Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

Kiki waited as he looked in her mouth and at her hands. None of the other Vampires had been so.. Picky. Then again, no Vampire had ever chosen her, either. Maybe finding out that she was in good health would boost her chances. She watched as he examined another slave and somehow felt as if her chances had slimmed. The girl was younger, prettier, and from her claim about ribbons, she was fiesty. He said he'd wanted a challenge. 'Ok Kiki,' she thought to herself. 'Next time for sure, right?' She let out a small sigh that was almost inaudible as he moved on.
Renji had a smirk on his face as he walked in the slave house.His hands where in his pockets.He couldn't wait to have his own little slave to "Play" with. He looked around the room searching for his perfect toy to entertain him.
There was a twitch in Bram's cheek when Michelle responded so spitefully. "Perhaps I should leave you to be toyed with someone else," he said when he saw the other male vampire look over the other females. Good lord, he could smell the sleazy perversion coming off of this one. Bram shook his head, almost giving pity to the poor human to go home with Renji. "Maybe in a year or two, you'll be humbled by your environment... or broken by it. Either way," he said to Michelle placing the ribbon behind her. "You're not fit to be in my presence." Was he giving up on a possible challenge? Hardly. This girl, Michelle, she had the look on her like she would mock his behavior, stifle the perfection he demanded and ultimately, wouldn't be able to learn. If he broke such a feisty spirit, she'd become listless, perhaps even sit down and give up. It'd be a waste for such a pretty young thing just to throw her away.

He walked to the end of the line and back, once again stopping in front of Kiki. He stroked his goatee briefly as he looked her over. She was older, wary of the state she was in, yet still willing to fight against it. Maybe even try to escape this life of slavery. He could train her, but her silent, intelligent eyes told him that maybe, just maybe, she would fight him all the way. Bram smiled to himself as he stepped back. "What is your name, slave?" he asked, crossing his arms and impatiently waiting for an answer.
Kiki was surprised when Bram was standing in front of her again. Had he given up on Michelle? Maybe she was too much for him? Although he looked like he would appreciate a challenge. Kiki held in a smirk. Oh, she would provide him with many a challenge, all right. He asked her of her name and she replied in a voice that matched her adult yet beautiful looks. "Kiki," she said. She'd never had a last name, so unfortunately that was all the answer she could give.
Michelle Sighed as he left.

"I thought I had to fight I bit." She said Gratfully.

"I think I should keep this up, so I wont have a Master." She smiled to herself as she stood there thinking up of stuff to say to the other Vampires
He tapped his chin, disappointed with her name. It just seemed too simple to match her stature. Ah well, nothing a little brainwashing and re-naming couldn't do. He looked her over from head to toe, looking for any possible infections, bite marks or abuse perhaps taken from some other perverse vampire. Had she been locked away out of reach from other slaves? "I see... Most of the slaves I've picked have an inherent skill I may be able to define and perfect. Do you have anything special to say about yourself? I'd rather not have to take home something I'll just end up feeding to the wolves because it's useless."
Kiki thought for a moment when he asked her. She hadn't worked on her skills in awhile, since she was typically locked up alone. But before that time, she was one of the most talented ones here. She hoped she could still perform all the actions she was about to give herself credit for. "I've been taught to cook, and play cello and piano." she said. It was pretty hard to teach an older slave piano, since younger ones learned faster and more smoothly, but she'd been playing for many years. Cello was simpler, as well as cooking, but both were good traits to have.
"Your cooking skills are useless to me, as well as your skills in playing the piano. I already have a slave fit for that." He picked her hands up again and looked at the very tips of her fingers, noticing the light callouses on her hands. She told the truth, though it seemed that her skill had gone without constant practice. A shame when needed talent went to waste in such a way. "I suppose I may have good use for you. If your skills aren't as you have said, I'll just have to get rid of these useless digits you call fingers." He snapped to the vampire guard holding the keys, his deadly glance met with immediate response.

