Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

Bram waited for her to leave before rolling his eyes. "Silly woman," he mutters before turning back to the other girl. She was simply glaring at him, her playing stopped and the violin clutched in her good hand. "What are you looking at, slave? Go on, keep playing for me, 'less you want another beating."


Bram thought for a minute he had gone mad. He swiveled his head and looked at her. "...What? What did you say to me, you pathetic speck of life?" he said in a low nasty growl.

"I won't play for you!" she yelled at him. "That girl is right! Why did you have hurt me so badly?! You could have said no, you have the upper hand over me!" She threw the instrument on the ground and continued screaming. "I won't play for you, I won't play for anyone! Not ever, ever. EVER!" She was breathing hard to to catch up with the pain and adrenaline running through her system.

Bram simply stood there with a calm expression and hands behind him. The violin was broken at his feet and the girl was still panting. "...Are you quite finished?" he asked her quietly. She blinked a few times in confusion and was ready to answer him. But when she opened her mouth, he grabbed her forearm and with a quick twist of his wrist, he broke her arm. Bram then roughly dropped her to the ground, her screaming coming in gasps. "Now you can never play," he said as she cradled her arm. "You'll return to your master and be his problem, not mine. Consider yourself lucky... I usually throw useless pieces of trash like you out the window."

He left her in a crumbled pile and left the room. The other slaves around looked up at him in shock and fear and when he had circled the corner, they rushed in the room to help the girl.
'You've lost your touch, Bram,' the voice in his head calmly said. 'She deserved far worse than what you gave. Are you really going to let her live after that tirade?'

"It's not worth my time," he said almost tiredly. He looked out the window and down to the fields. He was briefly reminded of the person that traversed his property and what they had left in his stables. He frowned slightly, realizing he never did find out what was there. But did he care? He was more rattled by how Kiki's words made the girl revolt against him. Perhaps... he would have to rethink favoring her like he had been...
Kiki sat up when she heard more screaming coming from the music room. She let out a sigh. "I guess that's the last time I'll see that poor girl." She said. "He's probably killing her off right now..." She grumbled, standing up and pacing. How could he favor her so much, but feel like the rest of her race was nothing more than vermin? She started playing with a long strand of her pink hair, running it through her fingers to feel comforted.

"I need air.." She said. The slaves' plan, Bram's actions against the girl earlier, and his affections for her were all weighing heavily on her mind. Walking over to the door, she pulled it open and started down the hallway. She just needed to be away from everyone right now. Making sure no one was around, she walked out the front door and circled around to the gardens, finding an empty grassy area where she laid on her back. The sun felt abnormally hot, but then again this was really only her second time in it, the first time being the evening when she worked in the stables. Luckily the sun had just peeked over the horizon, showing it was very, very early in the morning. Everyone in the castle would be calming down for bed soon.

And then she remembered the escape plan. Groaning, Kiki rolled over on her stomach and started taking out her upset feelings on the innocent blades of grass that surrounded her.
((@Kindra - Apologies for my inactivity. I am not stationed at a computer 24/7 anymore, at least not until Monday.))

Leon's breath hitched. These people, these fellow humans have been in servitude for quite some time, and yet, they were not clamoring to escape. In fact, they seemed almost happy. Well, almost all of them did. The young man looked over at the shy girl and stared at her.

She was the only one in the group who genuinely looked like she did not want to be here. Leon could tell by the way she looked that she was not like the others; an anomoly among commoners. The way she avoided eye-contact was reminiscent of an abused dog and the way it would cringe and cower away from a hand. Was this that vampire's work?

Suddenly, Leon realized everyone was looking at him quizically. Of course, they wanted him to participate with an answer of his own.

"I just got here," he growled, keeping it short and to the point.

He hoped others would get the message.
Little did Kiki know, there was another stranger in the garden, watching her from an apple tree. They tossed one of the fruits in various places, doing quiet tricks as they watched they tired, confused girl roll about. Poor thing. Probably couldn’t keep a single thought straight with all the ones buzzing in her head. The stranger looked over to the sun wary of its slow rising. There wasn’t much time left. Still, there was at least enough time to admire it.

