Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

Kiki heard tapping behind her and looked over to see that Bram had walked up to the ceiling and was now hanging upside down beside her. Typical show-offy Vampire... He asked if she was busy, as if it weren't completely obvious that she'd rubbed her hands raw trying to scrub the filth away off of HIS home. She decided, however, that she should keep her rude comments to herself. The cuts on her face still burned from earlier, and she wasn't ready for the other side to match.

"Of course." she said. She only looked at him for a moment before turning away, scrubbing the last of the panes in that row and moving down to the next one. She wasn't completely ignoring him, but it was certainly distracting her from her duties, and she was sure he'd punish her for slacking off. Therefore, better to come off as overly focused rather than unfocused. She picked up the heavy pail of water to move it down to the next step of the ladder. It wobbled a little bit, but she figured it was okay when she put it down. However, the rung of the ladder holding it broke in half under the weight. Luckily she wasn't on it when it gave way, but unluckily, the soapy bucket of water was. She tried to catch it and lost her balance, the weight knocking her off the ladder with the pail still in her arms.
The fall was nearly in the time of the blink of an eye. The ladder gave way, Her little body tumbled back and for a brief moment, she was weightless, falling to the floor. The few seconds he watched her fall seemed like eternity. Those vivid nightmares that plagued him in the day came back in a flash. A lifeless, sweet woman falling from on high, water splashing loudly and her body too far to catch from where he was. Bram's body moved without his permission as he fell from the ceiling, twisted his body around and caught Kiki in his lean arms. The ladder crashed to the tile floor as he landing to the ground, the tremor shaking a few candles and flickering many flames. He held still like that for a few moments, waiting for his imagination of that night to calm down. He slowly stood with Kiki still in his arms, and he turned to look her over. She was still clutching to the bucket, the water spilling on the mucky floor. He stared at her for a few moments longer than he should've, etching her face into memory. He had to forget. Forget what he did to make her jump...

No, this wasn't something he caused. It was this klutz of a girl's own fault. In fact, he's favorite suit were covered in dirty, cold water, ruining it. In an annoyed snarl he dropped Kiki on the ground, splashing in a puddle. "Clumsy little wench. Is all of your talent in watching your hands and not your feet?" he said before looking at the ladder again. "Did you not see a rung breaking from place the first time around?"
Kiki couldn't believe he caught her. She thought for sure the floor would catch her first. But then he snapped back into his own personality and the floor had it's own chance to catch her when he suddenly dropped her on the floor. Then he started yelling about how his suit was ruined. At first, an embarrassed blush crossed Kiki's face, but then, "Wait," she said. "You're the one who caught me, and now you're yelling at me! If you were so worried about your suit getting wet you should have let me fall!" She knew she shouldn't yell like this, he could probably kill her easily if he wished. "Then your suit would be just fine, and heck, maybe I would have broken something so you could have killed me off just like the other humans you deem so worthless!"
He threw his head back in a laugh. "My, aren't you quick for me to just break your neck and get it over with? Are you so eager to die, Kiki?" he said, then grabbing her by the throat and lifting her up from the ground. "You're so very pathetic, so very weak. Have I broken you so quickly that you can't even stand on your own? You ask for death?!" He slammed her against the wall and brought his face close. His fangs were bared at her in a roar to scare, a quiet laugh following after. "I see that my mind was just playing little tricks, trying to drive me mad. You're nothing like her. You're not strong like her. Heh. You're lucky. It means I... I won't have to break you like...her..." He slowly trailed off as he looked closer into Kiki's eyes. He stared for a moment longer then slowly set her feet back to the ground.

"I... apologize. Just set the ladder aside and finish the floors. I'll have someone else fix it. Then you may come to the music room for your lessons...." he said not another word, and left the room in solemn silence.
Kiki's angry expression didn't change when he grabbed her throat. She didn't look away, just glared back into his eyes as he called her weak and broken. If she was so broken, why was HE the one going insane? Finally he set her down and walked away. She sighed, shaking her head. How confusing.

Kiki quickly moved the ladder out of the way. She felt sorry for whomever had to clean up her mess. She at least tried to sop up the soapy water with a towel before getting to work on the rest of the floors.

