Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

"Yay, you like it? Great! Ok ok, lets go get you fed. What do you want to eat? Natalie is

waiting there for us. Come on, tell me on the way what you'd like." Sylvia started pulling

Michelle along again, she seemed to always be doing that. Sylvia hadn't had it easy, but

she certainly didn't want to make her new friend sad an depressed, or worried for that

matter. Her sister needed to keep quiet. Sylvia really hoped this one would live. That

Cyprian wouldn't snap again.
"Stale bread and water? You're funny," she laughed as they got into the kitchen.

A large, top chef quality room, from the darker marble on the floor, to the custom

ceramic counter top, to the appliances. "She wants steak, medium rare, hmmm, New

York style," she said to her sister who was sitting on the island. Her sister nodded

and brought in another slave, this one a male with darker hair but light blue eyes and

an apron on, who got started right away on the already marinated steak. "The smell

should hit you soon," Natalie said, grinning slightly.
"Oh good," Sylvia and Natalie said in unison, laughing. The steak had started to cook

for a few minutes when Cy walks up behind Michelle without a sound, and says "Oh

so the new girl gets steak? It smells good, as good as cooking animal blood can smell

at any rate." Sylvia and Natalie both went back to their robot like attitude the moment

they saw him walk in.
Cy grinned big and chuckled at her being startled. He just loved doing that to people,

it never got old. "Why would I warn you? That would take all the fun out of it now

wouldn't it?" He spoke, almost in a chastising voice. "So, that dress, it fits you well.

Ah, but I see that Sylvia neglected to do a thing with your hair. It could get all tangled

like this. Sylvia? How did such a glaring detail skip your mind?" He glared at her like a

one would a dog who just destroyed something.

Sylvia was shaking slightly, trying to stand still, clearly afraid, "I don't know what happened

master, it will not happen again, I swear it." She looked down at her feet. Cy sighed dramatically,

"Well, what do you think I should do to fix this egregious error? Hmm Michelle?" He turned toward

Michelle and ran a finger through her still dampened hair, and made a disgusted noise.
Cy struck Michelle across the face, making her reel backwards. "Fine, you pay for the

error, fine by me. And, As for dying in a hole, been there, done that. Came back as a

vampire," he practically spat the words at her. He was mad, but didn't take it out on

her harshly, he didn't want to. But, he still yelled at Sylvia, "Sylvia, fix her hair Now!

And you should hope that you don't make another error like that." After that he left,

muttering about impudence.
Michelle smirked as she rubbed her cheek.

She tried to stiffen a laugh.

"His face..... Priceless!" She said, lttle giggles coming out here and there before she burst out laughing.
Sylvia looked at her, shocked by what she had just done. She told him off, and now

was laughing. Sure, he looked surprised, but also really really mad. "You are so lucky

he restrained himself so..." she muttered, "Lets go get your hair fixed, food will be a

while anyways." Sylvia moved Michelle out of the kitchen and down the hallway to

the bathroom, a conflicted look on her face.

Cy heard her laughing from the kitchen and twitched a little. She was laughing,

about being slapped? Did he pick a slave who has completely lost it?
"Sorry about The laughing, I know I should be scared or sad. But In My Family, we prefer to laugh instead of Cry."

Michelle simply explained to Sylvia.

"Pluse I laugh because its the best way to forget about My sad past."
"Forget it," Leon mumbled in response to Eva's question about berating.

He hated his situation, but the young man couldn't do much about it. The offer he was given seemed perfect, almost too good to be true. Perhaps it was, and Leon found himself contemplating that. He did not want to trust the vampire in front of him, but her tone of voice, her expressions, her motives... they seemed genuine and harmless. It was most likely a trap. This vampire, this 'Eva' probably wanted to lower his guard before sinking her teeth into his neck. The goodwill she was establishing was all for naught.

But it was too late to refuse. He may as well be dining with his nemesis for the vampire had already paid the nearby guard for him. So, she thought he could help her with menial work? Leon was no slouch. He was keen on helping others out before this mess, and he was accustomed to taking orders. After all, his parents were the de facto leaders of the household, and their word was law. Of course, he slipped up at times and did things his way at times, but the job always got done. The young man took a step back as the bars swung open to reveal the world outside the cell, somewhat apprehensive.

This woman may be the death of him, but then again, she might not. Only time could tell.

