Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

12 hours past as the daylight went on, shone over the burnt meadows and broken homes in the distance. The servants slept in their locked rooms, Joanna being the exception to let them out in the morn. All were asleep except for the master of the house. It was nearing 6 in the afternoon, right about the time Joanna would be unlocking doors to serve breakfast. Then everyone would scurry out to start their nightly chores. He never did trust the slaves to do work in the daylight while he slept. He was too vulnerable in that state, and unwilling to take any chances of anyone sneaking into his room while he slept, he just had them locked away. But he couldn't find a chance to rest that night. He had been awake, pacing his room with an old diary in hand. He muttered to himself quietly in Spanish as read over the tattered burned pages, tip toeing around the cracks of orange light that came through the curtain. A knock echoed from his door, cautiously checking if he had awaken yet. "Enter," he said as he flipped another page.

Joanna peaked from the door and opened it to get full view. "You're already up, Master Bram?"

"Mm. Had a few things on my mind, Joanna. Nothing that concerns you," he said looking from the pages. She had a wrap over her cheek along with a blackened eye, yet didn't look away when he stared into her eyes. "I've already dealt with you after all. Isn't that right?"

"Yes, Master," she said with a glance to the ground. "I promise to not disappoint you again." She looked up and saw the burned book in his hand, raising her brow. "Have you... been thinking about her again, if I may ask?"

Bram shut the book and set it aside, giving Joanna a glare. "It isn't your business to know. Go rouse the other slave and give them their breakfast. I expect each and everyone to be working on their chores. Oh, and one other thing." He continued to talk as he removed his old clothing and went to his dresser. "Bring the new slave to me. I'm tired of the taste of other slaves."

Joanna pursed her lips as she bowed and left for the door. But as she grabbed the handle, she turned back to her stripping master, noticing all the burned that ran down his arm and sides. "Master... please don't hurt this one," Joanna said to him. "What's done is done, but don't take it out on the girl just because..."

"Continue that sentence, Joanna, and I'll see to it that you don't have a tongue for the rest of your miserable life," he said without turning his head. "Is that clear?"

"... Yes, Master Bram," she said before leaving the room. She went around the massive home with a little breakfast cart, unlocking the doors and giving hot meals to each slave. When she got to Kiki's door, she hesitated in unlocking it for a moment. She rose her hand and tapped the door. "Child? Are you awake?"
Kiki looked over to the opened door, glad to see Joanna peeking in at her. "Yes, I'm awake." she said with her usual sweet smile that seemed to be reserved only for this other slave. Kiki had already dressed in some clothes from the wardrobe. She was sure that she was to be doing chores once Joanna let her out of her room, so she had dressed in the maid's uniform that she'd been given. The black dress fell to her knees as all the other dresses had, the top part a little too revealing for Kiki's taste but not too scandalous. Kiki was just used to longer sleeves than this, so having part of her neck and shoulders exposed was an odd feeling. She also had on the black socks and laced up knee boots that were sitting by the dress. She'd just assumed they went together.