“Beautiful sunrise we will have this morning, yes?” the stranger suddenly spoke with a smooth male voice. His face was still covered as he looked down to Kiki. Amidst the black there was still as white smile on his face. He took the fresh apple and tossed it next to her on the grass. “But rarely do slaves get to be outside to witness them anymore. Who let you out of your golden cage, little bird?” The strangest then flipped backward, hung off the tree by his knees, vaulted and landed on the ground with a soft whoosh.
Shooting up upon hearing the voice, Kiki looked up into the tree. The small girl pulled herself up to a sitting position. How long had that person been sitting up there, just watching her? "I let myself out." She said, trying to see the person's face under their hood. She failed in that attempt, watching as the figure then dropped out of the tree. "Who are you?" She still couldn't see their face in the dim light, but she wouldn't know the person either way. She only knew a few males and they were all either inside the castle or miles away still nursing wounds that were ultimately Kiki's fault. Still, she was suspicious of this person. Was it the same one that was here earlier? And if so, did he always just hang out around the castle grounds like this ?
((@major, its totally fine :3))

"We know, remember what Eva said over the intercom? Well, anyways, we are introduced, and

now, I am going to go to the library. Come on Rocky," Jillian grabbed onto Rocky and pulled him

with her out of the room. Kiki and Mike spoke in unison, "Yeah, we have stuff to do too. Sowwy

Leon. She can help you though. We don't talk to her much, but she has been here so long, she

knows her way around. Let's go Mike." They left, leaving just Leon and the shy girl in the room.

She looked a little scared of his stare at her, but she spoke, "Umm... hi," She looked down at her

feet, "I suppose you want to know my name. Its Lamiae... Come up with whatever nickname you

like, I hate that name anyways..." She looked back up at him, a long stand of black hair in her

face. Her eyes, a reddish color, met his and she looked worried. She wondered if he would react

like all the others, shunning her.
Who am I?” he asks her with a playful tone. “That is a good question. You have no idea who I am. Shall I paint myself as a cocky man, a hero in your eyes who seeks to rescue the lady fair from the beast in the castle? Or perhaps disguise myself as a villainous man who makes deals with the devil and tricks girls in hopes of rescue? Ah but both truths would be lies.” He pulled back his cloak and revealed a mess of long wavy dark hair, a deep tan, slightly scared face and eyes as bright blue as the skies.

“Let us start with my name, yes? My name is Armando Aldaberto Ibanez. But there is no need for proper terms here, little bird. Just call me Armando,” he said kneeling down to her and lifting her hand to lay a soft kiss. “And taking an educated guess, you are that pretty little thing I saw in the window yesterday, yes?”
Leon felt nothing but pity for the poor girl in front of him. Sure, he wanted to sympathize with her, but he wasn't entirely in her shoes at the moment, and he never wanted to be. He was in the same boat as her now, but not in the same cabin. His gaze was somewhat intimidating, but not threatening in the slightest. With a small sigh, he eased his expression and allowed himself a small upturn of his lips. No, the girl looked like she would break if someone did as little as send a nasty look her way...

"Lamaie, eh?" Leon said with a bit of a chuckle. "I was wondering what your name was. It's not a bad one in my opinion. Just... different." Frowning, he asked, "Are you... alright?"
Lamiae smiled slightly, at his small smile, "I am ok, depending on what your definition of it is." She relaxed a little.

"That name has given me nothing but trouble..." Her small smile turned into a half smile, "She really is sweet as

vampires go. They aren't all bad. You will probably like her eventually. Time is cruel to people, vampires included.

