Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

She didn't know what to think about this. It was all very odd. How does one react to a kiss on the forehead from their Master? Should she have pulled away and acted offended? But that would be misleading. Her real feelings were telling her to stay; that she wanted more and maybe so did he. But that was nonsense. She'd never in her whole life heard of a Master and his slave being more than just that. The whole notion that he might feel more affectionate than she had first thought seemed outrageous, but at the same time made perfect sense. He would have left her to die if she was almost any other slave. But instead he'd saved her, and he made her feel at home, and now he was showing affection beyond that of someone you only care for as a songbird.

When he pulled away and apologized, she was speechless. Her cheeks were redder than ever before and she was terrified to ask for another. She was half tempted to run from the room just so she wouldn't have to deal with these new emotions she'd never felt until now.
Tempted to converse with somebody, anybody, Leon slowly got to his feet. Perhaps one the slaves in the cells nearby would be up for conversation. As soon as the young man got to the bars, he stopped himself. What in the hell was he thinking? No-one was talking, they were crying and sniveling, sometimes hissing in pain from a newly re-opened wound. No-one was in the mood to converse anyway, and if they were, what would he talk about? The weather? If the vampires had their way, none of them would see the sun again.

The young man rubbed his chin as he thought of the grand star. How was it that the vampires emerged victorious over the human race when the bane of their existence forever loomed overhead? Did they have some secret weapon? Were they immune to sunlight? Did they blot out the sun while he was not looking? And what about holy water or a wooden stake? Did those still work? Granted, Leon was not a religious man, so the concept of holy water flew right over his head. There had to be something that could be used against a vampire...

Unless there wasn't. Grabbing hold of one of the bars to his cell, Leon grumbled under his breath. If the military, government, and militia were defeated by the vampires, a weakness was as likely as seeing Haley's comet twice in one week. He shook his head and slid back down the ground with a mixture of defeat and apathy.
What was he thinking, evoking on such, such... sporadic action?! He never before simply allowed his emotions to get to him and wear him down so easily. Even Josephine... she came to him, a pathetic little slave with more intention than he thought. Was it just history repeating itself once more? Was she trying to get under his skin, trying to get him to treat her more than a servant to his home and then...

No, no... not this time. He came to her, first at the sweet sound of her perfect music, then the gentleness of her voice when she tried reasoning with his vicious mind. It all came together when he felt the softness of her touch when she was teaching him to play her song. He felt sick in his heart, leaning against the couch to cover his mouth. He could still taste her skin on his cool lips. It was becoming too much for him. He had lost control of his emotions. If he lost control of that, he'd lose control of something worse, and then...

"Leave..." he demanded halfheartedly. He had to get her away from him, to show himself that he was still master of his home, his emotions and his slaves. "Go back to your quarters. Now."
What was happening? Suddenly he was leaning over the couch, looking like he was on the brink of throwing up. She touched her forehead where his lips had been. She was pretty sure she wasn't poisonous... Bram demanded for her to leave and go back to her room. The flush left her face and the emotion was gone. What was his deal? First he acts like he thinks more of her, then he orders her to go away. Shaking her head, she looked down at the floor. This was all so pointless. Without another word, she left the room, her tiny footsteps echoing down the hall and finally disappearing.

Kiki flung open the door to her bedroom, flinging it shut just as aggressively. It didn't slam, but it didn't close quietly either. She quickly undressed and got her night clothes on, choosing a long sleeved shirt and long pants instead of the feminine nightgowns her wardrobe was stuffed with. Brushing through her hair, she plopped down on her bed, letting out an exasperated sigh. Maybe she was just imagining all of this. Maybe there really wasn't anything there and her mind was playing tricks on her. She fell back into a laying position and just stared at the ceiling for who knows how long before falling asleep.
He ran dug his claws deep in the couch and dragged the fabric open. The slam of every door resulted in a painting hanging ajar, a crack in the wall or another vase in collection broken For every slave he passed he snarled at them, provoking fear from their hearts. He was in control, he was in control, he was in control... He had to keep repeating himself. To let himself enjoy something as frivolous as infatuation would make him weak. The slave would see this weakness, twist the control to theirs and attack him. His perfect order thrown into complete chaos.

