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Fantasy Valiance OOC

Looks like I have some catching up to do, me boyos (and girlos/womanos(?))!

So, wait can say a red mage teach someone else how to be a blue mage? Or does it have to be another blue mage? Or would they partially be able to do it? Does it depend on the teacher? Could a muggle successfully teach someone a type of magic if they knew enough?

Disregarding teaching ability, you could teach general magic theory (i.e. Awakening, Activation, Creation, etc.), but the Red Mage in the example would probably find it hard to tutor in the specifics of Blue Magic, how to use it best, etc.

Perhaps after the threat of the Anarquesse was dealt with, many of the nobles wished for the peasants to be honourably discharged? For if the knights were to return to their duties as peacekeepers, then surely not all of the common folk should be trusted to act with required integrity? Some nobles opposed, having a respect for the common man forged in the fires of war. They claimed it would be disrespectful to the memory of the common folk who laid down their lives defending Vaila to strip their peers of their status. The arguments ended with the infamous case of Dagmar, formally of House Easone. A highborn knight found guilty of murder, which fairly handily dealt with the elitists' arguments.

I'm liking this fleshing out of the knights!

it comes with many privileges and is pivotal to the powerbase to many Houses, and of at least significant concern of many more. (If you want, I could expand upon my logic behind that.)

Feel free to expand - I gather what your going for is that historical inclusion within the kingdom's army and 'heroes' throughout the ages is a major status card, plus they'd constant get positive exposure as the heroes of Valia, perhaps driving a superficial wedge between 'commoner' and noble.

Though it wasn't all good, many commoners now joined the knights with the sole aim of increasing their social status, which was good for numbers but not the integrity of the Vailarum Knights. Whilst their were Knights who did not submit to any of the Noble Houses, their options for advancement thusly became much more limited (for some infathomable reason) and the sheer amount of politicking most of the peasant knights go through has made people mockingly refer to the Academy as the 'Knightly Court'.

I'd imagine the politics would turn Thomas (my character) off, it'd be partly be way he was so lazy.

So what do ya think Ginge?

I like it - nice ideas! Having a heavily politicised knights system seems to me to be a natural situation given all that happens; prior to the age of peace there wouldn't have been as much time for political manoeuvring due to the constant clashes with the Drochiads and occasionally other tribes.

The only thing I can think of at this late hour is that in the absence of a Drochiad threat, there would probably be less of a need for knights than historically, and after the initial laws are formed and the numbers lost during the war are replenished, I think they'd probably be inundated with applications at the academy. At present I can think of this going two different ways. Idea numero uno: the conditions for entry into the knights academy are made harder, which would lead to a sharper, more reputable group of knights as a whole. Nobles would potentially be able to bribe their way in a bit more than commoners, (especially in recent years prior to the fall when Lyram had seemed a bit distant from political matters) and commoners would still be subject to the allegiance system you suggested, perhaps benefitting from the propaganda of connecting heroes of the present with the heroes of the past.

Idea numero dos: the academy continues to accept applicants in their droves, leading to a generally underutilised group of knights who don't normally have that much to do. Knighthood begins to lose some of the prestige it once held, which would obviously have political ramifications. That could also incite your character's being turned off, and Skyre's father would also be an exemplary case of this. You could then have a secondary tier of knights stationed at the Palace of Light which maintain the prestige of the former eras.

If you (or the others working on knightly characters) have any alternative ideas then feel free to fire away; if not, feel free to discuss and choose either of the above :)

Could you please expand on the training of Knights? I am unsure of their relationship with the University.

So the knight's academy is a separate institute to the university, though under Lyram's rule it has been connected especially with magic. It would be unusual for a knight not to know some element of magic, so they would usually be graduates of the university first. Training-wise, they'd be taught about the laws of the land and given more combat scenarios to train their magic, unlike at the university where things would have had more of an academic/craftsmanship focus. Outside of this, I haven't done too much fleshing out of this, so again feel free to throw out some ideas! :)

Oh, and this means war Ginge. WAAR.


i originally had a wario gif here but it wouldn't work im so bad at technology sed hep

Oh! I meant like he was enlightened by a veteran knight in the family about Yellow Magic and basically has some background knowledge before attending the University to further develop these skills. Just background stuff, if it’s okay! :D

Ah yeah that's fine, sorry for my jumpiness! Just the language of enlightenment made me worry that your had misunderstood the magic system :')

My character is just a scammer from the desert who wanted to learn Green Magic because he felt bad that he couldn't save a kid. Although tbh I might change what magic he wants to learn since we already have a green mage.

Don't let the fact that somebody else already has a character with your preferred element make you choose the element. The first time we did this, Kharmin and I both were wind mages (old lore, different names), and it lead to an interesting relationship due to a lot of differences. For example, Skyre would use his magic with bravado, whilst (if I recall) Kharmin's character was at first afraid to tap into her power, and reacted badly to Skyre making them both fly to save her. Her more personal, spiritualistic attitude towards her element contrasted with Skyre's more logical approach, making for some interesting discussions that ended up with a really enjoyable character relationship!

