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Fantasy V.A.G.E. ( A 1x1 VillainxHero Rp)

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Lilliana watched as he leaned up, arms supporting his upper body while he asked her to basically speak to him. He cared enough to ask her, and that alone was appreciated by the agent. "No...You're not forbidden." While her tone was soft, it had been low as well. Almost as if it was a secret that only he should know of. However when she did try to talk to him again, immediately a rock was in her throat and instead of trying to wring it out of her, he gently placed his finger upon her lips to stop her. At first she was surprised, surprised enough that she tensed up slightly before he removed his finger. Declan... Why do you keep doing this to me? James thought while she looked down at him with a soft gaze You remain by my side even when I have secrets to hide. You don't force me to speak. It tugged her heart and while it is wonderful, she kept denying herself of such a happy feeling. While he rubbed the back of his head, he seemed to be thinking too and once again the two were in that silence. Ever since last night I never thought I'd feel the way I do. That sadness... That fear... The joy and relief after I found you... It's funny isn't it? Lilliana James, one of the best agents in V.A.G.E, has these feelings towards her left hand man.

The silence was strong, but James knew she had to say something "Declan? Are you okay?" He nodded in response as he claimed what he had been waiting for. It took her a moment before it finally registered. "Ah, I'm sorry. Guess that's what happens when you have a lot on your mind." Removing her hand from his chest, she then took both hands and placed them on her own thighs to start getting up. Once she was partly up, she felt hands grasp her hips and yank her down and her eyes fluttered in confusion as she was right back sitting atop of Declan. Her hands were sprawled out on the mat on either side of his head so she didn't straight up collide into him from the fall "You know, Declan, if I didn't know any better I would say you're trying to keep me here." His protests were attempting to be strong, though to her, she felt that she could see right through him like glass. Her chocolate strands curtaining their faces as she tilted her head slightly while she gazed down at him. Was that a blush upon his cheeks? He believes he's slick with me. Does he forget who he's partnered with? She thought I can tell he's a quirky guy, gets nervous when there's innuendos... I notice many things about him that I don't think he knows.

"It's because I didn't respond to your joke, isn't it?" She teased, knowing very well she had not addressed his joke about most men killing to be underneath her. While this was a true statement (Especially with Dixin), there was never a thought that crossed her mind when she'd kick their asses whenever training. To her they were her coworkers, her team, and she would train them to sharpen their skills. Words, comments, and more always bounced off her as if it was nothing but childish things to even acknowledge and now here she was listening to every word Delcan gave her as almost if they were sacred script. "Well, Declan, if you'd really like a response to that. You're not wrong in the slightest, which is why I always kick their ass before they could get a chance like this." Even with her response, she made no effort to try to kick his ass. In fact, she simply just leaned back and sat on his hips as she was before. Lilianna's mood was lighter now, compared to much earlier. His hands were gentle against her skin while he spoke with her and soon he had said something to catch her full attention. As a matter of fact it was mentioning Tiffany. The girl that the woman wanted to protect with her very being.

Declan mentioned everything starting from the moment he left, which allowed her to smile softly hearing about their little argument and how he got little Tiff some icecream along the way. From what she could tell, he did do more than he should've and there had to be something that she could do to repay him. "Surely she was very happy about that..." She said just to comment as she continued to listen to her partner. He continued onward and mentioned how the faculty informed him that sometimes Tiffany would miss weeks of school because of her mother. She even lets little Tiffany suffer without school? I'm beginning to wonder if she gets starved at home. Lily's arms crossed as she continued to look down at Declan, her eyebrows brought close while her expression held heavy annoyance. There were teacher parent meetings and those clearly didn't work as the problem still persisted. Even after she ripped her father a new asshole it still wasnt enough. Fingers dug into her skin as she broke her contact away from Declan. He tried to make it better by saying that he did hand out her number as an emergency contact so that if something like this were to happen again, as long as it was an emergency, she'd be contacted. "It's not enough..." She muttered and her nails only dug deeper into her skin "It's never a-fucking-nough." This time her voice was a bit louder as her eyes closed.

"She is suffering and my father turns a blind eye." Her jaw had tightened "Tiffany is putting on a happy face and pretends everything is okay." With a shake of her head, her eyes had opened once again "That child is stronger than any other child I've known." Something was burning within her and the thought that crossed her mind would not be the best way to do things. But would doing it the legal way be worth it? Having her wait for weeks, months for something to be approved? "Declan, you said you'd support me regardless. I don't want to do it this way, but I'm going to have to." When her hands moved from her arms and placed flat on the mat as she leaned slightly closer to him, her gaze sharp as daggers and her voice unwaivering. "I'm taking her. I'm not going to wait for the system. I can't wait for the system." Her hands had clenched into fists "If I wait for their slow asses, Tiffany would suffer even more." Tiff deserved the world, she was so quick witted, so sweet, even warmed up to the pair that day they found her.

James' skin was warm to the touch, however it was not rage that flowed through her veins from earlier that day. The Agent pulled away while she spoke "I can't bare to see her suffer another day. She has a mother that doesn't care for her and a father who tells her not to call..." Feelings were mixed and she was not sure if she should cry or be angry...Or be both... Her father was as useless as a pet rock and he couldn't spare not one ounce of attention for Tiffany. When she was found in the park, despite being busy Lilianna and Declan used their time to play with her, feed her, and entertain her till she fell asleep. If anything, she'd be better in the hands of the Agency and Lilianna herself. "Please tell me you're in, Declan. Otherwise I will commit crimes that would get me stripped of my rank and..."

Declan expected some sort of response when he told Liliana about Tiffan’s situation. They did get close in the short amount of time they spent together, being half-sisters and all. So, her reaction was to be expected. What he didn’t expect was what she said next after closing the gap between them, “What are you…?” his eyes widen when she finished her sentence, “T-take her?” he questioned, “take her how?” She began to go off on a tirade about the system and how slow it was and how it would only make Tiffany suffer more the more she waits for the process. The more she spoke the more desperate she seemed to get until she was almost unrecognizable, “Lily, stop!” he said as soon as she said she was going to commit a crime. He sat up and put both his hands on her cheeks, using his thumb to slide across her cheeks while resting his forehead against hers. The two sat in silence for a moment before he opened his eyes, looking not her blue hues with his golden ones, “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this,” he runs his thumbs across her cheeks, “I got your back, no matter what.” He smiles at the female agent as she placed her hands on top of his. She was so close, his eyes drifting to her lips, it would be so easy to just…close the distance. Should he? Would she mind?

Please continue sparring session Agent Harper…Agent James…

The emotionless robotic voice suddenly spoke causing both the agents to jump a bit. Declan chuckles and looks back at Liliana, the distance between them much further but not by much. One hand stayed on her cheek while the other fell to her hip. They stayed like this for a moment before Declan sighed, “I suppose, we should get up right?” as much as he wanted to just stay like they were right now they were technically supposed to be using their time to grapple. Maybe he was imagining things but it seemed even Lily was a little reluctant to get off but once she did he followed her up, “As much fun as that was,” he got into position and smirks, “I think it’s about time I’m the one who ends up on top.” It took him a moment before he shook his head, “That’s not…I mean…like…pinning you and getting the point…and by pin I mean!” Liliana took her opportunity and lunged forward at Declan giving Declan only moments to counter her attempt to tackle him down. He managed to stop her but he was too disorganized and he soon found himself on his back foot and easily taken down finding himself in a very familiar position, not that he’s complaining, “well…” Declan says as he puts his hands behind his head, “At least I get the view again?” he adds, “N-not that I wasn’t trying ya’know.”

Ding…Round three…Liliana James…Winner…Liliana James

The rest of the hours of sparring flew by with Liliana winning the whole set but not without Declan taking a few rounds. Declan even took off his sleeveless shirt during the last set since it was hugging his torso too much. They sat together on the bench as their bodies cooled down before they went their separate ways to wash off. Normally, Declan hated cold showers, it always put him in a bad mood, but right not it felt amazing against his burning body as he washed off the sweat and stink. He switched to hot water once he felt it becoming uncomfortable and took an extra five minutes before getting out and drying himself off, putting on some deodorant, putting on his suit and tie, and walked out of the locker room where he saw Liliana sitting on one of the benches, “aww, were you waiting for me?” he jokingly says as she stands up, she responds in her typical Liliana way, cool as a cucumber, and he chuckles as he wraps one arm around her shoulder, “I’m kidding, Lily, don’t get upset, how about I treat you to some drink from your favorite café during lunch, you game? I’ll even let you ride my bike~” he bribed her. Even with all this teasing Declan didn’t realize he kept his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close until her body was against his.

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Lilliana's eyes had shifted slightly as Declan's voice broke through the thoughts that plagued her mind and ceased them in the process. There was a feeling if these thoughts had continued, she was not sure what could or would happen after that. "De-" As she went to speak, he cupped her face instead and began to brush his thumbs against her gentle skin before pulling her in and resting his forehead against hers. There was silence between the pair once again and her blue orbs had closed Declan... I just want to save her from the cruelty... First she was abandoned, she's having these issues at the house... I want her in my care. I want her safe. The agent thought as her eyes opened and caught sight of his golden gaze that seemed to pierce her very soul. Dropping her gaze towards his lips, she read them while also listening just to smile softly and feel a wave of relief coming over her. If she were ever in trouble, she knew that he would be there to save her no matter what. It was definitely clear to her that he would ride or die with her and that was enough to earn far more of her respect. Before any words could be exchanged, the robotic voice came over the speakers and that caused her to jump slightly as it was something she didn't expect.

Declan chuckled at it, and she giggled along with him because it was such a silly moment as a robot was telling them to continue training. Who cared about the robot? Surely not them. Tilting her head slightly, she began to lean her face into the hand that remained on her cheek before he suggested getting up. Why couldn't they stay here just for a little while longer? "I would have to agree... unfortunately..." She muttered the last part as she hesitated even for a few moments before finally pulling herself off of him and stretching her limbs before turning around and helping him up. Though his words that left his lips only made her grin because he had only been digging himself a hole Just stop talking, Declan. With that thought in mind she lunged forward and worked with their bodies to finally get Delcan back down. No way she was going to let him beat her after having such a good record of kicking his ass. "I'm starting to think you're letting me beat you on purpose Declan. Don't let the beauty distract you. Could be deadly." Lilliana teased before the next hour or so went by in a flash with constant grapple training. Of course she came out on top and she took it with pride. It was going to take a lot more to take her down, though he was working his way up fairly quickly to taking her down. One day he might actually beat her and that would be the day his ego would inflate ten thousand times. The pair finally got out of the room and parted ways to take their showers and freshen up before meeting back up.

However she was sitting on the bench waiting for Declan as he seemed to take longer than her. Not that she minded, meant he was just someone who enjoyed showers...Probably... Eventually he did come out and her attention lifted towards him as she caught sight of his wet hair and him in that clean suit of his. If I had a comb I would slick his hair back...He'd look like a mafia boss. That thought tugged the corner of her lips in a small smile before pushing herself off the bench and meeting her partner halfway "Of course I waited for you, Declan. Why wouldn't I?" She asked him with a slight tilt of her head as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and began to mention all her favorite things. Soon enough she was up against him as he pulled her in "You're bribing me an awful lot. Is there something you want?" Her own arm had wrapped around his body because at this point she'd just be smooshed in an awkward way. Might as well enjoy what he was giving to her. "Either way you know I wouldn't mind a drink from my favorite place, or even a ride on the bike. So I'll take you up on those offers." James then moved the pair towards the elevator while still holding onto one another for just a little while longer. If they continued to hold each other like this, it was gonna get harder to do anything, but he was so warm and it felt so safe to be right in his grasp. I'm sure if he continues to hold me like this, someone would surely see and think something... But why should that matter? Stealing a glance at him, she felt her heart skip a beat before quickly looking away. No... He's great. He's wonderful. He would probably end the world with me if that's what I wanted to do. She could feel her heart almost ache Declan needs someone more... Normal. I'm a whole different ballgame. I may be one of the best agents, but I don't know if I am equipped to give him everything he wants. It was clear she was conflicted and before she could drown herself within her thoughts, she gently patted his hand that was on her shoulder "Feels like you're gonna hold onto me forever." James teased.

While she did point this out to him, secretly she didn't want him to remove his arm, but knew it had to be done eventually. Whether it be now or later, whichever came first. Declan removed his arm and seemingly looked elsewhere due to her words "It's okay, Declan. Surely you've noticed already." While her words were very vague, she was not surprised at his response. If she were in his shoes, she'd probably be just as confused for a moment. Though she did notice instead of his arm being around her shoulders, it was instead moved down to her waist and her cheeks seemed to have dusted themselves in pink while his hand firmly grasped her waist. He was so strong and his grasp was just right for someone like her. Blinking a few times, she turned her head towards him and opened her mouth to speak. But as soon as she went to, that damn door to the elevator had opened with a soft ding and she could see Carter standing there. Blue eyes had slowly widened and she felt her heart drop to her stomach.

Wait why did she feel like that? Almost as if she was a child who just got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar? It's not that they were doing anything wrong or anything that would cause Carter to suspect something. After all, they were just training... But that arm around her waist was probably sending other messages to her Mentor. While the anxiety was creeping up on her, she was afraid of moving from Declan's grasp because the comfort he was giving her with that touch was keeping her in check. Please don't ask, Carter. Please pretend you're seeing nothing. Was it shameful? No... She wasn't ashamed... Embarrassed? That could be another reason. Considering she's never been in a situation like this, there was new territory for her to understand rather than panic.

The man raised his eyebrow as he looked at the pair in front of him "And what might you two be doing?"

Just hearing his question almost made her crack as her heart increased in pace. Why in the hell am I feeling like this? I've done nothing wrong! Even when trying to make her way through the uncharted feelings, it only worried her even more as she found herself trying to navigate. Lilliana crossed her arms and spoke as clearly and as normal as she could "We were training. After this morning we thought it would be a good idea to sharpen our skills." Why did that sound bad? Should I have worded that better? If I said grapple training, this situation is screaming more than grapple training. On top of that, our hair is damp from the showers... Oh gosh. Fuck, Carter please tell me you're not going to question this. Is this a lame excuse despite it being true to some degree?
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The two walked side by side, his arm around her shoulder and her arm around him as they walked towards the elevator. He couldn’t help but chuckle when she pointed out he was bribing her a lot like he wanted something from her. Actually, there was something he would like but he dared not voice it, he didn’t want to ruin this moment even if it was only going to last until they got to the elevator. Her voice broke him out of his thoughts as she patted his hand teasing him about holding on to her forever, “Only if you let me,” he said out loud and felt his body tense up. He didn’t mean to say that out loud and he slowly took his hand off her shoulder. Damn, way to ruin the mood, idiot! Why did you say that! He kept his eyes forward fearing he had just ruined the moment but was surprised when she spoke, telling him that he surely noticed by now. He didn’t realize it before she said something, but their partnership did seem to shift after that night. What he thought was just him trying to be a good partner to her seemed to have some underlining meaning with Liliana allowing him to touch and put his arm around her, if it was anyone else they would have been blown out of the building but not him? Why? Did he want to know?

Before he could even ask himself if it was worth it he found himself sliding his arm from her shoulders down to her waist. He eyed her for a second to see what type of response he would get out of her and noticed she didn’t react at all. She didn’t flinch or pull away the most he got was noticing a faint tint of pink of her cheeks before she looked his way. Was this really happening? Liliana James, the best agent in V.A.G.E, his rival, his partner, was allowing him of all people to hold her in such a way? In the back of his mind, he knew this was perfect, gain her ultimate trust and stab her in the back later but there was one thought that was louder than that I would destroy worlds to make sure this woman is safe. There was an invisible gravitational pull that Declan felt towards this woman who was currently in his arm however, that connection was severed with one single sound.


Declan turned his head towards the source of the noise, the elevator and his eyes widen no fucking way he thought to himself as standing in the elevator was Carter. Declan was very aware of his hand currently on her waist. While Liliana was talking to him he slowly moved his hand out of his view. The smart thing would have been to just take his hand off her body completely, but his instincts rejected that idea and instead moved cupping her ass in his hand. Smooth he thought to himself although being careful not to be too expressive, Carter was perceptive and already seemed to have his doubts about their motives even after Liliana explained it to him. She wasn’t lying, at least not completely, they went down for training but only because Declan had to talk to her about Tiffany.