"Am I to start the house work now?" she asked, her smile not faltering. She'd gotten up early to get ready, not wanting to fall behind in her chores. She'd even practiced the cello a little, and was learning the song requested by her Master rather quickly. She stood up and crossed over to Joanna, smelling food and wondering if she was supposed to eat breakfast in her room.
"Not... not quite," Joanna sat as she placed a tray of warm cinnamon porridge, toast and milk on the nightstand next to the bed. "You'll get to your chores soon, but Bram wants to see you beforehand." Her voice seemed to wavier a little, touch the thick scar in the palm of her right hand. "It'll be quick, I promise. Then you may get start on your duties." Joanna had a hard time looking this poor girl in the face for long, wondering if she could stand to play Bram's little game. Where would he put the scar on this girl? What if he was hungrier and.... and wanted more. Joanna pushed that thought aside, knowing her master would never be so... vile in such a way. "Just eat your breakfast quickly. We can't leave him waiting."
Kiki nodded. She noticed that Joanna was acting oddly and wondered what was wrong. But she didn't dare ask, lest she become too terrified of whatever Bram had done or would do this time and she would run away and hide. But Joanna had offered some porridge and of course Kiki was more than happy to see that. She quickly ate, remembering that Joanna said not to keep Bram waiting. He must be quite the impatient man for him to rush his slaves so. "Do I need to change to meet him?" Kiki asked between bites. The older woman had mentioned 'playing the part', so to speak, so Kiki wondered if she was appropriately dressed. She quickly finished the food, quite content at this point, and stood, ready to go and get whatever this was over with.
Joanna bit her lip and shook her head. “N…No, you won’t have to worry about that, Kiki,” she said as she picked up her dishes. “I cannot tell you what he plans for you; it’s different for all of the servants. But remember that it’s all a little game to him. He tests each slave to see if they’re loyal to him. That they will obey him. The more you fight him… the worst it will be for you. Just listen to what he asks of you and it will be over much quicker that way.” Joanna beckons the woman to follow to his room. The few precious drops of sunlight in the halls were slowly dying. The walk was in silence, Joanna unable to look at the poor child. ‘I’m so sorry, child,’ she thought as she opened her Master’s door. Bram was standing in the middle of the room, another young woman standing in the middle. One of her hands had been bandaged where the pinky should’ve been and tears were rolling down her pale cheeks.

Bram was looking down at the girl with irritation before looking up to see Joanna and Kiki. “Ah, you’ve brought her,” he said tossing a black blade in his hands. “I had expected you a little earlier.”

“We came as soon as possible, my master,” Joanna said eying the blade. “It was your wish.”

“Indeed,” he said as the girl continued to shake in sobs. “I don’t need your company anymore, Joanna. Leave the girl and go.”

She nodded with a bow and briskly left the room. She didn’t even look at Kiki in concern before she closed the door behind her. Bram then looked to Kiki, wagging his finger to her. “Come here, Kiki,” he said with a tired rumble in his tone. The incessant sound of crying was wearing his patience thinner and thinner. “You see this girl, Kiki? What do you think of her?” The girl he pointed to with the knife couldn’t help but look helplessly at Kiki, her bright blue eyes welled with tears.
Kiki was silent on the walk to Bram's room. She didn't know quite what to expect from this visit, but from the way Joanna was acting it could only be something bad. Before they even reached the door Kiki could hear the sobs coming from within the chambers. Joanna pushed open the door and Kiki saw a bandaged girl standing beside Bram. Joanna was soon dismissed and the woman left without a second glance at Kiki. That woman must have become very accustomed to acting in a certain manner around her Master, and Kiki wondered if she should do the same. Showing less emotion caused less problems, from the look of it.

Kiki walked over to Bram and the girl who was still sobbing. 'It's just a game...' she thought. 'No matter what happens, don't overreact. Play along and it will be over soon.' However, Bram asked what Kiki thought of the girl standing beside them. Trying to be strong just like Joanna, Kiki looked over at the girl with eyes slightly less loving than usual. She hoped that the girl wasn't in any trouble, but from the looks of it, she was. Kiki looked back at Bram. "I have to wonder what it is she's done wrong. She's clearly disappointed you, Master." Kiki replied. She hoped the girl would understand that she was trying to help them both by giving Bram the answer he wanted rather than her true opinion.
"Indeed, I am disappointed, Miss Kiki," Bram said as he paced in front of the two girls. "But it isn't her I'm disappointed in. It is her master." He went to his dresser and stabbed the knife into the antique wood. "He has been kind enough to send his own servant to my home with a message. He says that he has no use for a pianist anymore. He said that training her to play like the master composers themselves had taken too long, and that he had found a slave that knew everything he wanted. He has dumped this slave that I have no use for right in my lap." The girl covered her face as she cried, knowing her master had abandoned her with a monster like Bram.