The guard unlocked her chains that kept her in line with the other slaves and shoved her forward. When offered to cuff her hands and neck so he may drag her home, Bram held his hand. "That won't be necessary. If she knows how lucky she is not to be stay in this disgusting, vermin infested pit, then she will not run." He leaned to her ear and whispered, "Isn't that right, Miss Kiki?" He stood upright and placed his hand on her shoulders, leading her to the door. It would be an interesting walk home.
Kiki was sad that her skills were considered 'useless', since she had been trained very hard to acquire them, but her face didn't reflect it. The handcuffs were finally undone and she was pushed forward, practically into her new Master. He didn't even put the regular cuffs and leash on her. She wouldn't get very far if she ran, seeing as how a Vampire could always outrun a human. For now, she would be cooperative. He addressed her with a question, and she quietly responded with "Right." She followed him, taking one last look at the prison she'd been stuck in for all this time. She hoped she wouldn't miss it.
The entire walk home was done in painful silence, tension hanging over Bram. He was waiting for this slave to run, to dodge for the trees in the woods or perhaps leap through a window to low ground. He expected her to fight him, uselessly try to get out of his line of sight. But no. No running was done, no need to chase her down, break her feet for trying or even a glance to find a way out. This human was smart. 'Maybe too smart,' he thought as he lead her into his lavish home. 'She's biding her time, waiting for the opportunity to slip through the cracks like the little mouse she is. Clever... but not quite enough.' The large oak door opened the second they stepped in front of it, the clean cut Joanna answering to her master.

"Welcome home, Master Bram," she said with a curtsey. "I trust you have found a worthy servant to join you in our home?" she asked, her cold, unfeeling eyes landing on Kiki.

Bram pulled off his dirty maroon coat in disgust as he handed it her. "Amongst the many in putrid dispair, I did find this young woman," he said gesturing to Kiki. "Her name is... Kiki. Don't keep it in mind, I may find time to change it to something better. The human slave on the piano, you didn't leave her alone, did you?"

"In a matter of speaking, yes sir," Joanna said as she folded his coat. "She is with Ophelia. She... did not fair well in her lesson when you left." She moved the coat she held to show the bloodied white apron, the pocket especially wet with fresh blood. "I could only bring myself to take the smallest digit from one hand. Forgive me, Master Bram."

Bram shook his head. "Disappointing. To the both of you in the least. Regardless, when Ophelia is done stitching her hand close, I expect her to be back on that piano tomorrow night. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Joanna said with another bow. "What shall I do with your newest charge?"

Bram looked down at Kiki, the smell of the dungeon still lingering on her. He wrinkled his sensitive nose in disgust. "Have her bathed and then feed her. She looks like a stray. Then bring her to my music room."

Joanna nodded in response and gently took Kiki's hand. "Please, follow me," she said, a mothering tone in her voice. "To stall is to sin." As she lead the young woman away, Bram finally took notice of Kiki's interesting hair color. How could he have not seen it before? If it was all a bit longer she would look...

Bram's fingers fiddled with the white streak in his black hair and gritted his teeth in silent pain. He shoved away the thought in his head, and turned to walk upstairs to the music room.
Kiki remained quiet. For now she would play the part of obedient pet. Eventually he would have to let his guard down, and when the chance came to run, she would take it.

They finally arrived at Bram's home, and he had a short conversation with another human who was covered in blood. She'd cut off another girl's finger? Kiki found it hard to believe that anyone could be so cruel, but the sad truth was that many Vampires had this type of hatred for most humans.

Kiki was soon led away, since she 'looked like a stray'. She wondered how she would look all fixed up. Her hair hadn't been properly cared for in years, and her clothes were old and starting to look very worn. She followed this other woman, keeping close and silent in case she was as violent as Master Bram.
Joanna noticed the other slave eying her bloody clothing and simply sighed. "It isn't an easy task, is it?" she asked, the monotone in her voice dropping. "Being forced into servitude by those things, those... monsters. Having to harm a fellow human." She absentmindedly touched her pocket, her still hands finally trembling. "I don't like doing what I did, please understand that. But it is a small price to pay to avoid a more painful end for both sides. He wasn't here to take more from her hands than I had. It's easier just to listen..."

She looked at Kiki with watery eyes, wiping them away. "Ah, forgive me for simply rambling on, child. It is rare to speak with someone who isn't afraid of his wrath just yet. You must be so frightened of this place. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? I cannot make you feel at home, but I can at least try to make it a little more comfortable."

((Feel free to add-lib or throw in characters. It's all gooood))
Kiki listened to Joanna quietly. She couldn't help but agree. If Joanna hadn't done what Bram told her, the other girl may have lost more than a pinky, and Joanna as well. She let out a sigh. "They're despicable." she said, obviously meaning the Vampires. "The whole lot of them. I wish it was the other way around. Or at least, I wish we could fight back." She didn't mention her escape plan; she figured Bram was an intelligent Vampire who would tortjre it out of Joanna if Kiki said anything. Better for her not to have any information.

