Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

Eric looked around carefully to see if anyone was listening to them and then pulled her away from the horses to the far end of the stable. He then started to root through old tools before pulling out several pieces of parchment. "Months back when I first got here and was placed in the stable, there was a woman who used to work down here sometimes. She looked a lot like you actually. She would come down here every now and then, give me a note and tell me to ride a horse out to the closest oak tree in the field and stick it in the hole of the trunk. I never really read them, wasn't my business. Then just before morning she'd want me to go again to the tree and I always found a new note in the hole. I figured it was her family across the way and she was worried."

He flipped through the pages, some old and dirty while others were newer and crisp. "I did that almost every other night while she was her. Then, she disappeared from the house and nobody ever told me what happened to her. I didn't even get any more notes if I did go out to the tree. But then a week ago or so, while I was riding out again, I got curious and checked. Someone left a new note. I was going to leave it, maybe send word that she wasn't here. But I opened it and it said, 'The plans will go on.'" He held up the letter saying it the few words to Kiki.

"I didn't know who would sent it, or what they were talking about," he said somewhat excitedly, "but I wrote back to them and asked about them. The next letter asks how many slaves are left, what state Bram was in and if we still wanted escape! I showed it to Ophelia, because she dislikes Bram and wouldn't tell Joanna about what I found." He then looked to Kiki and whispered, "I think there's a group out there that wants to free us! They want to come here and help us!"
Kiki couldn't believe what she was hearing. There was a group on the outside who wanted to help free them from Bram's rule? And they communicated through notes. She wondered if maybe it was a group of humans who had somehow evaded capture. Or maybe it was a trap. Maybe it was bait to lead the humans out to the woods? No, that seemed too extravagant a plan. If a Vampire wanted to steal them away they would just do it when the humans were outside. Kiki couldn't help but wonder what happened to the girl Bram was so fond of... Had she tried to escape?

"This is crazy..." She said. "There's someone who wants to free the humans here?" She wondered aloud. She reread the note in Eric's hand. "So just me, you, and Opelia know about this? Are you planning on using these people to try to escape?" She asked. Suddenly she felt as if she'd asked too many questions, and felt bad. She didn't want to overwhelm him by interrogating him like this, but she was so curious.
"Shh, not so loud," he pleaded looking around. "We don't want to use them to help just us. Ophelia wants to break everyone out. She says if these people survived long enough to keep writing us, then they must know what they're doing. But... but the plan's all up in the air right now. We don't know how to quite do it yet. The people who send these notes, they ask if there's anyone inside the home that can hurt Bram in some way. Slow him down so they can come in and get everyone out. But it's impossible..."

He sits on a bale of hay and sighs. "He locks all of us away during the day and his home is like a fortress. There's no way we'd be able to signal them when it's light outside. And they can't come during the night because that's when Bram's awake and at his most powerful. Though they do say we have some advantage since he doesn't feed as often as needed... Regardless, we need to find someone close enough to cripple him... maybe e-even kill him." He bit off a nail nervously and looked to Kiki. "I don't want to stay here. I know he'll kill me soon, maybe even a few days from now. But what hope do we have?"
Someone to get close to Bram. Someone who could wander the halls during the day and signal their rescuers. A slave that could cripple Bram alone, with no help, so that the other slaves could escape. Someone who had some power against him. Eric was talking about her. Kiki was that one person. She'd been in Bram's room, playing piano and acting ever so affectionate. She was the person that would have to get close to Bram and distract him, maybe even kill him, so that the others would have a chance to escape.

Kiki didn't know what to say. She didn't want to jump up and volunteer. It seemed so horrible, this whole idea. Sure, Bram was terrible, and he would probably end up killing off Eric or one of the other slaves soon, as he seemed to do quite often. Kiki had to choose between Bram and her fellow humans. How could this decision be so hard?! The choice should be obvious. Anyone in her position would gladly volunteer so they could find refuge amongst ther own kind. But Kiki felt like this was the hardest choice in the world to make. She just stood there, silently hoping Eric couldn't read emotions. She knew hers would give everything away. Why couldn't she kill Bram to save these people?
Eric simply shook his head and hopped off the bale of hay. "Maybe I'll just ask them if there is any other kinds of plans they could come up with. Maybe they'll dig a tunnel underneath the place." He painfully laughed it off while hid the letters once more. "But if not, then I guess... I guess we just have to wait a little longer, right?" He patted Kiki's shoulder and then went off to feed the other horses. "I'm sure you were a little more anxious than I am to get out. What with Bram always hanging over your shoulder and making you do work, even if you are hurt. Then again, he's like that with everyone."