Carter raised an eyebrow as he looked at his two agents in silence. It was during this time Declan felt the closeness of Liliana’s body, his hand placement, and could only imagine the look on their faces as Carter just looked at them. It was like a teacher or dad catching them making out in the backyard or in the back of a portable building, but this was different cause they weren’t doing anything like that. They did train for a few rounds and even showered…or god their hair was still wet…Carter wasn’t thinking they showered together did he? As much fun as that would be-No, stop thinking like that Declan, now isn’t the time. Declan felt his mouth begin to dry as Carter looked at him before looking back at Lily, “Now I understand why I’ve been getting readings of someone using the training rooms.” Carter says before he walks around them. This time Declan made sure he took his hand off Liliana completely, already missing the heat of his hand on her body, “but next time, let me know before you decide to train early, I need all my agents in top shape but It’s easier to keep track of when everyone goes to the training room when they are suppose to now when they feel like it.”

“Yes sir!” Declan says. Carter dismisses them with a hand gesture before walking deeper into the training room while Declan and Liliana stepped inside the elevator. They where still tense up until the elevator doors closed and they both let out a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and chuckled at the situation, “I felt like I was back in high school.” Declan laughed, “gods but it would have been much worse if Carter saw where my hand wa-.” He stopped himself and looked at Liliana, “S-sorry, by the way…I didn’t mean to…you know…”

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Lilliana hoped her response had been sufficient as Declan's hand glided from her waist and shifted elsewhere. In her mind she couldn't tell if he was being daring, or trying to hide his hand from Carter. Delcan stop moving your hand... She thought, knowing that she had no proper control of her emotions that she never worked with before. "We were going to notify you as soon as we got up but it seems you beat us to the punch there." Why were her words true but also a lie? They sounded so double edged that it even made her sick. The more she studied Carter, the more her mind raced as he finally dismissed them and walked by. The Agent moved quickly and got into the elevator as one arm crossed her midsection and her elbow rested in the hand of that arm while she cupped her own chin in thought. Once the door had shut, she let out an audible sigh "I wouldn't be able to compare experiences so I couldn't agree or disagree." The woman pointed out as she looked at him "If he seen where you hand had gone to, he probably would've said something since he's like a father to me." Declan apologized but her response was a shake of her head as she didn't mind but yet it did scare her some since it was in the presence of her Mentor

"But I know him, he's not stupid. He noticed even though we feel like we got away with murder." Those blue hues studied his face as they kept going up the floors "You noticed how he stared at us for a while before saying anything? He doesn't normally do that unless he's trying to read the room. Considering how close I was standing to you and no doubt our shifts in expressions...He noticed." They were caught, but the question was... Was he going to address it or keep quiet? They didn't do anything that would cause them to get written up, they trained, had a bonding moment and that was all. Even though anytime she felt his touch there was always a spark that Lilliana felt would ignite her one day. Looking towards the door of the elevator, her eyes glanced up at the numbers as they went up. "I'll be retrieving Tiff today. That's my plan if we don't get sucked into anything." Yes, change the subject. That'll surely make the tension less, right? Nope. As she could feel his eyes on her, giving her goosebumps right up her spine. I need to keep myself in control. Even though there's this inclination to grab his hand, touch his face... Maybe they should head out instead of be in the office. Fresh air should help her out, right? Or is it her proximity to him?

When the elevator opened, she forced herself to look forward and bee lined it straight for her office. Well... In this case their office. A sheriff needed their deputy close right? In this case she held hers a bit too close. Pushing the door with a clearing of her throat, James moved to her chair and took a seat. "We can go to the cafe and that bike ride later. There's something else I need to do." Her fingers began to stroke her keys as she navigated into the database and do some more research on the Island City Incident. Though when she tried to search anything even around that date, there was nothing. No breadcrumbs no nothing. If anything, more things were classified. With a frustrated huff, she pushed herself back in the rolling chair and turned towards a drawer that she opened and pulled out a USB drive. Kicking it shut, she returned to her computer and stared at the screen as if it had a death wish. "I'm going to be busy tonight..." Fuck did she really want to do this? Looking past her monitor and towards Declan, she felt guilty for not telling him. While the USB drive was fiddled with between her fingers, just as her mouth opened it quickly shut.

Even in her office she couldn't tell him. Fuck. How can I do this if I pick Tiffany up today? Maybe I should push it off? No... I can't let her suffer. Leaning in her chair, if she did retrieve Tiff, she would need someone to watch her if she was going to walk into the underbelly. Did she want to burden Declan with that? No... He's done enough for her already and she didn't want to keep having him do things for her. She'll ask Jeannie. Pulling out her phone she immediately sent a text to her best friend and asked if it would be okay for her to watch Tiff tonight because she had to do something. Of course Jeannie assumed that she was going on a date and her only reply was "Yeah, something like that." After that reply was sent, she put her phone away. James glanced at the time and she could see this would be a long day as the pair did some office work. Replying to emails, signing papers, or investigating smaller cases. Lucky for them both, they were efficient workers so they always had time to spare to go off and do their own things. "Time to head to the cafe and get a bike ride in. Taking the highway again, Declan?" The agent asked as she put the USB in her sleeve much like her other items and got up from her chair. "And of course the House Special right?"

Declan blinked and looked at Liliana as she told him she couldn't compare such experiences. She was being modest right? Liliana was super attractive now he couldn't imagine how she looked when they were younger. She had to be drowning in dudes asking her out on dates, right? That question was immediately thrown out of his mind when she brought up where his hand was, oh shit...he thought to himself before she added that Carter was like a dad to her and he felt a panic hit him like a loaded truck when she brought up all the ways he would notice something was up between them. their closeness, their expression, and not to mention his hand on her ass. I mean, if you put it that way there is no way he didn't notice, and the last person he wanted to piss off was his boss who just happened to be a father figure to this women he was currently having these moments with. You sure know how to pick 'em Declan...he says with a sigh. However, as the elevator rode up they still remained close even after that close call, Even after her declaration about picking up Tiff seemingly came out of nowhere he just nodded, "I'll go with you, Can't let you keep little Tiff all to yourself now can I." he says jokingly. the elevator ride continued with comfortable silence and stealing glances at the women by his side. His hand itching to go back to their previous position but he kept control of himself, maybe her allowing him to touch her body like that was a one time thing and doing it again would just push his luck but there was a voice in the back of his head saying Just do it you coward! do it! DO IT!


The elevator door opened and both agents walked out keeping their eyes forward as if if someone were to see their eyes they would see their confrontation with Carter. The two walked into the office and Declan saw Liliana walked straight to her desk and sit down telling him they will go to the café and for a ride later since she had something to do. He just nodded and walked over to his own desk, "alrighty," he says before stretching his arms out, "but you better make it quick we are burning sunlight." He says jokingly. What ever it was that Liliana was doing over there she was deep in thought and the only reason he knew that was because he snuck a few looks in her direction admiring her...well...assets and beauty before looking back at his own computer screen. He was sending emails back and forth some other agents on cases but the thing that caught most of his attention was the mass email that was sent out. It was from Carter with the subject '***REMINDER*** and the email read, 'The training room is to be used for TRAINING PORPUSES ONLY no extra curricular activates are NOT aloud. If you want to go train early please inform me, Thank you, Carter B.' Declan blinked as he looked at Liliana who in turned shared a look obviously reading the same email he just did. Lucky enough Carter waited until the rest of the agents went out and trained before he sent out the email. However, they did train, sure it got a little touchy towards the end but they DID still train. He let out a sigh and a chuckle when he noticed she did find this somewhat amusing with her own smile.

Declan sat back in his hair, his hand behind his head as he rocked side to side looking at his computer screen. He just responded to the last email and now was just waiting for...well he wasn't sure what he was waiting for. His head turned to look at Liliana as she stood up from her desk and told him it was time for that bike ride to the café. A smile appeared on his face as he leaned over and grabbed his back pack, "Alright then, let's get out of this stuffy office." he says getting up from his seat and heading out. It was the same old same old, Declan would put on his gear while Liliana got on his bike and Declan would join her afterwards, he would have her hold onto his midsection, wait for the taps, and peel out into the road. However, this time he was more aware. More aware of her body pressed against his back, the warmth she left, and the over all good feeling he had enjoying what he liked to do with someone like her. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end as Declan pulled into a parking spot, took off his gear, and waited for Liliana before walking beside her towards the Café, this time walking down the alleyway a lot closer than they did before.
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When the mass email came in from Carter, she could only stare at the screen as she refrained from letting out a groan or anything of the sort. James already knew he assumed but who knew he was going to basically out them without...Actually outing them? They were training and it's not that they did anything that was not work related. When her blue eyes landed on Declan across the room, she couldn't help the smile that tugged her lips as she felt a little naughty even though they did nothing to warrant this email. If anything, a small giggle did leave her lips as she returned to her work at the time. Just a small moment, a small memory that she could store into her memory bank. This was definitely a moment in time she didn't want to forget. It was too priceless to her. If only Carter knew that he was assuming such wrong things. But alas he's going to assume but that's fine I suppose... He hadn't said anything to us personally which is fine. The agent stole another glance at Declan I wouldn't know how to defend myself against the man who basically raised me here. Lilliana thought to herself.


Their same routine followed anytime they went on the bike, helmet on, grasping onto Declan. The usual. After her arms had wrapped around his midsection, she seemed to hold onto him more firmly than before, almost as if she was relishing in his warmth and in his touch -even though she was doing the touching since he was driving- that gave her butterflies. Maybe I can get my own bike to ride with him... But do I really want to do that? Would it feel lonely? The woman thought to herself as her lips pursed in thought While I am basically hitching rides with him... No... There's more to it. Now while she kept trying to fight the feeling, it seemed to overtake her easily. When she took one step forward, the feelings pushed her two steps back. At one moment she felt strong and firm in place, but then the next she felt squishy and easy to move. When she told Declan she couldn't relate... She really couldn't. These feelings were so numb to her at her younger years and now feeling them for the first time she wasn't sure what to do. It kept replaying in her mind that she wanted to hold Declan, whether it was cupping his face, hugging him, holding his hand... That's why at this moment it felt good to have him in her arms despite it being... Well... A requirement so she didn't go flying off the bike.

Soon enough their ride came to an end and while it was upsetting to release him, she would still have to look forward to him when they needed to ride back. I feel so pathetic feeling like this... I'm a grown woman for fucks sake. The pair then got off the bike once parked and took off their gear before walking down the alleyway together. While the alley was small, she did remain fairly close to Declan, gently bumping him from time to time before they finally got into the cafe and stepped inside. Lilliana waved to Eddie and he asked about their usual and she nodded before heading to their table towards the back. "This is far better than being stuffed inside the office." While taking her seat, she crossed one leg over the other underneath the table and simply waited for her partner to take his seat as well. "Let's hope that you can beat the house special today, huh?" James teased as he took a seat in front of her. From across the table, it felt as if he was miles away but yet so close. Maybe distance is what we need? Did he feel the same thing she did? Was his stomach in knots? Felt like there was fluttering inside? No..It had to be one sided right?

Oh who was she kidding here? James was more than observant enough to know that he had to have felt something too. He's been doing things on his own accord... But maybe he was trying to just be nice? Be a good friend? That was a damn lie too. What friend would look at her across the room after a email that assumed they did more than just train in the training rooms? What friend would grab her face and lean so close that she could feel their breath? I can't even convince myself of such things. All that ran through her mind was to touch him. Feel that comfort in his touch again. Without really realizing, her foot gently brushed against his leg and there was an immediate reaction from her partner. A dust of pink ran across her gentle cheeks as Eddie brought their drinks without a comment aside from "Enjoy your Drinks." before disappearing. Lilliana lifted her drink and began to gently sip it as she felt the heat from the cup brushing against her nose. The only distance that would stop her feeling so... So fuzzy would be physically being miles and miles away from him. She perked up when Declan said something and her eyes looked at him across the table and her heart simply skipped a beat.

"Hm?" Was all that came from her lips in slight fear that she'd say something and dig herself a hole that kept getting deeper at this point. Might as well start the grave right now then. Why did she want Declan's attention so much?​

The walk felt longer the first time Liliana brought him to this alleyway Café but this time it it felt like they reached the door too soon as Declan was working up the nerve to put his arm around her again since she kept bumping into him. He didn't get the chance however, as she opened the door and walked inside. Eddie greeted them differently, with Liliana it was pleasant and professional but with Declan his expression changed. They looked at each other like warriors about to fight to the death. No words were exchanged, just a nod, a understanding that the two were about to have a battle for the ages. Declan Vs The House Special, and this time Declan was going to win no matter what! at least that's what he keeps telling himself, but this time it WILL be different! I think I told myself that too... He took his spot across from Liliana agreeing with her about the stuffiness of the office. He wasn't here as long as she has but he quickly learned to appreciate the atmosphere of this café. A smirk appeared on his lips when she brought up the house special and says, "I think I got it this time." he sounded confident, just like before, but as soon as Eddie put down his drink on the table, his confidence lowered, it wasn't completely gone but it wasn't as high as before.

He grabbed his cup and kind of played with it a little as he looked at his drink. It was darker than he remembered it being and when he brought it up to his lips the smell of overwhelming burnt smell assault his nostrils and the taste was like drinking smoke from a forest fire with hint of vanilla, "ugh." he says as he shakes his head, "I swear he makes it worse and worse..." he said to himself before he felt something brush against his leg, again, and again, it wasn't until he looked across the table and saw her face that it clicked and a small smirk appeared on his face, "Can I help you with something?" he playfully questioned. her only response was a quick 'hm' before she shook her head and looked away. Declan chuckled as he played with his cup a little trying to work up the nerve to take another drink, until he felt her leg brushing against his once again. This time Declan and Liliana kept eye contact. He didn't want to say anything just in case it caused her to stop but he couldn't help himself, "you know, if you want my attention, all you have to do is ask." there was a short pause and the brushing on his leg stopped. Inside he was disappointed she stopped, but his disappointed was gone when he heard her talk just low enough for him to hear. He wasn't sure if he was hearing what he wanted to hear of if she really did say those words, it wasn't until he noticed a quick side glance that he got his answer, "you want it, you got it." he said before he got up from his seat, walked around the table and sat beside her, her gaze never leaving his as he made his way.

The moment he sat down she closed the brief distance between them. Her leg pushing against his, his hands almost immediately went to her thigh, Running his thumb across the smooth skin. His gaze was on her legs before looking back at her noticing she was now seemingly tryin to play it cool by keeping her concentration on her drink, "hey," he says as he lifts his other hand and slowly grabs her hand that was holding the cup and slowly puts the cup back down on the table, "I don't know if I heard you right," once he managed to got her hand off the cup he slowly placed his hand on her chin and turned her head towards him, "You wanted my attention right?" his eyes were locked on to her blue hues and felt himself leaning closer to her once he looked at her lips, "well, you got it." He continued running his thumb along her thigh when he felt her hand on his, pushing his hand further up her thigh than he expected before he felt a slight tug on his tie. As she slid his hand upward he moved this thumb and fingers along her thigh. She wanted his attention and she got it but it was her that was making...what ever this was...deeper. His thoughts ran wild as he felt his lips brush against her, feeling her breath on his skin. where his hand was on her thigh wasn't important any more, it was what was about to happen right now that had his full attention, "Is there anything else you want?" he questioned softly readying himself to fully close the distance once she spoke.

Ring Ring...Ring Ring...Ring Ring...

the first ring was the confusion, the second the realization, and the third was the ultimate deflation. they both let out a sigh as Declan pulled away ever so slightly giving Lilliana the room she needed to answer her phone. Declan couldn't hear the whole conversation but judging by the look on her face it wasn't a happy call. Now having his hand on her thigh as she talked to the teacher seemed inappropriate but when he tried to remove it she quickly grabbed his hand to keep it still. He looked at her as her expression read, 'keep it there or I'm going to fucking lose it' so, he did, and he could feel her skin getting hotter and hotter but not to the point of burning his hand. He gave her thigh a light squeeze just to remind her he was there. The call lasted maybe five minutes but it felt like forever. she let out a sigh and that's when Declan spoke up, "Was it about Tiff?" he questioned though he already seemed to have a full idea what had happened. He didn't need the whole situation so he skipped to what was important in this moment, "are you ok?"
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Even after Declan asked her if she wanted something, there was that simple answer that was thrown out there. But that didn't stop her leg from continuing to brush against his. The Agent's gaze shifted over to Declan's features and yet he had been looking at her all the same. Their gaze on eachother was strong, and it seemed that the silence that came with it was just as strong before his wonderful voice cut through the air as if it were nothing. That light pink hue turned into a deeper shade as the cup of coffee was lifted to cover part of her face in attempt to hide herself. Why was it she felt so bashful? So shy even? James didn't know. At first she hesitated to answer his question, but then she did in such a quiet voice that she was unsure of if he actually had heard her despite the cafe being pretty quiet aside from some music on the overhead speakers "...I would very much like your attention, Declan..." Removing her gaze from him to avoid eye contact, her ears picked up the sounds of him shuffling, followed by footsteps that seemingly made her heartbeat quicken in pace. Why am I getting... I'm getting so worked up... Calm down... The moment he sat by her, she wasted no time in pressing her leg against his as her body craved that touch of his no matter how it was given. Though it was almost as if Declan knew as his warm hand pressed upon her thigh with his thumb brushing the soft skin underneath. To Lilliana, it was almost like an electric shock that followed with his touch and it ran within her body.

