Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp


"The arts are important, plus, I need entertainment. If all my entertainment was

violent, I would run out quickly. And this way slaves stay happier, they get more

work done that way. Be happy though, you have a lot more freedom than some

slaves do." He said whilst walking away. He shut the door behind him and breathed

a sigh of relief. She did have a pretty voice, but music spoke to him way too much.

So it was true. The vampiress was not some ditz with money, she was an ancient abomination with strong ties to those in the past. She had seen plenty of things and had taken much out of life to her liking. Leon was now dealing with a very sophisticated, intelligent, and worldly vampire, and that frightened him to some extent. Perhaps the woman knew every single trick in the deception book, or perhaps she was some sort of omnipotent figure that all the vampires rallied to. But the latter made little sense given the male vampire's reaction to her presence. He looked at her like she was a rival, or something less than he was.

Leon's jaw dropped when he saw the home the vampire owned. It was creepy, foreboding, well-placed, secluded, and beautiful. He would have to be careful when moving around in there... who knows how many traps or dead-ends were contained within the walls of that mansion? After playing survival horror games, Leon knew not to wander off without some sort of protection, and this odd mansion seemed to beg him to explore, should he get inside. He turned back to Eva and frowned.

"Vampire immortality..." he muttered under his breath.
Mitzi's bones were sore and her eyelids felt like stones. She kicked her legs back, shimmied down till her stomach was still on the cold bloody floor. Her chin holding her head up, she looked at the empty cell across from her. She had watched the vampire take the girl away. Michelle.

The rest of the slave house was empty. Many vampires had come, and skipped over her to pick another slave. She hadn't mind, Mitzi had a talent, she could make anywhere anything she wanted. She closed her eyes and daydreamed. The ceiling turned into blue gray skies and Mitzi stood in the middle of a snowy field, with tiny little snowflake angels danced to the ground and laid on her hand. She grinned. Mitzi had always loved the snow.

A booming laugh from one of the guards woke her up, and she was back in with her body stuck in the cell, and her head stuck in the corridor. Sleepily giggling, she continued to stare at the empty cell across from her, going back into her dream world.

The household slept as the sun rose into the sky, the sun's harmful rays blocked by both the special glass and the draperies. Once the sun went down, Natalie came to Michelle's door and knocked softly. "Are you up?"


Leon frowned at her, what had she done that was disagreeable? She heard his quiet disatisfaction at her age, "You know, it is not my fault, vampirisim is something that most do not choose. I am no different. What people do choose, is what to do with their time. Most have chosen to be deplorable things, to go back on who once was their neighbors." She walked up the road to her house at a brisker pace than before, a little irritated.
Bram rubbed his thumb on the inside of her wrist, occasionally catch her pulse. “It’s something I’ve come to expect from most of my slaves. The hatred they have for me is nature. I was a part of the war that brought your race down and my cruelty is known by many people. I’d make my slaves kill their siblings and friends to desensitize them, and I have cut the throats of rebel leaders if they didn’t talk and if chance was given… I’ve slaughtered entire families in one hit. All in the name of becoming the top of this pathetic little world,” he said, his grip on her hand growing tighter. “There are plenty of reasons for you to hate me, Miss Kiki. For what I have done to humanity, for what I have done to you… yet you say you can’t.” His hand released hers and traveled up her back, careful of all the warm, stilling healing cuts. “What, pray tell, do you feel for me?”

"Good. We need to get you fed and then get you to work,"

Natalie said, opening Michelle's door quietly. "I brought

you that red and black dress from before. Go behind the

screen and put it on please."
A guard walked up to her and placed the food on the floor...right out of her reach. She looked up as far as she could, pleading with her eyes for him to nudge it just a little closer.

"Look at you!" The gaurd laughed, he was the one who woke her up, "Stuck between the bars...Idiots like you don't deserve to eat." With that he left the food and walked away. Maybe the smell would keep her filled.
(( [MENTION=3215]S-Malone[/MENTION] if I can help it, I'm going to start posting in a different color, so it will make finding my posts easier for you. If I can't make it a color - like if I'm on mobile - I'll tag you so that you can go right to it.))

Kiki listened as he spoke. It sounded terrible. He made families kill one another off just for the heck of it. Took down most of the human race and enslaved the rest. Killed off anyone who spoke out against the Vampires. He was part of the war, apparently a huge part of it. The humans were miserable or slaughtered or taken captive at his hand. The thought of it made her sick. How anyone could be so emotionless...