It took plenty of his strength not to throw her against the wall to silence her forever. Too much of a mess on his poor walls. "She couldn't be taught fast enough. She couldn't learn. And now, my time has been wasted and I have a useless slave with no other skills to be had. I had thought of simply throwing her back in the mens' side of the slave dungeon, or even toss her to the wolves. But then a thought came to mind." He turned again, pulling the knife from his furniture. "Why do that when I could get one last use of her. Prove your loyalty to me, to this house I have brought you in. Remember the warm water in the bath and the food that has filled your stomach. Remember what I have given you because you are my slave." He tossed the knife into the polished wooden floor at Kiki's feet and looked at her with deadly eyes. "Prove your loyalty to your master and kill this girl."
Ooc- Sorry, my internet stopped working recently, I've got it fixed now. But yeah, so sorry for late reply. I'm a bit behind now, I hate my broadband for it.
Kiki could have sworn her heart skipped a beat. What had he said just now? Surely he didn't expect her to do that. No human life was that despicable that it could be just taken on a whim. So he couldn't train her? Maybe he was going at it all wrong. One thing was for sure, Kiki was not about to follow that order, even if it meant punishment for herself.

She tried to keep the fear from showing in her eyes. What would he say when she told him she wouldn't do as he had demanded? She might be taking the girl's place, bloodied and on the floor. Well, at least she had one good night of comfortable sleep and two delicious meals to end her life with.

"I... I can't." she said. She waited, knowing that a bad reaction was coming and waited for her Master's face to contort in anger. Maybe he would kill Kiki right in front of this girl. But at least she would know that Kiki wasn't about to end her life to save her own. "But.... If you are going to kill one of us in the end... I would like three days' time to try to teach her piano myself. If I am unable to teach her one of the songs you've requested in that time.... Then neither of us deserve to remain here." It was worth a shot. Kiki was in no place to try to negotiate, but she wouldn't give up so easily. Maybe Bram had been teaching the girl wrong. Not everyone could learn with the thought of a deadly Vampire hanging over their neck.

Kiki looked at the girl, who didn't seem confident in her own ability but obviously didn't want to die, either. Then Kiki returned her gaze to Bram, who had a decision to make. Hopefully he wouldn't just lash out and kill them on the spot...
Bram listened to Kiki’s bargaining and was silent for a few moments. Each second seemed to tick by in an hour’s time and he never took his eyes away from Kiki. Then he started to chuckle. That chuckle boomed into a maniacal laugh, the firsts he’s had in a long time. I… don’t think… you were LISTENING TO ME!” he suddenly yelled as he raised his hand and struck Kiki in the face, the force smacking her to the ground. His claws left three thick lines on her face, blood seeping through the cuts. The other girl shrieked and backed to the wall. Her face was painted in terror, tears coming from wide frightened eyes.

“I asked you to kill this girl, to end her pathetic life. Not to give her reason to live,” he snarled as he picked Kiki up by the collar of her dress. He lifted her from the ground and made her look at the girl. “Look at the child, Kiki,” he whispered harshly in her ear. “She is a pathetic speck of life in my home. She has no purpose, a skill that it useless to me and her master doesn’t even want her back for perverse reasons. She is fated to either be torn apart by my dogs, or thrown into a pit of mad men who haven’t seen a woman in ages.”

He then slowly put Kiki down and picked up the knife from the floor. “But you can spare her from that,” he said to her, his tone almost comforting. “She’ll suffer in this life and die a slow, painful death that way. She’ll die with a broken body and a crushed soul. But you don’t have to let that happen. Her body will go to a grave without violation, without being feed to the hungry beasts if you end her life now. You can make it quick.” He tucked a strand of hair behind Kiki’s ear, and then whispered, “Do it for her sake. Not your Master’s.” He placed the knife in her hands and clenched it tightly.
Kiki waited in silence for his decision, and the next thing she knew she was on the floor. She reached to her face, which was covered in her own blood. He walked over towards her and pulled her up by her dress. The blood dripped onto it after rolling down her chin. Bram was clearly going to kill one, maybe even both of them today. And it was for sure that by the end of the day the girl in front of her would be killed no matter what choice Kiki made.