You know at least sort of how old she is? Imagine the years, and the trouble she has been through..." Lamiae

looked down at her hands, twiddling her thumbs, she was talking so much and was visibly nervous that she

might say something wrong and upset Leon.
'She' was probably Eva, that conniving vampire with the pseudo-bleeding heart. Leon was compelled to scowl and turn away, but Lamiae was right. Eva had been through so much in her long life that any lesser creature would probably have gone insane. It took a lot of determination to get through all those years, but then again, did they work in the vampire's favor? Has her time deadened her of normal emotions and thinking, only to put on sympathetic masks to fool people? Leon was not sure, and he half-turned away from the girl to muse.

"I can imagine, yeah." He turned back to Lamiae and frowned. "What about you? If she's what you say she is, why do you look so downtrodden?"
Lamiae looked to the side, avoiding eye contact, and played with the sleeve of her dress. "Past. I have

been with her for a long while, but years are long, and they haven't always been so kind. I had a hard

life before her. She accepts me, but I still hate who I am. I don't see what my part to play is..." Lamiae

sighed, "She used to have a temper, and wasn't as kind, but, over the years she has changed for the

better. She usually calls me Mia. She has been nice for over a hundred years though. She only has a

few pet peeves now that make her show the darker side. She hates it though, she hates what she is

and what she has done in the past." Mia walked closer to Leon and grabbed his hand, looking in his

eyes, "Don't hate her for mistakes she has made, or because she isn't like you. Please don't... I can't

stand people who are afraid of differences..." She let go of his hand and backed up a little, looking

surprised at what she had just done, "I'm so sorry... that was uncalled for."
"That was you, then?" She asked. "So, are you the one who came up with this whole thing? The one leaving the notes?" She was still suspicious even though he seemed to be telling the truth so far. She just hoped that his intentions were good and that he wasn't intending to harm any of the other slaves once they had escaped from Bram. And how had she acquired the name "Little Bird"? Oh, that was beside the point. "So what are you doing here?" She repeated, hoping to get a real answer this time.
"Me, the mastermind of this whole idea? Oh no, no, my dear," Armando said with the wave of his hand. "I am simply the deliverer of messages and the carrier of tools. I do what I am told, nothing more. All to help the good of what's left of mankind, yes?" He then sat on the grass next to her, picked up the apple and resume to play with it. "As for why I am here, it is my job to scope out a next hit. Make sure my package was delivered, that the master is none the wiser; I have ears all over this building that you or your blood sucking master know about. It is all preparation, little bird." He spins the apple on a finger, tosses it in the air and catches it with the top of his head. "Not to mention to speak with you, seeing that you are out and about without your master hovering over you. I assume you are the one to bait and distract, hmm?" He removes the apple and sets it down on the ground. "Oh, but I am so sorry, where are my manners?! I talk and talk and don't even stop to ask your name."
Leon flexed his hand for a moment before shaking his head. So, this Eva vampire was just like the others, but something had changed her in recent years. What was it? And more importantly, why should he care? If she hated who she was, why didn't she just off herself when she had the chance? It didn't matter how nice she seemed or what she had done so far. She was a vampire, end of story. However, the girl in front of Leon seemed hellbent on making him reread the story.

"...What are you saying... Are you saying I should give that... that vampire a chance?" Leon growled.
Lamiae mumbled and shrunk down, "Yes... not because she is some amazing person or anything,

but because you don't know her yet, and she has been nice so far right? Besides, mistakes that

she has made, with such a long life, it is impossible to not make bad decisions. She isn't perfect,

but she tries. A lot more than most vampires would care to." Mia felt like she said something stupid,

assuming that he would give Eva a chance. She look up at Leon again, a pleading look in her eyes.

In the back of her mind she thought of how red her eyes are, and worried he would dislike that

feature of her, plus wonder why her eyes were so odd.
Mitzi was now in the middle of a beautiful sea in a large boat. The wind danced through her silky shiny black hair and specks of water patted her perfect fair skin. She closed her eyes and listened to the gentle waves rubbing against the wooden hull. It was perfect.

"Here. She's the last one."