He throws the doors of his room open and roars in frustration, the sound echoing in the halls. He wanted to tear everything off the walls, make the slaves fear him further. But then he remembers her face. Kiki's sweet blushing face and so very faint smile. How he held her so close wanting to keep her safe. He fell the floor on his knees, leaning against the dresser. It was happening again. History was to repeat once more, perhaps at the cost of his life. Or was it simply paranoia from a previous experience. Weakly looking over to the things on his dresser, he grabbed the burnt little book and flipped it open. He started to mutter in his mother language, wanting to calm himself as he read through the pages. Until he lands on a specific page close to the end.

Day 67

I can't stand it anymore. I cannot watch the other slaves suffer as he fawns over me, favoring me like some little doll. It makes me sick to think that he worries for me, then demands I take the life of another, or do his bidding. I've let him become infatuated with me long enough. He's a monster and a fool. Tonight I'll use his 'love' for me to my advantage. I'll make sure he pays for every whiplash, every death and every drop of blood he spilled. Then we'll all be free. He'll die a miserable monster.

He shut the book closed and let it fall from his hand. "Am I really that much of a fool... to let this happen again?" he asked to no one. "Josephine... you have ruined me." The sunrise was coming soon, he could feel it. Perhaps tonight he could finally rest.
Kiki jumped awake when she heard an angry yell. Looking around, she could see the first bits of the morning light peeking in through the opening between the curtains. Who had been yelling just now? Groaning, she rolled over and buried her head under her pillow. She had so many thoughts racing through her head that it exhausted her. What was she feeling for Bram, and what did he feel for her? He was so hot and cold, black and white, so love and hate. She wished he'd pick a side already and stop doing these weird things all the time. First he acts chivalrous then he's isolated. She buried herself deeper under the covers, trying to forget it all and sleep.
Meanwhile Bram found himself on the floor, around that little book and hair spread out on the floor. He was too exhausted to bother getting up in the bed. He could hear the footsteps of the slaves retreating to their bedrooms, the slight jingling of Joanna's keys as they were locked away until the last one that she left alone. Bram smiled inwardly when he noted his command still being obeyed. But was that really all that that was bothering him? That his command was shaking because of one girl and his affections to her. Laying there on the floor and tired from his temper tantrum, he chuckled to himself. He was acting as a paranoid fool.

He heard his door open slightly when Joanna peeked in. "Master? I saw the couch in the music room," she said quietly as she came inside. "Was everything all right or..."

Bram still laid on the floor, laughing a bit. "Nothing but spat between me, myself and I," he chuckled. "Joanna... If you happen to pass by Kiki's room, send to her my apologies." he then stared at the book a few moments longer. He kept it around to remind him of that wretched woman who wriggled her way close to him. The one who tried to kill him the first chance she got, and the horrible aftermath of her failure... of his own failure. He reached for it, opened it and tore out the last several pages of this long tale of betrayal. He then sat up and tossed the book to the maid. "If she wishes an explanation of my behavior, she may look herself."

"B-But, sir..." she stammered holding the book. "Why do you... do you..."

"I didn't say sit here and jabber to me like a fool, did I?" he lazily said, falling back to the floor. "Do it."

Joanna was still for a moment. She herself wasn't allowed to read this journal and now he's giving it to Kiki? And as an explanation of what? But she couldn't ask these questions. Instead she bowed to her master and closed his door. She walked all the way to Kiki's room, the sun almost over the mountains and knocked quietly. "Kiki? Are you still awake? Master Bram wanted to send his apologies for... something, and to give you this."
(Yay I got accepted :D )

Mitzi laid on the ground and tugged at her sleeves. She heard cries from the other cages, wishing for their mother, father, children, friends. She closed her eyes and giggled,how annoying. She paused her thoughts, then slapped herself.