He fed the last of the horses and patted his hands clean. "Well, in a few minutes, everyone will be fed and I can take them out for a run. Do you want to join me?" he asked earnestly. "I promise, they're all as gentle as lambs. They won't throw you off or anything."
Kiki nodded in agreement when he said she must be anxious. Maybe that's what it was. Maybe she was just so used to Bram being there that she would feel weird if he wasn't. 'Let's go with that...' She thought. She helped Eric finish feeding the horses, then remembered they needed to be brushed. She picked up a brush and approached a smaller horse that seemed less scary. She reached out with the brush and was glad to see that it seemed to enjoy the contact. She brushed the horse as she listened to Eric talking. "Uh, yeah," she said nervously. "Sounds fun." As long as she didn't get thrown off...
The little horse turned his head and nuzzled her hip, pushing her away from his side. Though the gesture could be a scary move, Eric saw the move and laugh. “He’s just being a little playful with you, don’t worry,” he assured her, the animal pushing her again with a neigh. “But maybe we shouldn’t take him out yet. Have to wait until he’s calmer.” He brushed out the large black one and then retrieved its halter. “You can ride this one! He’ll follow your every command and bring you right home if you need to.” He didn’t even wait for her to answer before going to get a saddle for the large beast. The black horse neighed louder at her, stamping his hooves.
Kiki looked at the large horse, who didn't seem to appreciate the fact that he was about to be ridden by a scared little human girl. He seemed outright furious, but before she could object, Eric had run off to fetch a saddle. She backed away from the horse, unsure about whether she really wanted to do this. Clearly the horse didn't want such an incompetent rider. She would just have to tell Eric that she couldn't do it. But then she might seem weak... She could do this. She stood her ground against the black horse as it reared and neighed, awaiting Eric's return.
Eric came back with a silver lined black saddle and placed it on the horses back. As he strapped the saddle tight, he continued, “Usually this is the horse that Bram prefers. But it’s been such a long while that I’m sure he’d appreciate the ride. Isn’t that right, boy?” The horse seemed to give him a sarcastic look before shaking his head. Eric didn’t seem to pay any attention to Kiki’s nervous voice or scared stance as he placed the bridle in the horse’s mouth. He turned to Kiki with a smile and held out the ropes to her. “If you hold him still, I can go saddle another horse. U…Unless you want to ride with me on the same horse.”
Kiki took the ropes. Rather than answering the question Eric asked, she asked a new one. "Doesn't he seem kind of... Angry?" She looked at the black horse, who clearly didn't want Kiki to ride him. Eric seemed to not notice, and if he did he wasn't paying any attention. But how could he not see the way the horse was acting? Kiki did care whether she rode alone or with Eric, she just hoped she'd eventually make it back to the stables alive.
"Oh, he isn't angry. He just wants to get out and run. He does it with me all the time," Eric said patting the horse down. "You can't be nervous around them just because they're bigger than you, Kiki. You have to be the one in control. Lemme help you up and you'll see!" He then picked Kiki up by the waist and pushed her atop the large horse. The animal snorted in protest of the intrusion, stomping louder than before.

"Okay, okay, we'll get going!" he chuckles as he pets the horses head. Then he turned to Kiki, smiling with full confidence. "See? He doesn't mind you. But since this does look like you haven't ridden in a while, I'll be right behind you." He footed the stirrup and hopped onto the large saddle, nestled right behind Kiki. He then caught a whiff of her sweet smelling skin and felt her brush against his arm. That confidence was turning into nervous bashfulness and the horse could sense it. Regardless, Eric put the looser reins in Kiki's hands and guided her. He pulled the horse to face the open door and grinned at her. "You ready for the time of your life?" he asks before snapping the reins and making the horse go in a fast trot into the night.
All of a sudden, she was on the horse. She hoped that Eric was right, that the horse was just eager to be ridden. He sat behind her and handed her the reins, and she almost told him she had no idea what she was doing. But knowing he was there calmed her a little. If things got out of hand, he could fix it. They rode out into the night and the cool breeze instantly blew through Kiki's rosy hair. They trotted around the grounds for awhile and soon Kiki started to feel more comfortable, which was a good thing because Eric suddenly seemed quite nervous.
Eric had the horse go from an unsteady trot to a full blown gallop, the sound of rushing hooves echoing in the empty night. The air felt cool on the skin and smelled so sweet in the air. Or perhaps that was from Kiki's hair as it blew in the wind. Eric swallowed nervously, having her so close to him. 'She's just out to help you, okay?' he told himself. 'Yeah she'd just being nice to you that's all...' He turned the horse towards the south, and he found the large oak tree standing alone on the meadow's edge just a few meters from the woods. Eric turned the horse and had him walk to the tree before pulling it to a halt. Even at the distance it stood from the forest, the horse stamped nervously and shook his head in irritation.