Mitzi's eyes shot open. Who was that? Mitzi had thought she was alone.

"Hello?" she called out, her voice musical and pure, "Anybody there?" Suddenly, something wet and sticky was thrown at her face and Mitzi was dragged back into reality.

A man was standing at the bars, looking down at her with gleaming devilish red eyes. He was tall and handsome, yet Mitzi could practically see the word DISAPPROVAL scrawled across his face. "You could at least show me someone in which it doesn't pain me to look at," he shot at the guard, "I'll just go slaveless till the new round comes in." with that, he stomped off. The guard followed him eagerly, before shooting Mitzi a deadly stare. Mitzi wiped the mush off her face and shrugged. She could stay here forever, just dreaming till the world ends.
Leon sighed and shook his head out of defeat.

"...Fine. I'll give her a chance. But if I end up in a-"

Suddenly, the young man noticed something about the girl. He was not too keen on making eye contact, and thus did not catch the redness of her eyes, but he had finally managed to catch her words.

"Wait a minute... How do you know that this vampire wasn't as kind as she is now? And what do you mean when you say you've been with her for a long time?"
((@Mr.Fancy-Cake Here ya go.))

Eva decided to go get the other slave, the one whose head had gotten stuck in the bars.

She hoped that Leon was acclimating well, but she had to not worry about that and save

another human. Perhaps she was just trying to make up for past things, or for her kind's

mistakes. She took the car this time, wanting to hurry, she didn't know if the girl would still

be there. Sure enough, once she stepped inside the abhorrent place, she saw the young girl

and another vampire, clearly dissatisfied with her. The vampire man stormed off towards the

door which Eva had just walked in. He gave Eva an eye roll, and glared at her, he spoke in a

snooty tone, "Well, there is only one left, and she is not worth a vampire's time. I don't even

think she would be worth a bite." In response Eva stared him in the eyes, she let her eyes and

voice show her age, "I disapprove of your blatant impudence. I would prefer if you leave. NOW."

The dark energy of her assertive tone practically shook the room. Even normal humans should

have been able to feel the energy of it, let alone other vampires. The guard backed up, and

the vampire who had talked down about the girl looked terrified, and flashed out of the room

using super-speed. Eva looked toward the girl, the deadly look still in her eyes and started

talking to her, "Hey there, are you doing alright? I don't know if you remember me or not,

but I was just here a short while ago, getting the one named Leon." She shook off the

deadly look and apologized, "you saw that all.. didn't you... I am sorry. That is a side

of me I dislike."

(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

Mia looked terrified, and a little shaky, "It means nothing... I have been with her from the time I was 13,

to the present... you noticed my eyes I guess?" She played with the hem of her dress nervously, "I guess

you're going to hate me now, huh...? All the others do, so it wouldn't be anything new... They don't even

know me. They just think I am some freak. An abomination. I am not supposed to say anything about it,

but they all assume things, guess wrong..." Mia looked on the verge of tears, she hated this being treated

as less than an animal. She inhaled shakily, she wasn't supposed to say anything, but maybe Leon would

be kind to her, "I am not a vampire. But not human either... a mutt... Don't worry... I am not well liked,

vampires and humans hate me. Demis are rare." Mia looked defeated after she was done talking, a tears

rolled down her face, she was so worried.
((Oh, thank you! :D ))

Mitzi looked at the vampiress in the eyes and tilted her head. How had she changed so quickly? The vibrations of her anger rattled the bars and her empty plate, her eyes were screaming rage, but now she was as kind as she could be. How was that? Or was she just luring her in...?

Mitzi nodded to the girl, she seemed sorry enough. Mitzi crawled up to the bars and grinned.

"It's okay," Mitzi said, her voice was barely even there, the opposite of what it was in her dream.

"Do you wish for me to acquire a drink for you? Your poor voice is hardly there." Eva called a the

guard over and got a glass of clean, cold, water for the girl. Handing it to her, "Here you go. I

really do apologize for you seeing that.... how much of it did you see?" Eva looked a little worried.