An hour later the floors were cleaner than they had been in presumably a very long time. Kiki smiled at her work, glad she was able to finally do something. She wasn't allowed out of her room at the slave house, so even cleaning floors was more satisfying than nothing. She set off for the music room and found that no one else was there. In the corner was the beautifully crafted cello Bram had provided to her.

Kiki left the door cracked and walked over to the instrument, taking a seat behind it and gently touching the strings with her fingers. She smiled a little and picked up the bow. This counted as practice, right? She started playing a peaceful tune, slow and mournful yet somehow beautiful enough to make you smile. The music drifted through the room, echoing and magnifying jn volume as it hit the vaulted ceiling and wafted out through the hallway.
Far away from the music room, Bram was in his quarters listening to the soft, painfully beautiful music soothe his poor mind. He was sitting on the floor, pieces of broken vase, torn curtains and chairs with torn out cushions. He felt ashamed of himself. He had thrown a fit, like a child who couldn't figure out the question 'Why?' Why did she, someone barely a woman and a slave, crawl under his skin so bad. She may not know the buttons she pushed, but they left him furious and restless. His word should've made her coward away, but she didn't. She listened, but she bit back and talked back to him. He wanted to shove her through the glass, make her dangle outside and beg for her life. He wanted to let her drop and break something. But he didn't. He cradled her in her arms, afraid to let her plummet.

Was it guilt? 'Maybe,' he thought to himself, still holding that old diary. He flipped to a short entry, reading those old words.

Diary, day 32

He won't let me out of his sight now. I clean close to his quarters, have him hovering over my shoulder and his punishments have become more lenient as of late. I think I understand his game now. Watching a slave punish herself without his will frightened him. He knows that I'm not afraid, that I have my own will. He can't break me. He can make me look to the ground when he walks by, but it won't stop me from glaring at his back. He can't break me. He'll never break me. And he's scared of that.

"You had a ridiculous theory, querida," he said tossing away the book and standing upright. "I don't fear such things..." He walked out his room barefoot and watched as all the other slaves kept their eyes to the ground. They busied themselves with work, praying that he didn't find reason to punish them. As he walked ahead of a few slaves, he quickly turned back to look at them again. He was met with no glares, not even a double take. Shaking his head and holding a slightly nauseated stomach he wandered to the music room. He was drawn by the near flawless music, knowing his newest human was in her best element. The closer he came to the room, the less his old body bothered him. But when he came to the door, he found himself unwilling to go in. This sound that quelled his nerves wouldn't be the same with his interaction. It almost felt like... perfection. He sighed heavily and leaned against the wall by the door. He slid to the floor and just listened to this long, lovely tune.
Kiki sat in the music room playing for what seemed like a very long time. Had Bram forgotten about her lesson? He was probably still hiding out somewhere going crazy, or punishing a helpless slave. She let out a small sigh and kept playing. Her faavoritw part about playing cello was that she could improvise the sounds for a very long time, creating her own music and changing the tempo anytime she saw fit.
Bram sat still for several minutes listening to her play her given melody. It had sounded better than the sheets of music led on. It sound lighter, flowing at a different range of melodic bliss. It sounded... not like the one he gave her to study. He sat right up and listened closer to each note. Yes, it was a different tune, not the long drawn out one he had asked of her. 'She willfully disobeys you?! Punish her, break her little wrists! She isn't fit to play for your ears,' he heard himself say in his head. His fist tightened over his knees, slight anger seething through him. But even that couldn't stand a chance against the music that quieted his vengeful mind. He stood up and entered the room, a displeased look on his face. He pointed to her and forcefully said, "That's not what I asked you to play, slave. What is this I'm hearing?"
Kiki heard the door open and looked up to see Bram, as unpleasant as ever. "I've already learned it." she said. It had taken Kiki one night to memorize the music sheet and now she could play without the pages in front of her. She wasn't wonderful at very many things, but no one could outplay her on the cello. She lowered the bow, expecting him to become upset that she hadn't been playing his choice of music, and waited for the insults that would surely follow. Chances are, he wouldn't believe her story, that she'd memorized it already. But even if he thought she was lying, all she had to do was start playing it to erase any doubt.
There was a line of deceit in her face as she calmly told Bram that she had learned all the music he had given only the night before. "Incredible," he muttered under his breath as he walked to her. "Though it wasn't what I had ordered you to learn and play, you have shown that learning something complicated such as that given piece is trivial to your talent. I'm... impressed, to say the least." He circled behind her and wrapped his hand around her wrist at the hand that held the bow. "And even after a day's cleaning, you play more fluidly than the masters of my time," he tracing his thumb over the joint, inspecting it closely. He stood from her and stepped back with his arms crossed. "I'm not interested in you playing that piece I gave you. If you will continue on with the piece you were playing," he said waving his hand. "I'd like to hear more."
Kiki had to resist the urge to let her jaw drop to the floor. Not only had he complimented her, but he also wanted to hear more of her improvised music. She let him inspect her wrists while he spoke, then nodded and raised the bow again, returning to the melody she had been performing earlier. Once again the room filled with the sweet, sorrowful tune of her celloo. Even Kiki closed her eyes as she played, listening closely to the tune that was playing and directing her wrist in certain directions based on the image in her mind as she played.
Bram found a chair in the room and sat down, listening to her with great intent. She looked so at peace when she played, the colorful notes of the her song lulling her into closing her eyes. Even Bram couldn't stay stiff in his seat. He was lounging in his seat, feeling the weight of his body relax. It's been so long since he last felt so... tired and still. He noticed all the little pains in his joints, the chill on his skin and slight draft in the house fluttering in his striped hair. He hadn't noticed these things in so very long and this woman was bringing his dulled sense back to life. She was incredible doing it, he noticed when he lifted his weary head to look at her. She played to improvised perfection; she could make no mistake, just more music. There were no faults in her method and she didn't slip up once. "Who could have locked you away and allow such a talent to go to waste?" he muttered, agonizing the thought that such a flawless gift was trapped in a den of vermin.