"I don't think anything could make me more comfortable." As if on cue, her stomach grumbled. "Well, except maybe a meal that didn't consist of old, hard pieces of bread..." She forced a small smile. At least Joanna was nice, and Kiki felt more comfortable now that it was just the two of them. Kiki wondered what Bram's gaze earlier had meant. He'd definitely lingered on her hair for a moment as she was being led away, but she hadn't the slightest idea why. She figured maybe it would be useful to know more about her new 'Master'. She looked at the human woman beside her. "Anything I should know about Bram?" she asked, not bothering to address him formally. "He acted a little strange as we left. What's his story?"
"What story should be told of Master-- er, Bram," Joanna said, dropping the formal tone. "He's an enigma of perfection. A creature so bent on having everything effortlessly flow on his whim that he would dare to end a slaves life if they couldn't walk up right. Heel to toe, by the way. He is like symmetry and to tamper with it would drive him mad. I've seen him destroy entire rooms because a slave could not keep the paintings straight. A flawless man living in a flawed world. It surprises me he has been willing to live so long. As for what he was when he was human, I don't know. He only divulge that in one slave, but... she ended her life long ago. It wouldn't be wise to tamper with those old wounds."

She opened the door to tiled, rustic kitchen, steam from fresh hot stew filling the air. Joanna lead her to a table and picked up two bowels to fill. "In this life, however, not much is known about him except his reputation," she said as she set the bowels on the table, then reached to the middle to carve fresh bread. "He's been known to slaughter more disobedient slaves than most others. If a vampire can't control his own servants or wants them to have a perfected skill God never meant them to have, they come here. He doesn't even bother feeding from disobedient slaves. If he can't find use for you, he'll simply tear you apart... little by little... That is how my poor sister, Jolene, had died. She simply couldn't keep up. But wasn't her fault, it was his. That bastard thought it best if she learned to sing... but when she had missed one too many notes, he had beaten her until she went deaf. She tried to cover it up but no one can hide from him. After that, well... let's just say he was cruel enough to have me clean the mess left behind." As she told this atrocious story, her face was unmoving, living the horrid moments once more. So much blood...

Joanna cleared her throat as she settled across the table. "Simply know child, that your thoughts aren't safe with him, that your life is now devoted to him. It is just easier to live someplace where you are least allowed to keep your virtue, unlike where other poor slaves are sent. His punishments are cruel, but out there... out there it is much crueler." Joanna smiled sadly to Kiki. "I'm sure you already knew that. Please, tell me about yourself, child."
Kiki listened to all of Joanna's stories before sipping some of the broth from the stew, dabbing the warm bread in in. This food was already better than the slave house. She just hoped that she would be alive- with all her fingers- long enough to enjoy some more of this food in the future. Finally, her stomach that was always hungry was beginning to feel full for the first time in years.

Suddenly the tables turned and Joanna wanted to know more about Kiki. She nibbled on some more breas while she thought of what to say. "I guess my life could have been worse," she said. "But it's still been pretty lousy. Let's see... I was born to a mother and father who were in hiding from the Vampires. Somewhere along the lines, they'd escaped and my mother had me. When I was about 8, they found us. Since my parents were considered rebels, they were killed on the spot. That's when they took me to the slave house where Bram found me." She looked down at her bowl, half empty already. "I'd been there 10 years. They said I was 'too smart' and kept me away from the other girls. I was in solitary since I was 10, a room with no windows or anything at all in it, except a blanket they were required to give me so I didn't freeze to death. They wouldn't want to lose out on any money."

She finished off her food, much more content than she'd been in a long time. "They taught me a few skills. Luckily I learned quickly, or I'd have a lot more bruises and scars than I already do." She examined her arms as she spoke, where thin lines from a blade scarred part of her arms, big enough to hurt but small enough that an adoptive master wouldn't care too much thag they were there. They didn't disfigure her. Just taught her a lesson, she guessed.