No. There was no way that James would allow him to see her this way. Her body was reacting to every movement, every touch, but yet her mind tried to force herself to look cool, nonchalant about the whole ordeal that was starting to unfold. Lilliana did her best to take a quiet sip from her drink while also looking at the contents rather than looking at her partner. I keep asking the same questions...Why...Why am I going this way...Why am I feeling this way... I still don't get the answers I'm looking for. I know what this is... I want it... I want him. I've never wanted someone in my hands so badly. It's almost as if I'm afraid he'll slip through my hands like sand if I don't grab him right now... When her mind allowed her to come back to the world she was living in, blue hues noticed that he was already taking her cup and putting it down upon the table. Declan's hand had gently cupped her chin and before the agent knew, she was gazing at him with her blue gems. Declan... She thought while he asked his question. Yes... I want your attention... I want all of it... The thought alone made butterflies flutter within her stomach while her gaze had softened. This man that was right in front of her... He was perfect in her eyes... Between those golden globes, that dark hair, even his physique... To her he was beautiful and there was nothing that could compare.

While Lilliana didn't answer, he seemed to answer his own question as her eyes noticed his gaze drop down before he began to lean in. This was it. This was their moment that she had been craving despite not showing many signs if not any at all. One of her hands had reached for his own, helping it slide along her thigh up higher than before and the other had grasped onto Declan's tie as she gently tugged it as if it would help her bring him closer. They were barely just touching at this point, lips brushing so gently that it felt like a dusting upon the surface. While her eyes were not exactly half-lidded, they were more than that to where she could just barely see her partner. For some reason they had paused and in her mind she wondered why that was. Was she pushing for too much? Was it so sudden for Declan that he felt perhaps obligated to fall into her temptations that plagued her mind within a short time? Maybe I'm forcing him... Maybe it's too soon. Is it just that he wants to fufill my wants? ...My heart aches... Is this what people meant? You want something so bad and sometimes it could be something that you're not allowed to have... Declan never mentioned anyone else, if anything he was usually at the Agency much like her, they were practically like peas in a pod. No... I believe he should have someone better than me. That's what I thought earlier but... Why can't I stick with that? Why do I keep getting tugged into different directions? Declan's breath was warm against her skin and it still gave her the comfort that even his touch could bring.

Lips parted to speak, though as soon as she went to respond there was a ringing coming from her arm. At first she didn't process it, but then the realization hit that this was her phone going off. The pair had mirrored eachother with their syncronized sighs and removed a hand from his while reaching into her sleeve to pull out the annoying device. This phone. This ringing. The beating in her chest was strong, much like drummers in a symphony hall... Maybe even stronger than that so there was some relief that broke the tension. Taking a moment, she breathed in and let it out before answering the phone and letting her other hand gently slide down from her partner's tie and instead the agent leaned forward on the table with her elbows rested upon it. The annoyed look upon the woman's face had shifted fairly quickly from annoyance to anger. The information she was being fed seemingly increasing the monster within her soul. The moment she felt a cold breeze upon her thigh, James' hand immediately grabbed it and pulled it back while gently squeezing it to at least try to tell him she needed him grounded and this was the only way. Tiffany... Tiffany is still at school... Her fucking useless mother hadn't come back to pick her up... There was much resistance in preventing damage to her phone and crumbling it into tiny pieces while her body temperature increased.

The squeeze from Declan had brought her back to focus, knowing very well an upset Lilliana was one to be afraid of. Another breath was taken in as she tried to regulate herself. The woman was angry, frustrated (in more ways than one), and after she heard little Tiffany in the background calling out to her and saying that her teacher was feeding her cheese and crackers, she could feel that tug in her heart that made her want to cry. Her hand had cupped her forehead, her head dipped down towards the table in the process while her blue hues filled with water to cause her vision to go blurred. "Y-Yeah I'll pick her up. I'm on my way. Tell her big sister is coming." After hanging up the phone, she simply let it slam into the table as Declan asked if it was about Tiff and she simply nodded and responded to him "I'm not okay. For once in my fucking life I'm not okay..." Emotions were high, emotions new and old. Lilliana's voice was almost like a whisper to him, there was this situation on top of what she planned to do for the night... Things were getting in her way. Why did she have to become so soft? Was she soft from the way beginning? The agent had yet to move from her seat, or even look at Declan himself and instead had been letting silent tears drop onto the table's surface. A second time she would cry in front of Declan. A second time she'd cry in a span of 24 hours almost. No one made her cry like this. No one. Why? Why was she tuned in this much? She fucking hated it.

"Tiffany was left at school... She's still not at home..." She managed to choke out but still forced herself to keep gazing at the table. Before James knew it, there was a hand upon her back and another on her shoulder in attempt of comforting. While it did make her feel as if she did have someone who'd always be there for her, she seemed to cry even harder and turn into him, burying her face into his neck as she cried softly. An arm wrapped around him in a slight hug while the other was pressed against his chest. I don't understand anything anymore. I hate it so much. The pair remained sitting for a while in that same position until eventually she stopped crying. They had to get moving and there was not much time they could waste at this time. Peeling herself from Declan, she wiped her tears away and gathered her phone and inhaled her coffee so she made the trip worthwile. "Come on Declan, we got our favorite kid to pick up." There was a joke there, though it was clear she was still trying to pull herself together. "You know where her school is... Is it walkable from here? I know she wont be able to go on the bike." Once they were ready to leave, she left her tip and payment for them and they dipped from the cafe and began to walk down the alley. Maybe they could take the bike to at least get there... "Know what, let's take the bike, I'll pick her up and walk home with her. A little walking never hurt anyone right?" It was almost as if she was trying to forget about what happened, push her feelings down despite them overflowing like a pot of boiling water.​

He watched as Liliana face went from annoyance to anger. It wasn't until he heard a familiar voice coming from the other end of the phone when he got a feeling he knew what this phone call was all about, and his feeling was correct when he heard a small voice saying something about crackers and cheese. What the hell was she still doing at school? that was a stupid question he already knew why she was still at school. What he wasn't expecting was the small voice crack after telling the teacher she was on her way and even more unexpected was tears coming out of her eyes and puddling onto the table. He looked at the gathering of tears before looking at Liliana, he stalled for a moment not sure if he should intervene but as she spoke about how Tiffany was left in school and wasn't picked up yet he could understand why she was feeling this way, he slowly placed one hand on her back and the other on her shoulder. He didn't have no words to help her all he could do was be there for her and that's what he did as she turned into him burying her face into his neck and continued to cry. He wrapped his arms around her fully allowing her to cry. There was no extra touching or any attempt at the kiss that was interrupted by that phone call he just held her letting her pour out all the emotions she kept bottled up. Afterwards she slowly peeled herself away from him but stayed close enough that his arms were still around her, she joked about picking up their favorite kid and Declan chuckled, "to be fair, I think she's the favorite child in everyone at the school too." he says with a smile on his face. He watched her as she tried to collect herself and all Declan could do was rub her shoulder.

As soon as they were ready Declan got out of the booth first before he stood to the side to allow Liliana to get out, they left their payments and a tip before heading out. Normally Eddie would joke and taunt him about not being able to finish the drink but he sensed something was up and just gave Declan a knowing nod, almost like a agreement, we won't count this one. She spoke as they walked to his bike. Asking him if the school was within walking distance knowing full well they won't be able to ride his bike now that Tiff was with them, "It's not too far but I could always go back to HQ and get one of their cars." he suggested as they began putting on their gear. It seemed however, she didn't want to ride in the company vehicle as she suggested that maybe her and Tiff would just walk. He looked at her for a moment before he gave her a nod, "what's a little walk with the most adorable little sibling in the city huh." he says with a smile, his mind flashed to the moment that just happened between them, was she pretending all that didn't happen? maybe this whole touchy feeling stuff was just a game to her? no, she didn't seem like the type of women to play these types of games but then. They mounted his bike and he took a second to make sure everything was all set before revving his bike and taking off towards the school.

The bike ride was short since they took the freeway however, it slowed down once they got into town with traffic. Ten minutes later they found themselves parking into the school parking lot. They could tell school has been out for a while with the amount of staff cars that where gone. The two got off the bike and took off their gear before walking towards the school building, not as close as they were when walking to the café but close enough that some might consider them more than just on the job partners. Declan opened the door for her and followed her in once she walked through. Once they reached the front desk they where given visitor's badges and escorted to Mrs. Vasquez's class room. Liliana took a quick glance into the classroom through a small window and she could see Tiffany sitting on a desk coloring something with crackers and cheese on either side of her and sitting across from her was the teacher. Liliana opened the door and walked in, Declan close behind her. The sound of the door opening caused Tiffany to look in their direction before a huge smile appeared on her face, "Big sister!" she says excitingly as she got up and ran to her jumping into her arms. She then noticed Declan and her smile seemed to widen, "and big sister's boyfriend is here too! Yay!"

"Thank you for coming." the teacher greets as she joins the two and shaking both their hands, "I was...kind of hoping we wouldn't need to call you so soon, agent, but...well...school ending about 3 hours ago and I couldn't get ahold of any way.
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Lilliana didn't want him to go back and get a car from HQ. It was pointless if she could easily just walk home without issue. It would surely save the time of going back to HQ, going to the school, then back to HQ. In her mind it was just too much to do and the woman just wanted to pick up her little sister as soon as possible. The girl could've been home doing little doodles in the comfort of her home or watching some tv without wasting the teacher's time. A smile tugged her lips "She is very adorable, isn't she?" How could anyone think that Tiff was anything but that? If she's adorable now and so witty... Later on there was no doubt in her big sister's mind that if she wanted to take the path she'd be a great agent. A great addition. But that's only if she inherited any powers or even had some of her own to begin with. Which she would have to talk to her father about if he had any ideas which James highly doubted as he barely paid any attention to her to begin with. As she climbed onto the bike with Declan, immediately the woman was in position and the arms that had been wrapped around him had tightened slightly more than usual. You're still so warm... Lilliana thought as her eyes closed, the image of them being so close flashing across her mind and causing a blush to rise up on her cheeks. Is this what a schoolgirl feels like when she likes someone this much? "Declan..." Her voice was soft over the bluetooth "Thank you... For everything..." The arms around him tightened a bit more just slightly before returning to the squeeze she had on him already.

Once they arrived at the school, she walked with Declan inside where they had retrieved their visitors passes and headed straight for the homeroom class. The shoes that Lilliana possessed had clicked against the floor, causing her to feel some sort of satisfaction. Something about heels against tiles or any hard surface that allowed the clicking to begin always made her feel... Powerful? In charge? It was such an odd feeling that she couldn't explain. Perhaps it was more like watching satisfying videos on MeTube. Yeah... Something like that. As soon as she got to the door, she peeked inside and spotted both the teacher and Tiff drawing with her little snacks. The agent took in a deep breath to at least keep herself calm as her hand knocked on the door and opened it to allow both herself and Declan through. Just as the pair walked through, Tiffany was already running up to them and Lilliana kneeled down and hugged her little sister as she picked her up. "Hello Tiffany. We're sorry to keep you waiting." Unintentionally she nuzzled the girl gently, almost as if it came naturally to her. While holding the girl with one arm, James used the other to shake the teacher's hand "Yeah, we've heard things going on."

"I've already spoken to her father about this. I'm sorry that you had to stay well beyond your clockout time no doubt."
The woman bowed her head slightly "This morning my partner dropped her off and we had hoped she'd be picked up today. But it seems not." Her blue hues drifted to her partner as she gestured with her eyes "Declan can you talk to Tiffany about eating her vegetables while I talk with her teacher, please?" As absurd as it sounded, James knew that Tiffany would get locked into an argument with him and be completely oblivious to anything being discussed "See if she can beat you in an argument." As soon as Tiffany was taken from her, she watched as they moved to the other side of the room and her voice had dropped low to talk with the teacher "I know there's not much you can do here as you have all those forms and all, but..." Reaching into her sleeve, she pulled out her wallet and showed Vasquez her ID as well as her V.A.G.E ID. "I am family. From now on, just contact me please if you can. My father is out on trips practically all the time so she's left home with her... Mother." James said with venom in her words. Glancing over her shoulder at Declan and Tiffany for a moment, she then turned her head back while her voice still remained low "And as you can tell she's not so reliable if she's missing school all the time or being left here for God knows how long."

The teacher seemed conflicted because yes, Lilliana was an agent of the most respected agency and on top of that shared the same name as little Tiffany. The woman took a breath as she watched James put her IDs and wallet back into her sleeve. "I know you're part of her family. We do have protocols which I'm sure you understand as an agent of V.A.G.E.... However... As much as I want to follow those protocols... This can't keep happening. This is hindering her learning and her ability to possibly be responsible in the future. She keeps missing weeks at a time while children are going ahead of her, she's still stuck on learning from a few weeks ago that we've moved on from." Vasquez noticed the look on Lily's face and could practically feel how upset she was. "As long as you're able to get her to school, pick her up from school, I'll keep it like that. If anything happens, we'll call you." Reaching to the Agent's hands, she cupped them in her own "Tiffany does talk about you a lot. Even that young man there too." Her head nodded towards him "She's always drawing you guys as a little family and it's quite adorable." Vasquez noticed some tears forming in the woman's eyes and she smiled softly knowing that it probably felt like an honor to have a child you adore draw you as she herself has had those encounters. "Despite having meetings with her parents... I've never seen her draw them even before she started talking about you. If anything it was more about her little stuffed animals or something of the like. One of them she has in her little backpack." The woman tapped her hands and released them "I look forward to our secret mission, Miss James." She joked and the both of them released soft giggles. "Now go home, it's about time she get some free time and some dinner into her. Cheese and crackers can only hold her so much."

Lilliana couldn't have been any happier. Despite them both breaking the rules, it was for the future of Tiffany and nothing of malicious intent. That didn't stop her from being malicious to the parents though. "Thank you. We'll be heading out now then. We'll talk soon if anything." Turning towards Declan and Tiffany at the back of the room, she called out "Hey, lets get going you two. We can argue later on." There was a warm and small smile upon her face and later on she would explain it to her partner. After Tiffany retrieved her things, the trio made their way outside of the school and little Tiff was happier than anything as she was skipping and jumping around in front of them. "I don't want you to leave your bike here... Did you want to just meet me at my place?" Glancing over and up at Declan, she had lowkey hoped he'd meet her there rather than just go home. "Little one, over here for a minute." She pointed towards the bike as she came over and patiently waited while bouncing around. Reaching into her sleeve, she pulled out her keys and held them out to him "You can take my keys since you'll be there before me so you can let yourself in. Don't feel pressured to go though, if you'd rather go home, I understand." Though I'd rather you come with me... Enjoy the day a little bit longer before tomorrow comes. James felt as if he'd slip through her fingers if they parted this way and things would just return back to normal tomorrow. Just thinking about it made her heart thump within her chest. Making it a little bit achey.


Declan nodded as Liliana and the teacher walked away to have a private conversation. Declan took a seat across from Tiff as she happily hummed and continued her drawing after saying ‘hi’ to Liliana. Declan looked at her drawing. He wasn’t expecting to see a professional display of artistry, but he was impressed by what he saw. Most kids her age would draw stick figures that looked the same and just put words like ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ above them to separate the sameness. Tiff’s drawing was no different, however, she added more detail like Liliana’s dress, and yellow circles for his eyes. She drew the three of them walking, holding hands, though some trees that he assumed was their day in the park, and the words ‘Big sistr’ over Liliana and ‘Big sistr boifiend’ over him. A Small smile tugged on his lips as he says, “Wow Tiff, you drew this yourself?” she giggled and looked up at Declan with a smile and nodded proudly before reaching for reaching for her cracker and cheese, “Hey, Tiff, you wanna know what goes good with Cheese?” this caught her attention and she tilts her head as she takes a single bite of her cracker waiting for Declan to tell her, “Broccoli.” Her face twisted almost mirroring his face when he drinks the house special.