"If you don't have a nice thing to say, don't say it at all," her mother used to say. Of course she hadn't said it, but it might have slipped out. She forced herself have nice thoughts. Maybe, under all those tears, they'll make wonderful friend. And maybe, the vampires will care and love for me, instead of all those brutal rumors she had heard back home.

Mitzi listened to the sound of footsteps, the opening and closing of the cold metal doors, followed by screaming and the occasional body being dragged across the floor. She scraped at the dried blood spots on the floor. It didn't bother her, as she saw it bothered so many others. She had grown up with free blood, she learned to live with it, and maybe even love it a little. Maybe, it'd be okay...

Mitzi laughed at that thought.

Even she knew it would be brutal.
Kiki rolled over and looked at the door to see Joanna standing there. She was saying something but Kiki was half asleep. She pulled herself into a sitting position and rubbed her eyes. "Sorry, what?" She asked. She looked at the book that Joanna was offering to her. "An explanation for what?" She asked, taking what looked like a diary from the other slave. Pulling the covers apart, she saw that the last few pages were torn out. There was something that Bram was hiding from her. Something that Kiki figured had to do with Josephine's death.

"Umm... Thanks." She said. She offered a small smile, although she wasn't sure what she would learn from reading a dead girl's diary. Maybe it would explain why Bram acted so polar opposite at the most random of times. She sat there with the bound book on her lap, wondering if there was another reason she was given this. Joanna mentioned that Bram had apologized, and she guessed it was for his last outburst. "Thank you, Joanna." She said. She didn't know what else to say to the girl, who looked like she was almost jealous that Kiki got to see such an important item.
The diary would open to many pages, some that would ring familiar to Kiki's ears.

Day 25

I've noticed that Bram is much more affectionate with me whenever he watches me paint. Calls my art a masterpiece and that it's 'purest perfection.' I know what he is really thinking, and it horrifies me that he plays the infatuated one. I think he does it to torture me. To reward me while all the other slaves suffer. And all for what? A few strokes of paint and a pretty sunset? He isn't a man of the fine arts, he's just a monster. I can feels his hands still on my head where he strokes and it makes me feel sick.


Day 31

There were more notes in the tree tonight. Some of them claim to be a rescue team looking to kill Bram off for his wicked crimes and they ask if anyone is there. Whether or not they were just humans really searching for others or vampires playing a trick, someone is surviving out there, even with all the monsters at Bram's call. I've nothing to lose if I ask them to help us. I'm sure that the old dog of a cook would be happy to help in a planned escape. I just have to keep this secret from that monster. He follows me nearly everywhere I go and I have to endure the affection he gives me. Perhaps that'll be useful in the future...


Day 62

He's confessed his love for me today. Even writing this makes my stomach lurch at the thought of this foul beast even thinking of me. But still, I have pretended long enough to get his attention, to come and go in this house as I please and even to go into his room during the daylight to sleep in his bed with him. I've slept with the dead and no matter how hard I try, the feeling doesn't scrub off. But I'm not pushing away yet. The rescuers say I have to wait and stay close to him until the time is right. When I see them come out of the forest in the morning and to the castle, that is when I will strike. They have given me holy water to blind him and crucifix to lay on his chest. He can't call his beasts to attack them if he is in pain, and this gives me enough time to free everyone from their rooms. Ophelia has taken the keys from Joanna for me and has assured me that the slaves will all be ready to run.

He says he loves me, that he never wants to see me hurt again and he wants to protect me. He's in for the surprise of his life.