"This is the spot," he said before dismounting the horse. "Remember from what I told you? This is where the letter's come from. If you just stay on the horse for a minute, I'll go and see if there's a new one." He patted the horse once more before running up to the tree. As Eric dug around the hole in the tree, the horse was looking into the woods. There were thinks crawling in the shadows that the humans didn't see. The horse could hear the sounds of light howls, snapping hungry jaws and see the red eyes of the predators in the dark. He snorted nervously, stepping in place and frantically whinnying. Eric paid no heed, finding the letter in with a gleeful smile.
Kiki looked into the woods while Eric was retrieving the letter from the tree. The horse seemed uneasy now, obiously seeing something Kiki couldn't. She held the reins nervously, trying to calm the horse. "Eric?" She said, looking over to him as she swayed, trying to stay atop the animal. "You should hurry, I think there's something out there..." She looked back to the woods, wondering what the horse saw that she didn't. Nearly losing her balance, she leaned forward on the horse, placing a hand on it's neck which was steadier than holding the loose reins. She tried to calm the horse and when she looked up she could have sworn she saw a flash of red in the darkness.
The horse continued to swing his head and neigh loudly, wanting to leave as soon as possible. Eric finally looked up at the horse, surprised by how frightened it was. “Hey, hey, calm down boy! You’re all right, I swear,” he said as he tried to grab for the reins. But the animal bit Eric’s hand out of fear and reared up high, hooves flailing in the air. He landed back to the ground with a loud snort and with a buck, he threw Kiki from the saddle. Without a rider to control him, the black horse bolted across the field away from the pair of humans.

Eric ran after it, pleading for it to come back and left Kiki on the ground alone for a few minutes. The creatures in the forest seemed to smile at the fortune. Red eyes glowered bright as they crept in the dark, waiting for the right moment to pounce on the helpless human. She would make a fine meal tonight
Kiki began to wobble, and cried out as the horse threw her from the saddle. She tried to catch herself but landed on her back, cringing from the pain now surging through her wrist and torso. She let out a groan as she saw Eric run off after the horse. "Thanks..." She grumbled, sitting up a bit. "How did I know that would happen?" She pushed herself forward and into a standing position, wobbly from the shock of hitting the ground. Suddenly remembering the eyes she'd seen earlier, the girl directed her gaze to the woods. They were still there, and they had multiplied. Freaking out, Kiki turned to run, stumbling a little at first but then sprinting back in the direction of the castle, wishing she could see it in the darkness.
Joanna ushered the third girl out of Bram’s room, sighing in relief that his hunger was now finally slated. He was good enough to not drain the other two girls as much as the first pour victim, but still they left with terror in their eyes and tears stained on their cheeks. She closed the door to his room and turned back to her master. He was at his open window, the cold wind brushing over his now lukewarm skin. His color had come back darker now, and he looked five years younger. But at what heavy cost?

“You did this to yourself, you realize,” Joanna said as she wiped a speck of blood from her cheek. “You starved yourself for too long, feed only little by little. Master… we are your loyal servants. If you wish for more from us, it is at your whim.” He didn’t answer her. He was too lost in his thoughts scowling at his sickening behavior. He lost control of his beastly urges and dragged the first slave to walk by his door into the dark. His grip on the window sill tightened and he let out a thick growl.

Joanna wasn’t ready to approach him just yet, waiting for his quick tempered behavior to calm. But it did not stop her from chiding him. “You can’t do this again, Master. What if it were… all of us? What if you weren’t stopped? What if—“

“Are you done, Joanna?” he snapped, his voice deeper and with more anger. “I’m not one to be constantly reminded of my mistakes. As far as I’m concerned, this little slip didn’t happen.” He was mad enough that his perfected appearance was marred by the image of being a beast without control. He was nothing like those other vampires. He was the master, he was the perfectionist, he was… was…

His line of thought was carried off when he saw a horse galloping across the field with no one in the saddle. It was racing back to its stable and he could see in the distance the boy who cared for them. Bram gritted his teeth seeing the boy having his prized stallion run amuck and was already thinking of ways to punish him. Maybe he could go without having a damn hand. Joanna heard the sounds of horses and looked out the window. “Oh goodness, what is Eric doing?” she asked aloud. “He didn’t just leave Kiki to do all the work, I hope…”

“Kiki?” Bram said picking his head. “You made Kiki work out in the stables?!”