“That’s gross.” Tiff says.

“No seriously, if you put some cheese on broccoli and steam it.” Declan paused as he rubs his stomach, “Mmm, delicious.” She shook her head in disagreement and Declan just chuckled. Liliana did tell him to argue with a five-year-old. The last time they had this talk Tiff “won” by throwing a pillow at his face but this time he felt he got the upper hand. That was until he noticed she was crossing out ‘Big sistr boifiend’ to ‘Brocoli Man’. Declan blinked before meeting the eyes of a smirking Tiff.

“What?” Tiff asks innocently.

“Did…did you just change my name?” Declan asks but Tiffany just sat in her chair with an innocent smile on her face, “You hurt me Tiff, how could you, I thought I was ‘big sister’s boyfriend’?” Tiff shook her head causing her dark hair to swish back and forth.

“No, my sister doesn’t date broccoli eaters.” Tiff says with a smile she then points to the picture, “and you, are a broccoli eater…any questions?” Declan sat in the small seat dumbfounded while the five-year-old just smiled up at him.

“Eat your crackers Tiff…” Declan said defeated. Tiff giggled and ate a cracker taking a celebratory bite. He couldn’t stay mad at Tiff; she was too adorable. However, his attention was taken when he heard the teacher’s voice speak up. He caught bits and pieces of the conversation but the most he caught was when they talked about Tiff being gone for weeks causing her to fall behind the other students who were weeks ahead of her. He turned his gaze back at Tiff who continued drawing and felt his hands tense up a bit. He knows how kids can be at this age, easily bully someone just because they think they are smarter. He pushed that thought out of his head, she had no signs of being bullied and the teacher didn’t seem to bring it up.

Declan heard Liliana call for them and he stood up from the small chair while Tiff began to pack her things, toss her trash, and follow them out of class. They said their goodbyes to the teacher before walking out together, Tiff taking the lead. Once outside Liliana spoke with Declan about taking his bike and meeting her back at the apartment, “Uh, yeah sure, I can do that.” He says as he takes her keys and looks at her and chuckles, “No, no, it’s…I mean we I can go home later. Still, plenty of day left right?” he says with a chuckle. The three of them walked over to his bike and continued discussing as he got his gear on, Tiff pretending she was riding the bike, making “vroom vroom!” sounds while the two talked. Once he got most of his gear on, he grabbed Tiff, “Alright, speed demon, time for you to get off.” He was met with an adorable “aww!” before being placed by Liliana, who she grabbed her hand and smiled up at Declan, “I promise I’ll take you for a ride when you are older.” He looked back at Liliana, and they held eye contact for a moment. He pictured himself left his arm to her hip, pulling her close, and giving he a kiss but his body made no such moves. Instead he very awkwardly says, “I’ll uh..I’ll meet you at your place then, Lily.” He held eye contact with her for a moment longer before he tore his gaze away, put on his helmet, and drove off.

“OOOOH.” Liliana suddenly heard a little voice beside her, “I think he looooves yooooou.” She giggled.

The ride to her apartment wasn’t a long one, especially if he takes the freeway, sure, that will mean he would have to take an exit that was a couple blocks past her apartment building, but it beat having stop and go traffic and having to deal with traffic lights. It was about twenty minutes before he finally pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building. He parked and secured his equipment before walking inside the building. Some of the staff had seen him before and greeted him by name as he made his way towards Liliana’s apartment. Once inside he placed the key on top of the kitchen countertop before he looked around.

He had never been inside her apartment before, in fact, he wasn’t sure if anyone besides Jeannie had ever had the honor to be given an invitation to come inside her apartment before. Well, maybe Carter, but he’s a father figure to her so he didn’t count, “I guess, I should just wait for them.” He says as he takes a seat on the living room sofa. Five minutes later he found himself standing up as curiosity got the better of him and he decided to explore.

Her apartment is clean, barely any signs of her living there aside from the obvious furniture and maybe a glass or Two in the sink. She has a balcony, and the shades are open to allow natural light in. the Balcony had an amazing view of the park where they first met Tiffany. After absorbing the sights, he walked back inside the apartment.

He saw there was a short hallway with three closed doors. Figuring one was her bedroom and the other was the bathroom he decided he wouldn’t go down there, he didn’t want to invade her privacy too much, instead he opened the only remaining door still in the living room area and what greeted him was what looked to be an office. The office looked normal enough minus a shade sitting across what he assumed was a desk. He paused for a moment before he took a step inside the office and towards the desk, gripping the shade and pulling it to the side to reveal her attempt to track wolf down with photos, red string, pins, etc. She has newspaper clippings and more. He smirked to himself as he saw familiar faces, both dead and still alive, “all this, and you still can’t figure it out? Slightly disappointed.” He said amusingly. His eyes landed on Marc and he tapped the picture, “you’re time will come, Marc, don’t you worry.” He thought of many ways he could mess with her, giving her false information, pretending to hunt someone who had no connection with his targets, hell, maybe he’ll mess with this board so she’s completely on the wrong track but those thoughts stopped as a voice says.

I would end the world for this women

He paused as he looked at this board. Has he missed the plot here? He was suppose to be in this city until he found all his targets and disappear but he’s finding himself spending more time with Liliana, sure there was nothing stopping him from having some side candy while he did his real job but Liliana was becoming more than that and the proof was that moment in the café, you’re missing the plot Declan he thought to himself as he covered the desk and began walking out, you really trying to find happiness on the backs of the dead? No, that wasn’t it, he will fulfil his mission, he just…needed to pretend he was normal. But was he pretending? He asked himself as he closed the doors of the office just in time to hear the front door open. When he looked he saw Tiff and Liliana by the door.

Was he pretending?

He thought he knew the answer until he was greeted by their smiles and genuine happiness to see him.
MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

Lilliana let her smile come back onto her lips as he retrieved her keys from her grasp as he began to get ready. Definitely plenty of time in the day... Though with how long it's going to take me to get back to the apartment, I'm not so sure. The agent thought but had said nothing to him about it as he finished up and took Tiff from his bike. There was a clear pattern with the James' Family considering two of them now were interested in his bike. When Declan had turned to look at her, their eyes had locked with one another and she could feel her heart rate increase with this connection. Everyone said that the eyes were always the window to the soul and she could never understand that. But that was until this very moment, where she could feel like if she was peering inside. "I'll see you soon." Their words seemed to go to the wind as their gaze still remained locked and she could almost feel a tug towards him. Though before she could even be guided by that tug, he tore his gaze and put his helmet on before eventually speeding off. I felt that clear as day. There's no way that he didn't. The way his eyes looked at me... Could she be just assuming how he was looking at her? Perhaps... Damn not having experience with this sort of thing.

A familiar little voice peaked up from behind her and she turned to look at Tiff who claimed that she thinks Declan loved her "W-What?" Was she more perceptive than an adult? "I... I wouldn't know if that's true or not, little one." Taking her hand, they began their journey to the apartment.

"What do you meeeaaannn?"
Tiff asked as she giggled and gently swung their arms as their hands were linked "He did what a prince does in the fairy tales! Don't you know?" Looking up at Lilliana, she grinned as if she knew something so special.

"...He did what a prince does? What does the prince do, Tiffany?" What could a prince do that Lilliana didn't know about? Were they changing children's books before her very eyes? With furrowed eyebrows, she glanced down at the girl as they walked.

Tiff gasped "YOU DONT KNOW!?" Shaking her head as her brown locks whipped around, she lifted the finger of her other hand in a "as a matter of fact" motion "The prince stares at the princess for a really long time! They don't say anything though...But I think they do some brain talking or something! Then in the end they get married and live happily ever after!"

The prince stares at the princess for a long time? But...Anyone could stare at someone else and not have a reason behind it, or if they did it wasn't always love or anything of the like.
Thought Lilliana as they continued their walk. Was it really wise to take into account of what Tiff was saying? On top of that...Getting married and living happily ever after? I never thought about it before because I had no reason to... But now that she had a partner, it was windows of opportunities opening to her. Though did she like those opened windows? Sort of... She was scared of them. Worried that in her line of work that she could lose them or vice versa. That's why she kept her distance, kept her standards high. On top of that she really...Put men on the back burner and whenever she brought them forward they were always disappointing. It was a waste of time and that's why she buried her face in her work, climbed up the ranks to be where she was today. I guess over time things tend to change whether we like them to or not. Feeling her arm being jiggled, she zoned back to the world and glanced down at Tiff "Yes little one?"

"Can I have icecream!?" She asked excitingly as she pointed to a corner store that had various pictures on the door of icecream advertisements.

A smile tugged her lips as she released a sarcastic sigh "I guuuuuueessss we can get you icecream before dinner. But just this once. I also have something unique for you to try. It's still icecream." Tiffany got excited and they both went inside the corner store and Lilliana went to the freezer where she pulled out a package that showed 3 pictures of pink circles and on the package it said "Strawberry Icecream Mochi."

"What's...Moo...Moochi?" Tiffany asked as she held the package.

"It's pronounced Moe-Chee. Mochi is a very soft and pillowy wrapping that goes around the icecream and gives it a wonderful texture. You're gonna love it. After all you're-" Hmmm... Would it be fine to say this? Tiffany already called her Big sister... "You're my little sister since I'm big sister, right?"

Tiffany had nodded eagerly as Lilliana paid and then exited the store while she began to munch on one of the Icecream Mochi's, her eyes lighting up like a christmas tree "BIG SISTER THIS IS SO YUMMY!!!" yelling this into the streets, many people who passed by either giggled or called her cute.

While Tiffany wasn't her own child, the more she hung around her, the more she could feel that connection. The will to protect, to take care and nurture her. Nothing could take this away now, it was already beginning to solidify like concrete. You bring me so much joy, little one... I'll do everything I can to support you and help you grow into the wonderful child you are. So bright, so sweet... Thought the Agent as about 40 minutes went by and they finally got to the apartment building. By this point, Lilliana was holding Tiff in her arms and she went through the building waving to the staff and all before going up to her floor. "Lets hope Declan didn't fall asleep waiting for us, right Tiff?" The girl nodded and Lily smiled as they went down the hall "Always remember my number, Tiffany. Floor 10, room 1058. Right here." She pointed right to the door and tapped it with her finger to show her "And if you don't know, you can always ask the nice people downstairs."

After that, Lilliana walked into the apartment with her and noticed that Declan was looking around the corner and Tiff squirmed to get out of her grasp. "Hey now, Tiff, we need to take our shoes off first." Putting her down, she immediately took her shoes off -though very messy- and ran up to Declan who she began to explain what Icecream mochi was. Lilliana lifted her one leg while one hand remained on the wall as the other began to undo her heel "Sorry for taking so long, Declan. I hope you didn't get bored and eat my kitchen or something like that." Switching to her other leg, she took that heel off as well before organizing the shoes and stepping inside. While her heels did make her seem taller, after losing them she was definitely an inch or so shorter now. "We also stopped by for some icecream mochi so I am hoping it burned through her system so I could feed her DINNER." Looking at Tiffany, she immediately retreated to the couch and went through her bag. "If you have any homework, Tiff, please do begin that." Of course the girl immediately began to work on homework since it was the one thing she was already ahead of "If you need help just call us."

Glancing at Declan, she nodded towards the door that was shut and contained her office "We can talk in here since I'll have to give you an update. Though...Don't ask about anything in here if you see anything." Opening the door, she slipped by him and left it open so he could follow in and she walked to her desk towards the back of the room but was centered and turned to lean on it while facing the other side. This was a common spot for her as her bulletin board was practically across with a shade over it. But no one would know that unless they actually pulled it up. As soon as the door was closed enough, she released a sigh "So, as I was speaking with her teacher...This is a very common occurance and seems to be bringing her back little by little. While the other kids are moving forward...She's moving at a slower pace." Those blue hues lowered slightly "The Teacher is willing to work with us for the sake of her academics even if it does breach protocol of the school. She also shared with me that Tiff likes to draw more of us than both her mother and father. Which...Well...Says a lot considering we haven't known her as long as they have. That I believe screams volumes."

Moving from her spot on the desk, she moved to the side and grabbed a wine bottle from her little shelf and pulled a fresh glass beside it as she poured herself one before she offered it to him first instead. Surprisingly, he took it and she then got another glass for herself from the same shelf and poured more into that one before returning to her original position. Even at home, sitting on or against her desk was a common occurance. The Agent swirled the liquid within the glass "I'm going to have to rip my father a new one once again, and this time... I'm not asking to take Tiff from him." Lilliana then took a sip of her drink, finding it to be the best comforting thing every time she came home. The one way to wind down and just give herself a moment to process. "I highly even doubt the mother realizes at this point."

Declan watched as Tiffany very excitedly trying to get out of Liliana’s grip. However, once she was done, she kicked off her shoes and ran to Declan, “Broccoli man! Have you ever had Moochie before?” she asked but continued before Declan had a chance to answer, “Big sister got me some and it was sooooo delicious.” Declan pet the top of her head and smiled down at her before she happily ran past Declan and jumped onto the couch. Declan half expected her to turn on the tv and watch her favorite cartoon like any other kid would but was caught off guard when he saw she was pulling out her homework out of her backpack. He remembered being a kid, and homework wasn’t the first thing he did when he got home. He would toss his backpack in his room and go outside and play. She seemed far more vigilant than any other five-year-old he has ever encountered. A chuckled left his lips when Liliana joked about eating her kitchen, “No, no, no I didn’t touch the kitchen,” he says before adding, “though I did take a chunk out of the side of the couch, it’s softer food.” Tiffany, after hearing Declan’s words moved to the side of the couch and looked down looking for something.

“Nuh uh!” Tiffany says after looking up from the side of the couch, “you didn’t take a bite from the couch.” Declan looked over at Tiffany and gave her chuckle. He was going to respond before he saw Liliana give him a look and tilted her head towards her office while telling Tiffany to call them if she needed help with her homework, “Ok!” she says as she sits back where she was and begins doing her homework, her tongue sticking out as she did so.

Declan walked into the office behind Liliana and stood in front of her as she gave him an update on her conversation she had had with the teacher hours ago. At first, Declan let out an annoyed sigh. Tiffany was smart but it doesn’t mean a thing if her parents are not taking her to school. That is when she gave him, he good news that she is willing to work with Liliana even at a risk to her job. Declan felt slightly guilty that this could potentially backfire and cost the teacher her job but Declan would make sure something like that won’t happen, Liliana is her sister and she was taking care of little Tiffany far better than her alcoholic mother and constantly out of town father. A small ‘aw’ escaped his lips when Liliana told him about the drawing she would always draw. He got glimpse of her drawing when they where at her school but knowing she always drew them together was…well…he didn’t know how to describe the feeling but if he ever had any doubts about what they were doing was wrong, well, that went right out the window after hearing that, “and it’s pretty good too.” Declan responds, “when I was her age all I drew was stick figures, I mean, she still draws stick figures too, but they are a lot more detailed than mine.”

Declan took a single step forward as she heard Liliana telling him she was going to rip him a new once again and Declan chuckled, “do be so rough,” he starts before adding, “I want a shot at this “dad” too, Lily.” He says with a chuckle. He rolled his eyes when she mentioned that women, “probably too busy drinking the night away to realize she forgot Tiff.” He figured Carter or someone from the office would contact them if they got a call about Tiffany’s mother calling them about her child, but he assumed Liliana didn’t get any sort of call. When he came to this conclusion, he was sure Liliana did as well. He took another step to her and put one hand on her cheek and the other on her hip, “hey, are you going to be alright? I know how you get when it comes to our favorite little sister.”

A certain part of him wanted to recapture that moment in the café, and seeing as they were alone this was probably the only chance he was going to get, “you know, you didn’t answer my question back at the café.” He says giving her a smile. Liliana looked at him pretending she didn’t know what he was talking about, “Of course you remember, but let me remind you.” He says as he slid the hand that was on her hip up her waist and to her chin, “Was there something else you wanted from me?” Once again, he waited for her answer and when she finally answered it he leaned in and…

“Big sister!” Tiffany calls from the living room, “this question is hard I need help!” Declan was dumbfounded. How did something like this happen…TWICE! He let out a chuckle to hide his frustration before looking at Liliana, “Little sister calls.” He says before stepping back to let Liliana lead them out of her office and back to the living room.