That was it. The plan that this mystery team had? They've tried it before with the last girl Bram took affection to and it was a failure. Were they trying to repeat a broken process? And Josephine... she made Bram vulnerable, took his affection and turned it against him as a powerful weapon. He wasn't going to let it happen again and yet... yet he was doomed to feel something for this little slave that swept his cold heart away with music. He wouldn't do to Kiki what he had done to Josephine
After Joanna left Kiki to her own devices, she leafed through the old pages. Reading entry after entry, she became more and more hopelessly lost. So were Bram's affections purely for show, or did he actually feel something more for her than for the others? It sounded like Kiki was a repeat of Josephine. What should she do? Turn against him, free his slaves so they could run to whatever - good or evil - awaited them on the other side of the treeline? Break his undead heart again? Or was he giving off false signals, showing her the same affections as he showed Josephine, in the hopes that history wouldn't repeat itself?

Or should she stay here, persuade the others that it's all for the best, try to lessen Bram's cruelty by showing the same affections that he showed her? The other slaves would hate her for making one decision, and Bram would hate her for making the same decision as Josephine had. But there seemed to be something different, something that made Kiki and Josephine polar opposites, something that made Kiki's decision the hardest one she could have to make... And she knew now, for sure. When all was said and done, she could tell without a doubt...

She was in love with him.
(( KaitWink, I'm so envious of what you've got going with S-Malone. I've been reading this for some time, and I must say, your character has progressed quite a bit! Now I'm just sad that my character isn't going to have a master. I wish others were more active. ))
He loved her.

That was the conclusion he had come to having laid on the floor hours upon hours later into the day, dozing only a few moments at a time. Was it the same love he had showed for Josephine, one that only came from her incredible talent? When admiration turned to infatuation then turned to love then… He touched the gnarled burn on his shoulder and winced at the pain. Still hurt after such a long time. Surely if he were to be stupid again and follow this love, there would be more than a burn in the end.

But this felt different regardless. Josephine didn’t need protecting; she didn’t need him to do anything for her. In fact, he was sure she loathed him for putting her higher in the ranks of slaves. But Kiki… she needed him, he could feel it. And he needed her as well; the sound of her music and her voice soothed so many beasts in his head. He sat up from the floor full of crumbled paper and stood from his mess. He then looked to the door. His fingers itched suddenly as he reached for the handle, not giving thought to the time. Flinging it open, he winced and braced for the light, shutting his door immediately. ‘Well, that was idiotic,’ he growled. He stepped further away and sat on his bed. He wanted to see her and couldn’t. But… that didn’t stop him from calling out to her.

He lay back in his bed and concentrated all the strength he had to call to her, to beckon her to come to him. He managed to echo her name a few times with his telepathy, but soon his energy was drained. He turned to his side and closed his eyes, hoping that when he would awake once more, she would be in his arms.
((thanks [MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION] ^^ ))

She'd laid the diary beside her, closed and pushed out of reach. She was lying on her side the bed, curled up with her knees to her chest. She couldn't read any more. There were only a few pages left, and they were the ones that had been torn out. She'd never see them. Her hair was splayed out behind her, the result of tossing and turning uncomfortably. She let out a sigh. There were so many emotions and possibilities and options running through her head, she had developed a migraine trying to keep them all straight.

A sound echoed through the halls. At first it was barely audible, but it sounded like a voice. She sat up, straining her ears to listen. It was her name. Someone was calling for her. She crossed the room and opened the door, peering into the hall. No one was there. She heard the voice again, and realized it wasn't echoing through the castle. It was echoing in her head. There was only one person capable of that in this household. She closed the door and started down the hall to Bram's corridor, ending up at the large, dark doors that led to his bedroom. She quietly tapped on the door, waiting for a response.
It took the last of Bram’s strength to get up and greet her at the door. He opened it slowly and stood there with his hair in a bit of a mess and a rather sleepy look was on his face. He had taken off his shirt for the daytime rest, all of his old scars and burns showing clearly. So much for that perfect skin. “I see you got my call,” he groggily said sweeping his hair over his head. “I apologize if I awoke you, but..." But what? He'd called her to his room why? Because he was feeling lonely? Because he wanted to be sure his paranoia was unfounded? All of that could've waited until morning. He was just wasted her precious time to rest for his own sake. He ran his hand over his tired eyes, trying not to look at the light still coming it.