Bram handed her the knife and this time she took it. It was for the best. She could only imagine the horrors the girl would suffer if Bram took care of it himself. She walked quietly over to the girl, who seemed to have accepted that she couldn't escape this alive. Kiki's eyes welled over and she pulled the girl into a hug. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you." she whispered, then stabbed the girl in the chest, killing her immediately. Kiki slumped to the floor with the dead weight of the girl's body, not letting go and refusing to give Bram the slightest glance.
Bram smiled to him himself, pleased with her decision. "You did her a favor, Kiki," he said as he pulled the body away from her tight grasp. Just as suspected, the girls eyes glazed over in death, tears and blood still flowing. He tossed the dead weight to the corner then forced Kiki on her feet. "Let it be known that I would've made your trial much harder on you if you didn't end her life. Death for her was inevitable. You were able to avoid it this day." He let go to open the curtains in his room, the orange fading into the dark blue night. "You may go now. Joanna is waiting for you on the other side."

Joanna was listening in horror as Bram demanded the death of the other slave, making Kiki do it with her own hands. He didn't take from Kiki like she and so many other slaves have. He made her do something much crueler, much more to break her. How much hate can a man hold for a ghost of someone. At the sound of her name she opened the door, seeing the twisted corpse in the corner and blood all over Kiki's clothing. "Come, Kiki. We must clean you so you may do your chores..." she said in a monotone. She knew that she was going to have to be cleaning that body up later.
Kiki involuntarily let go of the poor girl's body, watching as it crumpled lifelessly to the floor. Her eyes glazed over as Bram practically praised her for murder. She hardly paid him mind until he told her to leave. She did so and saw Joanna waiting for her outside the door. She'd been there the whole time? Kiki couldn't even look at her. She was still too horrified by the act that she'd committed. Instead she silently followed the older girl to go clean up, her maid's dress soaked in the little slave's blood. She wondered what she'd change into since the outfit meant for her chores was now soiled? She glanced back again at Bram's room, glaring daggers. If looks could kill, he'd be dead.
He could feel her stares pierce through his door and into his rotted, black heart. There was hate surrounding this poor girl, and the fight had not gone out of her. Bram smirked as he settled on his bed, staring down at the corpse crumpled at his feet. "Ah, you were so close, girl," he said picking her up by her thin arm and licking the blood on her drained cheeks. "So close to being spared. If only your master hadn't left you." He lapped the dripping blood around her lips and dropped the body. He stretched his arms and laid back in his bed, comforted by the sight of poor Kiki's lost, angered face. But as his hands fell back, his fingertips grazed the bound book again. "Ay, mi querida," he said as he flipped the Spanish book open to a certain date. "I'd thought your spirit had moved on to this girl. But no, she doesn't fight like you do. She'll fight, querida... but never like you."

'Dairy, Day 2

Today, that monster called me into his room. I had thought the worst, but couldn't avoid being taken there by the other maids. They're under his vicious spell, and they don't mind throwing me to the pit. When I arrived, he brought a little boy to me. He told me that he was crippled by one of the dogs and didn't 'have the time' to take kill him himself. Dios mío, how that little boy cried when he ran into my lap, begging for his mother. He handed me a knife, said to prove my loyalty to him. I said no, threatened to kill him first if he tried. His punch to my ribs nearly broke them all. He told me to do it again, handed me the knife and held the boy still.

I stabbed myself first, just in my side. I know he doesn't want to lose me. He wants something from me, I can feel it. He dropped the boy and pulled the knife of himself, the pain nearly making me pass out. Tonight, Ophelia is tending to me wounds and I do not know the fate of the little boy. But know that bastard knows what I can do. He'll never break me. He'll never have my soul.

