was. She stopped her chores to wonder if she was really just going to be handed off to someone else... Hearing footsteps approaching, she quickly started working again.
"And I must say, Bram, I do miss that old statue in the hall. Did you sell it off?" Nikolaus said as they both walked down the stairs.

"The caretaker of my steeds was careless enough to run into it and destroy the piece," he said as he finished tying back his hair. "He paid the price for his mistake."

Nikolaus tsked with a shake of his head. "Seems like you're losing your touch old man. It sounds as if you left him to leave instead of throwing him out of the window.

"Stain glass is hard enough to replace. No need to destroy my home to punish nowadays," Bram replied as they reached the bottom of the steps, spotting Kiki busily cleaning all the decorations and tables. Been a long time since that furniture looked so clean, and done so quickly. He snapped his fingers to Kiki to grab her attention. "Kiki, come here. I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine. Nikolaus, this is--"

"Yes, yes, I heard you the first time, old boy," the blonde said as he reached down and took Kiki's hand. "No need to name beauty twice, yes?" He kissed the top of her hand and smirked, quickly looking her over. "Mm... she's a little plumper than 'she' was. I thought you were going for a straight look alike. Or maybe your cook has been over feeding the poor dear."

Bram clenched his wrists behind his back. "I enjoy having slaves well fed and looking healthy. The represent myself as they do my home."

"Yes, yes and all that," Nikolaus sighed waving him off. "But my, what dainty hands you have, my dear. They aren't fit to be doing scrub work like this. They should be washed with milk and soft like rose petals." He straightened up and sneered at Bram. "At least that is how I treat my slaves."

"Then they become as slothful and vain as you," Bram replied with a sting in his voice. He furrowed his brow at how he was looking the girl over, looking at her cosmetically instead of her skills.
Kiki came quickly when she was called. She blushed when Nikolaus kissed her hand, having never been treated like anything more than a piece of property. Her blush, however, turned to one of shame when he mentioned that she was 'plump', then compared her to 'she', which Kiki had to assume meant Josephine. Always Josephine.

He mentioned something about her hands being treated more kindly and that he always treated his slaves that way. Maybe this Nikolaus wouldn't be a bad change. She could use a change of scenery. However, she noticed Bram's intent stare at Nikolaus as he was looking over Kiki's features. She did feel a little strange since he hadn't asked about her skills, but at least she wasn't being treated badly, either.

Kiki couldn't help but wonder... Was Bram really considering handing her off to this man? Bram had spent a decent amount of money- not a lot, since she was an adult human, but still quite a bit since she looked young- and now he was giving her away. Maybe they'd made a deal of some sort. She didn't know what to think of the situation, so mostly she just remained quiet.
"Surely you're at least interested in some of her attributes?" Bram asked with annoyed tone. "It's ill to just pick up a slave just because your enjoy their features. Then again, what do you enjoy more than pretty things."

"You've never taken in the finer things in life," Nikolaus smirked, his stitched side curling up. "But oh... I suppose that you are right, hmm? I may as well hear the songbird sing before I take her off your hands. Maybe then you'll stop trying to mimic her blessed perfection in music and not go mad." His stood beside Kiki, placing his hand at her hips.

Bram bit the inside of his cheek and sighed, irritation thick in his breath. The prospect of this... philistine taking his obedient slaves and doing god only knows what to them disturbed him, ruffled his feathers in a bunch. Especially with his interest in Kiki. He was growing fonder of her each day, despite the madness growing withing when she played her angelic harmony. She looked less and less like 'her' and more... He shook his head and nodded to Kiki. "Please discard your current outfit and dress appropriate for this occasion. Tonight you play for an audience," he said his fingertips brushing hair from her face. His hand was quick to pull away from the gesture and he looked to Nikolaus. "Don't keep us waiting, Miss Kiki." He led the still eying blonde to the music room.
Kiki felt odd when Nikolaus wrapped his arm around her hips, but didn't say anything. The last thing she needed was to make Bram or his guest mad. She was given orders to change her clothes and then was incredibly puzzled when Bram seemed to forget who she was and he reached out to brush her hair from her face with his fingers.

Kiki watched the two men stalk off to the music room again, and wondered if she was supposed to immediately change her clothing or if she should finish her chores first. Wanting to get the 'performance' out of the way, she quickly finished up what she was working on and went to her bedroom.