"I just wanted to see you again," he simply admitted. "No point in giving you any other reason. It was just for the company. After all, our last encounter ended so... abruptly that I feel that I should make up for it." He moved aside and welcomed her into his room with a wave of his hand. "Please, come in if you have a few minutes to talk. The light is beginning to get to me." He gently ushered her into his room and left her side to sit on his bed. "I assure you, this conversation won't end as the last did. Please, feel comfortable." His voice rolled comfortably, no harshness in his tone nor any demand in his request to her. It was just him and her now.
((Major Mario, I really would love to get a slave, but im really quite new at this form of rping... :/

as for everyone else who has no master, im willing to choose more than one slave if its ok))

Evangeline continued to look in the various cages, some were near death, others had the blandest of

looks in their eyes, most were beyond saving. She stopped to look at a young man. He had waves of

negativity washing over him. Refreshing considering the lack of fiery emotions with most of the other

candidates. All the others made her cringe and frown from their pain, but this man had an interesting

air to him. His energy was still alive, upset of course and depressed, but alive all the same. Evangeline

walked up to the cage door and tapped on the bars to get his attention. "Hello mister," she said, "You

probably hate vampires with a deep passion by now, you even got a nice bite on your neck, how rude of

them. But may I talk to you all the same? Just a few questions, your personality, what you like, all simple things."
Leon glanced up and glared at the woman behind his bars. Obviously, this was no mere woman he was talking to. Whoever walked freely amongst the shadows in this world was a vampire, or at the very least an unfortunate soul trying to survive. The former was true, as the woman was wearing too nice of clothing to be considered some downtrodden survivor. And her question fell on his ears like claws on a chalkboard. Just who was she to come up and ask him such an odd question right out of the blue? ...Right, a vampire.

"Who's asking?" he growled, not out of hostility but out of skepticism.

He stood up and took a step away from the bars, concerned that the woman would try to have at him if he got too close.
((I have no Master))

Michelle stood behind the bars and banged her head on them.

She HATED this! She was trying to formulate a plan to escape but there was no use in trying.

(( But my charrie is a female ^_^ unless you wanna female slave aswell))
He opened the door surpisingly slowly, like he barely had the energy to do so. When he revealed himself, he looked a mess with his scars and messy hair, but Kiki paid it no mind. He welcomed her in, telling her he was just lonely. It struck her as a little odd that he would request for her to come here at this time of day just to chat, but Kiki walked into the room with him, closing the door to block out the sun that bothered him so much.

He took a seat on his bed and told her to get comfortable. She didn't want to sit on the bed, for politeness sake, so she sat right beside it in a chair that looked just as comfortable as the couch earlier. It was, and she smiled a little at her childish thoughts. So much on her mind, so many feelings to sort through, and she couldn't help but enjoy sitting in a comfortable chair. She would ask Bram what he wanted to see her for, but he'd made it clear that there had been no particular reason for him to call her in. So instead, she said, "You look outright exhausted. Have you been in the sun?"
He smiled a bit at her inquiry. "It's more of less from lack of rest. I haven't found myself properly sleeping in quite a long while. There have been a few things floating around in my head and well, sleep was not something I could obtain. It probably doesn't help that I tried going to you in this time of day. Seems I can only find comfort in your presence," he rambled a bit, losing a bit of strength in his voice. "And even that in the end, drives me mad."