“Hm..” Tiffany says as she watched the two of them leave the office and asks innocently, “Did…Did I interrupt something?”
MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

Lilliana let out a soft laugh of her own as she took another sip from her wine. "Yeah, well I'll definitely have you have some hits on him. Clearly my words aren't enough to get him to realize. As for the mother don't even get me started." Maybe I should drink a bottle or two before confronting them just so I'm unfiltered as could be. The woman thought while her blue orbs looked at the dark red liquid swirling around inside the glass. I don't understand... I keep asking myself the same things over and over again but I'm left with nothing. No answers. Just a constant circle of "Why" Lifting her gaze, she noticed Declan walking over to her and while she placed her glass down, she noticed him placing his down too right next to hers before his hand cupped her cheek. This caused her to immediately lean into his hand while another had found its way on her hip. While he was strong, his hands were always so gentle with her... Almost as if he would break her if he was too aggressive. "I'll be fine... I'm just happy knowing she's in better hands. She deserves a better life...significantly." The agent drew a breath in while her hand lifted and placed upon his own.

The moment was as sweet as it was gonna get in this very moment, and that was before he brought up the question back in the cafe. It didn't take a genius to remember that moment practically instantaneously but she decided to play stupid "A lot of things happened there, Declan." Her playing dumb only backfired as his hands moved positions and they were right back where they were before. So close to eachother that she could feel her cheeks heating up Dammit Declan... I calmed down and...You brought me right back here... Though her mouth had other ideas as her lips parted and she quietly responded to him "I want you..." Instead of him responding, he simply leaned in closer. Those half lidded blue eyes closed slowly and before she could feel his lips on hers, she could hear Tiffany calling for help. When those hues opened back up, she noticed her partner beginning to withdraw himself and her hand shot out to grab his wrist. Now this did manage to stop him, but she felt as if these stupid situations were going to keep happening...Then it would be better to give him something rather than nothing right?

Pulling him back to her, a gloved hand cupped his cheek while she leaned up and pressed her lips gently to his cheek and held for just a moment or two before pulling away While we keep hitting unfortunate events... This is something I at least want to give you. "Now we can go." She said before releasing his wrist and walking out of the office and up to Tiffany "No, not at all Tiffany. What's wrong? What do you need help with?" Getting down onto her knees next to her while she had the homework on the coffee table, Lilliana looked at the homework to see what was so difficult about it. "So Paul has 10 apples, and he gives 6 of them to his best friend Janice. How much does Paul have left?" Tiffany shrugged and simply looked at Lily to see if she'd give the answer so easily. "Okay, well take both your hands and lift them up. How many fingers do I have on each hand?"

Tiffany looked at both hands and used her finger to tap each one "One... Two... Three... Four... Five! You have 5 fingers on that hand and you have..." She repeated the process on the other hand "5 on this hand too!"

"Okay, so what is 5 plus 5, Tiffany?"

"Uh..." Blinking a few times she then counted Lilliana's fingers once again and blurted out "10!"

Nodding approvingly she then spoke "Alright, so I have 10 fingers, so if Paul had 10 apples, and he gave 6 to Janice, how many fingers do we need to take away?"

"I don't want to take away your fingers!" Shouted the girl as she pouted.

Lilliana couldn't help but laugh "You're not going to take them away, Little one. Just push each finger down. How many is six fingers?"

Tiffany hesitated before she started to count the fingers and pushed each one down till she hit six "That many."

"Okay, how many fingers to I have left standing?"

Tiffany counted the fingers and shouted "Four!"

Lilliana nodded "There you go, that's your answer."

Tiffany smiled "Four is the answer! But...How?"

Raising her eyebrow, Lilliana leaned her elbow on the coffee table and she began to explain "Because if you gave someone six of your apples, you would no longer have those apples and you would be left with four. That is a form of problem solving called Subtraction." Gently rubbing Tiff's head, she gave her a warm smile "You're smart Tiffany. You'll be able to fly through these and wonder what you thought was so hard about them." I can tell she is a little bit behind... But no matter, if I have to tutor her then so be it. I want her to catch up to the kids of her class so she doesn't get left behind. That's the last thing I need for her. "Let me start making you some food, so by the time you're done you can happily eat and watch some cartoons." Moving from her position, she got back up and went back to her office to retrieve her glass of wine. While she didn't drink much of it, she planned on refilling it before going to the kitchen. After all, it was one of her ways to wind down after a long day, especially one like this one. Letting out a breath, she closed her eyes to compose herself before reaching for her glass.


Declan was caught off guard when he felt her grab his wrist and even more so when he felt her lips against his cheek before walking out of the office. Declan touched the spot where she kissed and felt a smile tug on his lips. This women was something else, even though they where interrupted, AGAIN, she still him left breathless with a simple cheek kiss and the phrase I would end the world for this women popped back in his mind as he walked to the doorframe of the office. He watched as Liliana, someone who only a couple weeks ago didn’t know she had a half-sister, was being a better parent than her mother and father combined, “Oof,” Declan says as he hears the math problem, “that’s a tough one, Tiff.” He says while leaning on the doorframe. He watched as Liliana helped Tiff reach the answer, never once giving her the answer but helping her work up to the answer and the excitement she had when she got the answer caused Declan to chuckle a bit. These two ladies were adorable when they were together.

Declan watched as Liliana stood back to her feet and began making her way back into the office. At first Declan wondered why she was coming back. Did she want to continue what they started? Was there something else she needed to talk to him about? Whatever it was he watched as she walked past him and towards the desk you’re starting to miss the plot, Declan his inner voice said as he checked out Liliana as she walked towards the desk, his eyes scanning her from head to toe. He knew Liliana was a attractive women but why couldn’t he take his eyes of her body? Doing such a thing was something he would do if he was in Wolf’s disguise but he found himself doing it as himself now, wondering how soft her skin actually was, how her lips would taste against his, and wanted that feeling of her body pressed against his once more. Everything he saw from her was something he desired.

You’re starting to miss the plot; Declan He got off of the door frame.

You’re starting to miss the plot, Declan. He didn’t rush towards her, instead walked at a brisk pace so he didn’t miss this chance.

You’re starting to miss the plot, Declan. She was right in front of him now, all it would take is one simple movement.

You’ve missed the plot, Declan.

He was behind Liliana as he reached out, grabbing her outstretched hand. There was a mixture of anticipation and surprise, when their fingers intertwined just before she had the chance to grab her cup of wine.

Liliana's reaction was subtle but telling; a slight startle that rippled through her, as she glanced back at him. Declan's presence was a gentle but undeniable pressure against her back. His touch moved from her hand to her hip like before and then, as if testing the waters, he traced a path of light kisses from her shoulder up to her neck. It was a risky move since she could just as easily just throw him out if she didn’t like what he was doing not only messing up their personal connection but also their work life and he didn’t want to think about what would happen if Carter got wind of this.

In his mind, Declan could see all the ways this could spiral, from an awkward tomorrow at the office to potential reprimands or even a reshuffling of their professional lives. Yet, the moment held a different kind of magic, one that seemed to pause all thoughts of consequences. Liliana's response was not words but actions; a slight tilt of her head, an invitation to explore further. He took advantage of this invitation, as his lips kissed soft skin with the scent of strawberry tickling his nose that drove him crazy causing him to go from soft kisses to playful nibbles on her neck. It also didn’t help as soft breaths escaped her lips, whatever control he had, he was quickly losing it.

Feeling encouraged, Declan let his hand wander, tracing lines across her stomach, briefly daring to reach further, resting one hand on her chest while the other remained on her hip. She didn’t retreat, instead, she placed her hand on top off his, a silent approval to his touch as more soft breaths escaped her lips, more playful nibbles on her neck, and the cycle continues. Finally, he stopped attacking her neck with nibbles and kisses before moving his hand from her hip to her chin, tilting her head up to look at him.

He heard his name escape her lips softly, a whisper, “S-sorry,” Declan says, “I can stop if you want me to.” He offered to step back, but Liliana's answer was in her movement, turning to face him with a decisiveness that drew him back in. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she pulled him back in, clashing her soft, strawberry flavored lips against his. Declan lifted Liliana, sitting her on the desk with both legs on either side of him now. His touch explored her body, fingers tracing patterns on her exposed lower back while the other now resting on her thigh just like before in the café but this time moving his hand further up her thigh on his own this time, not needing the encouragement like before.

His mind spiraled as thoughts of taking this further began to intrude in his mind. The taste of her skin, the softness he felt brushing the edge of his fingertips against her thigh, the taste of strawberry on her lips was driving him insane causing him to dig deep into his most basic desires. He didn’t want to just make this woman his, he wanted her C O M P L E T E L Y. He felt himself just about to act on his instinct when he broke the kiss, opting to kissing her shoulder and neck as he began to breath a little fast Jesus, if I went on I would of taken her right here He thought to himself breaking his thoughts with each kiss of her shoulder. He returned to kissing her lips again but it wasn’t long, just a couple of pecks, before resting his forehead against hers and his eyes closed, “Lily,” he says before he chuckles, “that was…that was something else.” He says before opening his eyes to look at her, “I probably would of went further but I forgot to close the door.” He said half-jokingly. He wasn’t sure if she was ready for that and he didn’t want to push it cause even though the desire was strong he wanted to do this right.

Just as Lilianna reached for that glass, she was unaware of Declan approaching her and his hand suddenly had laced with hers. The woman blinked a few times, confused as to why he was stopping her. His chest pressed against her back and giving her a warmth that comforted her in seconds. Declan? she thought to herself while gazing over her shoulder before his lips had grazed her skin. They had trailed from the soft surface of her shoulder, all the way up to her neck where she tilted her head to the side to give him more surface area to explore. The agents blood was like gasoline and his lips were like fire, igniting her into a roaring blaze. Her heart had been racing, cheeks beginning to go from pink to red as his kisses turned into gentle nibbles along her skin. He's driving me insane... I want more...So much more... His hands landed in places that she encouraged, a hand being placed on top of his own and her breathing increasing with every touch. "Declan..." James managed to get out as he stopped and brought her chin up to look at him.

That was not what she wanted. As a matter of fact, the moment he stopped was the moment her body began to long for his lips once again. Without answering him, she shifted in his grasp and faced him completely before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down into a very hunger-filled kiss. It didn't take him long to lift her small frame and sit her on the desk while the moment they shared was quite passionate. His lips are so soft... so passionate... why did I wait? Why did I have to push till I was at home to finally kiss him? Quite honestly this was one of the best days of her life. The feeling of his lips on hers, his hands exploring her skin so confidently. This awakened a beast from within that had been slumbering for far too long. The hunger between the pair was getting stronger and that beast was raging to get out. However his lips had broken from hers and went back to her skin. Chills ran up her spine and her head tilted once again to the side and her hand laced the fingers within his hair. Why do you make me cave this way? You tear down my walls and waltz on in like you own the place... Why do I let you? Infiltrate the walls I had built... She thought.

Declan and his soft and short kisses had brought her back as her eyes gazed up at him while their foreheads rested against one another. While she didn't realize it at the time, she realized now that she was breathless. "I wouldn't have stopped you if you did, Declan." Lily responded with reddened cheeks "You drive me absolutely crazy. I hate it so much..." Her eyes lowered a little, gazing at his lips "But I love it all the same..." She muttered as her lips gently pecked his. It was best that they stopped now or else they would have no choice but to shut the door. Despite her body begging her to keep going, she had to be rational despite wanting to throw that out the window without a care in the world. "I couldn't help myself... Back at the Cafe... something told me I just needed... No,  wanted your attention. Perhaps even more than that." Her hands slipped down to his chest where she placed her palms against him. "I hate to admit this... It's sad for a woman like me, of "my caliber" is what Jeannie likes to say." The woman's hands turned into fists against his chest "I've... I've never kissed anyone like this before. Actually... I've never kissed anyone before at all." When her blue hues lifted up to look at Declan, she could immediately read the surprise on his face.

Did he think she had more than enough kisses in the past year than in his whole lifetime? Probably. Many people assumed a lot about her but yet whenever confronted she always was honest and would catch many off guard. Or some would think she's bluffing while Jeannie always backed her up. "...Don't look at me like that..." The wave of embarrassment washed over her like a tidal wave and she felt as if she might just drown in it as she tried to hide her face. Whether it be in his chest or even looking away to hide her now colored face. "It's embarrassing..." There are plenty of why's in this scenario so we'll cut to the chase. Lilliana was acting like a school girl and quite frankly she was unsure how to really take that. She was a 25 year old woman and she was acting as if she was no more than 17. Hands grasped his shirt, wrinkling the fabric underneath.

Lilianna James is one of the many top dogs. Well respected, mature, beautiful, talented and more. While the agency with Wolf involved was struggling a bit publicly, she always did her best. She did what she needed to do. But here she was, in her partners arms, not only kissing him and craving more of him, but also spilling her secrets that only Jeannie would know. He made her put her guard down where she had it most up. Was this ever supposed to happen? No. Not in her mind. They were supposed to be work partners. He was supposed to be under her wing until he got the hang of things and instead it seemed like he got closer to her than anyone else has. Grew on her like a flower in desolate lands where she least expected to allow this to happen. Where she accepted her fate at the time, Declan immediately changed that fate the moment they began to show care for one another. Where they opened up and exposed themselves to each other. Being there and supporting one another no matter the issue. Even if it meant breaking rules and laws he still stood by and if the roles were switched she would do the same. I really am soft aren't I? she thought while she merely listened to Declan

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The moment the words, ‘I wouldn’t have stopped you if you’ left her lips Declan felt his primal urges nearly take over his body. She practically gave him the green light to do…T H A T and it didn’t help the small peaks they kept giving each other’s lips was threatening to set him over the edge. But who wouldn’t? All it would take is one look from her blue hues, one touch, one simple place of her hand and he was going to lose it and yet here she is sitting on the desk admitting she wouldn’t have stopped him. Even though he felt he took advantage of a mentally compromised Lily he wasn’t the one that was currently pressing her body against his, giving him small pecks on the lips and actively encouraging his lips to leave small trails on her neck, the smell of strawberries tickling his nose as he did so. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he heard Lily speak about how much she hated and loved how crazy he drove her, “well, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t drive you crazy right?” he teased, brushing his fingers against her back, the other still on her thigh. God her skin is so soft, and that smell of strawberries is driving me crazy…I need a distraction or else I will close that door and make her mine…

That’s when she dropped a bombshell and he looked at her surprised. It was surprising to find out he was Liliana’s first kiss. It’s not like he expecting her catching bodies left and right, but he thought maybe two or three people lucky people tops. The surprise on his face must have been obvious since Liliana told him to stop looking at her like that, “o-oh, my bad, it’s just.” He says before he shook his head deciding not to say what was in his head, “Never mind.” He says as he gently places his hand under her chin and turns her head to face him, becoming something of his signature move at this point, “it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Declan says with a chuckle before adding, “it just means we have some catching up to do.” He gave her a small peck on her lips and that was all it was supposed to be, a small peck. However, the moment his eyes locked on to hers he found that small moment of control starting to wane. He could of sword he heard Liliana tell him to kiss her or maybe that was in his head? Whatever the case was, he leaned in and kissed Liliana again, this time holding her body against his and deepening the kiss while his hands explored areas on her body others could only dream of touching, all the while Liliana seemed to encourage it.

Declan grabbed her hand that was on her chest and held it behind her pressing her body against his as their kiss intensified. Despite small moans of enjoyment escaping their pressed mouths as the kiss went on, they were still very aware of the little one in the next room doing her homework. Declan broke the kiss by going back to work on her neck with kisses and teasing bites. However, he did find a spot that seemed to affect her the most. He nibbled on that spot, and he felt her body tense up and a louder moan escaped her lips, “found it.” He teasingly whispered before he continued doing his thing. If the softness of her skin against his lips or the smell of strawberries wasn’t enough to intoxicate him into making this to the next level of their…relationship? Partnership? Whatever this was that was developing between them, the sounds escaping her and the way she said his name was only egging him on.
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Lilliana could feel his hand brush underneath her chin and before the agent had realized, her blue hues were looking up at him as he reassured her and just claimed it was some catching up to do. Some catching up? ...I suppose he isn't wrong... In my high school life I didn't bother to do what others did. His lips had gently met hers once again but just for a brief moment. Once their gazes locked, there was a pause which seemed like eternity Declan always seems to look at me with this gaze... I can't exactly explain it... She thought to herself before he came right back in and claimed her lips as his. Those blue orbs closed once again and those hands of hers had laced into his hair while she went to war with him. No doubt she may have been losing but she did indeed put up a fight while he tried to flank her elsewhere. His strong hands ran along her figure and caused chills to run up and down her spine as the situation began to grow even heavier.