Rummaging through her wardrobe, Kiki finally found a dress worthy of such an occasion. She quickly dressed and looked at herself in the full length mirror. The white dress stopped at her knees, her white legs wrapped in white tights and her feet encased in white shoes. The only dash of color was the periwinkle detailing on the dress. She hoped this would impress her 'audience', as Bram had said earlier.

Kiki fixed her hair after seeing the tangled mess. No wonder Bram had felt inclined to fix it. She began walking towards the music room, the hallway surprisingly quiet. Usually the sound of music filled the halls, flowing freely from the music room. But today, all was silent. Kiki didn't see a single human on her way here, and the house felt cold and empty. Or maybe...

Maybe she was the one feeling cold and empty. Why did she feel this way? It was almost as if she was mourning the fact that soon she'd possibly be leaving. How could she feel that way? She had been telling herself from the very beginning that she would escape Bram's clutches the first chance she got... But now that she could see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Why did she want to stay?
“I can only imagine how she’ll look out of those drudged up clothes,” Nikolaus grinned as he surveyed the room full of expensive instruments and paintings of the masters of music. “It’s is a crime the way you let such pretty girls parade around in dirt and sludge. I bet there are thousands of dresses out there I could put her in. Mmm, so many…”

“Are you looking for a slave for entertainment or a doll to fix up?” Bram muttered as he looked over his collection of violins that adorn the wall. “The idea of you taking of her from my household makes me wretch a little. Knowing you’ll just want her to be a living piece of furniture in the end.”

“Aren’t we the preachy one tonight?” the blonde asked with another contrary flip of his hair. “You like your slaves looking a mess and ruining their knees scrubbing floors?”

“They are meant to be utilized for their skills till the day they day,” Bram replied as he tapped the keys on his blood stained piano. “What is the point of having slaves if you do nothing with them? It is a waste of great potential. You’ll get bored of dressing her up and throw her away like you always.”

“We’ll just have to see about this deathly beautiful music you boast of her,” Nikolaus laughed as he stopped in front of the beloved cello. “If it’s worth my time, then maybe I’ll keep her around for that too. If not… well, I’m sure she’d be happier dressed in gold and warming my bed instead of scrubbing your floor and wasting her time playing with strings. After all, taking her from you let’s your poor, weary mind rest. You’ve gone mad once, Bram. I’d hate to see you do it again.” He darted his tongue over his lips and was quick to pull it back when he heard footsteps come close. “Ahh, and here comes the star of our show now!”

Bram snapped his teeth at Nikolaus before standing by the doorway. Kiki was coming down the hall, the lovely dress she wore fluttering as she walked. Bram’s cold dead gut suddenly churned uneasily. She looked almost of an innocent child in that dress, her eyes looking somewhat sorrowful as she walked. She was like a ghost wandering the halls, ready to play her melody once more. Bram’s posture almost faltered in awe, but he kept himself still. “An excellent choice, my dear,” he said holding his hand to her. “Come. Prove your talents to Nikolaus."
((Wowzers! you guys have gone far :) ))

Michelle brund her kneck back in Exhaustion, she had been standing there for a while and her feet started Hurting. She looked around at all the Vampires chosing their slaves.

Oh how she wanted to run away, but couldnt, they would just track her down and kill her.
Kiki nodded at Bram and let him lead her to the cello. She quickly took her seat behind it and picked the bow up from beside the chair. She wasn't sure if there was something in particular that she was supposed to play, but she had only played for Bram a few times and it had always been her own music, always a continuation of the first song she had ever played for him. He never seemed to tire of it, and neither did she, so she added on and on to the song. Yet after all this time she was always just as surprised whenever she passed the music room and overheard Bram playing piano, always trying to mimic her.

So this time, she started out with another continuation. Once the two Vampires in front of her seemed to become used to it, she changed tempo to something slower, something that sounded almost sorrowful even in all it's beauty. It was an even more mournful song than before, but was also ten times as lovely a sound as the previous song that Bram had become so attached to. She looked up only a couple times just to make sure she wasn't losing their interest, but for the most part she kept her eyes down or closed and let her emotions, which were just as tragic as the music at this moment, play freely.

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