Kiki realized she'd been going on for a while and looked back up at Joanna. "Sorry for rambling," she said. "I.... I haven't spoken a word in ten years up until today..." It sounded weird, but it was true. Kiki never spoke a word after her parents died. Not to any potential buyers, or her trainers, or anyone. Until Bram came along. She gave the other human a small smile. "Sorry if it sounded like a sob story. It wasn't meant to be one."
Joanna simply touched Kiki's hand and replied, "Child, in these hallowed halls, there's no such thing as telling a sob story. We humans have been stifled by these creatures, out lives made to be like dogs to them. We've all had our tragedies, but we all keep looking forward. Keeps us alive and strong." Joanna finished her own portion of stew and took the dishes to the sink. "And you should speak more. You have such a lovely voice; it'd be a shame to have it locked away. For now, however, we shouldn't lag behind. We must get you cleaned up and prepared for Bram. It'll want to see you before the sun rises."

Joanna lead Kiki down the stone walls that were covered in priceless paintings and tapestries to the wash room. One of the many tubs was already filled with warm water, and fresh soap set aside for the new slave. "I suppose you'd like your privacy now," Joanna said as she tested the water. "Set your clothes on the stool and I will fetch you some fresh things. I believe you're about her size...." She was muttering to herself, taking quick measurements and doing quiet math in her head. "And do try to be quick. We have only a few hours before the son rises."


Meanwhile, Bram sat at his grand piano, quietly tapping a melody on the keys. His eyes weren't on the provided music sheet; he'd know this song if he went blind. Instead it looked to the window, noticing the fading stars and the dying moon in the ocean waters. The melody played on as he looked over the cliff that hovered over the crashing waters. How peaceful it must be. To fall to the final end with the sound of the ocean in your ears and a sunrise to greet you. The old memories from year before were plaguing him, and his tolerance of the constant though was beginning to grate his nerves. His rhythm began to move faster, the notes sporadic and loud. Faster, faster and faster until...

He felt something wet touch the tip of his finger in the final note. Holding his hand up slowly, he saw the glimmer of red stain his pale skin and smear the ivory key. Joanna missed a spot... He smiled briefly to himself, the mistake in cleaning shifting his thoughts elsewhere. How would he reprimand that old hag who called herself a worthy slave? And where was she with Kiki? Kiki.... His smile faded and his fist curled. Why didn't he see it before? Was it only when she was out of that dingy place could he notice? His fist shook hard under pressure, until he rose it up and slammed it into the keys, creating a beastly sound. He may have to get rid of this new one. Money be damned. 'Now, now, you're just tired,' his thoughts said as his temper cooled. 'Let's just see and judge this slave one more time before we do anything rash.'
Kiki burst into a smile when she saw the washtub. Woth WARM water. It wasn't going to scald her or freeze her when she was pushed harshly into it and scrubbed clean. She could have privacy and bathe and wash her hair and feel pampered. There wouldn't be a Vampire scraping her skin with a rough sponge until she was red. She turned to Joanna. "Thank you," she said. "I won't take too long. I'll be done when you return with clothes."

She quickly stripped and got into the water, unable to hold a sigh of contentment as the water hit her skin. She quickly washed herself clean until she felt the grime and scabbed blood wash away. She didn't have too many scars, but she had one that looked particularly bad, a large bite mark on her shoulder, between her neck and arm. It was recent, a mark left by a hungry Vampire who apparently couldn't resist her. Now she sat, scraping away the evidence.

Finally she got out and went to where the new clothes were sitting. She'd been wearing the same dress for years, and now she had a new one. And who was the slave that Bram had adored so much? She was the same size as Kiki apparently, and had killed herself. Was Bram so awful? But Joanna said she was his favorite... Kiki wondered if it was a bad idea to wear this girl's dress, but then realized her own clothes had taken to be washed- or more likely, thrown out- and she wasn't about to meet Bram naked. She quickly put on the dress and checked herself in the mirror. This dress was similar to the blue and pink one she'd adorned earlier, only it was pure white. It looked so.... Elegant. She felt pretty, but still couldn't get past the fact she was wearing a dead woman's attire.

Kiki left the washroom, looking for Joanna. The girl didn't seem to be anywhere nearby. Where had she gotten to? Surely Kiki wouldn't be able to find her way around this huge place alone? She kept walking down hall after hall until she started to hear music. She followed the tune, trying to find the source. Perhaps it was a slave who could help her find Joanna.

As she approached the door she heard a loud crash. Someone had pounded their fists into the keys. She jumped from the sudden noise, but peeked in anyway, the old door creaking slightly when she peered in. She wasn't expecting to see Bram sitting at the piano, his fingers covered in blood.

((Sorry I kind of made up the dress detail myself. If it wasn't what you pictured you can change it in your next post.))

