Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

Mia squeaked a little in surprise, she was looking down as usual when the door opened.

She looked at him, the top of his chest at about eye level to her. "Oh... I, I am fine,"

she said, looking at Leon's eyes, a wide eyed expression on her face. She pushed

passed him and laid the towel on a chair in the corner. "I'm just going to go... have

a happy shower..." She turned towards the door and walked towards it, looking down.
"Yeah... thanks."

Leon wanted to stop her and confront her about her little problem, but he figured some time alone would do more than what he could do. Why was it that the girl had left so cheerily only to come back absolutely wretched? It bothered the young man to no end. He watched her leave the room without further intervention.

He turned back to the shower and went back to removing his clothing. When that was finished, he stepped into the shower, turned the water on, then sat in the corner of the stall in the stream. He rested his head against the walls of the stall for a moment, just allowing the water to wash off the dirt, sweat, and grime on its own. There was nothing else more valuable in the world at the moment than a nice shower.
(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

Mia left Leon to shower and hurried to another bathroom to wash off her face. Once

she was satisfied that the tears were gone she moved on to some of her chores. She

went to tend to the greenhouse. After a while in the calming greenhouse, trimming

the roses and such, she looked at a clock. It was around time for Leon to be done.

She hoped she wasn't being too clingy. Mia headed back to the shower room and

listened, the water still seemed to be running, but she could be mistaken. "When

you're done, just dry off and wrap the towel around you. Then we need to

choose a room for you."
Leon spat into the sink and deposited a toothbrush back where it was originally found. He had emerged from the shower a while ago, and, not yet sated, moved to the sink to tend to his teeth. He didn't care that someone may have used the toothbrush before him and that it wasn't very sanitary. It wasn't more 'less sanitary' than having to go without brushing his teeth for a few days. Besides, his breath wasn't up to par anymore.

Wrapping the white towel that Mia provided around his waist, Leon opened the door and looked down at the girl.

"Alright, a room. Lead the way."
(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

The door opened to a toweled Leon and Mia blushed, "Well, the issue is what room?"

Mia said with an awkward smile, "There are large and small ones, fru-fru ones and

more boyish ones, all sorts. Describe the room you'd like?" She hoped there actually

was a room for him, but if he wasn't satisfied, changes could be made. "There are

many rooms here, not all of them overly lavish. My room is a little gothic in style.

Whatever you choose, the closet will have clothes in it for you. I don't know how

she does it, but Eva is very good at that."
(( [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] ))

So many rooms for so few people, unless there were more servants and guests than what Leon was originally shown. Was Eva the type to sleep in a different room every night? No, that was preposterous... Mia's question hung in front of the young man like a carrot on a stick. It was a good one too, to be sure. He didn't want to be too picky in his current situation, but he didn't want to be left with a bad deal.

"I'd like a room with a desk," he said.
(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

"Ooo, a writer are you?" Mia said excited, she loved to read, but could never write

down her thoughts. "Ok, I think I have just the room for you!" She pulled Leon quickly

down the same hallway the bathroom was on down to the end. She stopped, thought

for a moment at the fork, and turned down the left hallway. She came to a door on

the right and opened it. Inside there was a good sized room with a four poster queen

size bed. The walls were painted a dark blue, that, as your eye went up the wall,

faded into a light, almost white, blue. On the wall with the door, there was a long

desk. The desk was an old dark stained wood, a quill pen and a leather notebook

sat on the desk. A lamp was placed next to the items. On the far wall, a large

window opened up to a darkened garden. "Like it? Oh! Look on the bed, Eva

knew I would take you here. I really don't know how she does this." On the

bed laid an outfit for Leon of comfortable dark Levi jeans, a button up shirt,

and a hoodie. On the floor were socks and expensive looking sneakers.
The room was stunning, even more so than the theatre or the entryway was. Perhaps that was attributed to the fact that the room was his, at least for the duration of his stay, which was probably indefinite. He glanced to the desk and fought the urge to smile upon seeing materials for his hobbies. It was a fine room, yes, perfect for collecting his thoughts and allowing him refuge when he needed it. Of course he believed he was being pampered to dull his defenses, but still, he couldn't ignore the deed the girl did for him.

He went to the bed and looked at his ensemble for a moment before turning back to Mia.

"I'll admit, it's pretty damn good," Leon said in regards to the room. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get dressed."
(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

"Yay you like it! Ok, I will be waiting in the kitchen for you. The kitchen is back the way

we came, past the entryway down the hall. It says kitchen on it on a plaque." She went

off then, closing the door behind her. Mia went to the kitchen quickly, happy, but hungry.

She got in and instantly got glares from the few people in there. The chef made a

disapproving cluck. "Do you want some extra rare meat or something? Beastie?" an

older boy said, chastising Mia. She just looked down and sat in a chair in the

attached cafe-like seating area, by herself.
Leon grunted in acknowledgment to Mia's exclamation of joy. While the girl was a bit of a nuisance who had little to no self-esteem, she was cheery and optimistic, even in these grim times. Commendable. The young man found a pair of underwear and promptly put them on along with the rest of his clothing. It felt... right. Not too restrictive, not too loose. He didn't bother with the hoodie.

After glancing about the room once more and ascertaining that the window to the garden could possibly provide him a means of escape, Leon exited the room and obliged the girl's direction a second time. He walked through the corridors and hallways until he stumbled across the shimmering plaque that read 'Kitchen' in pristine lettering. It was then that the young man finally heard the growl in his stomach. Suppressing a nervous chuckle, he went into the area and looked around to take in the sights.
(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

Mia heard the door open, and looked to the kitchen. "Hi Leon," she said waving,

"Once you decide what you want, ask the chef. He is really good at being, well,

a chef." She went back to looking at the table, running her finger along a design.