Between the pair, there was a connection forming. One that Lily herself never expected to experience even once in her life since she felt so disconnected. How could she expect herself to fall in love when every man she's looked at or even let them have a shot was not up to her expectations? Eventually one would get bored and stop, and of course she did stop and focused more on her work than anything else. While she didn't know what love felt like, there was something here that was unfamiliar to her, a pull that made her long for more. One that made her want to forever stay in his arms and be by his side. After she thought she lost him once, that was more than enough to insert fear into her core. Into her very being that would now burn the world for him if anything happened.

Eventually her hand had been removed from his chest and was now behind her while their passionate kiss only grew more passionate. The intensity, the noises that escaped either one of them was definitely getting the better of her as she didn't ask for herself to let such things happen. Unfortunately for her, he found a weakness that only made the situation far worse for them both and cause her to grow even more flustered. "D-Declan... I... We need to stop..." Her free hand had found his shoulder and grasped onto it, her nails digging into the fabric. "I-If we keep going... I... I wouldn't be able to contain myself..." Her heart was beating so loud that she was sure that her partner could hear it clear as day even though that'd be entirely impossible unless he was up against her to listen. James' face was hot, red, and she could feel her entire being ready to implode. It was so much in one sitting, she wasn't sure if she could take it. Even with her little sister in the next room.

Lily was breathless, her eyes looking up at him as that free hand moved from his shoulder and back to his chest as she peeked around Declan to make sure Tiffany was still doing her homework. At this point the tv was on so they were safe since she hadn't been paying attention...Hopefully. Looking back towards her partner, his words made her body run hotter than lava as she had no idea he'd respond that way. His voice was low, husky even as he held her "Then that door better be shut, Declan... Egging me on like this..." Her response had also been soft, though held another tone to it.

However, before anything else could happen, she heard the happy-go-lucky Tiffany waltzing on in. "Big sister! Look I finished the rest of my homework! It was easy like you sai-" Suddenly she stopped as she looked at Declan as his back was facing her. Luckily for that pair, they were still clothed but it was still weird for a child to see. With furrowed eyebrows, she looked at him and then noticed Lily peeking from behind him "...What are you doing?"

Lily was as red as a fire truck at this point as she did not expect Tiff to come in so quickly. "D-Declan is just helping Big Sister with...S-Something..." Oh fuck this was bad.

Tilting her head, she asked "Helping Big Sister? Did Big sister have homework too?"

"... Yeah something like that. G-Go back into the livingroom, we'll be right there. I'll get food ready for you." She then made a 'shoo' motion as the girl giggled and walked out as she was happy with her homework being finished. Breathing out a sigh of relief, she looked up at Declan "We would definitely not have time... Though I will say I enjoyed every moment..." A smile tugged her lips as her hand cupped his cheek "What about you, Declan?"

Once again, he found himself here, fighting against his urges, his natural instincts, every desire to take this woman as her every breath just encouraged his lips to leave trails of kisses long her shoulder and neck, his hands to explore every inch of her body. Not words just breaths of expectation filling the office air. She did speak in hush tones telling him, or maybe herself, that they should stop since who knows what would happen if this continued. She didn’t make any attempts to stop him, however, and gave him the one thing he didn’t need. Encouragement to go on. One of Declan’s hands went from her thigh and gently brushed up her arm to her shoulder as he slid one strap of her dress off her shoulder to the side giving him more area to kiss, although it had other motives behind such a movement. She let out a breath and warned she wouldn’t be able to contain himself, “then don’t.” he simply says as he bites her neck and the newly discovered ‘Spot’ before giving her a kiss and looking at her. The look she gave him and her next words almost made it official However, before he could even attempt to go and close the door to get started he heard a small voice and footsteps walking into the office.

Thanks to Declan’s positioning he didn’t have to look the little girl in the eyes as Liliana tried to lie her way out of this predicament. Luckily, Tiff was too young to realize just how compromising of a position she just caught them in and ran out of the room. Declan let out a chuckle before looking back at Liliana’s face, almost immediately caught in her blue hues. He cupped her cheeks with his hand and gave her a smile, “are you kidding me? Probably the best night in this city I had yet.” He says before risking a kiss but was able to pull away and laughs again, “I hope I was able to help ‘big sister’ with what ever it was she needed help with.” He teased. He could almost see her face turn a dark shade of red but before she could look away, he placed his hand on her cheek and smiled at her, “come on, I bet the little one is hungry.” The simple motion to step back and help her off the desk was a lot harder than he thought as every fiber of his being was telling him to keep her there. He grabbed her hand as they made their way towards the door and says, “seriously though,” he says before giving her a small peak on her lips, “I enjoyed it too.” With those words in the air, they walked out of the office, the moment put on pause for the time being. Declan only letting go of Lily’s hand when she made her way towards the kitchen and Declan sat beside Tiff.

She was excited to show Delcan her homework as she held it up in front of him like she was showing off a picture she drew, “Easy! Just like big sister said!” She said with a smile on her face. Declan smiled back at the little girl, placing a hand on top of her head and scuffed her hair a bit, she giggled, “Hey! My hair!” she says. She jumped onto Lilian’s couch and stood up watching as Liliana got some food ready, “What’s for dinner, Big sister?” she questioned. When Liliana answered mac and cheese Tiffany began to jump up and down, “Yay!” Declan couldn’t help but chuckle as the two half…no…two sisters interacted with one another. They may have just met but you wouldn’t have guessed with how well they got along. Even after Liliana brought Tiffany her plate of food they still sat together. Declan just watched with a smile on his face finding the moment between the two sisters so adorable he didn’t want to ruin it by joining them, besides, he was still slightly reeling from the moment he and Liliana shared in the office and where it was heading.

His thoughts where cut short when he all of sudden heard Tiffany excitingly say, “Movie night!” Declan blinked a few times before looking at the two sisters, “Big sister’s boyfriend! Can you stay for movie night, big sister wants you to stay too!” Judging by the surprise on Liliana’s face she didn’t Tiffany to say that causing Declan to chuckle.

“I would love to.” Declan says receiving a celebratory ‘Yay’ from Tiffany. While Liliana and Tiff popped some popcorn it was Declan’s job to find a movie that Tiffany would like, luckily, she was five so finding a movie that would entertain her wasn’t hard to find. Once the popcorn had popped Tiff sat between Declan and Liliana. She was happily kicking her feet waiting for the movie to start. Declan was about to push ‘play’ when Tiffany suddenly spoke up.

“Wait!” She jumped from the couch and grabbed Declan’s hand and tried to pull him to his feet. Declan blinked and stood up as she continued to pull him up. After he was up, she began to push him towards Liliana and then pushed him back down, so he was sitting beside her. She quickly jumped up and grabbed his arm and put it around Liliana’s shoulders before jumping down and grabbed her popcorn bowl and sat on Liliana’s lap, placing Liliana’s hand on top of her head and with a big smile says, “Ok! NOW we can start!” giggles.

Declan and Liliana exchanged a look before he smiled at her. They both knew this five-year-old was a lot smarter than she looks and this just proved it. However, Liliana didn’t make any move to suggest she didn’t mind this position as she laid her head on his shoulder and Declan laid his head on top of hers. Pushing play on the remote to start to the movie.

Lilliana left that soft smile upon her lips as she was easily reassured that this was probably the best night in the city he's had. Well isn't that a relief. It didn't take long for his lips to quickly press against hers and immediately pull away. It was within good reason because any time their lips locked, it was almost like a strong pull that brought them right back together again. While the Agent wasn't complaining, if they continued this it was just going to get even worse but in a good way. Before she knew it, Declan was already teasing her and her face was as red as could be, burning her cheeks, her ears, and her nose. I-I had to come up with something! Not like he was helping! The warmth of his hand had cupped her warm face and simply went with what the original plan was before sliding his hands to her own and pulling her up. Of course she wasn't leaving this office without her wine so she broke one of her hands away and grabbed her glass before following him to the door. Though he had paused for a moment and turned towards her while those blue orbs looked up at him. Those soft lips briefly met hers and had her longing for more once he was no longer within range. I know you enjoyed it... Making me react that way... If she could, she'd look away and face elsewhere to battle her own conflict in silence. But alas, she couldn't as looking at Declan always seemed to make her heart skip a beat or even beat faster than before. It was a feeling that was so addicting that she wasn't sure that it was going to ever stop.

While the pair parted ways within the apartment, she went to the kitchen and immediately started to prepare food and had said nothing the entire time aside from responding to Tiffany. James felt she needed to get herself back on track and being in the same room as Declan was eating away at her. His presence, his scent, she could feel it as if he was right behind her like he was back in the office. At some point she managed to bring the bottle of wine from the office and kept filling her glass till there was nothing left in the bottle itself. At this time in her wonderful evenings she would've been sitting in that damn office looking at that forsaken map she made trying to track down Wolf. This would've been the first time in ages that she broke that cycle. All it took was a few hours for all of this to just turn into dust. Something like today should've happened over the course of a few weeks. Looking over her shoulder, she noticed Declan talking with Tiff and that alone warmed her soul. Lily's head whipped back towards the food to avoid being caught staring. I need to focus on my work again. I'm getting too distracted. But now I have Tiffany in my care which means I need to make a lot of changes. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she prepared the food for Tiffany and eventually brought the food over to her before sitting down on the ground with her while watching her eat. I didn't expect to be a guardian this quickly. But it is something I chose to do due to my idiot father and horrid stepmother. Someone had to be mature around here so she took it upon herself (And dragged Declan into it) to take Tiff by force.

Once the little girl was done, she was already full of energy and practically demanding a movie night. Surprise was written on James' face as she was not prepared to do a movie night... That meant there was even more time to spend with Declan before the night ended. Gazing over at Declan, she shrugged slightly and got up from the ground and grabbed some popcorn from her cupboard and tossed it into the microwave. Tiffany is a blessing but a curse all at the same time... She's so innocent but yet has no idea she's torturing me at the same time. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she watched the bag of popcorn go from flat, to a big puffed bag. The timer went off and she pulled out the bag while shaking it as she grabbed a large bowl to fit all the kernels inside. Pouring the contents into it, she then moved to the couch where she took a seat next to Tiff as she divided the pair and gave Lily some breathing room. At the very least she's between us. Even though she still felt the sparks, the electric currents brushing her skin from her side of the couch it was still enough space to at least prevent things from escalating. However her moment of relief was immediately shattered as Tiffany oh-so-gladly grabbed Declan off the couch and moved him to sit even closer to her. While her cheeks were already dusted in a gentle pink, they were just a tint darker now. "Tiff..." She muttered quietly as she could feel his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Glancing at Declan, his gaze met hers and she could feel her heart flutter within her chest. There was no attempt at moving away as comfort began to settle in and her head gently rested upon his shoulder and shortly after his head was leaning on her own. Despite her little sister wanting to watch a movie, Lily simply wanted to enjoy the time together even though she kept struggling with her inner war between distancing herself and embracing what felt good to her.

The movie was boring for someone like Lilliana, but having Declan around made it better as occasionally she'd nuzzle her head against his shoulder, or even found herself pushing her face into his neck where his pulse gently thumped against her gentle lips. Hell, she was sure she fell asleep at some point due to the comfort that he gave her even without trying. Was she always this tired though? Tiffany's voice made the agent jump a bit, no doubt disturbing Declan in the process as her eyes opened up and took a few moments to process that she was in her living room and not somewhere outside after a rough fight and conveniently passed out. Lifting her gaze to Declan, the woman gave him a soft smile and looked down at Tiff who was...Actually sleeping in her lap... Wait was she dreaming? She had to have been. Slowly prying herself from Declan, she scooped up her little sister and whispered to Declan "I'll be back." Then with that said, the agent went to her bedroom where she placed Tiff underneath the covers and let her sink into the plush mattress. Kissing her head, she then walked out and closed the door quietly behind her as she returned to her partner "Well...At least she fell asleep." Moving as quietly as she could, Lilliana cleaned up and put everything into the sink before turning to him "Thank you, again... For everything Declan. I couldn't ask for a better partner." As those words left her mouth, she could only feel something tensing up her spine and she tried to relax but was only met with more tension from her body. I'm not sure why I'm getting this odd feeling but it's not very comfortable. I hope it goes away soon. "I really shouldn't keep you any longer." I want to. "I want you to at least relax before we have to go into work tomorrow." Even though I want to just bury my face into your chest in your arms.. These thoughts were spreading through her mind like a wildfire and she had no idea how to stop it.

The pair spoke some more and eventually they both went down the short hall to her door and she watched him put his shoes back on and gather what he had left. "I guess that's it for tonight, huh?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head and their gazes locked. Now, not to be a complete moron but she hadn't noticed before that his scent... Wow his scent now she was really paying attention... He smelled like a cinnamon roll straight out of the oven. Whether he rolled in it, ate it for breakfast... Whatever it was, she absolutely loved it and wanted to bask in his scent. Was that weird? A blush creeped across her cheeks and she hadn't noticed that she was simply staring at him in silence. If... If she gave him a goodbye kiss, would there be enough resistance to pull away? Prevent what was going to happen in her office just hours ago? Would it be worth the risk? Lily's heart drummed within her ears as she tried to make a choice and eventually made one. Delicate hands lifted to his face and her thumbs brushed gently against his soft skin "This is goodnight, Declan." One hand had slipped behind his head as she leaned in and pressed her strawberry-kissed lips against his own, those blue hues closing while she kept the kiss strong but passionate. While she didn't want it to end, she had to squash the moment as her hands slipped to his chest and gently pressed against him while pulling her head back. "I know it's risky for us right now if we hold for too long..." Lifting her gaze to him, those pale cheeks were reddened and her breath had been a little rough around the edges. "But I'll see you first thing tomorrow, okay?" While she had no idea what they were at this moment, as of right now she was still trying to figure out what this was first. Declan had that smile on his face and she watched as he tore himself away and headed down the hall. At this point it was a habit of her watching him go and once he disappeared she was already rushing to her balcony to watch him drive off. Why did it hurt so much to watch him go? She would see him tomorrow but yet she wanted him still.


After that night, Lilliana had actually been... Avoiding Declan. Despite telling him that she would see him, there was always an excuse to avoid him in any way possible. If he had been in her office, she avoided it. If he was in the training rooms, she'd avoid those too. Lunch time? Avoided. This was all because she wasn't sure how to make of it, she wanted to pull herself away before it was too late. Though in the back of her mind she knew that it was indeed already too late. They touched, they got so close they could taste eachother. Any time she thought about Declan, it wasn't the same way as before. The quiet admiration was more than just that. She wanted to feel his lips on hers, his lips brush against her velvety skin, his hands touch any piece of her. Despite this, she still attempted to avoid him like the plague despite it hurting her heart as if she ripped it from her own chest. It was a horrible feeling and she only hoped it got better with time...

News Flash: It didnt.

A week went by and she already felt like she was deprived of his attention, hearing his voice, taking in that scent of cinnamon he seemed to drag around like a parent in a candy store by a child. It was safe to say she missed the fuck out of him. Hanging out with him at the cafe, doing patrols or some random shit. Even Wolf had gone quiet which put things on the...Odd side. Why was everything falling out of its normal routine? Why did the whole world seem to shift in a way that threw everything off? After managing to get Jeannie to watch Tiffany for the evening, Lilliana took this moment to finally track down her target but not in the way one would think. She strapped the harddrive to her arm as she did with anything else underneath her sleeve and went down to the lockerrooms as she changed into another variation of her dress which happened to be black lined in silver. Perfect for blending within the darkness even though her skin was far more obvious. After that a cloak came afterwards and she quickly made her way out via the stairs to avoid too many prying eyes. Coming out from behind the building, she immediately heard a revving motorcycle engine and wondered if that was Declan heading out. I'm sorry, Declan. I need to do this. While her eyes lowered, a breath was taken in before heading to her destination: The underbelly. Where criminals, thugs, and more wondered about. While it was pretty dangerous for a woman, she was no ordinary woman. She could set someone on fire if she so wished it. They had nothing on her.