"...I can help you with housework and just about anything else," Leon said as he lowered his shoulders to a relaxed, yet agitated posture. "But I am no slave. I am Leon," he said with an air of finality.
"Great!" Eva said happily, "its so nice to meet you Leon" she grabbed him lightly by the wrist, pulling him out of the cage and towards the young girl whose head was stuck in between the bars. "Well hello there silly girl. Got yourself stuck did you? Let me help you with that," Eva said with a giggle as she grabbed the bars and bent them outward to free the girl's head.
Another surprise: the woman was ecstatic that she had purchased a slave. Who had ever heard of a genuinely happy vampire? Leon eased his head away from the woman as she led him around the slave pens to stop at one particular pen. He really did not want to be anywhere near her, but since she essentially owned him and was willing to tend to him, it was a necessary sacrifice. If she put him at unease with her euphoria, he could only imagine how terrible she would be if she was angry or sad. Leon had caught a glare from the woman when another vampire had come in, but it wasn't directed at him... at least, not yet.

Then, another surprise: the vampiress was strong. Retardedly strong. Leon watched as she released his wrist just to bend two bars to free some random girl. Lord knows what would happen if she tried the same trick with his ribs. The young man took a step back and stared in morbid interest, simply awaiting the next bone-crushing grip on his wrist.
(( [MENTION=3215]S-Malone[/MENTION] sorry for the late reply. I'm at college right now, plus it took forever to find your post D: ))

Kiki felt so relaxed as he started talking about her. He was touching her hand, holding it, and it looked like he was amused by how tiny hers were. She was surprised at the number of compliments he'd given her, blushing more with each additional one. She hadn't thought she was all that wonderful, but it was apparent he believed differently. But then he wanted to know how she could stand to be near him. She wasn't sure if his question was rhetorical or if he was really intrigued and wanting to know the answer. She didn't want to sit in silence, so she replied, "I should, shouldn't I? Especially because of when I first came here..." She remembered the look in the girl's eyes as Kiki embraced her and ended her life. The tears and the look of terror were still burned into her mind even months later. She looked at Bram. He really must not have had a heart, to be able to do that on a regular basis. By the way he spoke, his ways of 'getting rid of the talentless ones' sounded much harsher and more painful. Kiki was just happy to never witness it, or experience it firsthand. "But for some reason, I can't hate you. Not even a little. And it's.. It's so confusing to me."

Sylvia shook her head. "That really is sad, but I would be careful if I were you. What

if he heard you or something while you were laughing? I appreciate the help though,

I really do."


Eva saw the step back Leon took out of the corner of her eye, and turned around to

talk to Leon whilst she waited for a reply from the girl behind the now slightly bent

bars. "I did not mean to startle you, or anything like that. I just figured the girl needed

help," Eva had a half smile as she said this, thinking of the fate that was sure to have

come for the girl if she hadn't helped. It would be too tempting for some vampires.

"Ooo, fourteen, it isn't that much younger than me. I bet she is all sorts of fun.

So, sit down in that chair over there and I will fix your hair," Sylvia motioned towards

a chair in front of the mirror. This was a different bathroom, set up more like a

hairdresser's room than a restroom. The mirror was impeccably clean, and the

frame of the mirror was dark wood. The counters a nice light granite color, the

cabinets the same dark wood color as the mirror's frame, and the floors a dark

stained concrete. Sylvia went to the the cabinets of the vanity and grabbed a

big clear plastic box full of hair supplies.
"And you helped her," Leon said slowly to Eva as if he was carefully thinking it over all the while.

To be honest, he was slightly impressed by the vampire's strength and unconditional kindness, but more so out of a sense of morbid foreboding It was just a trick, he kept telling himself. Well, if she kept insisting on doing tricks, one of these days she might just end up with a knife in her heart while in the act. There could only be so much deception that Leon could take. With a small 'hmph' of displeasure, he turned away from the girl in the cell and back to Eva.

"Can we go?" he asked impatiently, although it had reason given his current status, predicament, and location.

Sylvia giggled and brought a brush, hairdryer, and a few hair-ties over and started

working on Michelle's hair. After drying it and brushing all the knots out, she just

did two simple pigtails. "There," she said, "super easy. Now, what do you would

you like to do? Food is probably done by now, and you must be hungry."
((@major, I am waiting for Mr.Fancy-Cake to reply, aka Mitzi the girl with her head

previously in the bars. But I suppose I can go back later for her.))

Eva looked back at the girl in the cage, then turned back to Leon, "Ok, fine, lets go."

She walked out of the slave house, motioning for him to follow. "My house is somewhat

opulent, but it fits my library, so im satisfied. It is right by the coast, on a fairly large

cliff. I adore the oceanic smell, and the breeze is amazing." She was beaming by this

point, thinking of her house, wondering if Leon enjoys a good novella.


"Great, lets eat. And hopefully with no slapping intrusions this time," Sylvia said jokingly.

She was truely worried that Cy would be unsatisfied with something else that wasn't

perfect, but she was more worried for Michelle. What would Cy do to test Michelle's

worth as a slave?

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