Bram tried to comb out his hair absentmindedly, only to come across several tangled knot. With a huff of sleepy frustration he pulled his hand out and sighed. "But I suppose it was one of my less gentlemanly acts. To call a lady to my quarters and talk about nothing when you should be sleeping. Ah, well... perhaps there's still some conversation left in me. Did you happen to read that little... storybook?"
((I don't mind the gender of your character, and I would love to have multiple so you all have

someone to rp with, as long as its ok to have multiple slaves? :3 ))

Evangeline sighed and sat on the floor, assuming she might be there for a while, but she didn't mind

the grime encrusted floor. "I apologize for my bad manners,
my name is Evangeline Aeternus," she

said. "I understand your hatred for our kind, we haven't been the
nicest, not by a long shot. I am

asking because I want to know how I can help you not lose what little fire you have. Besides,

doesn't the possibility of a real bed and amenities sound appealing? Trusting me won't come easy

probably, if it does at all, but I don't mind. I do have better control than most other vampires

care to have, if that matters significantly to you. You may certainly ask questions of me as well,"

She looked at him, her head slightly cocked to the side, wondering what he would say in response.

Though she wanted to help, she knew that most humans have such a pit in their hearts for

bloodsuckers that she was unsure if he would be mad or happy or just confused. Not to say

the pit was uncalled for, because vampires had done such despicable things.
Of course the young man hated the vampires. He would have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to think otherwise. A vampire never acted out of selflessness, it only thought of itself. Narcissistic to the core, they only thought of others if they needed some entertainment. Whoever this vampiress was- Leon decided to shorten her name to Eva-, she was barking up the wrong tree. Sure he wanted a good bed and some healthy food without the fear of bloodloss looming over him, but even with those amenities in his life again, the new cruel world was sure to take them away in a heartbeat. He narrowed his eyes.

"What are you playing at?" Leon said. "Are you just trying to put a smile on my face before you tear it off? I don't believe most, if any, of what you've said. So here's a question for you: what do you really want?"
Eva cringed at his energy's sudden darkness and looked down. She assumed this reaction would happen,

but it still got to her. She sighed, put on a smile and looked up at him again. "More books actually," she

said with grin, "It is always nice to have more to read about, more to learn. My home has a large collection

of books, it is always a good way to get away from the way the world is right now. Besides that, I only

want what I need usually. Which is, unfortunately, blood. But, I manage that with the least pain and damage

possible." Eva did not like to answer in such a way, and frowned when she started talking about the blood.

Changing topics to his other question, she asked, "Why would I want to tear your face off? I want to save

whomever I can. If you wish however, you could be left here, and probably die from some cruel vampire.

Either that or die from dehydration and malnutrition." She frowned again and looked deeply upset, she had

seen too many cases of vampires being unnecessarily cruel and malevolent towards humans.
(( Masters can have heaps of slaves ^_^ ))

(( Beware though, im not very good at Paragraphs, but ill try my best))

Michelle sat down on the cold floor with her head on the bars, she was listening in on a femal Vampire's Conversation with a Male Slave. Why not? Its not like she had anything better to do.
A vampire who enjoyed to read? Someone who appreciated the arts? Granted, Leon was not a large nut when it came to the arts, but he enjoyed old music and a good book when he could get them. He could respect the woman's desire to learn and to escape reality. He had to suppress a chuckle when he thought about escaping reality, given that the reality for vampires seemed too good for them to pass it up. Shaking his head, Leon turned away from Eva for a moment.

"So, you're not going to grab me to bleed me dry? You're not even going to berate me? Not even a little bit?"

He spared a small glance at her and furrowed his brow. Her words cut even when she seemed to be the type not to attack with them. She didn't look to be much older than he was, and she was somewhat smaller than he was too. But looks were deceiving, as Leon believed her to be very old, as were many vampires. She had time to come up with convincing stories and offers, but her speech and demeanor were unfitting for her kind. Was she playing a game, or was she genuine? Unsure, Leon decided to call her bluff.

"If you want to save someone, you can always take me, I suppose," he mumbled. "I'm useless if I'm not doing anything with my hands."

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