He stood from his chair and walked to her. He posture seemed... different. The broad confident shoulders he had seemed to slump down and his face was not etched in tightened anger. He felt the constraining need to maim quiet in his mind and the anger that shook down to his hands wasn't there. What was that old saying? Music has charms to soothe a savage beast? He nearly laughed at the notion. His sensibilities were lost to his mind as he lift his hand and touched her soft hair, almost affectionately.
Kiki sat and would play until he asked her to stop. Compared to the person who had brought her here the first day, this Vampire seemed completely different. It was like the music changed him. She heard him mutter something under his breath, but she didn't have the senses of a Vampire and couldn't hear what he'd said. Finally she opened her eyes and snapped out of her lulled dream when she felt a hand on her head. She kept playing flawlessly but turned her gaze up to him rather than to the cello. Who had replaced Bram? Surely this kind, affectionate person was not the same Vampire that had made her murder another human just the previous day?
Her slow gaze to him caught him by surprise. Her hands still moved to create her unique piece, but her startling eyes... were they also this color? Whenever he looked into other eyes he saw the dead colors of black or gray. But her's... her's were a bright color, as alive as her music was. He could feel himself being wrapped in the music, almost floating into a sort of dreamy bliss...


The sound of heavy, shattering porcelain suddenly screeched in his his sensitive ears, make him throw back his head in shock. His head snapped to the the door, his peaceful face turned to a snarled, vicious look. He slammed the music doors open and looked further down the hall to find a teenage slave boy desperately trying to pick up the pieces of a large, prized Renaissance statue that scattered all over the floor. There was a turned over soap bucket that puddled the floor, washing away the littler pieces. "No no no no," he was whispering in near sobs, trying in vain to put the face back together. He even did a double take behind him to see if anyone was coming at the sound of the noise. But oh, his poor human eyes were to slow to catch his master watching him. Before he could find the nose, Bram was right behind him, grabbing the collar of his suit and throwing him down into the shard of broken stone. He then lifted the teen up and slammed him face to the wall and let out a beastly roar in his ear. "Do you realize what you have done!?" he yelled at the frightened teen with the bleeding cheeks. "I've given you shelter, sustenance and place to lay your thick head and you go AND DESTROY A PRICELESS ARTIFACT OF MY HOME?!