The day got darker, and eventually she was like a shadow in the night going through extensive lengths to avoid eyes that she didn't need to catch so early on. Soon enough she slipped into a building which was basically like a ran down bar with shitty tables, shitty couches, and shitty counters. Hopefully the drinks were good enough to even make up for the shitty atmosphere. Some people did look at her and all she did was pull her hood down some more I'm looking for a specific character. One that would help me get to Wolf. That fucker is going to more than likely hold this over my head since I'm seeking him out. With a roll of her eyes, she noticed a familiar looking man in the corner chilling on a couch with his arms laying across the top. Raising an eyebrow, she couldn't help but feel that small victory There you are. I would know that character anywhere. Think I wouldn't be able to pick up on the little details there? Walking over to his table, she put her palms flat against the surface while leaning forward and locking her gaze right onto the man "Sorry to interrupt you, I'm James. I heard that you have some information I'm looking for." Even though that was complete and utter bullshit. "Nothing too crazy, I can assure you."

The man looks at her for a moment, clearly liking what he sees "Well, well, well, aren't you that agent lady that's plastered all over the news? I knew you were a hottie but seeing it in person is a lot more pleasant." He sat up within his seat, eyes shamelessly checking her out "What can I do for you? Or to you?" It was clear he was at least trying to shoot his shot.

Lily did not waiver as a scoff almost came from her lips "You wouldn't be able to handle doing anything to me. I'm too much for you." Again, utter bullshit. "I have no doubts in my mind that you're tied to Wolf since I found your bomb a week or so ago. Cute little cartoon sticker by the way. Though horrible for hiding your identity." Rising to her full height, she crossed her arms "I need to talk to him. Asap. Got a way to contact him?" Might as well cut to the chase as she has been. Despite his antics, James wasn't going to fall for them.

The man chuckles and holds up both his hands while rising to his feet "You got me, Agent." He holds both his hands out in front of him "Go ahead cuff me and throw away the key but please leave cute Ai Chan out of this." When she mentioned Wolf he chuckled and sat back down in his seat, "And what makes you think he would want to talk to you? Not for nothing but aren't you trying to arrest him? How's that going by the way?"

"Don't make me throw you in the slammer too. Be happy I'm here being civil. You know I can very well cause a scene."
Now she understood where he was picking up his remarks from...Or even vice-versa at this point. They sounded like brothers in crime from what she's deducted out of all her theories thus far already. "Quite honestly, this would be the most pathetic way to get him to come out and me easily handcuff him. I prefer a challenge. I know he'll think the same, probably, maybe." She moved closer to him and lifted her foot and planted it next to the accomplace. All the while exposing the velvet skin of her leg "Unless you feel like doing my dirty work if you can handle it?" Her arm leaned on her leg as she leaned down to get closer to him. While she hated these tactics, sometimes they had to be done. "Or would Wolf get upset his little friend got a bit more action than him?"

The man looked at the agent, her leg, then smiled back up at the towering women, "Maybe he will, but I sure wouldn't mind." He held her look for a moment before he sighed, "But wheres the fun in that, hmm? You want wolf? You need to do something for me, deal?" His clam expression suddenly twisted into something more of a mad man, "I want to watch this city of lies burn to the ground and the only two people who can do that are you and Wolf, every time he takes a life the it sends the status quo into chaos and when he fights you there is so much destruction that it ruins lives. Promise me you and Wolf will keep it up until there is nothing left and I will get you a meeting place with him." He paused and his expression turned back flirty, "Or, you could give me that action you were talking about."

This man was definitely on the same level as Wolf at this point. In the back of her mind she made sure to etch every line, every detail to a T if she ever needed to come back for this little punk. "I'll think about it. As long as you get me Wolf then we have a deal." As much as she didn't want to turn to this, if this was the only way to get answers then she had to get her hands a little dirty. "If Wolf doesnt show theeen no. But good news is that I'm not gonna tell anyone we met. Nor spoke. Hell, I wasn't even here as long as you keep that mouth of yours shut." She knew their fights caused so much destruction and she hated it... But it had to be done while the others tried to keep destruction down to a minimum. This is why people didn't turn to the underbelly...If they did it just tainted their souls... Did she perhaps just taint her own?

His gaze seemed to look over her for a moment, studying her, letting her words play in his mind before he smirks. He pulls out a small piece of paper and writes something on it before he hands it to Liliana, however, before she can grab it he pulls it away and smirks, "Total destruction, Liliana, anything else and..." he snaps his fingers and a hologram suddenly appeared. On this hologram was a single picture of her leg close to him and a smile on her face. It was the the brief moment she tried to suggest he was going to get more action than Wolf, it didn't show the full picture but it was enough to give off the wrong idea, "Well...V.A.G.E reputation wouldn't mind a hit, right?" he smirked.

With a raise of an eyebrow, she spoke "So you're playing this game? And here I thought I was going to let you off the hook. Go ahead, watch how Wolf reacts to that. See what he does with your pretty little head on that one." Blue hues studied him "I have my own set of cards you don't even know I'm playing. Play nice and I'll place nice. Simple. But I guess it's not that simple for someone like you." Moving her leg, she could feel the heat coursing through her veins. If she wasn't careful, this could blow up in her face. "Are you going to keep playing this game or can I have this paper now?"

Her blow up was exactly what he wanted and she knew it just by the smile on his face, "Whoa whoa whoa ok ok I get it." His smirk never left his face "The only game I want to play is watching the city burn, and I have to say you, Wolf, V.A.G.E, and that other company that called that press confess that got several people killed?" he laughs, "You guess are doing a good job so far." He finally hands her the piece of paper and smirks at her, "Total destruction, baby." he sits back in his chair and watches her leave whistling signaling he was indeed checking her out.

Swiping the paper from him, she didn't bother any longer to stay as she pulled the hood over her head fully and walked away with her goal quite literally in the palm of her hand. It took a while to get out of sight before she took a look at the paper and typed it into her GPS. She had no idea how to navigate this place and her only saving grace was the GPS at this point. Finally getting it pulled up on her phone, she then began to walk to her target destination. While she would've loved to sit and listen to him talk to Wolf, she had to move her ass this evening. Or else she wasn't gonna get home till morning and that'll cause sleep deprivation and cause a very cranky James. Eventually she made it to an Alley way Leave it up to him to make it creepy. I have to be careful though. I'm in his domain now. He has the upper hand of any ambush, knowing any exits while I know...Of this only entrance and exit. She thought as she stepped through and noticed a figure leaning up against the wall. While she couldn't see him, the moment he spotted her, he immediately ran and her eyes caught sight of that familiar jacket. It was Wolf. Breaking into a sprint after him, she tried to track him down to the best of her ability going through turn after turn and eventually she had lost him. "That was definitely him..." She muttered, shoulders lifting and dropping with every breath Looks like I'm gonna need training with twists and turns... That exhausted me more than it should've.

Looking both ahead and behind her, there was no sight of him Dammit did I lose him? Suddenly her wrists were bound and yanked right into the brick wall to her side which caused the breath to be knocked out of her lungs as she gasped for a quick bit of air. Her neck was then bound along with her feet. Man he really was taking precautions out here. "Good to see you too, you fuck." There was no point in struggling, she knew by now once she was bound like this, his strength was too much with them even for her. Eyes searched for him and once he came into view, she couldn't help but let out a scoff "Playing cautious much? Don't think this is how you treat a lady."

MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

If you were to ask Declan what the movie was about, he wouldn’t be able to answer. He was currently distracted by the women who sat comfortably in his arm. Not to mention she did kiss his neck in some points during the movie, you are so lucky Tiff is right here He thought to himself, although an involuntary breath signaled her victory of the silent battle. He wasn’t sure when it happened but he felt something jolt him awake and the next thing he knew Liliana was picking up Tiff and taking her to the room to go sleep. He got up from the couch and stretched his arms out before rubbing his eyes, not realizing just how rested he felt even if it wasn’t a full night’s sleep. When Liliana came back, he helped her clean up the little mess while they kept up conversation. She walked with him towards the door taking small steps as they did so knowing the moment he reached the door the night was going to be over. Once outside Liliana said this was a good night before she kissed him. Declan’s hands immediately land on her hips the moment their lips connected. She was the first one to pull away voicing her concern and he just smiles, “Yeah, you are right.” He placed his hand on her cheek, “you are absolutely right.” He gave her one final peck on her lips before he stepped back, “Yeah, until then, good night, Lily.” He says before he turns around and begins walking away.

As he walked to the elevator he tried act normal, like kissing the hottest women in the company was just a normal thing to do. However, he couldn’t help but take small glances behind him to see if she walked back into her apartment. One elevator ride and lobby trek later and he was by his bike, putting on his gear and taking one final look at the apartment building where he saw Liliana standing on her balcony watching him. He couldn’t help but smile in her direction before blowing her a kiss, revving his bike, and peeling out. Popping a wheelie to show off a bit. The kiss and the almost…whatever that was in her office, was replaying over and over in his mind. He wondered if Tiffany wasn’t there would they go further? Hell, if Tiffany’s teacher didn’t call Lily would they be at the café doing stuff like that? He wanted to explore this feeling and for the briefest of moments he even thought. Maybe I should stop this wolf business and explore whatever this is with Lily. A small smile appeared on his lips. He liked that idea and tomorrow he will have the opportunity to explore this.


At least that’s what he thought. The following weeks were met with awkwardness. At first it seemed like bad luck that he and Liliana would find themselves in separate locations. When ever he was in the office she happened to be out, when it was time for train, she was somewhere else, however, it wasn’t until she rejected an invite to ride his bike and go to the café when he realized she was actively avoiding him. He didn’t understand why though. Didn’t they just spend nearly all night watching a movie with Tiff? Didn’t they share a kiss in her office? Or was this her way of testing him? To see if last night was more than just a fling? Did she want it to be more than a fling? Liliana didn’t seem the type to just casually mess around with her male partners. He glanced over at Dixin as if to prove a point to himself and whatever being was in his subconscious. That didn’t answer the ‘Why’ she was avoiding him. Did he do something wrong? He replayed the night in his head, and she didn’t show any signs of not liking the kiss. Every move he made she welcomed it and actively encouraged him to go further. So why was she trying to avoid him?

Maybe I should ask He thought to himself as he typed away his report in his lonely office. He figured at some point she would return to the office, and they could talk a bit. Maybe over a bike ride or a trip to the café. All he had to do was wait. Well, that was the plan until Carter walked into the office and reminded Declan he hadn’t done his daily training. That was the only time he stepped out of the office and seemed that was the only time Liliana showed up. After Declan was done training, he sat back down at his desk and began “working” but was mostly just waiting until it was finally closing time. Declan rubbed his eyes as the last of the stragglers left the office. He felt frustrated, confused, annoyed, and maybe a bit sad? Yesterday left an impression on him, a feeling that maybe he could or should move on and explore this thing he was developing with Lily. A life he thought long gone after that incident. Now he felt a new feeling mixing in with the others. Stupidity, she was just fucking with him wasn’t she. Well, it’s only fair since he’s been fucking with her since he got to V.A.G.E and it wasn’t until what happened yesterday that he started to feel bad about it.

He logged off his computer, grabbed his gear, and walked out of the office, taking one last look at the entire office from the elevator doors before walking in. The main lobby was nearly empty, saved for a couple of janitors and passing by night security. All of which gave him a nod of acknowledgement as he walked out. He got to his bike and turned it on, giving it a chance to warm up as he up on his gloves and helmet. He sat on the bike and immediately felt that familiar feeling of missing the warmth on his back where Liliana would normally sit. With one curse, he spun his bike and peeled off the tires screeching echoing his confusion of this entire week. Declan didn’t go home, instead speeding through the freeway faster than he has gone with Lily weaving through what ever traffic was left this late in the day. Lucky for him he was used to going fast thanks to his ability, so he was quick when making decisions. He passed the only two freeways that lead to his apartment and just kept driving, only stopping when his legs felt fatigued finding a nice empty lot near a park. He parked and sat on a nearby bench as he looked at his phone, Liliana’s number flashing on his screen. Should he call her? He tried to talk to her all week, and she actively avoided him so she could easily just forward his call too. Not to mention what if she was with Tiffany? This was probably not a conversation to have in front of a child whose home life was in shambles no need to make her second home in the same state, right?

Fuck it He said to himself as he went to push the ‘call’ button only for the screen to switch and show an incoming call. Declan blinked and right away noticed it was just a series of numbers. Normally he would ignore these calls but noticed a small detail. In front of these series of numbers was two “+” a tactic he knew Jas often used to keep real number untraceable and easily disguise it as telemarketers. It rang twice before Declan pushed ‘answer’ and brought it up to his ear, “hel-“

“Before you talk,” Jas suddenly spoke stopping Delcan, “You will never guess who just showed up! The hottie in the dress!” Declan’s head perked up, what the hell was Liliana doing over there? How did she find him? Declan’s mind raced with questions but before he could voice them Jas spoke again, “don’t worry, I didn’t tell them who you are, where is the fun in that! No, instead she asked for a very interesting favor.” Jas paused for a dramatic effect and finally says, “she wants to meet Wolf. Now I don’t know why, nor do I really care even tried seducing me to make sure I contact you.” There was an amusement in his voice unaware just how annoyed that made Declan, “but since she knows where and how to find me, I suggest you go and meet her, as fun as it was to see her in person it would probably be in my best interest not to see her again.” There was a short pause, “I hope you got a pin an paper handy, Wolf.”

“Just give me the fucking location.”

“Whoa, hostile much?” Jas says jokingly before giving the address to Declan. Declan recognized the address, so he didn’t have to write it down. As soon as Jas finished there was another short pause before saying, “go get ‘em, buddy.” And hanging up the phone. He didn’t move right away, instead he stayed sitting on the bench and sighed. Was this the only way he was going to see her? Disguised as wolf, the one person she wanted to capture so bad. Was last night just something to kill time before she got to work again?

Why are you upset? You thought the same thing when you first got to the city? Salty you didn’t get a chance to do it first?

That wasn’t the point…

Then what is?

“Stupid.” Declan says as he stands up. He didn’t have time to sit here and argue with himself or feel sorry for himself. Right now, he had someone he had to meet even if he wasn’t in the mood. First, he had to go get his gear. Jas was smart, he made the meeting location far away from where Declan stashed his gear. They had to find a new location after V.A.G.E found his old building. He drove into an old garage attached to a building and closed the door and locked it tightly. Once inside he changed into his “Wolf” gear and realized that the mask he used previously was still broken, Jas did give him a replacement, but it didn’t fully conceal his face, but it was better than nothing he’ll just have to put up his hood. Once he was ready, he made his way to the very top of the building and began making his way to the meeting point. By the time he got there he noticed a lone figure walking around looking completely out of place, that must have been Liliana. He jumped from the building to the ground and waited until she noticed him, her sudden stopping in place and looking in his direction was the sign he was looking for. With a tilt of his head, he began to walk down the alleyway. She was fast but thanks to his speed ability, he was faster, He used his speed to outrun Liliana, making sure she only saw him the moment he rounded a corner. He didn’t want her to lose him but he did want her to be one step behind him.

A few twists and turns later he ducked into an open building and waited. He heard her steps getting louder and louder before she stopped exactly where he wanted her. With a twist of his hands two chains appeared and wrapped around her wrist before pulling her into the building and causing her to crash against the wall before a snap of his finger and another chain wrapped around her neck and her feet keeping her pinned. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the first words she said to him, “you wound me,” he says getting into character, “I haven’t seen you in so long and this is the first thing you say to me?” He turned his back on Liliana as he began walking towards something. She made a comment about how not to treat a lady and he scoffed amusingly, “Liliana James, V.A.G.E best agent? A lady? I didn’t know V.A.G.E wanted to be pampered.” She felt the chains tighten around her limbs, “but if you want to be comfortable.” The chains suddenly slacked and disappeared, “have a seat.” At first it seemed Liliana didn’t move, “please, I insist.” Suddenly another chain appeared around her neck and dragged her to the ground, “sit girl.” Once Liliana was on the ground Wolf walked to a old wooden chair and walked over to her. He sat on the chair in reverse and out of arms reach just incase she tried to get cute with her fire, “So?” he questioned, “as nice as it is seeing you on all fours…again…I am a busy man so what do you want?”
MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

Lilliana wasn't here to throw hands, she was here to talk but yet he still toyed with her which absolutely pissed her the fuck off. As soon as the chains were loosened and disappeared into thin air, the agent rubbed her wrists with a huff while he offered her a seat. Staring at him with those blue hues, there was no way she was moving from her spot "No." And before she knew it, a chain grabbed her neck and dragged her down which caused her to throw her hands out in front of her and prevent herself from smacking into the ground. I fucking hate this. He has so much power against me and it's only chains. Her hands curled unto fists and refused to look at him for a short time. Wolf was such a dick. "You're a busy man this late at night? I call bullshit on that considering you've been radio silent for a week. You forget who's tailing you, Wolf." Tilting her head up towards him with a glare that could kill, only a laugh came from him as if she was a child trying to be scary to a grown up. Remember, you're here for answers. Don't break the one time you contacted him and end it on trying to kill him because we won't ever get this moment again if we fuck it up. James thought as she took a quiet breath "I hate that I had to go out of my way to track down the right person to call you. As a matter of fact I want to talk about that Incident you told me about." Her jaw seemed to tighten for a moment, not even sure why she came to him other than the pure fact that he was the one person who had all the answers. If he was picking specific targets then he had to be involved right? Or he just happened to know every person involved at the time. Lily may have been distracted, but she was smart and did things that not many people knew.