“Master, please understand! It is easy work for her, especially if Eric is there to watch her,” Joanna reasoned with him. “She is probably still in the stables brushing the horses.”

Bram looked out to the field once more, searching for any sign of Kiki following the boy. Perhaps Joanna was correct about her being in the stables. But his hearing caught the sounds of howling in the distance, the roars of beasts coming from the woodwork of the darkness. He leaned further out the window and far off in the distance he saw pink hair in the dark and a pack of gnarled beasts, wolves and deformed creatures hunting after her. They were gaining speed in chasing the wobbly girl, a large black wolf snapping his teeth to grab her feet.

He tore his eyes away with fury in his eyes and slapped Joanna clear across the face. “How could you let her go outside?!” he roared at the struck woman. He turned back to the beasts coming after the girl and without a second thought, jumped to the window sill and down several stories to the ground. The horse was galloping full speed until Bram landed right in front of it, bringing the beast to a sudden, rearing halt. Eric wasn’t far behind, heaving and trying to catch his breath. “M-M-M-Master B-Bram,” he tried to say as the vampire took the beast by the reins and mounted on the saddle.

As he turned the horse back, he grabbed Eric by the collar and growled in his face. “I’ll deal with you later,” he snarled at him before throwing him to the ground. He commanded the horse in harsh Spanish term, making the horse run straight to Kiki and the pack of blood thirsty night beasts.
Kiki ran, looking back only once to see the creatures following her. That one turn caused her to slow so much that she didn't dare to look back again to see if they were gaining on her. But she could still hear their growls and knew they could only be twenty or thirty feet behind her. How could Eric have thought coming out here in the dark was a good thing to do? Didn't he notice these beasts in all this time coming to the tree? The wind blew her hair back in her face and her boots stuck to the muddy ground with each step she took. Suddenly she heard the thunder of a horse's hooves nearby, and took a risk by looking around to see where it was coming from. She was surprised to see Bram dashing towards her on the black horse that had run off earlier. How could he have known he was out here? She felt her foot hit something on the ground, perhaps a rock or root, and felt herself become top heavy, plummeting to the ground.
Suddenly the beasts were on her. There was the large wolf that leapt on her back and tore the back of her dress off. The goblin-like creatures were clawing at the girls boots and ripping the hem of her clothes. They already had their tongues on her skin, tasting her. But as they prepared to sink their teeth into her flesh the sound of thunderous hooves were rumbling their way. The large black beast stopped short of the crowding creatures and as Bram dismounted, they shrank away from the girl.

Bram snarled at them all, stepping over Kiki and making them move further away from her. He started to yell at them in an old, dead language, the creatures flinching at each harsh word. It wasn’t long before they were shying back to their haunted woods, still looking back at the girl with glaring red eyes. Bram waited until they were gone before looking down at Kiki. His face was a variety of emotions: Anger, distress, relief, more anger.”What were you doing so far away from the castle?” he demanded from her. “Did that boy drag you out here?”
Kiki let out a muffled cry as she felt the demons around her. She defensively put her arms around the back of her head as she was stuck face down on the ground. The sound of hooves grew louder, and she heard some language she'd never heard before, and then all the creatures were gone. Shaking, she pushed herself to her knees and looked around. They'd retreated back to the woods, leaving the Vampire alone with his tangled mess of a slave. She wrapped her arms around herself and couldn't even bring herself to look up at him. Her cheeks were red from embarrassment and she could feel tears leaking down her face.

When he demanded to know how she got out here, Kiki knew she couldn't tell Bram that Eric had brought her. He would find out about the notes in the trees and Eric's escape plan. He'd probably kill the boy before the night was over if he knew. "I just wanted to ride the horse," she said, coming up with a new story. "I'd never seen one, and I thought it would be okay... Eric was walking with me, but the horse started running and he had to chase us out here until it threw me off." She played with a piece of her knotted hair. "I told Eric to chase the horse and not to let it run away because then you'd... Be mad at me." She sniffled a little and finally looked up at Bram, wiping some of the salty water from her face.
The stern look did not leave Bram’s face. He could smell the fear on her, the deception. She was lying to him; he could feel it right to his bones. She was covering up for the boy, but for what? There was deep temptation to assault her mind with his own, to dig through the horrific experience in her head to reach the truth. But as she sat there with a pathetic look on her face and tears still pouring over dirty cheek, he found himself trapped. Was it really worth making her relive a violent scene once more just so he could justify why she was out there? Why the hell did her care, she was just a mere slave. Not to mention one that was lying to him. Most slaves had their tongues cut out for such indecency.