[MENTION=3215]S-Malone[/MENTION] :3
Joanna was in a panic when she had saw that Kiki left the washroom without waiting for her. She was frantic to find her, afraid that she may have tried to run away. If she took a wrong turn and alerted Master Bram’s keen senses…

But as she turned the corner she was washed in relief when she saw the young woman peering in the music room. The halls still echoed with the sound of crashing notes, signifying that the master was in another of his foul moods. She snuck behind Kiki and tapped her shoulder, finger pressed to her lips. “He’s not in a kind mood right now,” she said in a whisper, peering inside. “Let us go for a few minutes so he can cool down.”

“There will be no need to stall, Joanna,” a rumbled voice called from the room. “Bring in the girl.” Joanna straightened her back and lost that concerned face for a stone cold look. Even her eyes seemed to die a little. She usher Kiki through the door, seeing Bram upright next to the piano. His brow and cheek seemed to twitch when he saw Kiki’s new attire, nails digging in the grand piano. “I thought I had told you to burn all of those wretched things,” he said grinding his teeth.

“I thought it be wasteful, Master Bram,” Joanna replied without flinching at his warning tone. “You spent so much to keep us in such warm clothing that to throw them away would be a shame.”

His face didn’t soften with her reasonable logic. ‘You’ve gotten lazy, Joanna,’ his thought attacked hers, sending harsh images of possible punishments she could suffer. ‘The clothing, being unable to follow my orders, blood stains on my priceless piano? You’ve either gotten old and need to be sent on out to die or you’ve gotten lazy and need to be taught to not be a slobbering, useless pig.’

Joanna’s face formed in shock and fear as he scolded her in her mind, her hands almost trembling from the thoughts of his punishments. “I apologize, Master Bram,” she said in a quick bow. “Forgive me.”

“Later,” he replied beckoning Kiki closer. “I want to get a better look at the new slave and her skills.” He gestured to another corner of the room, a shining red wood cello and fresh bow waiting for her. It looked brand new, untouched by any hands before coming here. “It was a struggle to find something worthy of my house on such short notice, but it is here nonetheless. Let us hope you didn’t waste my time.”
Joanna startled Kiki a little, but she was even more frightened when she heard Bram's angry voice speaking to them from within the music room. 'Oh, Kiki,' she thought. 'You've done it now...' She followed Joanna into the music room, and it became apparent that Kiki wearing this dress had not been the best of plans. Bram was very upset about it. He even threatened Joanna, and the poor girl seemed terrified. But Kiki remembered their conversation from earlier and held her tongue. Speaking out against Bram for Joanna would only make it worse for both of them.

Finally Bram seemed to recover some of his sanity and motioned Kiki to a large cello in the corner of the room. The human girl tried to show no reaction, but emotion was practically overflowing. Relief that the focus had been taken off severe punishments for the woman beside her, happiness at seeing an instrument that, by the sound of Bram's tone, had been bought last-minute just for Kiki to play. Nervousness at the fact that she was shaking head to toe, hoping to whatever diety may exist that she could impress Bram, less he cut off her digits or feed her to some carnivorous beast.

Kiki strode over to the cello, taking a seat in the straight-backed chair behind it and picking up the bow. She slid her fingers around the neck and up and down the strings to get used to the feel of them. And then, she played. The song was not the most difficult tune, but it took a lot of skill and time to master, and was one of the most beautiful songs the human girl had ever learned to play. It meant even more to Kiki, this particular song, because she had composed it herself. But Bram didn't need to know that part. There was no need or want to add more pressure to Kiki. If she was expected to constantly create new music, she would surely crumble under the pressure and end up like the last young lady who wore this dress.

She ended the slow tune and removed the bow away from the strings, looking up to her new Master for any sort of response. As long as he didn't look infuriated, then maybe she'd be okay. After all, she'd play wonderfully and hadn't missed a single note.
As Bram listened to the wonderfully melodic and slow song flow from her fingertips, his face seemed to display an array of twitches. A raised brow in confusion, unable to match the song with any he had known; then concentration, trying to watch her slip and make a mistake. Finally, satisfaction crossed his face and a rare smile on his lips. This one had proven herself in her skill, creating her own melody to play. He could sense her whole going into this one song, and her face looked as if she prayed for perfection. To tamper with this new slave’s abilities would be madness… But still, he had his principles to keep. “Not quite what I expected,” he said as he clapped at her performance. “You do play near flawlessly and in music I have never heard before. Yet it makes me wonder if you can only put your whole in any other song.”