But yet somehow she could only look forward. All she could do is forgive him. People could change, right? Surely his nature could sway, he could become a less violent being. Couldn't he? Just having Kiki around seemed to soothe his nerves somewhat. So if she stayed, if she helped him.... She looked up when he inquired about her feelings toward him. She had to think of how to say it. She was in love, but surely people didn't simply say something like that? He might think of her as a fool. Laugh at her and say that she was being an idiot for saying such things. But the three words found their way up her throat and out of her mouth, and she'd said them before she had a chance to make up something else.

“I love you.” If his heart still beat it surely would have stopped. If blood could still rush to his cheeks, they’d be a cherry red. Love? Was it really love she felt for him? He admitted his acts of cruelty and insanity to her, a confession he rarely made with emotion. He cared little for the lives lost to his hands. He cared little for many things with the exception of material possessions and order in his home. But love? He never loved his own mother, the wicked witch. But this was Kiki. Her sweet little voice saying those three words made his stomach flip and his thoughts go crazy. He couldn’t hear the voice telling him to kill, the one to be kind, or the one to be logical. He could only hear her voice ringing in his head.

He sat up right and pulled her closer to him, his embrace gentler than ever before. His cool hands touched her cheeks and he looked right into her eyes with an earnest, loving stare. His lips came closer to hers, barely brushing. “And I love you,” he whispered warmly, throwing out all paranoia and reserve with a voice ready to break. Closing the gap between the two he kissed her, his hand finding hers once more and clutching it tightly.

((good plan right there!))

"What one does with their time... Well, Eva," Leon said with some air of distaste, "you've had quite a lot of time. Who knows just what you've done with it..."

Every human being and every creature that looked like a human being had the same capacity for evil in their hearts. Evil took on many forms, but yet, it was all the same. If this woman was able to live this long with her immortality, just what exactly had she done with it? Granted, Leon had never heard of any other Eva in his life. The only one he did know about was Eva Braun, the wife of Adolf Hilter, but only for 40 hours. Coincidence? Probably...
Kiki waited for his response, and finally the one she was hoping for came out. Then they were kissing, his hands finding hers and her cheeks rosy from blushing so much. She kissed back, sad to find that she was so short of breath. Her heart raced, but she paid it no mind. She didn't want it to end. So he felt the same, he didn't think that she was an idiot for feeling that way after all. She smiled under the kiss at the thought.
Her heart throbbed close to him and her body's heat was searing oh so good against his own icy skin. He could taste sweetness on her lips, a flavor long lost to him. She seemed so frail against him that he feared crushing her if he held too tightly. There was no hesitation, no fear of her going back on her confession of love; there was only her and him. His sharpened canids grazed her bottom lip, careful not to cut her. No, he wouldn't sup from her anymore. He wouldn't take from her, not like... not like...

There was a sound that caught his muddled attention. It was a rapid sound, close on his land. Was it the thunder of hooves? He pulled away and perked his head up, listening even closer with his hyperactive hearing. Yes it was the sound of a horse, the steps carefully managed by a rider. "Someone is on my property," he whispered in a low growl. A human was coming closer to his land; he could feel it. He checked the grandfather clock and found that the sun wouldn't set for another few hours. If this person was a hunter, there was enough light out to keep Bram weak and be attacked. Was he in peril? Was it a hunter coming to get into his home? He then turned to Kiki and his expression softened once again. He wasn't in danger just yet. His home was impenetrable, and the only slave who could let anyone in is sitting right next to him. He breathed a sigh and shook his head. "It is nothing," he assured her. "Come, we must rest for a while." He laid back in his bed and in a moment of hesitation, lifted the blanket and offered the spot next to him to her.
Kiki pulled away at the sound of someone outside. There was a horse running on Bram's property, and someone riding it no doubt. It couldn't be a Vampire since the sun was out, and that left only a human as a possible intruder. She was uneasy about it, especially since she knew about the other slaves' plan to try to make a run for it. Could this be part of their plan? Maybe it was starting already. Luckily all of the other slaves were locked away for the day, other than Joanna who wouldn't let this intruder in willingly. But if whoever it was managed to get by her, he or she would be able to attack Bram in his weakened state.

Bram seemed very calm about the whole thing, lying back and offering Kiki the spot next to him. She couldn't relax knowing that someone might be coming to initiate the slaves' escape plans. She didn't care that the slaves were getting away, she was just afraid that they might retaliate against their Master in the process. "Sh-should I go look?" She asked. She would simply cross to the window to see who was outside. If she knew ot wasn't a threat, she could rest peacefully.