Lol, she's gonna be the suppport character who's the main source of healing which you must protect.

Any healers are gonna likely have a pretty busy time of things though, especially if a dire scenario arises where you only have enough auranium to heal a number of the injured!

Alright, so a quick announcement before I try to turn in a bit earlier tonight! I will be taking a look at the characters that have been submitted at some point tomorrow and giving a bit of feedback. Just as a reminder, you have until Wednesday 31st July to post up your characters, so the many of you who have been discussing characters here should start to think about writing up some forms. Tomorrow I may also have a major announcement to make, but we will see how things go. I've been really encouraged by the amount of discussion going on though, makes me hopeful that the hypetrain will carry this RP further than some!
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Oh my God, we've been plotting Knights and academies and another Yellow Mage and I've been woefully negligent of the OOC. Apologies!
Don't worry, I should have my CS up by late tonight, early morning. Just working out some kinks and putting on the finishing touches.
A whole bunch of Yellow Mages!

I might switch things up by reforming into a Red Mage - using the backstory of this acclaimed family line as something of a outlier. The traditional Franz' line of Fire Knights, or something. Cuz boi are yellow mages popular, which makes sense, us Knightly folks prefer the Yellow scheme.
Dark Souls left a mark in me. I like my blade with that sweet crackling zappy energy.
Also, I should have my CS up tonight! :)

Oddly enough, it was the ability to maneuver the weapon with magnetism that made Yellow appealing. Aside from Lore. If I was basing it off cool DS aesthetic then it's pyromancy fire-sword allll the way.
Oddly enough, it was the ability to maneuver the weapon with magnetism that made Yellow appealing. Aside from Lore. If I was basing it off cool DS aesthetic then it's pyromancy fire-sword allll the way.
Aw man. A female landsknecht wielding a giant flaming blame is a dope idea.
Aw man. A female landsknecht wielding a giant flaming blame is a dope idea.




Okay, thaaat's enough spamming the OOC with pointlessly nerdy epic gifs.
Hey, when we start the RP, will our characters have met in the Southern Valley already? If so, how long?
Would it be alright if I put up my WIP in the CS and work on it later? I really want to get out what I have, but it's already 12 AM here and I have work in the morning :closedeyescryingfrown:
I don't know about starting out with a few NPCs. To me, that would make things a bit more complicated, no? My character will have a pet which might be like a pseudo-NPC, but won't be playing a real active part. Having more than one, at least at the start before we know how many active writers we'll have, might be overmuch?

EDIT: allow me to clarify. Having more than one NPC per character might be overmuch. However, this is SkyGinge SkyGinge 's RP, so it's ultimately his decision.
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SkyGinge SkyGinge so I'm interested in hopping into this if I'm still able to.

So the current idea for my character is that if a magicless man who, before The Fall, he had been a professional Hunter who lived with his family in one of the larger villages within the Southern Valleys. During the time in which The Fall took place and had spread to his villiage, he had found that everyone he had ever known was dead. As of the start of the rp, he'd paranoid, depressed, and excruciatingly lonely, constantly on guard and trying to handle his pain with a mask of stoicism, but is still willing to help other survivors to the best of his ability.
Hey, when we start the RP, will our characters have met in the Southern Valley already? If so, how long?

The RP will start with an event that brings our characters together. You may plan to have already met up with another character beforehand if you want a pre-existing relationship, otherwise we'll all be gathered together for the first time by this opening incident.

Also, are we allowed to start out with a few NPCs?

Thanks Kharmin Kharmin for weighing in on this in my absence! I'm interested to hear what you have in mind first, but yeah I was thinking NPCs would mainly be used to tie into character subplots, and at some stage I'll introduce them down the central narrative.

SkyGinge SkyGinge so I'm interested in hopping into this if I'm still able to.

So the current idea for my character is that if a magicless man who, before The Fall, he had been a professional Hunter who lived with his family in one of the larger villages within the Southern Valleys. During the time in which The Fall took place and had spread to his villiage, he had found that everyone he had ever known was dead. As of the start of the rp, he'd paranoid, depressed, and excruciatingly lonely, constantly on guard and trying to handle his pain with a mask of stoicism, but is still willing to help other survivors to the best of his ability.

We've not closed yet! Playing a magicless character would be interesting, and his beginning feelings would be understandable given the magnitude of the disaster. I'm wondering though whether he may be limited in the breadth of interactions he may be capable of having with the other characters?

I'm going to have some lunch, then I shall return and read through what is up. Thanks to all those who have put up WPs - there's no rush to get stuff done right this second as long as all is done for Wednesday :)
Updated the CS. I'll get to the Background and wrap it up tomorrow :P
Do let me know if I should fix anything! ^^

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