"Master, please! I beg of you, it was an accident!" the slave pleaded as his face scraped into the brick. "I slipped carrying out my cleaning duties, it was an accident!"

"SLAVES OF MINE DON'T HAVE ACCIDENTS!" he yelled as he tore open the back of the boy's suit. He then reached for the crop he carried at his side at all times and with forceful, furious blows starting beating the boy.
Kiki jumped at the sound of the crash, her beautiful music coming to a deadening halt. Bram raced into the hallway, and out of pure curiosity Kiki followed behind him. There was a slave in the hallway, picking up the pieces of a statue that now littered the hallway. The small pieces floated away in a puddle of spilled water. In an instant the boy was on the ground, being violently whipped for his mistake. Where had the Vampire gone whom she had just been playing for? In just those few seconds, he'd snapped, returning to his usual self and beating this poor human into submission.
Soon the soapy water was flowing red and the teen was laying in the puddle, sobbing quietly to himself. Even in this beaten state he still reached to pick the pieces up and hold them close. Bram stood over him, bloodied crop in hand and his pale skin splattered with red. He was back in control, out of his peaceful lucid state. Even the soft green eyes he had turned yellow in disdain. "Pathetic soul," he said as he wiped the blood from his braided leather. His ears perked up when he noticed that the halls were no longer filled with the beautiful sounds of Kiki playing her beloved cello. He turned and say her peeking from the doorway. "Well? What are you staring at?" he snapped pointing to the broken stone. "Clean up this mess and get this boy back to work!" Kicking the boy out of his way he walked away from his terrible deed.
Kiki watched as Bram stormed off. When he was out of sight she ran over to the boy, helping him sit up. He was bloody and sticky from the soapy water. She needed to take care of him before anything else, so she tried to help the boy to his feet, ignoring his pained cries. If she didn't take him elsewhere he'd bleed within an inch of his life, so he would just have to push past the pain.

Kiki helped him down the hall to one of the bathrooms, letting him slouch onto the floor as she dug around, searching for first aid supplies. When she finally found them, she removed what was left of the boy's tattered shirt and began to clean and dress the wounds. Finally when he was all patched up she returned the kit and helped the boy to his room so he could rest. There was no way he could work in this condition. Kiki let out a sigh, realizing that the only thing she could do was pick up his leftover chores until he was well again. She headed back to the disaster he'd made and began to clean the water and porcelain shards.
Joanna was heading upstairs with a fresh batch of laundry in hand. She was able to get the bloodstains out of most of the clothes, but that little success in her chores brought her no pleasure. She knew that tomorrow night, she'd be washing the blood off of some other pour souls' clothes and putting them back to go through the same cycle all over again. The one that disturbed her most was the dress sitting on top, black stitches lined up the front and back and only a bit of bloodstain left on the cloth. She had to take it from that poor dead girl, fix it and now has to give it to someone else to wear. Bram never did like wasting...

As she circled around the corner she saw Kiki on the floor, picking up the pieces of the prize statue. Joanna dropped her basket of laundry in shock and ran to Kiki. "Oh my goodness Kiki what have you done?!" she ask as she knelt to the pieces. "How did you break this? Master Bram doesn't know yet, does he? Oh lord, he'll strip the skin from your back for this!" she went on and o, babbling about punishment as she shook Kiki's shoulders. "How could this have happened?!"
Kiki was relieved to see Joanna come around the corner. The woman started rambling on about Kiki's mistakes, but Kiki shook her head. "It wasn't me." She replied. "It was another slave... a boy about my age, I think. Bram's already punished him." She looked at the basket of bloody clothes. "You won't have to wash his clothes though, I think they're much too torn to fix. Bram went nuts on him..." She continued to pick up the shards, carefully handling them so as to not cut herself. "I've already bandaged him up and took him to his room. There's no way he can work in his condition, so I was picking up the mess..."
Joanna sighed in relief and knelt to the floor, picking up the pieces alongside Kiki. “Must’ve been Eric. Poor boy always seems to catch Bram in his worst moods. It isn’t the first time we’ve had to wrap him up and catch up on his chores. He’s broken so many plates, torn so many curtains and bled for his mistakes.” Joanna touched the cheek of the broken face before setting it aside. “Bram keeps him around for his skills with the horses in the stable, but he’s so clumsy everywhere else that I fear his time here will be shortened soon. He’s… just not worth it in Bram’s eyes.”