Bram closed the book and set it aside, unwilling to read the name at the end. "I wonder, querida," he said before standing and setting the book in a drawer, "if she is as smart as you."


Joanna took Kiki to her room and untied her solid clothing with a heavy heart. "The child's fate was sealed from the beginning," she said as she helped Kiki down to her undergarments. "She was destined to die here. But to have you do it? He's much too cruel to you." She folded the clothes and set them aside before reaching in and pulling out a plain blue dress, a ribbon around the waist. "I'm afraid you'll have to wear this until I can return your outfit clean. I can spare another apron for you of course. Unless there is something else you'd like to wear?" Joanna didn't want to speak anymore of the tragedy that took place. It all has happened to them, but it always ended in some sort of blood shed.
(Anyone who is behind dont worry, Just start from the Slave house because heaps of people are still there except for the two who have been roleplaying)
"No," Kiki said. There wasn't a 'preference' in her clothing. The way things were going, they'd all be stained in blood anyway by the time Bram was done with them. She quickly dressed, still feeling as though she was covered in blood. There were so many things running through her mind. Things she could have- no, things she SHOULD have done. But she knew none of those other options would have worked. Running... She would have been caught and stuck right back into the same situation, maybe even killed herself. She COULD have killed herself. She wouldn't have been the reason for the girl's death... So that was it then. Next time he decided to do something so cruel, she would end her own life. Bram wouldn't care; after all, she was just like any other slave here: disposable.

But at least that would set her mind at ease. She finished lacing her boots and tied the ribbon on her dress, hoping that an overload of housework would draw her mind away from the fact that she was a murderer. She quickly left the room, following Joanna down to the kitchen where she was supposed to clean.

((Weird, stabbing herself was what I was gonna have her do but I figured that would just make Bram kill her and end the RP kind of quickly lol.))
((then Bram would be like "Well shit, now what?" xD ))

“We had planned for your to prepare some hare for the stew to be made but… maybe you’d be better off scrubbing the floors and handling the dishes,” Joanna said as they entered the kitchen area. “Then you’ll need to sweep out the dining hall and wash the windows. Both are rather large areas so I’ll have Ophelia fetch you a ladder and—“

“Don’t bother, I already set it up for the new kid. Got the suds in a bucket here, there and the ladder’s propped up,” a woman at the counter said as she slammed a cleaver through some thick beef. At least, it looked kinda like beef… The tall, muscular woman wiped the blood from her cheek, and looked over Kiki. “So this is his new girl huh? What, did he miss his old mule and wanted to get a new one just like it?”

“You hush your mouth, Ophelia,” Joanna said defensively. “Making such horrible comments, and just right after her ordeal!”

“We all have our problems,” Ophelia said as she flipped her long braid over her shoulder. “If the master asks you for a pound of flesh, you give it to him. Though with the way she looks, he’d probably take more than a pound, if ya know what I mean.” She dropped another thick slab of meat and dropped her beloved cleaver in it just to make her point. "Isn't that right, girl?"
Kiki listened intently to Joanna's instructions until she was interrupted by an angsty woman who could only be Ophelia. Kiki looked at the poor butchered animal with a cleaver chopping it into bits. It wasn't the image she wanted to be seeing right now. Ophelia said basically to give Bram whatever he asked for, but she just couldn't oblige

to such terms. A monster such as Bram didn't deserve to be handed heads on a silver platter.

Kiki gave Ophelia a questioning look. "Take more?" she asked confusedly. She looked down at herself, obviously confused at the meaning behind the woman's words. Did Ophelia mean that she was chubby? She raised an eyebrow, looking at Joanna. Kiki may have been an intelligent young woman, but sometimes when she couldn't focus, even the smallest things went over her head. After her ordeal earlier, she wasn't much in the mood to think too hard about it. She'd rather just lose herself in her chores.
“Yeah, take something more off of you. Something a little more precious than your meat or blood,” Ophelia smirked as she cut into the new slab of meat again. “Not that he does it to any of us. He’s ‘too high and mighty to stoop so low’. But you? You might be just that exception. Just like poor little Josephine. Didn’t give in to his demands, fought him all the way and then—“ She snapped her fingers and waved her hand. “One night alone with him and she was a broken as a china plate.”