Eva was irritated at Leon, his energy filled her with his annoyed feeling. She sighed heavily and turned back towards him, a slightly strained smile on her face. "Come on, let's meet the family" she said when they were at the large wooden door with a stain glass design in it. The design was of a phoenix and the door looked old.
He frowned a little, looking back to the window. The sound of the horse already slowed to a canter, but still it came closer. It was only one rider, so should he worry about it? But one rider meant there could be more. This one could easily be a scout trying to look for breaks in his home. Or it could be just a single human running away from their master and came across his land without knowing. He especially didn't like the way the sound made Kiki's expression turn worrisome. Was she scared for him?

He thought on it for a moment then nodded. "If it will make you feel at ease, then go right ahead," he replied to her. "Be careful of how much light you let in however." Not that she would tried to set the sun upon him, but still... He waited for her to cross the window, slightly curious of who she would find outside.

Kiki crossed quickly to the window, curious to see who was at their gates. She stood to the side of the curtains, careful not to let a lot of light in as she lifted the side of the curtain away and peered down at the rider. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she turned to Bram. "There's only one person out here, but I can't tell who it is, or even the gender..." She watched to see what the figure was going to do. As of now they had only dismounted their horse. "Whoever it is has hidden themselves with a cloak." The figure crossed over the front of the yard, towards the castle doors. Kiki's red eyes followed the hooded person. "They seem to be looking for something, but whoever it is isn't coming to the door."
The figure had stepped closer to the front door, dragging a hand over it slowly. Still they didn't try pushing the door open and walked away from it. They patted along the stone wall and looked up at the windows on high. The figure saw Kiki at the window and they almost seemed to smile. The person gave her a wave before walking away from the castle doors and towards the stables. They entered inside and for a good while, they didn't come out. After a few minutes, they finally exited, one satchel less on their backs. Walking up to their horse, the cloaked person turned their head back up to Kiki. With a smirk, they blew a kiss her way and mounted their horse. As quickly as they had came, the figure rode the horse out of the property straight into the black woods. Bram's sensitive ears picked up little when the person had left their horse, but rose a brow when they got back on and fled the scene. "Well? What were they doing, Kiki? Could you tell?" he asked her quietly.
The phoenix... Supposedly, the phoenix was a bird of legend. With fiery feathers the heat of the sun itself and a plume as deadly as... well the sun, it was a marvelous and awesome bird. It could also live forever, provided it went through reincarnation. But that was just myth and legend. Leon ignored Eva's sigh of disappointment and looked to the door.

'I'm the victim here, not her, so what is she getting all riled up about? My behavior?' Leon pursed his lips in thought before shaking his head. 'Well, tough. If she hasn't noticed, I'm not at liberty to dance about in a song." He turned to Eva and asked, ​"Family?"
Kiki watched intently, confused. "I'm not sure... They smiled, and then walked into the stables. They must have left something there, because when they came back, the satchel they were carrying was gone..." She closed the curtain, her eyes finding it difficult to adjust to the sudden darkness. She rubbed them a little. "Then they just rode back into the woods..." She looked at Bram, utterly confused. "I wonder what was in the satchel..."
Bram frowned at the prospect of something hidden in the stables. Did someone manage to pull together materials to make a bomb? No, it couldn't be; most of that kind of warfare knowledge was lost in that time. Maybe it was some slaves mother leaving them a care package. He'd have to see it disposed of in that case. Either way, he couldn't go and inspect it now with the sun out, and he certainly wasn't going to send his beloved songbird out there to look either. "I see," he said quietly. "Nothing to do about it now. I'll send that boy who works the stables to retrieve it for me when the night comes. Whatever is, we can't worry about it now."

He held his hand out to her, beckoning her to come to him. "You seem so tired, my dear. Come and rest with me. I promise that I have no intention to be ungentlemanly to you." He smiled a little at her to show that his promise was real.

(( [MENTION=3215]S-Malone[/MENTION] ))

Kiki turned to Bram. He seemed only slightly concerned. Must be nice to be a Vampire and never have the emotions to worry about anything. He called her over and she finally obliged after closing the curtains to shut out the daylight. She walked over to where he was lying down, sitting on the empty side of the bed and pulling her bare feet up onto the bed. Shifting a little she settled down beside him, surprised to find that there WAS a bed in this world plusher, softer, and more comfortable than the one she'd been sleeping in.

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