She set the pieces in a pile and patted her hands on her apron. “But I can take care of his chores if you like. I’ve already finished mine for the night. After all, shouldn’t you be taking in a cello lesson now? Master Bram is usually picky about late students.”
Kiki looked at Joanna. "I was playing cello earlier, I didn't know if that was the lesson time or not. I'd already learned what Bram asked, so I was playing something else and..." she trailed off. She didn't mention Bram's odd state earlier. How he seemed almost peaceful until Eric knocked over the statue. "I was playing when Eric had his accident, and then Bram left...."
"Ah... well, at least it is out of the way for today. I've seen how straining and upsetting music lessons are with Bram over your shoulder. So the less time spent teaching the better," Joanna said as sighed. "Though I would've loved to have heard more of your playing. Simply can't hear a thing downstairs." She then looked out the open window and saw that the dark blue sky was slowly beginning to fade. "Oh my, I didn't know morning was so close by," Joanna said touching her lips to cover a yawn. "Dear, why don't you leave this to me and head to the kitchen for something to eat. Ophelia might have some roast or stew fresh on the fire. It's better getting it that way than me serving it to you lukewarm later."
Kiki looked outside when Joanna did, surprised that so much time had passed. Soon she'd be locked away in her bedroom until morning. She nodded to Joanna. "Thank you," she said with a smile. Kiki stood up and began walking down the hall, hoping the other girl could handle the mess on her own.

Soon she reached the hallway that led to the kitchen, and Kiki could smell whatever it was Ophelia was cooking. She smiled a little bit as her stomach grumbled. It was looking forward to dinner as much as she was.
Many other slaves had already gathered in the kitchen in hopes of catching the early meal. The meaty smell of fresh stew with hot bread baking in the air wafted the air. It was the best time of the evening, considering that Bram would be retired to his room by now, the slaves could let go of the breath they held all night long and enjoy a nice hot meal. Bram never did bother coming to the kitchen during this time. He would say the smell of human's food would make his stomach queasy. In his absence there was the sound of relieved chattering, discussion about the workload and sometimes the occasional hooplah to rally against the master. Even Eric, the boy who had been beaten near senseless by Bram and was carried to his room by the nice new slave was there. The sounds of people actually talking and the warmth of the kitchen made him feel so much more at home than even in his own room. He handed his bowl to Ophelia, who eyes his bandaged body.

"Ahh, you've gotten yourself in a load of trouble again, I see," she said as she filled his bowl with extra veggies and meat. "What did you break this time? A vase, a painting?"

"A... statue actually," he said as he picked up a roll and took his bowl from her. "One of the bigger ones. But at least there was a nice girl there who helped me back to me room and fixed me up. She wasn't even afraid if Bram saw her helping me and... and wasting time... I never got a chance to say thank you."

Ophelia raised a brow at the boy. "This girl, did she happen to be that one with the rose colored hair?"

"Yes! Yes, it was her. And I think she was playing the music in the halls before I slipped. I wish I knew her name," he said wistfully.

The sound of the door opening caught Ophelia's attention and she saw Kiki in the doorway. "Speaking of the she devil... There's your girl over there."
Kiki walked in, lured straight over to Ophelia by the smell of the bread and food. She found a bowl and walked over, seeing that the boy from earlier was standing there too, looking much better by now. She smiled a little, glad to see that she had at least bandaged him correctly so that nothing would get infected. After all, she didn't know anything about treating injuries. She eagerly handed her bowl to Ophelia as she looked at the boy. He probably didn't recognize her; he was lucky to have been conscious while she was nursing his wounds. Nevertheless, she smiled at him. "You're looking better."

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