The girl's energy didn't seem upset or scared, but who knows. "I wish to take you away from here

if you'd like. My gothic mansion is roomy and yet cozy."
"Kiki," She replied. "And yeah, I guess that's me, although I'm not quite sure as to why I was the one elected for the job..." She pulled her knees up and rested her head on them. So he was just a minion, huh? She could maybe still find out some information from him about who exactly formulated this whole plan. Apparently there were quite a few humans out there, and more and more were being rescued all the time. They must have been doing this for awhile now. She continued absentmindedly pulling grass from the ground. Would she really, truly be better off just running away with everyone else, living amongst other humans? But she was in love with the person she called Master, and couldn't even begin to think about being away from him. It wouldn't feel right.
Armando seemed to chuckle a little as patted her back. "You are nervous, yes? It is okay. You have been here long enough to be conditioned to 'love' the home you are in. It is all you have when they control the world. But they order when you drink, when you eat, when you sleep. A lavished prison, I once heard someone call it. Or was it something Stockholm... Ah, but I am rambling," he sighed as she kept pulling up grass. "But that vampire, the one in this house is a particular evil though. He does not know what love is. Even in human life, I hear, he knew only of desired perfection, not love. I've heard stories of how he disfigures for an unattainable. He tortures his slaves slowly, mentally and physically. Then -POOF- gone they are when he can't teach or he get's bored."

He then stands up and stretches his arms with a crack of his neck. "It is a heavy burden you have, my dear, one that had to be held before. I can understand if you feel scared." Armando pat her head softly and smiled. "But you have read our plan again and again and you know what to do, yes? We've been waiting for this chance a long while. You volunteering has vaulted the rescuing of the slaves is a tremendous help."
"What, so, everyone hates you for something completely out of your hands?" Leon replied. "Mia, so what if you're a 'mutt'? It's not like you chose to be one."

With a small smile, Leon reached forward and put his hands on the girl's shoulders. He wasn't a touchy-feely type, but there were times when words couldn't do everything for a person. A gentle touch was all it took to keep someone placated and calm, that he learned whilst in college. He squeezed Mia's shoulders gently and waited until she looked up at him again.

"And besides, I don't hate you. You've given me no good reason to."
Kiki plucked another blade of grass. Of course she was nervous. The slaves were counting on her to kill Bram so that they could escape, with or without her. The last time this happened, the 'bait' died. Kiki still didn't know anything about Josephine's death. Had Bram killed her for attacking him? Or had she died some other way? Either way, the plan had failed before and Kiki had a hunch it would fail again. Nothing had been changed from the last time. Bram was still attracted to the bait, the bait still had the same arsenal of weapons as the first go, and the slaves were still just as hellbent on getting away, even when it meant putting Kiki in danger. "I didn't volunteer, you know." She added. "I was pretty much thrown into this by a majority vote of a whole two people." She looked out where the sun was slowly making it's way over the horizon. It was almost time for her to do the deed. Did Bram really love her as he claimed? But he'd never change his ways for her, she could see that. He'd never stop hurting his other slaves, killing them when he finally deemed them unteachable. They deserved to escape to whatever fate they ran to.
Mitzi took a sip. it felt nice, trickling down her throat like that, like rain to a desert. She laughed, a big hearty laugh, and jugged the whole glass down. She missed water like this.

"All..," Mitzi said wiping excess water from her lips, "of it." Setting the glass down she smiled again, trying to make it as comforting as possible, which wasn't her best suit, "But it's okay." Mitzi thought about how it would be, living in a house again, probably bigger than the one she used to live in. With all the other slaves who would love o be friends with her! Everyone would be happy!

But what is all the rumors are true? All the vampires are mean and horrible. She would bea Mitzi, hurt her, and all the slaves would be too scared to talk to her an Mitzi will be all alone and...

"I'd like to go with you," Mitzi said, followed by a wry smile.

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