Instead, he knelt to the ground and gently scooped her up in his arms. His skin was still warm from his recent feeding, and he held her tightly. “It wasn’t your fault. You are not the one to be punished,” he simply said as he placed her up on the horse’s saddle, quickly climbing up right behind her. The horse stood absolutely still as it waited for a command, like it had been a completely different beast. Bram quietly ushered the horse to walk back home, holding Kiki by one hand and the reins by the other. He could still feel the shudders of her crying against him. It was that boy’s fault she was left alone out there. Bram’s circle of minions wouldn’t have batted an eye to killing her. It was his orders after all. Any slave caught trying to escape to the woods were theirs for the taking. But Kiki… no, she was left there by that worthless boy. His grip tightened as he thought of ways to punish this coward of a man. He deserved death. He was to die.
Once she was up on the horse, something felt different. The horse stood perfectly still until Bram commanded it to do otherwise, which was completely opposite of earlier when it had been nervous and uncontrollable. Bram seemed different too, a mix of infuriation and understanding. But what was it that was understanding? Did he know she was lying, or had he believed her. The way he seemed so calm and collected made her feel like maybe he took her story as the truth. She wiped the last of the tears from her face as they rode in silence back towards the castle. Kiki only hoped that Eric wasn't going to suffer for what had happened. After all, she'd put all the blame on herself for what had gone on this evening.
Eric was pacing by the stables, hyperventilating in the thought of what Bram’s said. Was he really going to ‘take care of him’? He didn’t even get a chance to open the note and write a response. He couldn’t, not with Bram possibly over the horizon. If he saw the note, all the planning that had been done would be destroyed. There would be no escape. He then heard the sound of a horse slowly coming his way. Master Bram was carrying Kiki close to him, a protective glare in his eyes.

Even in this terrifying return of his master, the cogs in Eric’s head began to turn. ‘He went back for her? Does he… no it can’t be,’ he thought as Bram stopped the horse in front of him. His master didn’t look at him as he dismounted the horse and brought Kiki down with him. He carried her once more to a bench outside the stables and ever so carefully sat her down. But as soon as his touch left Kiki, he spun his attention to Eric with fury in his eyes.

Eric gasped at the sight and started to step away from Bram. “M-Master p-please, it was n-n-not my f-fault!” he said cowardly backing up into the horse. “I was just- She wanted to—she was just…” Bram gave him no chance to finish his sentence before striking him to the ground. Eric’s head hit with a sickening thump, making him cry a short yelp. As he curled in a fetal position to hold his head, his master reached down and grabbed him by his ankle.

Bram dragged him into the stables, the boy scrambling desperately to get away. “You incompetent, pathetic waste of a human, do you know what you did?!” he roared as he grabbed a round of rope from the wall. “You drag a servant of mine into the woods, willfully left her there and almost have her eaten alive by those creatures!” Bram began to tie a rope around the boy’s ankles, painfully tightening the rope. “You desecrate my home, disturb my prized animals, and now you leave her out there?” He hissed in a seething tone as he dragged Eric outside by his tied ankles.

He then tied the rope to the horn of the saddle, growling, “And you have teased the hungry beasts of the woods. I’ve made a deal with them. They’ll have any slave that crosses that line between my home and theirs. Since I will not let them have her… they will have you instead.”

“KIKI! Please Kiki, don’t let him do this to me, oh god! Please, KIKI!” he begged her while Bram finished his knot. “Help me, Kiki! HELP ME!”
Kiki could faintly see the barn in the distance. She was exhausted from the earlier events and was only half awake when she felt the horse come to a halt. Between slow blinks, she could make out the form of another person who could only be Eric. She felt herself being lifted up and then a moment later being set down. She coughed a little and looked around. She realized she was on a bench... The one outside the barn? She heard talking behind her and then yelling. She looked around behind her in time to see Bram tying Eric by his ankles to a horse. 'No,' she thought. Why was she so worn out? All the adrenaline of running and all the excitement and terror had worn off. It took her a moment to realize what was going on and to vocalize her thoughts. "No!" She yelled. Her muscles still sore, she pulled herself from the bench and went as fast as her legs could carry her towards the two men.

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