"I want to know what happened. Everywhere I go to find information about it, it's either wiped or red taped so high it would be impossible for me to get through. You're the one who started this by giving me even the slightest bit of damn information. At least tell me more." Wolf's response only pissed her off and those fists tightened even more against the ground. Why would he think like that? What would cause him to think her out of all peopl- "Are you kidding me?" She responded "When have I ever thought about my reputation as an Agent? You've known me for over a month with each fight, maybe even more just because of the damn newscast." Grinding her teeth some, she then continued "I went to the underbelly just to track you fucking down. Not even to kill you, mind you. All I want is to know what the hell happened out there that is causing you to murder specific individuals. I'd rather do it the right way than the wrong way." That was definitely more directed towards him, indicating he was wrong. Why did he have to flare her anger up so much? What did he get out of this aside from pure entertainment because he could crawl under her skin so easily? "People may hate me in the damn end if they did find out how I did this, but I'd rather do the dirty work than drag anyone else into it." That's why she was a solo agent. Why she did things by herself. It made her job easier on doing things that could get her in trouble, people wouldn't tail her if she went down this path... Granted she took a tiny path of coming to the underbelly as a last resort. Instead of being here, she could've spent time with Tiffany, or maybe work up the courage to talk to Declan becase her chest was still aching.

Watching with her blue hues, the man simply shrugged at her and that alone was already getting an even bigger rise out of her. At first, she was sure he'd walk away after getting up but instead he kneeled down in front of her while his hand cupped her chin. Even while in a predicament that could possibly get her killed, Lily could remember how Declan grabbed her chin. It was so gentle, so loving... The way this guy did it was a bit more rough, felt like there were sinister things beyond what he was leading on. Fucking dick. She thought before his question brought her out of her thoughts and causing her to focus on his appearance. While his hood was up she could make just a little bit out of him but not too much. "Almost anything as long as it's within reason. Don't expect me to do some out of left field things." She could practically feel the weight on her back as he decided and instead offered her two options. One of them being something she'd never do with someone like him and the other... Revealing information about someone she loved (but refuses to admit it). Eyes narrowed as her mind thought of a plan "You want the name? Fine. Dixin. There you go." He was a fuck anyway so throwing his name out there wasn't a big deal to her. But never in a million years would she ever tell this criminal what Declan's actual name was. It was as if he knew immediately that she lied as he tsked her. I fucked up. Shit is this where he walks away? Though surprisingly he did not and that gave her some relief despite the situation.

"You're willing to work with me but yet you're asking for information that I would take to my grave. I refuse to give you anything that pertains to someone I care about. Sorry Wolf, should've tried for that sooner when you last saw me. Maybe you would've had a better chance." Declan dug his way in like a coal miner to coal. There was no way he'd get this information even if he tortured her. While the tense air was thick, his silence was louder than a train honking in a tunnel. Never had she ever made the great Wolf silent over such a simple statement. Which meant he had someone he cared about too. Though she doubted it was that guy she met at the shitty bar. He stood up for a moment that felt like ages as if he was processing what she said. Or perhaps he was thinking of other alternatives? I've never seen a criminal play with his food and when he got hit with a piece of it he's dumbfounded. This amused her but he was back down with her, grabbing her chin once again with a tougher grip as he repeated his question. A twitch of a grin tugged her lips and as much as she tried to fight it, it still slowly grew on her face. It felt like she was going to break him in any moment with the way she held Declan's name from him. "You really want his name? Too bad. You're not going to get a word out of me. Even if you tortured me to death you still wouldn't get his name. Bonds are great arent they?" The other hand had lifted, palm open as he held it in the direction of her head. Was he actually... Was he actually going to kill her in this moment?

Lilliana had to come to terms with death asap because if she didn't, she'd fight through this and ruin her only chance. Her heart had been beating so hard it felt as if it would bruise her chest at this point. Between the pair, silence was great once again and she waited to inevitably see blackness the moment his chain went through her head. But it never came as he gave her one of his infamous smirks and stepped back only to tell her to stop being so serious. Oh this man is going to fucking get it. As much as she wanted to wrap her hands around his neck and strangle him half to death, she couldnt. Especially when she was still bound. That asshat went back to his chair and faced her as he took a seat with that stupid smirk still on his face. Reaching into her sleeve, she pulled out the USB drive and tossed it to him. "I want the information on that drive. Has enough space in it." James was still here for the information and she refused to leave without it. Not unless he forcibly made her leave. When he caught it, he looked at her and asked her for his first request that he offered earlier "Just because you're asking again wont change my mind on that. Choose something else." This was a battle that she felt in the back of her mind that she would lose. There was too much self respect to allow someone like him to see her in a far more vulnerable spot than what she was in now.

Would he be mad if she threw out that she bribed his little buddy to get him to meet her? Would that destroy her chances here? There were so many cards for her to choose from and she wasn't sure which card to choose. "If you refuse to help me, then I'll find someone better to get my work done for me." Maybe hurting his ego? Making him feel like there's someone better out there? Yeah sure, why not? Nothing else she could do at this point. If he refused she had another plan but going to that guy required having a partner and she seriously didn't want to drag her partner into this... That was her last resort. Even if he did say he'd stand with her and support her no matter what. The features on her went blank as her jaw tightened once again. She couldn't bring him into the dark like what she was doing, he was full of life, quirky, and overall made her smile any chance he could even when he wasn't around. She couldn't dim the sunshine he was in her life. "I wouldn't have come here if I wasn't desperate enough, Wolf. Keep that in mind." The tone she held was flat, and her attention focused on him once again. Once again there was so much going on behind those eyes, within that mind that he wouldn't see or hear. Everything was everywhere and she was trying to pick up all the pieces and organize them accordingly. Though maybe it was the wrong direction? I need to be careful if this is where I'm going to turn towards... I have Tiffany, Jeannie, Carter, and...and Declan... I don't want them to wake up one day and have them find out I'm dead. The thought continued to haunt her like a ghost throughout this whole encounter. Doubts. Fears. It all was coming down as a whole and it weighed her down as if the whole earth was on her shoulders.

Wolf watched as Liliana began to explain her reasoning for trying to find him instead of waiting for him to make another move, then again, if she waited there would be more fists being thrown around instead of words. Declan knew she was struggling to find information on the incident because of all the red tape and knew very well just how hard it was to come by information like this, especially from so long ago. Yet, here she was talking to the most wanted man in both Atlas and now this city for murdering “important” people. Even though he was playing a character at this moment he couldn’t help but feel slightly betrayed. He promised her so many times he had her back and would follow her lead and yet here she was, with no one to back her up if something went south. And what about Tiffany? Liliana wasn’t irresponsible enough to just leave her alone at her apartment days after “adopting” her, would she? So many questions were running through his mind that he almost didn’t catch when Liliana finished speaking, “That’s why it’s called ‘rad tape’ sweetheart.” He says as he stands up from his chair but not before giving her a shrug of his shoulders as if the news of her failing to find anything was expected.

He walked over to her and knelt, never once breaking eye contact with the agent. He cupped her chin and forced her head to tilt up further, leaving her slightly more uncomfortable with Liliana’s head forced to look up while the chain was holding her down. There was a slight twinge of guilt in his heart and if she looked very closely in this dark building she could probably see it on his face but he made sure to recover quickly and smirk, “However, if you want some info I guess we could work out some kind of deal right?” Once she agreed he held up two fingers, “first one; I wouldn’t mind a strip tease, I mean, it’s like you say, you don’t care about your reputation, right?” he said with a chuckle. He knew she wasn’t going to go for it and judging by the look she was giving him he knew it was best if he just moved on, “or…” he paused for dramatic effect, “that agent, the one that came from Atlas,” her expression changed as he continued, “Give me his name.” There was a moment, very short moment of silence before she answered ‘Dixin’ and his lips twitched slightly.

“Typical,” Wolf says with an exaggerated sigh, “Typical typical typical.” He shook his head with every word, “And here I thought V.A.G.E agents where more honest than the ones in Atlas, guess every agency is only truthful when it benefits them, huh.” His smirk grew and he leaned closer to her face, “how am I supposed to work with someone who easily lies to my face like that, hm?” He half expected her to give in, to say his name to this dangerous criminal that he was ‘hunting’ but was caught off guard when she doubled down, even rubbed it in his face that she would never tell him a name he already knew. Wolf was not sure why this caught him off guard so much, he suddenly squeezed her chin and leaned in once again. His forehead nearly touching hers, “I’m not going to ask you again, Agent.” He said, the word ‘Agent’ leaving his mouth like venom, “What. Is. His. Name?” Once again, Wolf was met with more taunts from Liliana and again, he felt conflicted. He felt happy she wouldn’t give him up regardless of the danger she was in but at the same time annoyed she put herself in this situation and finally angry that his usual tactics wasn’t working on her anymore.

He looked at Liliana for a moment before he brought his other hand up and held it in front of Liliana. Swirls of dark green and black swirled together in a familiar pattern that Liliana knew meant he was about to summon a chain to come out. He could see the expression on her face go from confused, to realization, and finally defiance all within a span of a second as she looked up at him defiantly, it would be so easy wouldn’t it? Just end it all here and get rid of this distraction, finish what you started and move on those words echoed in his head. However, he couldn’t pull the trigger. He couldn’t bring himself to send the chain through her head even if he did end her quickly and painlessly. He would never get to see her again, Tiffany would have to go back to her shitty parents, and he would of lost two people he loved. Wolf wasn’t sure just how long he was silent for, but it must have been long enough for Liliana’s defiant stare down was now looking at him with slight confusion, “heh.” He chuckles to himself before he closes his fist, the green and black swirl disappearing and he stands back up, “What did I tell you about looking so serious all the time? You’re too young to be getting wrinkles on that pretty face of yours.” He turned his back on her and casually walked over to his chair and sat down, “But I still wouldn’t mind that strip tease.” He says looking over in her direction. Of course, she denied it once again and he chuckles and shrugs, “worth a shot.”

Wolf glanced at the USB as Liliana explained she needed everything about that date. He then looked away from the USB and back at the agent, his expression hard to read because of the hood shadowing his face, However, she could hear him let out a amused ‘heh’ before he stood up from his chair, “you do realize, if you, a agent of V.A.G.E can’t find any information on that date then it would be stupid of me to help you right?” he began to toss the USB drive up and down as he continued, “If I give you everything I have would only make getting to my end goal a lot more annoying.” That’s when Liliana said she will find someone better to help her and he let out a chuckle, “is that so? Well, good luck with that.” He says as he tosses the USB drive back at Liliana before snapping his fingers and a chain flew out of thin air and destroying it, “Unlike you, I don’t need to go around the Red Tape,” he smirks as he stands up and walks up to Liliana once again and cups her cheek, “so you can either guess who my target is and hope you are right or watch my body count rise on tomorrows news.” He stands back up still smirking at her, “or we could always go back to that strip tease.” He says with a laugh before he turns around and begins walking away, “unless you have anything else, I think we’re done here.”

Lilliana continued to lock her glare onto him as he played with the USB before tossing it back and breaking it with ease. In the back of her mind she knew that he would never be willing to help her even if she went through hell just to get those answers. When he finally allowed her to be released, she got up and dusted off her hands as he began to turn around and walk away after mentioning that Strip Tease once again. I would never strip for you. That's not something for your eyes. Thought the agent as her hands clenched into fists once again. Was that it? Was she just going to let him walk away and let him get to his next target? Was risking herself being out here just to be declined even worth it? Sure she got to be face to face with her equal match but all he did was play with her like a dog with a chew toy. This caused her stomach to tie into knots and her jaw to clench so tight she could probably break rocks if she really tried. I came out here... Before she could realize, her steps were quick and she caught up to Wolf as a hand grasped onto his jacket and yanked him back right into a wall opposite of them. Just as he knocked the wind out of her, she had surely hoped she had done the same to him as her forearm pressed against his neck. She was so mad, so angry, so frustrated that he wouldn't give her anything. But was that selfish of her? Expecting someone who she fought left and right to give her what she needed when she needed it?

Blue eyes pierced into his (Or at least she hoped) as she pinned him to the best of her ability. While he could use chains to effortlessly pull her off, she had hoped he wasn't that slimy. "I walk my sorry ass out here to talk to your sorry partner, I put myself into the fucking lions den knowing very well I could be risking everything that I have." Venom began to drip from her words "I talk to your stupid ass that drives me absolutely insane and the only thing that I want to do is wrap my hands around your damn throat and strangle you to death." Her skin was getting warm, but surely it wasn't from her actually about to activate her powers. Though there was a loud drumming coming from her heart that she was sure that he could've heard each thump. But Wolf was enhanced, he didn't have no super hearing. "I've told no one about my own little stunt that I'm pulling today. If anything happened then no one would know what happened to Agent Fucking James." Lilliana pushed harder against his neck "I know I put myself willingly in this situation, but dammit Wolf you can't just drop a seed and leave it to the wind for me to find! It's bullshit!"

Despite this, her arm faltered a little bit. She was risking everything. Her position, her relationships, and her life. Why couldn't he see that? Maybe he was. Maybe he just didn't have sympathy for someone like her and found it pathetic that she came to him expecting the world to be placed right in her hands. Lately she's been making so many moves... Good and bad ones and this one happened to be the bad one. What would happen if Wolf overwhelmed her? Declan wouldn't know where the hell she was. He'd be in limbo wondering where she had disappeared to. "This was a mistake..." The woman muttered as her arm dropped from his neck before turning away and pulling her hood up over her head. However, she heard Wolf for just a second before suddenly she was pulled through a brick wall, pieces flying everywhere and crumbling to the ground while smoke gathered in the air. Coughing a few times from not only the collision, but the knock to the ground, she slowly began to sit up. Her biggest enemy emerged from the smoke as he continued his pokes and prods, trying to get a rise out of her. But surprisingly none came. All she could do was listen to him as he continued to beat her down till she was nothing but dirt underneath his foot. I was a fool for thinking I could convince a monster to work with me even for a little while. But this is what I get for trying to pet a lion I suppose. Those blue eyes shifted downward toward the ground, not finding any fight in her anymore. While she was confident before and was certain things would go well... They hadn't. They went from bad to worse.

Is this what it felt like to lose after winning for so damn long? I'm pathetic. This, out of all things, is letting me crumble as if I was nothing but a sandcastle? Eventually his voice no longer filled her ears and when James had refocused, he was gone just like that. Just like a ghost. She sat there for almost an eternity and when she finally decided to pull the phone from her sleeve, she looked at the time and noticed that it was definitely getting late. Another moment went by before she finally opened up Declan's messages and stared at the typing box for what felt like another eternity before those thumbs went to work, typing to him in hopes he'd be awake though she highly doubted that. "I don't know if you're awake, Declan. If you are... Well... I'm sorry... I... I did something I probably shouldn't have and... I just need to see you. And if you're not awake well, I suppose this will be seen in the morning but thats okay." Once she had sent that text, she waited before realizing she hadn't told him where she was which probably would've been a good idea. So she added to her text by sending another one in hopes those messages weren't buzzing him awake. "Ever since you came along, as well as Tiff... I've been more emotional than I ever have been. Why?" She asked herself while she remained in the darkness for just a little bit longer before finally getting to her feet and slowly walking out through the hole that her body created from the throw.

MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

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