The chef looked Leon up and down and mumbled quietly, "You aren't gonna sit

with that thing are you? Hell, I wouldn't even feed her if I didn't have to..." He

went back to stirring a pot of soup on the stove.
Leon silently glared at the chef. He wasn't going to publically stick up for the girl being that he was, er... 'new blood', but he wasn't going to let the chef off the hook. Case in point, the young man did not dignify his question or his comment with an answer. It was below him to even speak more than three sentences to a man who could not see past his own self-imposed veil of ignorance.

"Got any rich soup with bread? Maybe some chili?" he asked coolly.
(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

The chef chuckled at him in a dark voice. "What? You like the freak or something?

I mean, yeah, she's attractive, but she's basically a mutation." The chef sighed,

"Well, as for food, yeah. We do have those. But you sure you want such mundane

garbage? Hell, I could cook you up something a bit more dignified than that." He

thought for a moment, "I guess you might wanna eat like a dog though, considering

you're sitting with a mutt." The chef laughed at his own messed up joke. Mia could

hear the whole conversation. Though her hearing wasn't as good as a vampire's, it

was better than a human's. Mia sighed sadly and kept tracing the table and started

singing softly to herself.
(( [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] ))

"Ok, I'll bite," Leon said as he outstretched his arms in exasperation. "So, you mean to tell me that humans, in your eyes, are alright. You'll probably say to me that all vampires aren't evil too. However, if there's a half-human, half-vampire, suddenly there's a problem? So what if she's a 'mutt'? She didn't choose to be born one, just like you didn't choose to be born worthless, but you're making yourself out to be." With a small sneer, Leon continued with: "At least she's not deliberately trying to be a freak, unlike the rest of humanity nowadays."

The young man meant every word. What right did he, or anyone, have to judge and shun a person because of their birthright? What right did he have to hate someone for something utterly out of their control? Human beings, as the misanthrope noted, were still pathetically fickle.

"And I love chili," he growled. "I don't imagine Eva would take too kindly to this incident if she found out I couldn't get something to eat now, would she?"
(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

Mia blushed a bright red from the table when he yelled at the chef. The chef was

surprised and shut up. All bark and no bite it seemed. "Fine... Chili it is.... lucky for

you I was already making it for something else..." the chef mumbled, scooping some

chili into a bowl with a fork and handed it to Leon. He turned back to the pot and

murmured, "Damn new kid... causing trouble on his first day here... he'll learn." Mia

had stood up from the table and walked toward Leon. She pulled on Leon's arm,

the blush gone, just a scared look in her eyes. "Come on," she said quietly and

shyly, "We are making a scene of ourselves... let's just sit and eat. Calm down..."
(( [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] ))

"I am calm," Leon growled again as he cradled his warm meal. "Did you see me up there shouting? No-sirie-bob. It's everyone else in this place that seems to be an absolute nut. If I wanted to yell, I'd do so out of my own accord."

He looked away from the girl and began to eat. Every now and then he would peer over his meal and stare out into the room, almost as if he was daring someone to come and argue with him. Taken in by a vampire who was most likely pulling his leg, having to deal with a girl with no self-esteem, and now being accused by the chef and having to deal with the crap between his lips... what could possibly be better than some chili? It was the best thing so far in his day, and no one was going to wreck it.
(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

Mia sighed and looked at Leon as he ate, she was being such a burden. "Am I trouble

to you? I can...try... to stand up for myself if it makes it better for you..." Mia touched

Leon's shoulder lightly. "I have... scared them before to get them to stop. But new

ones came and the fear stopped. Now they just ridicule, they don't believe the stories

of me snapping that one time. However, now I am fine, sticks and stones... as they say."
"You have to stick up for yourself," Leon said as he glared in Mia's direction. He discretely pointed out to the kitchen's inhabitants as he spoke. "When these idiots get after you, all you have to do is challenge them. They don't anticipate that you'd fight back, so do it."

High School had taught the young man that there were always those who wanted to make a scene, always those who wanted to piss someone off for fun. Those psychopaths never once thought that their victims could fight back, and that led to their downfalls.
(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION]))

"Ok... I can try," Mia said meekly, "Anyways, Leon are you done eating? If so, we

have to figure out what chores you are going to be doing. There are many things

to do. Anything from gardening to helping with some of the pets Eva has. Or there

is re-shelving things in the library... but that takes forever." Mia emphasized forever,

the library was so large, there always seemed to be one more shelf to do, one more

pile of old books. Eva and Mia usually read together, since they both read extremely fast.
"Well," Leon scoffed as he pushed his finished bowl of chili away from him, "I'm basically here forever, right? Why not take on a job that'll take forever to do?"

His tone was somewhat defeated, but more irritated. He knew this would come eventually. A slave wasn't a slave unless they worked for something.
(([MENTION=3500]Major Mario[/MENTION], ack, where is everyone else? I feel like Mia is my main charrie, and

I can't do anything with Eva until she brings Mitzi in...))

"Don't be so upset. Its payment for room and amenities. She doesn't keep anything

locked really besides one door. So, if they wanted to, any of the so-called slaves

could leave. Besides, when you're staying here, it is easy to get bored. Why not

occupy oneself with work?" Mia left the bowl at the table, knowing people will

come to clean it. She pulled Leon by the arm out of the kitchen, eager to show

him the library. She thought a little about the one door that is locked on the way

to the library. Mia had no idea what was in it, or why it was locked, but it was

something important to Eva, she knew that much.

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