He walked up to the girl and loomed over her, looking straight in her eyes. “I expect you to be able to show this talent in something a little more constructed.” He reached in his coat and pulled out a short stack of music sheets. “This is Elgar’s Cello Concerto in E minor. I expect you to know it back and forth in three days time. You’ll also be placed be in charge of cleaning the main halls and kitchen while I slumber.” He handed them to her and looked out the window to see that the light blue sky was slowly turning orange. Not much time left. He then looked to Joanna and said, “Take this girl to her room along with the cello, then come to my quarters. Be sure to remind her of the barred windows and hounds waiting outside if she even thinks of leaving.” He gave a nod to Kiki before leaving the room, clenched hands held behind his back. "Have a pleasant morning."

Joanna waited for him to leave before breathing a sigh, then looking to Kiki. “You played so wonderfully, child!” she said in a happy whisper. “I’ve never seen him so satisfied with anyone’s performance. What music was that?”

((and feel free to describe the room as you wish and what ever you'd think would be good :3 ))

Kiki let out a sigh of relief as Bram left and Joanna congratulated her. She couldn't stop the huge smile from spreading across her face. "Thank you!" she said happily. "I was so scared to mess up. Was it really that good?" She looked down at the music sheets she had been given. It looked complicated- VERY complicated- but she would put every effort into it. She loved the cello, and she was eager to learn more and impress Bram. For some reason, seeing his smile... It made her happy. As odd as that sounded.

Kiki let Joanna lead her to her room, bringing the cello and music along with her. When the other woman pushed open the door, Kiki was surprised. The room was the opposite of what she expected. She thought there would be a furniture-less concrete prison awaiting her, just like her room at the slave house. But instead she found elegant wallpaper, a ffour poster bed, expensive dressers, and a vanity mirror. Black curtains blocked out the rising sun, but Kiki quickly went to open them.

"I don't understand.." she said. "This room is beautiful. Are they all like this?" She gave Joanna a questioning look. She was dumbfounded. Surely there was a mistake? A Vampire as cruel as Bram couldn't possibly give such beautiful chambers to a slave girl. "Wait..." she said. Her smile dropped. "Let me guess. This was 'her' room... Wasn't it?"
“Her? Oh you mean ‘her’. No,” Joanna said with a soft rub of her neck. “Master Bram had that room torn down. The dresses were the only thing I could save… Regardless, all of our rooms look this way. To let his slaves live in squalor is to say that he himself lives in squalor. A vain man he was and a vain creature he is.” Joanna fixed the sheets on the massive canopy bed and fluffed the pillows. “But you are still correct in that notion. She did have one of the more lavished rooms… but it hardly pleased her.”

Joanna shook her head as she finished with Kiki’s bed and waved her hand to things in the room. “The wardrobe is full of clothing to fit you. If you’re to work in the kitchen, dress as a maid. If you are to practice your cello, then you dress like a proper lady. Bram demands that we all must look our roles, maids, student; it’s all in the name of vanity and perfection.” Joanna bit her lip and sighed as she went to the door. “The door will be locked all day until 6 in the afternoon. I apologize but… it’s for your own good.” She fished keys from her pocket and left to the door. As she turned to close it behind her and lock Kiki away, a bit of sun was shining through the barred, stain glass windows. “Sleep well, Kiki. Try to be comfortable as humanely possible.”
Kiki thanked Joanna again as she left. She heard the lock click behind her and couldn't help but wonder how she was supposed to clean the halls and kitchen if she was locked away until evening? She couldn't worry about that right now. She was too tired to even worry at this point. She walked over to the wardrobe and fished out something more comfortable to sleep in. After changing, she went to the vanity, sitting in the comfortable chair and looking into the mirror.

Today after her bath... It was the first time she had seen herself. Well, her reflection, at least. She hadn't looked into a mirror since she was taken to the slave house. She examined her pink-red eyes, her hair that grew ever so quickly. It hadn't been cut in a few months, but she was glad to see the terriblee hack job the Vampires had done was no longer visible. Now her hair was past her shoulders and framed her face beautifully. The gentle waves made her look more... Refined than she looked before.

((Ooc: the picture in the skeleton was her right when she got her hair cut, it is slightly longer than that at this point. Think Haruno Sakura length from like the very first season of Naruto xD ))

((Adjustment: Sakura's hair is too long to be comparable to Kiki. Kiki looks more like this:))

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