“That’s enough, Ophelia!” Joanna said covering Kiki’s ears. “You promised to never bring up that name again—“

"Wooah, Joanna, I only jest. Just trying to prepare the girl for what may become of her, that's all," Ophelia said as she rolled up her bloodied sleeves. "And prepare you too. Don't get so attached like you have been. If this girl doesn't listen like she should, she'd next."

"Enough," she hissed before taking Kiki out of the kitchen into the dining hall. It was a large gray stone room, covered in dust and the floor littered with splinters of wood and dirt. It had been a long while since Bram last had guests. Just as Ophelia had said, there was a ladder leaning on the wall next to the stain glass windows and a large soapy bucket full of water. Joanna sighed heavily, taking her hands from Kiki's ears. "Don't listen to what Ophelia says," she sighed again as she picked up the wash rag from the bucket. "She isn't a very tact woman, but knows well enough in cooking and patching our maids up."
(OK Thanks ^^)

Flame passed around in the slave house, the idea of being a 'slave' disgusted her, she knew she was too weak to fight, she had fought vampires before, but the idea still hurt her. She fought of her life before now and wondered if anything would ever be the same, she wanted to cry at the fought of her family, wondered how many of them where alive... she knew they wouldn't have accepted slavery as easy as she had. She knew they where less smart then her in that sense, more violent. She sighed closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Stopping her passing she wondered what would happen next. She feared the worse while hoping for the best, the only way to be ready for it all.
Kiki realized what Ophelia meant just as Joanna covered her ears. Soon after, she was led into the dining hall and told not to pay attention to Ophelia. "She seems... Interesting." Kiki said, still feeling awkward about having been led away like a child. "So... That was the girl's name?" she asked. "Well, sorry to whomever I disappoint, but I'm not afraid of Bram and I'm not about to let one terrible day break me." she said. "So to speak." She tried to give Joanna a smile to show that she was okay. "I guess I should probably get to work on those windows."
“Child,” Joanna said touching her shoulder. “Sometimes, in this life, it’s best to be a little afraid. Don’t be like… well, that’s a story for another time. But yes, the windows must be taken care of. Go on, get to work.” She left Kiki alone in the room for a long while, nearing an hour. Another silent maid came in after a while to light the room, dabbing the candles with flames until the whole room was lit. Everyone moved about the massive home like clockwork. They were in silence, without idle chit chat and of course, with eyes to the ground.

Just how Bram liked it. He found himself walking rounds around the household, inspecting every slave he came across. His presence loomed over each person, making the air unbearably thick with tension. He could just smile at them and the slaves would wonder what they did wrong and how many lashes on the back he would give them later. Ah, tyrannical bliss. He stepped to the dining hall when he notice the cracks of light coming from under the door. Been a while since he looked over the place. He opened the doors and slipped quietly inside.
Kiki nodded and let Joanna take her leave to go do her own work and started on the windows. She started at the top and worked her way down, quickly finishing each one. The time flew, and finally she was working on the last one when the other girl lit up the room. She heard the door open and close and ignored it, figuring that girl had just left, and continued her work. Most of the windows looked great, minus the one she was still cleaning, of course. They looked like they hadn't been properly cleaned in ages and she wondered what this room would look like in the mornings with the sun pouring in, rather than late at night.
Bram watch Kiki in silence for a long while, observing her cleaning habits and how her mind seemed to wander off every few minutes. He wanted to delve in her mind, scare her into getting back to work and not think of silly things. But no. No he got a better idea. Tapping the wall with his heel, he hoisted himself to the side and started to walk right up the wall. His boots tapped quietly as he walked right up to the ceiling and hung upside down. He smirked as he snuck behind Kiki and said, "My, aren't the busy little slave?"

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