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Fantasy Valiance OOC

We've not closed yet! Playing a magicless character would be interesting, and his beginning feelings would be understandable given the magnitude of the disaster. I'm wondering though whether he may be limited in the breadth of interactions he may be capable of having with the other characters?
I mean, aren't we all limited in the ways we can interact with one another?

But in all seriousness, I believe Ulrich (the name of the man in question) will be able to interact with the other characters quite well. One idea I had was that based off his age (late 40's, early 50's) he could have lost his father in the Crusade, possibly disillusioning him when it comes to knights and mages, maybe causing him to refuse to study magic during his youth despite the ability to do so, and would probably have traveled quite a bit when he was a young adult, experiencing many cultures and visiting many locations before finally settling down and making a family, with his kids near full grown when The Fall took place, the survival of whom being in question due to his Ulrich never finding their bodies.

That'd give him quite a few ways to interact with the various characters, considering he'll have to reanalyze his personal biases involving knights as he has to interact with them to survive, and maybe act as a pseudo-father figure for some of the group. Or pseudo-grandpa.
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I’m really confused. For some reason I thought characters had to be accepted first before going in the CS? Or are we all posting and then it gets decided which characters make the cut?
I think my friend Kabboom is asking if the magic our characters wield have any somatic and/or verbal component in casting.

Also I’m actually unsure on this as well swamp fairy swamp fairy , but it’s probably worth running through the character with Sky in here before getting on with the CS?
Thank you so much everyone for your interest in this RP so far! I'm really glad and excited to see such a crowd interested in the world and concept, and I've been encouraged by the consideration and discussions that have been going on in this thread. I think this makes the RP the most popular I've ever ran at this stage, which is encouraging given I think the number of regular users has shrunk since I was around more regularly! I have just PMed those who have submitted character forms with any necessary edits or feedback. I'll be looking at the WIPs when I'm finished.

Now the tricky stuff: if my maths are right, I've noticed seventeen users (included myself) displaying an interest in joining the RP; on top of that I've noticed a couple of pretty consistent lurkers who are yet to post. That would be a pretty ruthless rate of rejecting places, especially as the standard of ideas and plotting has been high. Therefore, I am proposing to
expand the number of players to accommodate for you all. However, I stand by my convictions that a group of this size all interacting together would be too much for us all to read, and would effectively sign the RPs death sentence before we even begin. This will also not lower my standards of entry.

So what I am proposing is that we split our characters into two groups. The first group would be set in the southern valleys as already described, whilst the second would convene on the western shore near Mount Stormvall. This would mean that we each have fewer characters to interact with to start with, but less to read, streamlining the writing and viewing experience to keep responces regular without being bogged down by masses of posts. The first chapter would not be too difficult for the two groups, but they would then branch in main dilemma for a couple of chapters. I've been doing this RPing milarky for long enough now to know that the chances of all an RPs applicants sticking around is remarkably slim (not that I'm pointing fingers before things even begin - if everybody sticks around, then great!), but each chapter would still provide a good opening for new writers to hop in, and I have ideas of how to join the two groups up should we need to.

If the above goes ahead, the second group would have their own associated IC thread and I would encourage people in the other group to not be too worried about reading both threads. I would also create a second character for the second group (which is fine because I have plenty of other ideas aha!).

Before I proclaim the above definitively, I want to throw it down to you all. Does this seem like a good idea to you? And if so, which group would you prefer to be in? Or would you prefer to group people up according to their characters and the potential for interaction?

Now onto other matters:

swamp fairy swamp fairy : Regardless of what consensus we come to on opening up the above, I would say you can post it either in PM or in the thread, I never specified either way so it's up to you. If you get accepted though then definitely post it in the thread.

Kabboom Kabboom : I believe the answer to that is in the lore section!
I'm not a fan of splitting things, mainly because of the additional burden(s) that is(are) placed on the creator to maintain both groups with keeping the same interest and intensity. That's a lot of work. I've done it with D&D before, so I have a pretty good idea of what it takes. Sky, I don't want you to burn out!

Having said that, I agree that seventeen is an awfully high number for one group.

If this does end up being split, then I have no preference for which group. I plan to kill everyone anyway.

Wait... did I say that out loud?
I'm not a fan of splitting things, mainly because of the additional burden(s) that is(are) placed on the creator to maintain both groups with keeping the same interest and intensity. That's a lot of work. I've done it with D&D before, so I have a pretty good idea of what it takes. Sky, I don't want you to burn out!
Thanks for your concerns! I would help to balance the load by asking a couple of people to be co-GMs, helping with answering questions, talking to newcomers, organising things, etc. :)
Thanks for your concerns! I would help to balance the load by asking a couple of people to be co-GMs, helping with answering questions, talking to newcomers, organising things, etc. :)
Whatever you need, boss. I’m sure with this amount of interest you’d found in us, it’s certain that we’re all prepared to do our parts to make it work ^^
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On the matter of groups, however, I think my character and @Kabboom’s might be with the one that starts in the Souther Valleys, for backstory reasons.
Unfortunately, I think I've come to the decision I just won't have the time needed to dedicate to this! SkyGinge SkyGinge

I would still love to join, but I will simply have to read along (which I will definitely be doing in my spare time). I hope everyone has a fantastic time writing, all of the characters look fantastic!
Unfortunately, I think I've come to the decision I just won't have the time needed to dedicate to this! SkyGinge SkyGinge

I would still love to join, but I will simply have to read along (which I will definitely be doing in my spare time). I hope everyone has a fantastic time writing, all of the characters look fantastic!
That is unfortunate, friend. But I do wish you great success in your other endeavours! ^^
Out of curiosity, is there an ethnic breakdown of the land? Is everyone essentially European/Caucasian in this setting?

I'd not specified this to allow for diversity when submitting characters :)

Unfortunately, I think I've come to the decision I just won't have the time needed to dedicate to this! SkyGinge SkyGinge

I would still love to join, but I will simply have to read along (which I will definitely be doing in my spare time). I hope everyone has a fantastic time writing, all of the characters look fantastic!

I really appreciate your maturity here in knowing your limits and acting wisely upon them! Hope you have some fun reading and we'd be honoured to have you should your schedule open up at some point! :)

Wow, we sure have a lot of red head characters. Maybe that's what helped them survive the Fall? haha

Maybe people are playing up to my name aha #gingersarenotadyingrace
Should have mine done by tonight, sorry for the delay. I tried to get it all done last night and ended up passing out before I could get it done
Hey everyone! Just a quick survey.
How do we all feel about gore? Would you mind if some of our writing feature some of it? Nothing excessive, but it’s present.
Hey everyone! Just a quick survey.
How do we all feel about gore? Would you mind if some of our writing feature some of it? Nothing excessive, but it’s present.
I'm fine with gore, if we are having combat some gore is to be expected.

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